and the three f's of life

Between Dreams and a Happier Place.

chapter one; and the three l's of life.

There it was, the rush of wind which brought over relief and peace.

She breathed in, still deep in thought. The bell rang again, the monotonous tones echoing through the room.

“Class is dismissed,” said the teacher. “I expect you all to have your workbook exercises completed by next lesson.”

Nobody heard him though as they left one by one, leaving the teacher sighing at his desk.          


“Minah, what do we have after lunch?” asked Jungkook.

“Maths, we have a test,” Minah sighed.

“Are you ready for it?” he asked, yawning.

“Do you have to ask?” she said, pulling out her extensive notes.

“Well it seems like you’re prepared,” he smiled, leaning backwards on his seat and closed his eyes.

“Aren’t you going to study? This mark counts for the majority of our grades,” she questioned.

“I already did, last night,” he said, yawning again. He leaned backwards a little more, making his chair unbalanced.

Minah saw her chance and kicked one the chair legs, making him tumble off the chair.


“Aish, what did you that for!” he shouted.

“It's not my fault my foot just happened to touch your chair,” she said innocently.

“LIAR! Now my head hurts,” he said, rubbing the back of his head.

“Yah Jungkook!” shouted Taehyung, rushing into the room and pulled Jungkook away.

“Hyung- What are you doing?!” he struggled, trying to get free.

“You got to see this, Hoseok and Jimin are going crazy again,” he said excitedly, rushing outside.

Minah peered outside the window to get a look at all the commotion. There they were, dancing where ever they wanted to and captured the hearts of innocent girls all around.

“That flirt,” she sighed. “I’m going to go beat some sense into him.”


She ran out of the class to the site of all the damage occurring. The thousands of squeals and shrieks from the girls were deafening. 

The boys were doing their infamous move in which they both lifted their shirts and revealed their abs. It was only for a few brief seconds but it was enough to make everyone around her scream and faint.

Minah sighed and pushed her way through the crowd towards them.

“That’s enough now,” she said, pulling on their ears and dragged them over to Jungkook and Taehyung.

“AHH! LET GO OF US!” they shouted in unison. Minah let their aching ears go and they collapsed on the benches.

“Well that escalated quickly,” Jungkook grinned.

“What were you guys doing anyway? Did you plan to make the entire female population of our school faint or something?” demanded Minah.

“So you admit you it was hot,” winked Hoseok.

“Never in a thousand years Hoseok,” she glared, fully facing him.

“Eh? I told you to call me J-Hope already.”

“I refuse to call you something that is not your name.”

“But J-Hope is my name,” he whined.

“Not in my head it isn’t,” she turned her head to look for her next target, Jimin. “Where has that guy run off to?”

“He ran away while you were lecturing Hopey hyung,” said Taehyung like it was no big deal.

“And you let him go?” Minah shouted in anger.

“I thought it was for the best,” he laughed.


A phone rang loudly and everyone stared at Jungkook as he struggled to find it.

Everybody watched the exchange that consisted of Jungkook continuously shouting through the phone in surprise. Soon after, the phone call ended and he sighed.

“What was that all about?” asked Minah.

“I forgot it was Namjoon’s birthday today.”

“Then we should plan something shouldn’t we?” asked Jimin, crawling out from behind a bin.

“That’s why we’re going to Seokjin’s house after school,” Jungkook answered.

Minah glared at Jimin who was dusting off the dust. He innocently grinned at her and immediately the bell rang before she could take any action.

They all walked off in different directions to their classes.


 “Aish because of you guys I didn’t get to study,” complained Minah.

“There are more important things to do than studying you know?” said Jungkook.

“Name one thing,” she demanded.

“Family, friends and food of course. The three important f’s of life,” he said smiling.

“That’s more than one though.”

“And that must mean you agree with me.”

Minah and Jungkook rushed to class and sat down before the teacher arrived.

Everyone was stressing out about how bad they might do but Jungkook just leaned backwards and closed his eyes.

The teacher made her grand entrance and asked if everybody was ready.

Only groans and sighs came in response as she gave each person the sheets of paper which was the test.

“Quiet everyone. You all have fifty minutes, your time starts,” she looked at her watch as the seconds slowly ticked by, “Now.”



“Ok so we’ll do it here at Yoongi’s apartment. We’ve already asked the building owners and the neighbours so there will be no interruptions,” planned Seokjin. “I've asked my cousins to help out as well.”

The pink princess had decided that they would play a hidden camera on the unsuspecting Namjoon who was just coming over to Yoongi’s house for ‘dinner’.

“Is everything ready? Are the cameras and people are in place?”

The room was decorated with streamers of pink, courtesy of Seokjin, and helium filled balloons of all sorts of colours and shapes.

The cake was on the bench being decorated by Minah while Taehyung was staring enviously at its cream filled layers.

A phone rang and Yoongi answered it. The conversation was brief and he quickly put the phone back

“He’s coming. Are you sure the camera’s been installed properly?” he asked excitedly.

“Positive,” answered Jungkook. “I’ve even connected it up to the tv so we can watch it happen.”


They all crowded around the tv and watched as Namjoon entered the elevator. He pressed the button to the 17th floor and everyone watched anxiously. It seemed that he didn’t suspect a thing.

To pass the time, seeing as he was alone, Namjoon began doing push ups and then sang a drunken ballad of love in the most hysterical way possible.

Suddenly, the bell rang and he put on a straight face.

“It’s beginning,” said Jimin excitedly, rubbing his hands together.


The elevator door opened at the 6th floor and there was a crying woman wearing a slightly revealing dress.

As soon as the mysterious lady entered the elevator, he immediately touched the close button.

He shuffled over to the corner and watched the woman as she pressed the buttons for every single floor in a slow, depressing way.

He glanced at her and asked, “Are you going to go to every floor?”

There was only sobs in reply. As soon the door would open for each floor, he would press the close button.

“It doesn’t work,” he commented when it wouldn’t close and laughed to himself.


The woman was about to leave when a group of men walked in, pushing her close to Namjoon.

All he could do was awkwardly stand and try to shift his position.

No matter which direction he moved though, the woman would always be pressed up against him. He could only smell the scent of her expensive perfume and inhaled. 

The expression on his face was priceless as he struggled to move little by little to the corner.

Back in Yoongi’s apartment, everyone was cracking up as they saw their poor leader trapped inside the elevator.

The elevator finally stopped and everybody cleared out. Namjoon reached out to push the close button.


Jimin grabbed a microphone and spoke into it, “This has been a hidden camera.”

The sound of laughing was heard through the speakers as Namjoon had a mental breakdown. He fell onto the floor and placed his hands on the walls, slowly slipping down.

When he reached the right floor, he slowly to Yoongi’s apartment trying to process what had happened. He opened the door and everyone shouted, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

“Congratulations. What was your reaction?” laughed Jimin.

“Something… is wrong with my mind?” he answered.

Everyone burst out laughing and the lights turned out.


Minah walked out from the kitchen, holding a cake with bright sparklers and candles lit. On cue, everyone started singing happy birthday.

I am going to get my revenge on you guys later, thought Namjoon as he blew out the candles.

"Time for presents!" Seokjin shouted pulling out a small box wrapped in pink.

"A surprise so open it later," smiled Seokjin.

Jungkook and Minah handed Namjoon a CD case that had been hand decorated.

"A video of everything that happened in that elevator tonight," they laughed, teasing him.


Out of the blue, someone's stomach grumbled.

"Maybe we should open the rest of the presents later and eat first," suggested Hoseok.


 author's notes: 

So this is the first chapter :D elevator scene taken from their rookie king <3

You guys have all seen the mv for N.O right? Is it amazing or is it amazing?

I love the songs on the album especially coffee and rise of bangtan <3

The lyrics of N.O can relate so much to me because I feel like I that same situation T-T


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[BDHP] 131128 I'm disappointed with this. I re-read it and realized I have no developing plot. Now I'll try harder to bring a story with a plot, not just humor.


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Chapter 9: :D you actually udpated!! taehyung is so adorable in this chapter <3
Chapter 9: ecstatic ;)
your readers shall thank me for my awesomeness.
Chapter 8: Unnie I telling you this on all your stories! UPDATE SOON!~
Chapter 8: jungkookie being the devil spawn again >.<
Chapter 8: /claps for jungkook
youre back! this isnt ending! :D
heheheh i think it means im insane when i can imagine them all dressed up...
Chapter 8: am i weird cause i can imagine them like that...
Chapter 8: uh i really wanna help but not exactly sure what direction you want this to go in...
maybe you can place him in that sortve friendzone where he is pretending to be all happy but deep inside he is always watching her and taking care of her?
exoticbana3600 #8
Chapter 8: taehyung will be a good choice~ you can create fluff chapters of taehyung and minah, but in the end jungkook and minah still get together. taehyung will eventually get friendzoned because of this, but minah will not lose a great best (?) friend like taehyung, if they were best friends long enough that they share their problems etc etc. you can (if you want) put in some parts where minah sees jungkook with another girl and she becomes jealous and heads to taehyung for advice which she then soon realizes her feelings for jungkook. but then u can add tae (taehyung aka v) inside those parts... etc etc, its just a suggestion! the rest will be up to you author nim :D
daexian #9
Chapter 8: ah the dreaded friendzone... well i hope that inspiration comes to you and we can have an update? :3 no rush
i honestly think jin would be a good choice though :D