Not So New Girl

A few seconds after they hear the door close behind Jongin and Soojung, Kyungsoo feels the arms that were on her shoulder and waist immediately gone. The two guys also quickly step away from her, as if burnt from the touch. She knows she’s hot but did they have to be so repulsed?

“Ah Chanyeol-ssi, I’m sorry,” Kris says guiltily, pushing her non so gently towards Chanyeol, “We were just playing.”

“Yes hyung, you can have her now,” Sehun adds mischievously.

Kyungsoo rolls her eyes at the way he drops formality so easily when they’ve only met twice, and she reminds herself to teach him a lesson later, “What are you guys on about? Why are you saying sorry to him?”

“Aren’t you two…?” Kris pauses at the end of his question, unsure of what’s the right word to say.

Kyungsoo catches on however and she laughs, turning to Chanyeol, Soojung’s insult a few minutes ago all forgotten, “What? No, we aren’t! Right Chanyeol-ssi?”

Red-faced and slightly embarrassed by the sudden attention on him, even though it’s his fault really, barging into someone’s home, Chanyeol laughs along albeit forcefully, “Yes. I mean, no, we aren’t.”

“See, we’re not like that. He won’t be jealous,” Kyungsoo says again, oblivious to the hurt on Chanyeol’s face, “Anyway, thank you guys for what you did back there.”

Kris and Sehun immediately clear their throats, standing straight and crossing their arms across their chests proudly as if asserting their manliness.

“Ah well, she deserves it. Don’t be too flattered Kyungsoo, you know it’s an act right?”

Sehun nods, smirking, “Yes noona. I don’t love you that way, sorry to break your heart. I know you love me though, and I thank you for that.”

He doesn’t get the chance to step away as Kyungsoo quickly marches towards him and punches his chest repeatedly, though it doesn’t seem to hurt, “Yah! I never said I believed you! I knew it was an act!”

Sehun laughs then, attempting and only succeeding after a few tries to grab her hands, stopping her from hitting him some more, and he quickly hugs her, “Yes we know. Are you okay though? The nerve with that girl, I just hate her more now.”

“Yes I’m fine,” she insists softly, ignoring Sehun’s admittance that he hates Soojung.

“You won’t take it to the heart right?” Kris probes cautiously, as if scared that he’s putting more salt to the wound, “She’s just jealous for no reason.”

Kyungsoo knows what he meant, they overheard Soojung after all. There’s no guy who would want you anyway. That sentence rings at the back of her mind like a song on repeat. It coming from the girl who snatched the guy she likes makes it hurt even more. It stabs her straight to the chest - Jongin doesn’t want her.

It’s quiet and she realises that they are still waiting for her response, so she nods, her hair brushing on the material of Sehun’s shirt. They don’t need to know that she does take it to the heart. She’ll bear with it herself.

“Umm…” comes Chanyeol’s deep voice suddenly, reminding Kyungsoo that he’s still there standing in the middle of the hallway, “What’s going on?”

Sehun loosens his hold on Kyungsoo when she pushes his chest away and she turns back to face Chanyeol, smiling, “Nothing important. Let’s do something, you didn’t come here to hear us roommates talking right?”

“No, not really,” he admits jokingly, and the atmosphere lightens immediately as they all proceed to take seats on the couches, Sehun suggesting that they watch a movie to which they all agree.

They decided on a horror movie, wait no, Kris, Sehun and Chanyeol decided on a horror movie, Kyungsoo had suggested they watch, what else, a romantic-comedy but obviously they all objected. Kyungsoo knows it’s futile to even say it but what’s the harm in trying.

Sehun is sprawled on the floor as if there isn’t anywhere else to sit but he has his reasons though. Kris is taking up all the space on one of the two couches they have, long limbs and what not. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo sit on the other, leaving more than enough space for Sehun in between them actually but he refused, mumbling under his breath, “I don’t want to be the third wheel.”

Halfway through the movie, Kyungsoo finds herself scooting closer and closer towards Chanyeol’s side unconsciously, because really, the ghosts are pretty terrifying. She doesn’t fail to notice that Chanyeol too slides a few inches closer, though weirdly Kyungsoo thinks, he does it even when the scenes aren’t particularly scary.

Kyungsoo has already decided to kill Kris and Sehun for making her watch the movie by the time it’s almost finished, her heart’s been beating furiously well over an hour as a result, when all of the sudden, mimicking one of the earlier scenes, they hear the front door creak slowly open.

And like the girl she is, Kyungsoo screams, the sound piercing throughout the apartment.

Whoever just enters runs towards them, only the silhouette is visible because come on, who watches a horror movie with the lights on, and they hear the person say, “What happened Kyungsoo?”

It’s Jongin.

He doesn’t wait for her answer however as he turns to the television screen and it dawns on him immediately. Stumbling over Sehun who by the way hasn’t moved from the floor, he rushes towards her, guided by the little light from the hallway.

He then forcefully squeezes himself in between Kyungsoo and Chanyeol, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, rubbing it comfortingly before facing Kris and Sehun, “Yah! Why are you guys watching a horror movie? Don’t you remember Kyungsoo hates it?”

His defence comes a little too late sadly as the credits roll and Kris goes to switch the lights back on, adjusting his eyes to the light before casually saying, “It isn’t that scary though.”

Jongin is about to retort back but Kyungsoo quickly stops him, patting the hand that’s around her shoulder, “It’s okay Jongin. I’m fine.”

For the first time since the light comes back on, he looks at her properly, obviously concerned. Kyungsoo smiles reassuringly at him and slowly the creases on his forehead disappear and he smiles back, “Good.”

Stupidly, he has to ruin the moment, as he breaks their eye contact and turns to his left and sees Chanyeol, looking slightly offended that he was pushed away from Kyungsoo. Immediately, Kyungsoo feels the grip on her shoulder tightening.

Feeling the tension in the air or maybe it’s just coincidental; Sehun exclaims loudly, “I’m hungry! Let’s go find food guys.”

Kris and Kyungsoo agree instantly, she hadn’t realised she’s hungry too, what’s with fear taking over earlier.

“Chanyeol-ssi,” she says, looking at him over Jongin, “Do you want to come with us?”

She sees Jongin gritting his teeth as she waits for Chanyeol to reply but chooses to ignore it, she’ll deal with him later on. Food comes first.

“Yes, sure. I’m hungry too,” the model says.

Clapping enthusiastically, Sehun immediately stands up, rubbing his aching behind as he mutters to Jongin, “We’ll see you later then!”

Kyungsoo too is about to follow suit but Jongin pulls her back down as he whines, “What? I’m going too!”

“Didn’t you just have dinner with your girlfriend just now though?” Kris asks, almost growling when he says the word ‘girlfriend’.

Jongin’s mouth opens, like he does when thinking of an excuse before eventually saying “Whatever, I’m still hungry. Let’s go.”

Dropping the arm from Kyungsoo’s shoulder, he moves it instead to reach out for her hand as he pulls her up effortlessly.

He doesn’t let go when she’s already stood up, or when they begin to walk towards the door or even when they’re on the street. Kris and Sehun lead at the front, not minding what’s happening at the back, where Kyungsoo is walking in between Jongin and Chanyeol, clouded in awkwardness and tension.

 Kyungsoo doesn’t know what’s going on anymore.


They reach the roommates’ favourite street food stall in no time and thankfully, Jongin finally lets go of her hand. Not wanting to be stuck in the awkward and very confusing situation any longer, Kyungsoo jogs forward, pushing Sehun away as she takes the empty seat next to Kris at the table the latter picks.

Left with no choice, the remaining three guys sit across them, Sehun separating Jongin and Chanyeol and she lets out a relieved sigh. For what reason, she’s not really sure.

Their late night dinner is a quiet affair. They’re all too hungry to talk, other than towards the ahjumma, who by now has engraved their faces to memory already. Once, Kyungsoo even overheard her dubbing them as the big eyed girl and her handsome bodyguards. It’s not entirely wrong with how protective they are, though her eyes aren’t that big.

Kris finishes his food earlier than the rest and decides a drink would be nice. Sehun instantly agrees, almost choking on his food in his excitement as he orders soju for the table.

By the time it comes, the men’s plates are clean and they quickly pour themselves some. Kyungsoo on the other hand doesn’t rush her eating since she’s not planning to drink, work the next day as her excuse. The guys have work too but they won’t be hung-over teachers facing cranky students early in the morning now will they?

Full and influenced by alcohol, conversations fall freely afterwards although Jongin and Chanyeol still won’t even look at each other. Kyungsoo joins in the banter once in a while, laughing along at Jongin’s failed attempt at a joke and Sehun’s annoyed look.

Just tonight she thinks, she won't try to make Jongin jealous. Even though Chanyeol is right there and she’s got all the chances in the world. She’ll just bask in the moment.

Basking in the moment involves watching Kris drunkenly whines about a girl he likes who he thinks doesn’t like him back. No name is mentioned but Kyungsoo smirks still, knowing exactly whom he’s talking about and the fact that he won’t remember anything tomorrow.

Sehun, the blabbermouth drunk goes into action next, thankfully not spilling out any of their secrets but about someone else he knows from work.

“This one girl,” he drones, eyes droopy, “I saw her bully an intern. She’s afraid the new and prettier intern would steal her spotlight. She’s a really.”

He lets out a deep breath before continuing, “How do I save my friend?”

Not knowing any better, all the (not so sober) guys think Sehun is still talking about his intern friend. Kyungsoo meanwhile, has a feeling it’s not about that girl at all.

No, not when Sehun is now guiltily avoiding looking at Jongin.

Sehun doesn’t say anything else after that and Kyungsoo is kind of glad. Perhaps it’s better for now that Jongin remains oblivious.

Speaking of whom, she turns her gaze towards him now who happens to be staring at her back. She flushes as if she’s drinking too. She knows Jongin didn’t really drink a lot and his alcohol tolerance isn’t too bad so there won’t be any appearance of stripping Jongin.

But to be safe, she suggests they head back, standing up quickly to support Sehun, who drank quite a lot and seems to need help the most. Jongin, who sees this stops her. Just when she’s about to snap this isn’t the time to be jealous damn it, he pushes her gently away and circles Sehun’s arm around him to provide support as he gestures for her to lead the way. Kyungsoo complies, mouthing thanks as her stomach flutter.

Fortunately, Kris, the heaviest of them all is still able to walk on his own as he falls in step behind everyone, humming a sad song about one-sided love.

Still feeling awkward around Kris it seems and perhaps not wanting to hear him whine some more, Chanyeol jogs ahead and stops when he’s side by side next to the lone Kyungsoo, making his steps smaller, aware of the major legs difference.

Kyungsoo is aware of the eyes boring holes on the back of her head as they walk, at least she thinks there is, she doesn't have eyes on the back, basic human anatomy please. But Jongin probably is glaring at them. She’s still not that sure that he’s jealous but recent events convince her otherwise.

Ignoring it though, she continues to listen to Chanyeol talk, saying how he enjoyed spending time with her and her housemates and that he hopes they can do this more often. Kyungsoo can only nod; this guy is really into his character in making Jongin jealous isn’t he?

When they arrive at their apartment building, Chanyeol bids them all goodbye, saying thanks to Kris’s ‘take care’ and Kyungsoo’s ‘have a safe trip.’

Then it’s just the four of them, the only-slightly-larger-than-normal eyed girl with her over protective bodyguards. Sehun finally falls asleep completely when they’re in the elevator, Jongin groaning as a result, his aching back would scream if it could. Kris immediately comes to the rescue, helping him carry the passed out boy towards his bedroom when they finally reach their floor.

Kyungsoo then helps take his shoes off like a loving big sister, making sure he’s comfortable before they all leave the room. Kris too immediately announces that he’ll be heading to bed leaving just Jongin and Kyungsoo.

All of the sudden, Kyungsoo becomes hyper aware of her surrounding. She doesn’t remember the last time she’s left alone with Jongin. They haven’t spoken much since he told her he has a girlfriend. It doesn’t help that Kyungsoo is always at Luhan and Yixing’s either.

Now that they are, it’s weird. Not awkward, just weird. As if something big had happened that changes things between them. Jongin too seems to sense this as he clears his throat, “Umm so, I’ll be going to bed too then.”

“Ah yes sure. Go ahead,” she replies softly, worried she’ll wake up their other roommates, “Good night Jongin.”

“Night Soo.”


Once in the privacy of her own room, she leans on the closed door, back sliding on it until she’s sitting down on the floor, knees bent, like sad people do. She buries her face in her hands, her heart beating rapidly as she replays the moment a few seconds ago when Jongin walked away from her, glancing back once, a smile that reached his eyes adorning his face.

The way he looks at her, there is no way she can describe it. It just pulls her heart out because really, who gives him permission to look at her like that? Stupid Jongin who has a girlfriend who just enjoys confusing other people. Stupid.

She stays for probably a good ten minutes before deciding that she should stop thinking. There really isn’t a point.

After changing quickly and doing all her nightly routine, she is about to finally lie down on her bed when there’s a knock on her door. She almost screams because she hadn’t expected that but thinking about her sleeping roommates, she swallows it back and tiptoes to the door.

It’s Jongin on the other side, who has changed into a fitting tank top and sweatpants, looking sheepish and slightly drunk.

“Do you want me to sleep with you tonight?”

Woah, hang on there. Kyungsoo’s jaw slackens and she crosses her arms across her chest unconsciously. It takes her a good few seconds to form a coherent respond, “W-what are you talking about?”

“Aren’t you scared?”

She’s confused at first but then it dawns on her as the night nearly two months ago replays on her mind. It was a Friday night, the four of them stayed indoors since it was raining heavily outside. Somebody suggested they watch a movie, and what do you know, a horror movie was picked.

It was a really scary movie, even scarier than the one they watched earlier and it left her screaming throughout. And for the first time since living together, they found out that she hates, despises even, horror movies. And that she is a scaredy-cat. But don’t tell anyone else.

She couldn’t sleep at all later on, and in the middle of the night, she came out of her room to get something to drink only to find Jongin still awake watching a live football match. She didn't want to tell him at first, honestly really embarrassed, but he managed to force it out of her anyway that she’s too scared to sleep alone. So he offered to help.

That, ladies and gents was the first and only time they slept together side by side, only a pillow separating them. She slept peacefully of course, knowing she wasn’t alone.

She avoids watching any horror movies since then, until tonight that is.

Now it seems, Jongin still remembers that night and of course, her fear. Kyungsoo had worried earlier that she wouldn’t be able to sleep but conveniently forgot about it during dinner and all the hassle afterwards.

The fear has come back now as she imagines the ghosts she saw on TV apparating in her room and she feels the blood rushing out her face. Jongin smirks when he sees her paling face and he opens the door wider, brushing past her casually towards the bed.

“Good night,” he says as he lies down on one side of the bed, placing a spare pillow in the middle.

“Night,” Kyungsoo greets back, still standing by the door, watching Jongin cross his arms across his chest and closing his eyes.

She knows she hasn’t been standing there that long but Jongin seems to think it takes her forever so he mutters, peeking his eyes open a little bit, “Are you going to stand there all night?”

“Ah, n-no, of course not,” she answers sheepishly, walking back towards her bed, closing the door behind her.

She sees Jongin’s smirk as she lies down next to him, eyes closed again and arms still crossed on his chest. The bedside lamp next to her is still switched on, glowing the room in orange; it’s dim but just enough to see.

Kyungsoo desperately wants to turn and look at Jongin, wanting to memorise - no that’s too cheesy even for her. She just wants to stare at the face, the person, who is just making her world turn upside down for the past month. But she won't, she can't.

It definitely isn’t the first time they lie side by side like this, but somehow those are different. That night long ago, it had been similar. But then, she hadn’t felt the flutter of her heart or the nervousness like she feels now. Jongin was like a roommate and a friend, now he’s more than that. Much more.

A few weeks ago too, they lay side by side. There were also Kris and Sehun then on the bed and the atmosphere didn’t feel as serene as now. Even if her heart had been beating wildly, it still isn’t the same.

Kyungsoo thought Jongin is already sleeping but he clears his throat slightly, proving her assumption wrong.

“Stop moving around so much, Soo,” he says but his voice doesn’t sound annoyed in the slightest, “Are you still scared?”

Her face heats up, she didn’t realise she had been fidgeting, too deep in thought perhaps, “Sorry. I’m fine.”

He clucks, calling her out on her lie, “Do you need me to move closer?”

She knows him enough to know he’s joking from the tone of his voice but that doesn’t help reduce the flush on her face. Thankfully Jongin is as still as a rock and doesn’t turn to look at her.

“No, it’s okay.”

“Fine,” he snickers but she feels him shift slightly closer anyway, stopping only when he hits their makeshift barrier.

He doesn't say anything else for a while after that and Kyungsoo is pretty sure he’s fallen asleep this time. She tries not to move around as much though, eyes still wide as she stares at the ceiling. She can’t sleep not because she’s scared. She won’t sleep just yet because if she does, before she knows it, it will be morning and Jongin will go back to his room. If she falls asleep, she will be less aware of the warm body next to her and the familiar scent coming from Jongin.

It’s probably five or ten minutes later that she feels movement next to her again, and her body acted on its own as she turns her head to her right and comes face to face with Jongin, who has his eyes open, looking straight at her.


“H-hi,” she croaks back.

“Can’t sleep yet?”

She shakes her head, not believing in her voice anymore.

He frowns, eyes focused at the top of her head in thought, “Do you remember that drama we came across a while back? The one with the girl who can see ghosts?”

It takes her a moment to make sense of what he’s talking about before it comes back to her and she opens to answer, “Aah that one. It’s called Master’s Sun. The one with Gong Hyo Jin and So Ji Sub right?”

His forehead creases again, “I don’t know their names. But if you say so, I’ll believe you.”

“Yes it’s them, I’m sure,” she chuckles, “What about the drama?”

“Oh yes, back to the drama. Wasn’t the guy some kind of a shelter for her? When she touches him, the ghosts she sees immediately poof away?”

Kyungsoo nods, remembering that being the reason the girl likes to touch him so much. She smiles as she recalls the numerous skinship instances as Jongin continues to stare.

Quickly she pushes away the thought about watching all the episodes, because ghosts.

“Why do you suddenly bring it up?”

He doesn’t answer and just smiles at her as she looks back in confusion. Then from the corner of her eyes, she sees him moving his hand and resting it on top of the pillow in between them.

Soundlessly, he gestures with his eyes, motioning for her to look down at his open palmed hand, smiling cheekily.

She understands immediately what’s on his mind. And just when she thought there isn’t any blood left to reach her face.

He wriggles his fingers when she doesn’t do anything, seemingly impatient. Kyungsoo laughs and hesitantly, she slowly places her hand on top of his, which he grasps almost immediately.

“There, it won’t be scary anymore. I’ll be your shelter,” he whispers, eyes back on her.

Kyungsoo fixes her gaze on their clasped hands, skin tone contrasting slightly in the orange light. She never sees anything more perfect than that.

“Thank you Jongin,” she whispers back, unable to look at him, afraid that tears will fall because she’s too touched. Pun intended.

“You’re welcome. Now let’s get to sleep shall we?”

When Jongin intertwines their fingers, Kyungsoo doesn’t fight the sleep that’s slowly taking over.

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Dodoisone #1
Dodoisone #2
Dodoisone #3
yuchii #4
Chapter 15: i still love this fic
Lolypop123 #5
Chapter 15: lol.that was hilarious XD
mistymountains 193 streak #6
Nice story!
Rodbbit #7
OMGGGGGG, just read the foreword and i'm livinggggggggggg
Chapter 15: So sweet....always love to read girl!kyungsoo....
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 15: This is such a great story... so fluffy and i love the friendship that formed while as room mates and introducing their own set of friends and neighbors too... love it so much
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 14: They're sp cute haha.