chapter 5

Becoming an idol

We followed the guy through the hallways. He stopped in front of a closed door.

“Behind this door there will be camera’s. From here on the show begins. You will be filmed in every practice and in the dorm you will be living in. From here on you don’t have any privacy, except in the bathroom off course.  Wait here for your instructor.”

He opened the door and let us in.

We walked into a room full of mirrors and camera’s.

We didn’t know what to do, so we just sat down and waited.

20 minutes later the door opened and a young looking guy entered.

I looked at the other people but they didn’t seem to recognize him. Except for U-kwon who’s mouth was hanging open.

The guy looked at us but didn’t say a thing. Nobody moved.

He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. Suddenly U-kwon jumped up and bowed down, earning an approving nod. The rest of us followed slowly.

“That’s better. Hello my name is Taemin and I will be your instructor.” He said.

“What you are our instructor?? But the other groups got Eunhyuk sunbea and Jong-up sunbeam.” One off the guys among us shouts “Why don’t we get an idol?”

“Oooh that’s a nice welcome euhm… What’s your name? I don’t know it since you’re not an idol.”

“The name is Zico and trust me I will become famous.”

“Okay, why don’t you all say your name first, starting from the left.” He points at U-kwon.

“Hello I’m U-kwon”

“Hello I’m Tao.”

“Yo what’s up the name is Kris”


“Hello I’m Chen.”

“Uhm hello, my name is Xiumin.”

“Good day I’m P.o”

“Hello I’m B-bomb”

“Hello, Taeil is my name.”

“Hello my name is Jaehyo.”

“Good and my name is Taemin, like I said before. I will be your instructor for this competition. I will also be your dance teacher. Besides me you guys will get a rap teacher for the rappers and ofcourse somebody who will teach you to sing. These people still have to chose the groups they will be helping. You will have to appeal to them. You will do this by doing a group song. Do you understand?”

Everybody nods.

“Okay since you guys will be forming a group now, you will have to choose a leader. The leader can change don’t worry about that. So who thinks he can handle being the leader.”

Nobody answered we just looked left and right.

“I can” Zico shouted.

“Okay so you will be the leader for now. Good since I’m your dance instructor you will have to show me your dancing skills. Why don’t you guys start warming up.”

Suddenly his phone rings, he takes it out of his bag, looks at it and excuses himself before he walks out of the room.

“Who does he think he is?” Zico suddenly says.

Everybody looks at him confused.

“First he arrives late without an apology, he doesn’t even say why he’s late. He isn’t even famous. Who knows maybe he can’t dance at all and right now he just walks out to pick up his phone. We are missing precious time here.”

“Yeah I know what you mean, I would prefere to be in Eunhyuk’s group. He is an amazing dancer.” B-bomb says

“Oh no I want Jong-up” Taeil falls in.

Everybody starts talking telling which group they wanted to be in and complaining about Taemin. U-kwon stays quiet all the time and me too. I don’t know enough to complain. Besides he looked pretty nice.

“I see that you guys are all warmed up, since you are talking now.” We all look up, nobody noticed that Taemin entered the room again.

“Good let’s form a line. If you think you are the best dancer you stand on the left, if you think you can’t dance you stand on the rigt.”

I move to the right. I can’t dance at all. The only reason I could dance was because of the hell week that passed before the competition.

In the end we are standing from left to right: Zico, B-bomb, Xiumin, P.O, Chen, Jaehyo, Kris, U-kwon, Taeil, me.

“Good why did you put yourself as worst?” Taemin looks at me.

“I can’t dance.” I honestly answer.

“If I’m not mistaken your dance was pretty good.”

“That’s because U-kwon helped me with it.”

“If that’s so then U-kwon will have to move higher. Why did you put yourself there?” He looks at U-kwon now.

“Because I don’t know how good the rest of them can dance, so I don’t know if I’m better than them or not.” He answers earning an approving not from Taemin.

“Why did you put yourself as the best?” He looks at Zico now.

“Because I’m the best.” He answers confidently.

“Good why don’t you show us, I will put on a song and you will have to dance.”

Zico walks to the center of the room, while Taemin goes to the music installation.

The song ( starts playing.

“What you want me to dance to that? Are you nuts?”

“I thought you are the best dancer? That means you can dance to every song? No?”

“NO! I don’t dance to children’s songs.”

“Anybody else who wants to try?” Taemin ignores Zico’s rant.

Everybody looks down. Nobody wants to look ridiculous. I mean this will be aired all over the country.

“Okay since nobody can dance to it we will start with the basic. Make two lines. First the five people who can dance and the last five.”

Everybody moves to his place.

Taemin puts on a different song now. (

He moves to the front.

“We will start with stepping on the ritme. Left, right, left, right, one, two, one, two…” he keeps counting while walking around making sure everybody has the right ritme.

It’s not that hard, since the beat is clear.

When the song finished everybody stops walking.

“Why do you stop?”

“The song stopped.” The leader says.

“That’s not an excuse to stop, come on keep on walking.”

Everybody starts putting his feet up and down again, but it’s a complete mess without the song.

“Woow guys where is your ritme? What’s this supposed to be?”

“Since there is no song, there is no ritme.” Zico snarls, you can see that he is losing his temper.

“So you mean you already forgot the ritme? I thought you wanted to be idols. If you can’t remember the ritme, how in the world will you sing a song?”

“Do you even now what you are saying? You’ve taught us nothing for the past hour. You just made us look ridiculous. We can do a better job without you.” Zico looks pissed off.

“ Ooh really?” Taemins aks raising his eyebrows.” No problem, why don’t you show me what you got. You’ve got a week the time to choose a song and make  up a dance. Since you don’t need my help I will come back in a week and see what you guys got. I’ve got better things to do then to teach some cocky brat who thinks he can do it all.”

Taemin turns around packs his bag and leaves the room.

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Serynyty12 #1
Chapter 11: Its Věry good Please update soon
NekoNeko1 #2
Chapter 8: ^_____________________________^
Chapter 8: Since it's obviously not Yif'an' as I had originally assumed is it Luh'an'?
Chapter 8: Haha I'm sure Zico regrets taking Taemin's place as the dance teacher xD it'll be fun how his face will look like x3
I love Stranger dance, Taemin looks so cool! :D
Chapter 7: Oooo Zico is in trouble~ that what happens when he steals another dance xD
Now Taemin have to how them what he got! So excited! :D
Chapter 5: It'll be fun to see how they'll dance without Taemin xD good luck Zico~
Taemin should've showed them what he can xP oh well this'll be fun x3
Chapter 4: They made it. I'm not so surprised with Tao's awesome rap skills x3
The instructor is Taemin right? He have to come into the picture somewhere >__< or it may be Kris since this is a Taoris after all x3
Chapter 1: A well done fanfic ~ :)
Chapter 2: Key: Take off your shirt.
Me: Whaaaaaaa-???
Chapter 2: Lol Key xD that's not weird at all.