What to do?



            Hello everyone, it’s been 3 days since I last updated this story. Sorry for the wait. I can’t promise to make an update everyday like what I am doing last week. I have a lot of things to settle, well school work. But I promise not to abandon this story^_~

            I hope this chapter can compensate for it^^

            Here goes chapter 9!



Chapter 9: What to do?


Yoona’s POV


            “I’m Kwon Yuri, Yoona. Finally, it’s nice to see you.”


            What kind of joke is this??! Isn’t she my girlfriend? Choi Anna??? I just left her at the apartment a while ago! Wait. Are they pulling some pranks on me? This isn’t funny! But no, this is not her, I can feel it! She’s not Anna. She can’t make my heart warm and flutter, I can’t feel any butterflies in my stomach! She’s a whole different person. But why my girlfriend and Kwon Yuri do look exactly the same!!


            “Hello?? Earth to Im Yoona?”

            “So-Sorry Yuri-ssi! I-It’s nice to see you too!” I utterly said and take her hand for a handshake.

            “No need to be formal with me Yoona, I’m your fiancée remember?”

            “Uh, y-yeah? You are my fiancée.” I said awkwardly. This is not good.

            “Ow, you two. You look good together! Well, I’ll leave you two alone for now.” My grandmother said with a teasing tone.

            “So Yoongie.” Yoongie??? Only Anna can call me that!!!

            “Yoongie??” I said in a mocking tone.

            “I mean Yoona, do you want us to go somewhere? You know, to get to know ea-“

            “I thought you’re missing? What happened? Care to share?” i annoyingly said to her.

            “Yes, I was-“

            “Yuri-ssi, I’m sorry but can we talk some other time? I’m not feeling well today.”

            “I can take care of you??”

            “No, just go home for now. Thank you for the offer. If you don’t mind I’ll head to my room now Yuri-ssi.” I said bluntly. I know I’m being rude to her, but you can’t blame me right?


Choi Anna’s POV


            I smirk evilly as I saw the stunned face of Im Yoona. I think that my plan will work. I can lure the real Kwon Yuri out, knowing that this two are head over heels in love with each other. After making my appearance, all I have to do is to see my dear cousin face to face when I and Yoona are out for date or the other way around. If that didn’t work, I already have my Plan B. And I have to keep this from Sooyoung, I’m sure she will stick with Yuri. Now, now, what will you do Yuri-ah??


Yuri’s POV

            “See you next time Taeyon-ah, Sunny-ah! It’s nice to have you here at my apartment!”

            “Thank you Anna, we enjoyed our stay. Now midget let’s go!”

            “You’re so boorish Sunny-ah!! Ne, Anna take care. Don’t let anyone steal Yoona away from you.” taeyon hug me and bid their goodbyes.

            “Don’t let anyone steal Yoona away from me? What was that about?”

            “Yow Yul! Your girl is calling you. Pick up the phone!”

            “Alright Soo, I’m coming..”


            Whenever Yoona is with me, my empty heart is being filled with joy. Around her, I feel complete. I feel alive. I know our relationship only took one date but I’ve never been certain in my life. Deep in my heart, I know I love Yoona. Those beautiful doe eyes of her, it felt like I’ve seen those before. I can’t remember when and how??

            At the time she went home, my mind was only with Yoona. Every second of my life I feel like I miss her! Good thing that she’s not busy and she called me!


            “Hello babe? I’ve been missing you so much! Taeyon and Sunny already went home. How are you now Yoongie?”

            “Anna! I’ve missed you so much. You’re still at the apartment right?”

            “Y-yeah, I’m here at my apartment. Why do you ask Yoong?”

            “Can I stay the night with you? I just want to spend our time together while I’m not busy.” My heart leaps as I heard her say that.

            “I’m so excited! I’ll wait for you Yoong! You are always welcome here! Umm, Yoona. I have have something to tell you.”

            “Hmm? What is it dear?”

            “I just wanna tell you that.. I LOVE YOU!”

            “Hahaha! I love you more sweetheart, I’ll hang up now Anna. See you soon!”

            Another night with Yoona!! YAY! I can’t wait! Hmmm, I wanna do something special for her too..

            “Soo! You’re coming home now?’

            “Uh-huh, we’re discussing things some other time. Enjoy your night with Yoona. And Yul, you should tell her soon your dirty little secret ok? That girl is really sincere with her feelings for you, you didn’t want to live in a lie right?”

            “Yes Soo, I will tell her everything but not know. Aisshh.”

            “Don’t tell me that I didn’t warn you. I only want the best for you Yuri.” wow, I’ve never heard Soo this serious. She really loves me that much. Oh, how lucky I am to be her cousin!

            “Thanks Sooyoung! You’re the best! Don’t worry, if things didn’t turn out well. At least I know I have a cousin that will always support me!” I beamed at her.

            “So cheesy Yuri, so cheesy that I almost want to puke!”


            “Hahaha, Bye Yul! See you tomorrow!”


Yoona’s POV


            I need to clear my mind. I need to be with Anna right now. My girlfriend and my fiancée look exactly the same! What was that mean? The two of them couldn’t be twins! And if Yuri is really here right now, what should I do with Anna? No!! I love Anna, I will fight for her. I don’t want to lose her. Nevertheless I have to be fair with her, I should tell her anytime soon about this whole fixed marriage thing.

            Before going to her place, I want to buy something for her. Right! It’s like a surprise for her! It’s only 5:17 PM so the stores are probably open. I search around the mall to find something unique for Anna, something that she will love!


            “Let’s see, what should I give to Anna?”

            “Flowers? Very typical.”

            “Jewelries??? Urg it’s also the usual. Unless, I want to give her a ring for a proposal?? YAH! It’s too soon Yoona!” *SIGH*


            I am still wandering around the department store inside the mall when something caught my eyes. Mwo? A big Mickey Mouse stuff toy?? Limited edition and it is already their last stock? My instincts are telling me to buy it, but will Anna like this??? Well it’s the thought that counts right?? And she can hug this whenever she misses me and I’m busy at work. I quickly purchase the fluffy stuff toy and went immediately to my car.

            I am now parking my car at the parking space in her apartment building, I’ve spent my time finding a gift for almost one hour! I went out to my car and get the huge stuff toy and walk in front of her door, urg! It’s heavy! Before pushing the door bell I place Mickey Mouse like he was standing, I hide myself behind and push the door bell.

Ding dong..


            “Yoona-yah! Eh?? Whoa!!! Mickey Mouse!!!” my girlfriend immediately hugs my gift! Does that mean that she likes it? Alright!

            “Does that mean you like my gift hun??” I smiled at her and kissed the nose.

            “I like it!!! No! I love Mickey Mouse!!!” I can’t believe what I’m seeing right now, she’s acting like a kid! Haha sooo cute Anna!

            “Yeah, it’s evident that you really love that thing, you almost forgot that you’re missing me!”Maybe a few teasing won’t hurt? keke

            “Yah! Don’t say that Yoong! I can abandon Mickey Mouse for you. You’re my one and only love! Remember?” she now placed the stuff toy inside and then hug me tightly. “See? I miss you Yoong.”

            “Such a cheeseball! I miss you more babe.” I lean closer to her face to capture her lips for a kiss but my stomach growled.

            “Ahaha! It seems like someone’s hungry now. Anyway, I’ve prepared something for our dinner!”

            “Really! Wow! You’re the best girlfriend Anna, let’s go to your kitchen!”

            “Aish, Yoong, not there! This way!”



            I followed Anna like what she told me, we are now walking hand in hand and I noticed where she plans us to go. At the roof top??


            “Ok! Here we are!”

            “Wow Anna! A candle light dinner at the rooftop?”

            “Y-yeah, I just thought that it would be nice instead of eating inside, we can enjoy the fresh air here and we can do some star gazing later.”

            “I love it Anna, and look! There are a lot of stars! So beautiful, but of course your beauty is no match for them!”

            “If I am a cheese ball then you are a smooth talker!”

            “I’m not a smooth talker! I’m just telling the truth babe! Ow!! I’m really hungry let’s eat now please??”

            “Such a shikshin like Soo!”


            After dinner, we stayed here at the rooftop for a while, we are lying on the floor that is being covered by a thick fabric while Anna is lying in my arms securely hugging me at my waist. This is perfect. I can’t imagine my life if I lose her! My fiancée is here already, now what?? Should I tell Anna?? I was busy contemplating in my thoughts when Anna pokes my head.


            “Hey! That hurts!!”

            “Yah! Just what you are thinking?? I’ve been talking here nonstop but you don’t even bother to listen!” OMO! She’s mad!!!

            “I, uh sorry baby. I’m thinking………” should I tell her??? Gah!! “That if there is one thing I need right now, it is your love. Because without your love, my life makes no sense.”

            “Aww, babe.Trying to save your with those words?”

            “HAH!! I mean it!!”


Yuri’s POV


            Im Yoona, you sure know how to get me with your words. But I know that she’s sincere with it. I can tell them, the way she kiss me, the way she touch me and by the way she looks at me. Every action that she’s doing to me is filled with love. She is very sweet, thoughtful and caring. Everything is perfect, except one. I’m still lying to her!




            “Uh, Sooyoung’s calling. Just a moment Yoongie!”

            “Ok babe, I’ll wait for you here..”




            “Hello Soo? What’s up?”

            “Y-Yul! I-I..”

            “Relax Couz! What is it? You’re making me nervous!”

            “Yuri!! I saw her!!!”

            “Huh? Soo kindly elaborate everything?”

            “I saw my sister Yul!! She’s here! She’s back Yuri!!!”         




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Trackstar #1
Chapter 12: Hey author! Pls update this story! Pls don't leave us hanging here!
ilyy12020530 #2
Hi author....hope u still remember me...update this story...soon.

Im missing you... I missing 'US'...im so sorry...
jazz2202 #3
Chapter 12: goodluck..focus..readers can wait...
princecayzer07 #4
Chapter 12: gud luck to ur exam author.. ^^
kaikai25 #5
Chapter 12: Update soon Author-ssi~ ^_^ I hope Yul will remember all^_^
ilyy12020530 #6
Oh. Busy with ur upcoming board exam or...busy with ur lovelife?keke

update soon author. ;)
mylove99 #7
Chapter 12: Its okay author nim hehehe ^^ we will wait for ur update ^_^
mylove99 #8
Chapter 5: Hahaha lol at byunyoong ^_^