Not So New Girl

It’s been two days since the last time Kyungsoo saw Jongin. She hasn’t even heard from the man, thanks to him not replying any of her texts or answering her calls. She knows there is nothing wrong with his phone and that he isn’t so busy that he doesn’t even have time to check it because he kept in touch with Sehun. Even Kris was informed of his whereabouts.

They told her cautiously over dinner the night before that Jongin has been staying at his sister’s place, about three stops away by train from their apartment. He goes to work as usual however, Sehun said.

All the information of course, struck her in the chest. It is very clear that Jongin doesn’t want anything to do with her and is planning to stay away longer, even asking Sehun to bring more of his clothes for him because there is only so much stuff he can put in his bag in his haste to leave during the fight with Kyungsoo.

Sehun and Kris looked silently at her, hugging her alternately as she tried but failed to not sob on their chests. It took them a while to calm her down but finally managing to carry her back to her room after she fell asleep on Kris’s lap.

She leaves the house earlier than usual the morning after. That was one of the lowest moments her housemates have seen her and she isn’t ready to face them yet. She isn’t embarrassed but she just can’t stand seeing the sympathy in their eyes. It isn’t patronizing, no they aren’t like that, but somehow it just makes her feel worse.

To be honest, she would happily skip work and go to the dance studio where Jongin will be because if he isn’t coming back home anytime soon, she’ll take the initiative to come to him. But alas, she has other responsibilities, work is just as important and what’s more, the college entrance exam for her students is in a few days, she can’t afford to slack.

As expected, Baekhyun notices her depressed state. And so do Jongdae and Joonmyun, even though Kyungsoo doesn’t see them around as much as she sees Baekhyun. From the way Joonmyun looks at her when the four of them sit together during one of their short breaks, Kyungsoo can tell that she knows something the other two teachers don’t. There’s no need to guess of course who told her.

Poor Baekhyun though, had to tread on eggshells, as she glances back and forth between Joonmyun and Jongdae as if asking them if it’s okay to ask.

Kyungsoo feels bad because there is absolutely no reason for her to be so wary. It doesn’t have anything to do with her that Kyungsoo is upset. In fact, Baekhyun is the one who should be upset because for someone who holds the position of Kyungsoo’s best friend, she doesn’t know a thing of her troubles.

So once and for all, Kyungsoo decides that it’s about time that everyone around her should know. She doesn’t give a chance for Baekhyun to voice her concern, not that she managed to gain the courage to do so, before she starts to repeat whatever she said to Kris and Sehun the other day, albeit less detailed and not very specific because there just isn’t enough time.

They listen attentively throughout without interrupting. As expected, Joonmyun doesn’t look as surprised as the other two, who appropriately ‘ooh’s and ‘aah’s at times.

By the end of her story telling, Kyungsoo exhales heavily, feeling some weights have been lifted; talking it out really does help.

“I’m sorry for not telling you sooner unnie,” she concludes, grasping Baekhyun and Jongdae’s hands, who in turn put their other hands on top of hers.

“It’s okay.”

“Yes don’t worry about it. I won’t say I understand but I’ll let it go for now,” Baekhyun smiles, mischief in her eyes, “But let’s just get our students through this exam first and after that, when it comes to it, I’ll gladly help you hunt down Jongin. I’ll even tie him up if he tries to run away.”

For the first time in days, Kyungsoo lets out a laugh, pushing away all her problems as the rest joins in not long after.


Ever since their shopping trip, or more like a how-many-stores-can-you-go-to-in-two-hours trip since they didn’t actually buy anything, Chanyeol has been texting her everyday. They vary from simple greetings of good mornings and good nights to asking her about her day.

Kyungsoo doesn’t think too much about it, Chanyeol is considered as a friend after all. He can even act as a shoulder to lean on if Kyungsoo hadn’t rejected his offer to take her out. She’s just too occupied for now, she tells him.

Despite all that, he doesn’t give up as easily, going as far as picking her up from the school and then walking her home every night. She’s suspicious of course; none of her roommates have ever done that, not even Jongin, so why would Chanyeol of all people do it?

When she asks him this, he just shrugs as they walk side by side from the station towards her apartment building, “I just want to. I know things are hard for you right now, so I thought it’s the least I can do. Just being here for you.”

Kyungsoo hums as a response, not knowing what to say to that. By the time they reach the building, as usual Chanyeol would quickly say his goodbye, telling her to sleep well before he takes his leave.

Tonight though, much to her confusion, he stands unmoving next to her when they come up to the main entrance, feet shuffling slightly on the ground. He’s looking at her as if wanting to say something but finding his tongue tied.

Not wanting to be rude, Kyungsoo waits, even though she can already hear her bed calling out to her from upstairs. When he doesn’t seem to be making any move anytime soon or even saying anything, she gives up.

“Do you need anything else?” she asks impatiently.

Flustered, he scratches the back of his neck as he begins to smile uncertainly, “Can I come upstairs?”

She’s taken aback by that, it wasn’t what she was expecting for him to say. A rejection is already at the tip of her tongue, never mind that she owes him a lot, but she’s just too exhausted to be hospitable right now.

Before she can tell him no however, another voice greets them, “Kyungsoo! Chanyeol-ssi!”

Chanyeol’s face brightens up when he looks at the person from behind Kyungsoo, waving back, “Kris-ssi. Nice to see you again.”

Kris comes up to them then, standing next to Kyungsoo as he faces Chanyeol, “Nice to see you too. How have you been?”

“Great,” the model returns, before asking the question back to Kris.

They continue to chatter like that, topics light and insignificant and as the minutes pass by, Kyungsoo just can’t stand it anymore so she clears , “I’ll take my leave then. Thank you for walking me back again Chanyeol-ssi.”

As if just remembering his earlier request, Chanyeol falters, “But-“

“Ah Kyungsoo must be tired. She needs to rest,” Kris cuts in, and Kyungsoo mouths thank you when Chanyeol isn’t looking, but then he continues again, “Come up with us Chanyeol-ssi. I’ll entertain you. Sehun too wouldn’t mind if he’s home.”

This time Kyungsoo doesn’t even bother hiding her annoyance as she huffs while leading the two inside the building; both of them continuing their earlier conversation.

As Kris predicted, Sehun doesn’t seem to mind either that they have a guest as he welcomes Chanyeol eagerly, pulling him towards the living area.

“Have you eaten?” he asks Chanyeol while helping him remove his jacket, ordering Kris to hang it on the hooks by the front door.

“Yes I have. I don’t think Kyungsoo has though.”

Sehun gasps dramatically, standing up immediately as he drags her towards the dining table, “Here noona, eat.”

She complies; too weak to go change into something else first, as she opens one of the boxes of Chinese take away food Sehun probably bought earlier. Meanwhile, Sehun heads back towards one of the couches, slumping next to Chanyeol who is looking at her expressionlessly. Kyungsoo just bows her head in guilt.

As she eats alone at the table, she can hear clearly Chanyeol’s conversation with her two roommates, Kris having gone back after disappearing for a while.

“How are you these days hyung?” Sehun asks, dropping formality as usual.

“Not bad. I’ve got no shows recently so I have some free time.”

That much is obvious to Kyungsoo, if he were busy he wouldn’t be able to bother her with so many texts or even walk her home everyday. Sehun on the other hand treats it as new information of course as he tells him oh that must be nice.

Kyungsoo scoffs quietly before continuing to dig in to her food.

“What do you do then during your free time?”

Chanyeol doesn’t answer Kris’s question immediately, as he props his chin on one hand in thought, “Nothing much really. I work out at the gym, stay home and then go out when it’s time for Kyungsoo to leave.”

“Oh that must be nice,” Sehun repeats his earlier words before adding, “Where do you live actually, hyung?”

Not expecting Sehun’s question, Chanyeol squirms in his seat as both Sehun and Kris look at him expectantly. At last though, they get their answer, “I live in Hongdae. Not very far from the University Station.”

“I see,” Kris bobs his head, looking at Sehun pointedly before locking eyes with Chanyeol again, “You can never get bored then.”

Chanyeol chuckles but agrees nonetheless.

Kyungsoo doesn’t join in in their conversation; she doesn’t get dragged in either by any of the men. Not that she is complaining, she’s just not in the mood.

Only once she is finished and after washing her hands in the kitchen, Sehun calls out to her, “Noona, are you done? Come, join us!”

The TV was switched on sometime ago and from where she is, she can hear the monotonic voice of Sehun’s favourite actress. He must be watching that drama again, she thinks.

Her suspicion is confirmed when she gets there, but she doesn’t walk over to Kris who pats the empty space next to him as she breathes out, “No, thanks. I’m very tired so I’m just going to sleep.”

Before she walks away though, she turns to regard Chanyeol, “I’m sorry Chanyeol-ssi. Good night.”

“Good night,” everyone say.

By the time she finishes changing into her pyjamas, she hears the front door open and Sehun saying See you next time hyung.


 The day before the college entrance exam, Kyungsoo and the other teachers had to work harder than before. Most of the students are panicking and freaking out, and it is up to the teachers to calm them down. It is hectic to say the least.

But once that is settled, not without tears from both sides because this is something they’ve all worked hard for, the students are let out early. They need all the rest they can have for tomorrow morning after all.

When she finishes packing her stuffs and saying goodbyes to the other teachers, it is only 5 o’clock. It is the first time since the start of the semester that she finishes work that early, so she can’t help but to skip all the way to the school gate. All of the students have left thankfully. It’ll be embarrassing if they saw her.

More than that, she is excited because this is finally her chance to confront Jongin. If her assumption is correct, he’ll still be at the dance studio at that time, and there is no way she’s going to postpone seeing him any longer. She misses him. So much.

But of course, she doesn’t take into account one factor, one that is slowly killing her on the inside. She doesn’t know how it’s possible since she hasn’t even texted him at all that day, but when she exits the gate, there is Chanyeol waiting for her at his usual spot, leaning on a wall whilst grinning happily.

Kyungsoo deflates at that. She’s becoming more and more suspicious of him as the week passes. Before he found out about her ‘progress’ with Jongin, he wasn’t as clingy as he is now. There isn’t one day that went by without her seeing him around. If she doesn’t know any better, she’d think he’s her stalker. But then again, who would want to stalk her.

“Chanyeol-ssi, what are you doing here?”

He straightens when she approaches before replying cheerfully, “To pick you up of course.”

“But how did you know I’m done early today?” she retorts, eyebrow rising.

He doesn’t answer; instead he just grabs her arm and pulls her gently towards the direction of the station, ignoring her complaints.

They are stopped in their tracks however when someone screams Kyungsoo’s name from behind. When she turns around to look, Kyungsoo sees Baekhyun jogging up to them, hair disheveled in the wind.

“Kyungsoo, there you are!” she huffs breathlessly, holding her stomach as she stands limply in front of them, “Are you going to the dance studio? Didn’t I say I’d come with you?”

At the mention of the dance studio, the grip Chanyeol has on her arm tightens. The pain must have been obvious in her expression as Baekhyun glares at Chanyeol suddenly, “Who are you?”

Startled, Chanyeol stammers, loosening his grip but not letting go, “Oh, I’m sorry Kyungsoo-ssi, I didn't realise.”

Irritated at being ignored, Baekhyun looks back at Kyungsoo and asks again, “Who is he, Soo?”

Feeling the tense atmosphere, Kyungsoo plays with the buttons of her coat, as a glaring battle ensues between the other two, “Unnie, this is Chanyeol. Chanyeol-ssi, this is my best friend, Baekhyun unnie.”

“Ah, so this is the infamous Chanyeol. What are you doing here?”

Kyungsoo stares at Baekhyun, mouth agape because even if the latter can be snarky and mean sometimes, this is the first time she sees her doing it on purpose, to someone she just met for that matter.

To his credit however, Chanyeol doesn’t look as offended compared to if Kyungsoo is in his shoes, as he casually responds while nudging Kyungsoo’s side, “I’m here to walk her home.”

Baekhyun seems unsure for once, determination gradually diminishing as she eyes Kyungsoo, “Oh so you’re not going to see Jongin?”

Kyungsoo hesitates for a bit, she was planning to see him, still is actually despite Chanyeol’s presence. She can always ask him to leave; there is no harm in that.

But before she can voice it out, he blurts out all of the sudden, “I saw Jongin earlier actually. He was with Kris and a girl at a café while I was walking past to come here. They must have left by now though.”

“A girl?”

“Yes, I didn’t see her face though.”

Kyungsoo nods in response, wondering who could the girl be. She hopes it isn’t Soojung. The possibility of them getting back together just to spite her is scary. She really hopes Jongin won’t go that far.

Her thoughts break when Chanyeol quips again, “I don’t think he’s coming back to the studio.”

As if they hadn’t been sending daggers to each other with their eyes, Baekhyun doesn’t argue with his statement, “He’s probably right. Maybe Jongin went back to your place, since he probably thinks you’re coming back home late as usual.”

Either surprised by Baekhyun agreeing with him or by the fact that Jongin could be home, Chanyeol says hesitantly, “Yes he could be. We should leave soon then.”

Kyungsoo excitedly nods. The possibility of seeing Jongin again and catching him unaware gets the smile on her face wider. Baekhyun hugs her goodbye, wishing her luck before she walks the opposite way; all the while pretending Chanyeol is air.

Kyungsoo releases her arm from Chanyeol’s grip and starts to continue their journey to the station, Chanyeol reluctantly following her.

When they’re in the train, which is packed as usual, Kyungsoo finally notices Chanyeol’s uneasiness.

“Is something wrong?” she asks, brows furrowed.

He shakes his head  instinctively but thinking better of it, he starts to nod instead, “Actually yes. I still haven’t gotten anything for my sister. Do you mind helping me again?”

Her head falls, she’s been dreading that, but deciding to be nice some other time, Kyungsoo stands her ground, “Sure, but not today. I need to see Jongin.”

The train is arriving at a stop then, giving no chance for Chanyeol to argue as people start to push their way to the door to exit.  When that’s over, Chanyeol tries to say something again but now, people are coming in instead, consequently pushing Kyungsoo further in, separating her from Chanyeol. Whatever he wants to say never gets said.

The number of people in the train doesn’t lessen and Kyungsoo and Chanyeol stay separated throughout the journey until it is finally their stop. In her struggle to make her way to the door, Kyungsoo thinks she saw someone familiar from the corner of her eyes and her heart skips a beat as a result but when she turns to have a second look, the person is gone. It’s probably her imagination, she thinks.

Knowing that Chanyeol is most likely going to start their previous conversation, she starts to chatter non-stop in order to distract him as they walk towards her apartment. She tells him all about what happened at school that day, how many students she had to calm down and how many she had to carry – err help carry to the infirmary because they fainted.

It worked, the topic of shopping or his sister never comes up and Kyungsoo sighs in relief.

They’re not very far from her building now and suddenly anxiety starts to creep in at her. It has officially been more than 72 hours since she last saw Jongin and the fact that she could be seeing him again in about ten minutes makes her palms sweat.

Her words get mixed up too and the thought of changing her mind and agreeing to help Chanyeol comes up.

But then it’s gone as fast as it came. There is no turning back now, she repeats in her head as a mantra. She needs to gain courage because she cannot live without Jongin anymore. It’s something she had known for a while but never gets to admit until now. So yesthere is no turning back.

Too busy being lost in thought though, Kyungsoo doesn’t pay too much attention to where she is going or the fact that she is literally teetering dangerously on the edge of the pathway, until Chanyeol wraps his arm around her waist to pull her back in to safety.

Alarmed, Kyungsoo gulps; whatever she was still saying about her students is left hanging in the air. She bows her head gratefully to Chanyeol, “Thank you. I- I must have been too dazed.”

Chanyeol laughs half-heartedly, “Don’t worry about it. You won’t be hit by a car when I’m here.”

Kyungsoo just chuckles back in response.

As they continue to walk, Chanyeol still hasn’t let go of her waist even though Kyungsoo is now very much aware of her surrounding, afraid for the same mistake to happen. It’s becoming uncomfortable for her by the minute, so she softly tells him this whilst attempting to pry away his arm.

He refuses however, tightening his hold instead, “It’s not safe.”

Groaning, she tries again, this time with more force because she really is becoming uneasy.

“OW!” Chanyeol yelps all of the sudden, finally releasing her.

“Wh- what’s wrong?” She can’t possibly have hidden super strength can she?

He whirls around for some reason, eyes searching for something behind them. Kyungsoo mimics his action but all she sees is a deserted pathway lined with trees.

“What’s wrong?” she repeats.

Chanyeol doesn’t immediately answer; instead he kneels down and picks something up from the ground, showing it Kyungsoo. A small pebble lies on his palm.

“I think I got hit on my head with this.”

Sympathizing with him and blowing kisses to where it hurts would be the logical reaction and what he probably would want, but instead Kyungsoo steps back and break into laughter, clutching her stomach exaggeratedly.

“Oh my, you must be so unlucky,” she pants, pointing over the brick gate next to them, “The kids must be throwing pebbles from the park over there.”

He whines, rubbing the spot on his head where the rock must have hit him, “That’s ridiculous.”

“Ah well, what to do,” she murmurs and continues to walk ahead, this time making sure there is more than enough space between them.

They arrive about ten minutes later, no more words uttered between them since the unfortunate-for-Chanyeol-amusing-to-Kyungsoo incident.

Kyungsoo starts to brace herself as they approach the main entrance because there is something else she needs to do and it won’t be easy.

“Thank you Chanyeol-ssi as usual for walking me home. Although it’s unnecessary,” she declares softly, “But I’m going to have to ask you to leave. If Jongin is really upstairs, I don’t want him seeing us together.”

Surprised but relieved nonetheless, which she showcases by grinning widely, he yields to her request, “Okay, see you.”

And just like that, Kyungsoo is left standing alone by the large automatic door, which stays open, allowing slight chill to enter. Without delaying any longer, she bounces towards the elevator, feeling both anxious and nervous.

She finds herself on their apartment floor in no time and then by the front door. In her hurry, her keys almost slip out of her hands but she manages to compose herself, quickly unlocking the door and finally bursting in the apartment.

It’s quiet however, the only sound coming from when the door hit the wall. There is no Jongin running around trying to pack his stuff in a rush worrying she’ll come back unexpectedly. She doesn’t find him panicking and quickly bolting out the door as soon as he sees her.

Because he isn’t there.

There isn’t even a sign to tell that he even stepped in the place as she walks around.

Disappointed, Kyungsoo drags her feet from Jongin’s Jongin-less bedroom back to the living room. She flops down on the couch, burying her face in the small pillow there because all the curses in the world, she should’ve gone to the studio instead!

Even if she runs there now, she won’t be able to catch him. It’s way past their working hours already.

As if to prove her point, she hears a voice from outside the apartment. It’s Sehun’s, who is seemingly having a serious discussion with someone else. When the door opens and the sounds become clearer, she hears Kris’s unmistakable voice.

“Let’s do this again tomorrow,” he says.

She doesn’t hear Sehun’s response however even though she knows they are getting closer if the footsteps were any indication, so there is no way she’d miss it. She still hasn’t shown her face to them but when the silence becomes unnatural, she finally looks up.

She isn’t exaggerating if she says that she hears her bones cracking when she sits up faster than Sonic, or that her jaw drops at that moment or the fact that her eyes almost fall out of their sockets because they are open wide in shock.

Standing there frozen, looking as surprised as she is, obviously not expecting her until later, are Kris and Sehun.

Kris in a leather jacket, tight pants and hair gelled up. Normal.

Sehun in a dress, Luhan’s if she’s not mistaken, black tights and a wig that matches his real hair. Not normal. Na ah.

“OH. MY. GOD.”

Chanyeol’s earlier words spring back to mind. Kris and a girl at a café, he had said. Matching it with Kris’s own let’s do this again tomorrow and then, everything falls in place.

 “OH MY GOD!” she repeats, “YOU TWO?”

“What?” Kris asks stupidly. Sehun hasn’t even been able to find his voice.




What follows the simultaneous screaming out of their lungs denials is Kyungsoo looking at them back and forth. Mostly her gaze falls on Sehun though, for obvious reasons.

“Why then… are you like that?”

Still red-faced and breathless, Sehun stammers, “I- I was rehearsing for a showcase. Um… yes. It’s about a guy pretending to be a girl. Hyung is helping me actually, right hyung?”

“Yes I am! We were just discussing the lines earlier,” Kris responds almost immediately, too eagerly.

Kyungsoo’s laughter that should have erupted long ago finally comes. She only managed to hear the words ‘rehearsing for a play’ before all hell breaks loose. She doesn’t even register whatever they said after that, only hearing the sound of her own laughter.

The two guys wait patiently for her to calm down, Sehun looking pale but Kris looks like he’s about to join her too. He doesn’t get the chance though as Kyungsoo wipes the tears away, panting breathlessly, “So that was you right at the café earlier?”

The smile on Kris’s face is gone as he quickly asks back, “Did you see us?”

Kyungsoo shakes her head, “No but Chanyeol did.”

“What?” Sehun snaps, any awkwardness forgotten, “What did he say?”

Taken aback by the outburst, Kyungsoo starts to explain, “He just said he saw Jongin and oppa at a café, with a girl. He didn’t see your face though. But it was you right?”

Sighing in relief, Sehun nods.

Kyungsoo giggles again, “Are you embarrassed Sehunnie?”

“Yes, of course,” he breathes out, sounding more relieved than necessary. Then he takes his leave, sashaying to his bedroom muttering under his breath about itchiness and his crotch needing air to breathe.

Left with just Kris and nothing else to laugh at, Kyungsoo turns serious, maintaining eye contact with the man, “Did Jongin say anything about me?”

The sympathy reaches his eyes before it does his words, “He didn’t. I’m sorry Kyungsoo.”

Inevitably, the misery that she pushes away earlier in lieu of the hilarity that is Sehun cross-dressing comes back in full force, face falling in time with Kris slumping down next to her.

He pulls her closer and pushes her head down to his shoulder; kissing the top of her head, “Hang in there alright. It’ll be over soon.”

It’s not enough to soothe her however and she starts to weep as Kris her hair fondly.


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Dodoisone #1
Dodoisone #2
Dodoisone #3
yuchii #4
Chapter 15: i still love this fic
Lolypop123 #5
Chapter 15: lol.that was hilarious XD
mistymountains 193 streak #6
Nice story!
Rodbbit #7
OMGGGGGG, just read the foreword and i'm livinggggggggggg
Chapter 15: So sweet....always love to read girl!kyungsoo....
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 15: This is such a great story... so fluffy and i love the friendship that formed while as room mates and introducing their own set of friends and neighbors too... love it so much
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 14: They're sp cute haha.