and testing people's patience.

Between Dreams and a Happier Place.

chapter eight; and testing people's patience.

"Yah!" Minah shouted, running up to Jungkook. He was at the park playing basketball with Taehyung and the others.


"Remember that assignment we had to do for psychology? The one about your worst childhood memory?" she asked, slightly out of breath.


"Well have you started it yet because it's due tomorrow?"

Jungkook looked at her and said, "Crap."

"I'll take that as a no then," Minah responded, dragging Jungkook with her as she walked. "Come on."

"Where are you taking me?" Jungkook asked obliviously.

"Well it was a partner assignment and I have heaps of photos at my house. There are bound to be some bad childhood memories of the both of us."

"Fine, I'll race you there," he shouted, charging off towards Minah's house.

"Hey, wait up!" she yelled back, desperate to catch up to him. By the time she had caught up, Jungkook was already standing peacefully at the front door, waiting for someone to open it. She threw him the keys and he opened it himself. Minah dragged herself up the stairs up to her room.


"Jungkook, I'm tired and this is all your fault," she panted, chucking all of her stuff down and lay on the bed.

"You're so unfit, Minah," Jungkook complained. "It's because you don't do any exercise and just watch movies all day. You act like such an old person. In fact, I'm calling you noona from now on, noona."

"Call me that again and you're dead."

He shrugged in response and answered, "Alright, noona."

Minah immediately kicked his shins and he pretended to collapse on the floor. "My noona is so strong," he pretended to cry, pulling her down with him. "So, noona, what are we doing here?" Jungkook whispered into her ear.

She pulled herself off him and said, "Firstly, I am not your noona and secondly, we need to go to the attic. That's where mum keeps all of the photos."

"Ah, this is going to be such a pain," he sighed, dragging himself along with her. "Where's the attic again?"

"It should be right outside my room," she said, grabbing a large stick to pull the stairs down.


Minah climbed up the stairs to see a dusty room. She fumbled for a light switch and turned it on.

"Wow," Jungkook said, looking around. The place was filled with old antique items from another era and various old clothes from her childhood. "Hey, remember this?" he asked, pointing at an old stuffed bear, trying to pick it up. It was about half the size of him and he waved it in front of her.

"Didn't you give that to me when we were both 10?" Minah guessed, trying to dig through everything for the photo albums she was looking for.

"Yeah, it was for your birthday. I'm pretty sure it was a princess themed party and you got us all to dress up. In fact, the costumes are right here," he laughed, looking at a rack of pink, glittery dresses and regal prince costumes. "These numbers are all odd, shouldn't it be the opposite? There are 2 prince costumes and 7 princess ones."

"That's strange," Minah muttered. Suddenly it hit her, those were the costumes from the picture she found at Seokjin's house. If these were the costumes, then that meant those adorable little children were them. "Give me a minute, I think I might've found our worst childhood memory," she said, running down to her room.

Jungkook shrugged and continued looking at all the old clothes and toys. "Aw, this was the reindeer I gave her at graduation. I can’t believe she still has all these," he smiled, thinking back to the fond memories.


"I'm back and I think this is it," Minah announced, holding a picture in her hands. She looked at it again in satisfaction and laughed. Now that she looked at it closely, she could see Jungkook in the centre, dressed up as a princess while she was a prince. No wonder these memories were locked up, it was probably too painful to bear. "Just look at this." She handed it to Jungkook and he looked at it, scanning the picture.

"Who are they?" Jungkook asked. "They look so adorable and cute but that one there looks exactly like Seokjin- no.  Yoongi said he burnt all of these photos!"

"Turns out he was wrong," she laughed.

"No. We need to get rid of this immediately," he tried to take the photo with him but was stopped by Minah.

"Aw, come on. We need to do this or we'll fail!"

"I do not need to be seen by others in a fluffy pink dress! No matter how old I was back then!" he complained.

"I bet my mum has more of these stored away somewhere," Minah said with an evil glint in her eyes.

Jungkook looked at her in shock, "What are you saying?"

"I'm just saying that even if you throw that one away, I'll probably have several more copies of it that can be shown to the entire school," she threatened him.

"You wouldn’t dare."

"I think you know me well enough, Jungkook. I would and you chose this subject so don't make me suffer with you."

"Fine," he grumbled. "What do we have to do?"

"We just need to show the photo to the class and explain why this was such a bad childhood memory," she explained as they went back to her room.

Jungkook didn't hesitate and immediately thought of reasons why. "Let me tell you why. One, I'm dressed as a girl, two, it's pink and three, am I wearing make up?!" he shouted in horror.

She took the picture back and looked at it carefully. "There's the slight possibility that you are," Minah laughed.

"My reputation is ruined," Jungkook sighed. "Do we really have to do this?"

"Yes we do. I only joined this class because you did," she complained, "and I'm not failing because of you."

"And I only joined because I thought you'd do everything for me," he said, slumping down onto the desk.




"The reason this is such a bad memory is-"

"Is because I'm wearing a pink dress and make up," Jungkook said, interrupting the speech that they'd prepared the day before. The class burst out laughing and Minah decided to kick him.

"Jungkook," Minah whispered, kicking him again. "Stick to the script."

"I'm trying to but having people see me like this isn’t really helping me," he cried.

"And why might this be affecting your brain," the teacher asked, expecting them to continue.

"At this point, Jungkook is feeling vulnerable because he believes that by showing you all this picture, his reputation, and therefore the rest of his high school life and popularity is being put on the line."

"And also, by stating all this, Minah believes that she is superior to me," Jungkook sighed, crouching down into a ball.

"Really now, Jungkook? Do you have to do this?"

"I think that's enough. I believe you both have provided sufficient information for this report and you'll be graded accordingly," the teacher announced, interrupting their presentation.

"I have one last thing to say," Jungkook said, standing up and continuing the speech. "The teacher believes that by stopping our presentation, he can go back to relaxing. He also believes that by asserting his authority, he is greater than us and can actually teach when truthfully, it's been the textbook that we've been learning from. Thank you," Jungkook finished, bowing to the class while they applauded.


 author's notes: 

I think I can write this again :D But this is another filler for the time being. New and improved plot begins next chapter ^^ At least I think it will... But don't anticipate anything...


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[BDHP] 131128 I'm disappointed with this. I re-read it and realized I have no developing plot. Now I'll try harder to bring a story with a plot, not just humor.


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Chapter 9: :D you actually udpated!! taehyung is so adorable in this chapter <3
Chapter 9: ecstatic ;)
your readers shall thank me for my awesomeness.
Chapter 8: Unnie I telling you this on all your stories! UPDATE SOON!~
Chapter 8: jungkookie being the devil spawn again >.<
Chapter 8: /claps for jungkook
youre back! this isnt ending! :D
heheheh i think it means im insane when i can imagine them all dressed up...
Chapter 8: am i weird cause i can imagine them like that...
Chapter 8: uh i really wanna help but not exactly sure what direction you want this to go in...
maybe you can place him in that sortve friendzone where he is pretending to be all happy but deep inside he is always watching her and taking care of her?
exoticbana3600 #8
Chapter 8: taehyung will be a good choice~ you can create fluff chapters of taehyung and minah, but in the end jungkook and minah still get together. taehyung will eventually get friendzoned because of this, but minah will not lose a great best (?) friend like taehyung, if they were best friends long enough that they share their problems etc etc. you can (if you want) put in some parts where minah sees jungkook with another girl and she becomes jealous and heads to taehyung for advice which she then soon realizes her feelings for jungkook. but then u can add tae (taehyung aka v) inside those parts... etc etc, its just a suggestion! the rest will be up to you author nim :D
daexian #9
Chapter 8: ah the dreaded friendzone... well i hope that inspiration comes to you and we can have an update? :3 no rush
i honestly think jin would be a good choice though :D