and the sixth sense.

Between Dreams and a Happier Place.

chapter seven; and the sixth sense.

"And so, the dolphin navigates it way around the ocean by sending sound waves," explained the teacher.

"I don't get it, Minah," whispered Jungkook into her ear. "How do you use sound to see?"

"I do it all the time," she answered. "Whenever I hear your voice I go the other way."

"Nice," he rolled his eyes.

"Minah, Jungkook, is there something you'd like to share with the class?"

Minah looked up to see Jimin and Hoseok snickering at her and the entire class staring.

She groaned and answered, "I was just explaining to Jungkook how they locate and avoid objects using hearing in our context."

"Like?" the teacher asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Well for example, when you walk across the street and look out for cars, you listen for them."

"Well, I suppose that's one way you can put it."

Minah continued explaining the uses of hearing.

"Another example is setting a specific ringtone, you can immediately tell it's your stalker ex-girlfriend and turn it off."

The whole class snickered while the teacher was not amused however Minah continued to speak.

"Also you can tell when it's her voice and run away," she smiled innocently.

"I think that's enough Minah, you can save your humor for another-"

"YAA! KANG SHIHYUNG!" a loud voice shouted from outside.

The teacher winced as everyone crowded the windows.

"Come back to me, honey!" the women cried outside the window.

"I think that's your cue to leave Mr. Kang," Jungkook laughed.

The teacher looked embarrassed as he quickly gathered up his resources and handed out an assignment. The voice continued to yell from outside as he explained what to do.

"I want you all to write a speech on the human senses by Monday." And with that, he left the room.


Jungkook turned to face Minah.

"Minah, do you believe in the sixth sense?"

"Like seeing ghosts? Don’t be stupid, there's a scientific reason for everything."

"Explain sleep paralysis then," he asked.

"Sleep paralysis more likely to occur include drift­­­ing off while lying on the back, feeling stressed or experiencing a disruption in normal sleep patterns, such as from shift work, jet lag, caffeine or alcohol."

"Now you're just quoting our text book," Jungkook complained.

"It still counts as an answer," Minah answered, sticking her tongue out.

"The books aren't always correct, sometimes you have to experience it for yourself."

"And you've had sleep paralysis?"

"Of course!" he said, "It was terrible, like something was pressing down on my chest. I could feel something standing in front of me, watching my every move."

"So what did you do?" Minah asked trying to keep a straight face.


31st October, Previous Year

"Yah Jeon Jungkook. Jungkookie. Kookie."

Minah stood over his bed, calling out his name continuously trying to get his attention. It was the middle of the night and she was trying to wake him up. Their parents had arranged for the entire crew to go disappear for the week so they went and stayed at Seokjin's and slept in the living room.

"Kookie," she whined, "I need to go to the bathroom."

"Go by yourself," he mumbled in his sleep, his dreams crossing with reality. He pulled the blanket closer to himself, covering up his chest.

"Eh, you're sleeping without a shirt. You must be cold then," she mumbled, dragging a large blanket and dumping it on top of him carelessly. It might have seemed like a caring gesture but in reality, when you have three thick blankets weighing you down, it doesn't seem so nice.

"That's what you get for not coming with me," she said standing in front of him and glared.


"Maybe it was just your imagination," she answered, laughing inside. "Or maybe because you slept with no shirt on."

"Maybe," he said, considering the thought, "Wait, how did you know I slept shirtless that day."

Minah turned away, blushing, "Lucky guess I suppose. We should go to art class now."



"And she's late again," Minah sighed.

The Miss Song was always late for this class, dramatically announcing her arrival whenever she pleased.

"Good afternoon students!" she yelled, showing off her flair. "Today, we are going to learn the art of pumpkin carving, in celebration for Halloween."

Everyone groaned in response.

"Why? Don't you kids like my idea?"

Everyone answered in a chorus of no's.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"PAINT FIGHT!" was the response from the crowds.

Miss Song shook her head disappointedly.

"Too late!" Taehyung shouted, tipping a can of paint all over her hair.

"Of course he decides to start it," Jungkook whispered to Minah, rolling his eyes.

The entire class stared to gauge her reaction. Miss Song ran her fingers through her hair, the red paint staining her fingers blood red. Taehyung could only stand beside her and apologise over and over.

"Kim Taehyung," Miss Song said, using the formal teacher voice.

"Y-yes miss?" he stuttered.

"You're in big trouble," she answered. "When class is finished, you're going to be in charge of cleaning up this mess."

"W-what mess?" Taehyung asked.

"This!" she said, signalling Jimin to pour an entire tin of paint on him. It was just lucky that everyone had already put on their art smocks and it was a no uniform day.

"PAINT FIGHT!" the entire class yelled, throwing bottles of paint in all directions, wasting the entire school's supply and splattering paint on the walls.

"YAH EUNJI! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!" Minah yelled with paint dripping down her face.

"I'd rather live until I'm old thank you," she answered, poking out her tongue. That, however, was a bad decision though as Minah was throwing paint at her dear friend's face, getting it in .

"Gross!" Eunji screamed, spitting it out.

"It's your fault," Minah teased, but as soon as she turned around, she felt paint hit her face.

"Jeon. Jung. Kook. You will die!" she screamed, charging at him with a large bottle of yellow paint. He only laughed and ran away although there was no where he could really go in a room filled with 15 people throwing paint at each other.

"Ya Minah, with your face like that, you could pass to be a smurf," he laughed at her.

"You really want to die today don't you?" she threatened.

"You wouldn't dare," he said. Yellow was not a good look on his brand new shoes.

"Watch me," she smirked.



"Look what you did," Jungkook whined. His shoes were now covered in the most bright shade of yellow.

"Cool, this paint glows in the dark," Minah said, reading the label.

"Now my face is covered with this too. My poor lips," he complained, "I'm going to be glowing during dance class."

"Hey, you started it! I have blue all over mine!"

"I have an idea," Jungkook grinned, "Want to make green?"

"What do you mean?" Minah answered.

"You know what I mean," he winked, getting closer.

Oh wait, she thought, finally understanding the situation. I don't think that's a good idea. "Very funny, Jungkook." she answered, rolling her eyes and pushing him away. She turned away from him and blushed.

"Hey, Minah!" Hoseok yelled out from the window of the drama room. "Get in here! You too, Jungkook!"

"What does that idiot want?" Minah mumbled as Jungkook pushed her from behind to the drama room.


"We hold a meeting of Bangtan Boys with Minah and Eunji to…"

"Not this again," Minah whispered to Eunji.

"What is this, 'Bangtan Boys' anyway?" she asked.

"Something they made up with the other guys. Apparently we're supposed to be their army."

"That actually sounds pretty cool."
"Not when you know A.R.M.Y stands for adorable representative mc for youth."

"Okay, now it just sounds stupid."

"… And tonight we'll be at Jin's house again because all our parents have planned another trip without us. Since Jin is the oldest, he'll be our guardian although Rap Monster is technically our leader."

"Again with the code names!" Jungkook yelled.

"Well it's just too bad you don't have one!" Hoseok shouted back.

"My name sounds perfectly fine, Hopey hyung," he teased.

"Ya! Don't make fun of my name. I bring hope to the world."

Minah snickered while Hoseok glared at her. "Just watch me," he mumbled.



"Where'd they all go again? I feel like they love to ditch us," Taehyung sighed.

"It's still a school night so we'll probably be here for the rest of the week," Yoongi answered.

"Seokjin, did you cook dinner?" Eunji asked hopefully.

"No, because we'll all be cooking today," he answered smiling, and everyone groaned.

"I'm going to make seaweed soup," Seokjin said helpfully.

"Then I'll make," Hoseok hesitated for a second and ran to the kitchen. "Mystery meat!" he yelled, holding the beef high in the air.

"I need that to make the seaweed soup!" Seokjin yelled.

"I'll make stir fried vegetables then," shouted Jungkook, charging to the fridge to take all the ingredients.

"And we will eat!" yelled Eunji and Minah. As hungry as they were, cooking was such a chore. Leave it to the guys for once.

And while everyone was busy gathering their ingredients, Namjoon hid inside another one of Seokjin's mystery rooms.


"What should I add?" Jungkook murmured, chopping of the ingredients. So far, he only had vegetables, vegetables and more vegetables, all frying in a pan.

"Isn't it obvious?" Seokjin asked, "It's sesame oil!" pouring a whole heap over the mix.

"This is going to be the best," Yoongi laughed, stirring up his evil concoction. His potion was changing colour one after another, from purple to blue to a now, disgusting brown. If I can't cook then I can at least poison them, he thought, laughing like a mad man.


As the food was almost near completion, Namjoon was exploring the contents of Seokjin's room. It was almost unimaginable and worst of all, it was pink. The entire contents of the room were filled with brightly coloured princesses from all the Disney movies and in the centre of it all was a pink fan.

Namjoon backed away cautiously, not wanting to touch anything or else he would catch the contagious pink disease. He almost managed to get out of there safely until he unfortunately stepped on a clear string, much like a trip wire.

"Crap," he whispered. He turned around to make sure nothing was happening and nothing did. Not until he opened the door.

The Disney Princess theme song started blaring into his ears and a large net dropped on him.

"What the hell, Seokjin! Get me out of here!" he screamed.



"Since Namjoon here decided to ditch us while cooking, he will have the honour of tasting everything first," Seokjin laughed evilly.

How bad could it be? Namjoon thought but his mind was immediately changed when he saw the food being brought out to the table. It looked more like poison than food, especially since Yoongi had decided to put his concoction inside a jug which closely resembled a potion.

"Eunji! Minah! Time to eat!" Seokjin yelled out.

The girls scrambled out of the living room to the kitchen to see Namjoon struggling to even get the food near his mouth.

"Come on, hyung!" Taehyung whined. "Eat it, we made it with you in mind."

"Sure," Namjoon laughed with a pained expression, eyeing the 'food'.

"Stop being such a wimp," Minah yelled. She grabbed a spoon and shoved it into his face. "They cooked it so eat."

Namjoon chewed with distaste. "How is it?" Jungkook asked.

"It tastes," Namjoon hesitated for a moment and forced a smile. "It tastes very nice."

"Have some noodles and soup too," Yoongi offered.

"I think I'll eat some more later," he answered, running to the bathroom.

"Maybe we should order some pizza?" Eunji suggested.



"Do you guys have any horror stories?" Minah asked.

"Well I have one," Yoongi said and began to tell his story.

"I never believed in stuff like this. Ghosts, demons, aliens? It all seemed so stupid and fake to me. One of my friends is all superstitious about this and tries to convince me that this stuff is real and I should go look for a ghost or something on my own.

So I told him why not - just so I could prove him wrong and make him shut up. He told me there was an abandoned house a few blocks away from here that was alleged to be the home of a murdered woman years ago.

That night, I grabbed a tape recorder and flashlight and set off to explore the house and see if I could communicate with a ‘ghost’. I climbed through a window on the side of the house, crawled in and turned my light on.

The house was really desolate and empty. Definitely abandoned. The only thing in the house was a police tape covering the entrance of the staircase. The room at the top must of been where the scene of the murder took place. I tore it off and walked up the stairs into the room.

Dead silence. This seems to be the best place to communicate with a ghost, I thought to myself, so I began recording with the recorder.

'Hello? If there is a ghost in here, show me a sign and make a sound.'

I stood there for about 10 seconds waiting for something.


I stopped the recording and waited a moment before I pressed play.

'Hello? If there is a ghost in here, show me a sign and make a sound.'


"How is that scary?" Taehyung interrupted.

"I never re-winded the tape..." Yoongi said.

There was a dead silence as they wondered the meaning of it. Could ghosts be real?

"There was a picture of me in my phone sleeping. The thing is, I live alone…" Seokjin said.

"That was me who took that picture," Jungkook laughed, breaking the tension.

"I have a story!" Jimin announced.

"A man went to a hotel and walked up to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave him his key and told him that on the way to his room, there was a door with no number that was locked and no one was allowed in there. She explained that it was a storeroom, and that it was out of bounds. She reminded him of this several times before allowing hin upstairs. So he followed the instructions of the woman at the front desk, going straight to his room, and going to bed."

"Hyung, there's a spider on the roof," Taehyung whispered to Seokjin who ignored him.

"Shut up, Taehyung. I'm trying to tell a story here!" Jimin said angrily.

"However, the insistence of the woman had piqued his curiosity, so the next night, he walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. He bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling his eye."

"You guys, I think I just saw my reflection blink," Eunji exclaimed. She was checking her appearance in the mirror, fixing up the loose strands of hair.

"How is that even possible?"


"No, wait. It was just my camera lagging." Everyone sighed in relief.

"Will you let me tell my story?!" Jimin shouted.


"What he saw was a hotel bedroom, like his, and in the corner was a woman whose skin was incredibly pale. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door."

"Hyung," Taehyung whined.

"What now?!" Jimin yelled. He was sick of being interrupted and if no one wanted to listen then he wouldn't tell the story.

"I think I have the most terrifying one," Taehyung whined.

"Well then tell us!"

"Where'd the spider go?!"

"What spider?"

"The one that was in the middle of the roof..."

"Taehyung, don't. move." Minah ordered.

"What? I'm a human, I need to move," he said standing up.

"I told you not to move!" Minah said, smacking his head.

"Ya! What was that for?!" he yelled, rubbing his sore head.

"Well where do you think the spider was?!"

"On the roof?"

"On your head, you idiot!"


 author's notes: 

my apologies for the very late Halloween update OTL I didn't have the time to write it but it was half done so I decided to post it XD I think my chapters are getting longer... or maybe it's because of spacing... probably spacing...

I fail as a horror writer so credit to::


  scary stories 

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[BDHP] 131128 I'm disappointed with this. I re-read it and realized I have no developing plot. Now I'll try harder to bring a story with a plot, not just humor.


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Chapter 9: :D you actually udpated!! taehyung is so adorable in this chapter <3
Chapter 9: ecstatic ;)
your readers shall thank me for my awesomeness.
Chapter 8: Unnie I telling you this on all your stories! UPDATE SOON!~
Chapter 8: jungkookie being the devil spawn again >.<
Chapter 8: /claps for jungkook
youre back! this isnt ending! :D
heheheh i think it means im insane when i can imagine them all dressed up...
Chapter 8: am i weird cause i can imagine them like that...
Chapter 8: uh i really wanna help but not exactly sure what direction you want this to go in...
maybe you can place him in that sortve friendzone where he is pretending to be all happy but deep inside he is always watching her and taking care of her?
exoticbana3600 #8
Chapter 8: taehyung will be a good choice~ you can create fluff chapters of taehyung and minah, but in the end jungkook and minah still get together. taehyung will eventually get friendzoned because of this, but minah will not lose a great best (?) friend like taehyung, if they were best friends long enough that they share their problems etc etc. you can (if you want) put in some parts where minah sees jungkook with another girl and she becomes jealous and heads to taehyung for advice which she then soon realizes her feelings for jungkook. but then u can add tae (taehyung aka v) inside those parts... etc etc, its just a suggestion! the rest will be up to you author nim :D
daexian #9
Chapter 8: ah the dreaded friendzone... well i hope that inspiration comes to you and we can have an update? :3 no rush
i honestly think jin would be a good choice though :D