and a cake worth sharing.

Between Dreams and a Happier Place.

chapter six; and a cake worth sharing.

(a/n: sorry for some profanities but it was necessary.)

Namjoon started shaking the spray cans, preparing to create art on the freshly mowed lawn right outside Jimin's window.

"Minah, Eunji. You two are both artistic right? I mean you're both girls."

"Sure Namjoon, I can totally paint a masterpiece that will sell for more than a thousand," Minah answered sarcastically.

Ignoring her, he passed the cans to her along with a sheet of paper, showing the design that he had prepared earlier. This was a task that Minah could totally do. After all, how hard could spraying paint on grass be? Especially with Eunji on her side, they could do anything.

"Just one question," she said slowly, "Why are all of these shades of pink?"

Namjoon glared at Seokjin who smiled widely in return.


The rest went inside the building where Jimin's dad had let them sneak through the back entrance. Getting in was easy but the hard task was pulling all of their gear up the stairs. Namjoon had still not revealed his plans, leaving them puzzled and confused as to why they were hauling all of this junk to Jimin's room.

"Hyung, aren't we going to get in trouble for this?" Jungkook asked.

"If you mean brutally murdered on our doorstep then sure," he answered with a grin.

The other members shut up to prevent themselves from asking any questions that might reveal more life threatening plans, courtesy of Jimin.


They reached his room and entered quietly, not daring to make a noise. Outside, they could hear Minah arguing with Eunji on how the writing looked but the birthday boy was still fast asleep, motionless underneath the covers. He was sleeping without his shirt again and Jungkook was glad that the girls weren't here to see it.

Taehyung reached forward, grabbing Jimin's cheeks and starting pulling them in all directions, all while laughing quietly to himself.

Yoongi was busy messing around in the kitchen with the cakes and Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook began to draw on Jimin's face with permanent markers.

Seokjin stared at the state the room was in. It was like a typical teenage room one might see in movies, with the clothes thrown everywhere and the books out of place. It was a wonder Jimin could even find his way through his own room.

Taehyung looked proud of his art work. It depicted snot dripping out from Jimin's nose along with thick eyebrows. Hoseok had gone full out, drawing a Harry Potter scar on the sleeping beauty's forehead and drawing anime eyes on his eyelids. Jungkook had began to run out of inspiration so he made a collage of names on Jimin's cheeks.

Namjoon laughed at the mess they had caused but the fun was not over yet. He rolled the toilet paper up into balls and soaked them in water. Afterwards, he threw them on the roof, right above Jimin's sleeping figure where it would land in the morning.

The girls by then had returned from creating their artwork. They could see it clearly from Jimin's window and were amazed that it had actually turned out quite well.

Inspired by another idea, they snuck off towards the kitchen where Yoongi was staring at the cake and grabbed the clear wrap, heading off towards the toilet.

"Hey you don't think we'll get in trouble for this will we, Eunji?" Minah asked, pulling a long sheet of the clear plastic.

"Nah, it'll all get cleaned up in the morning anyway. Mr. Park said we could have our fun," she grinned, cutting the sheet off, wrapping it over the toilet bowl.

"Jimin's going to kill us when he finds us," Minah laughed, running to the next scene of destruction.


They went back to the room to find Namjoon and Seokjin on either side of Jimin's bed wrapping duct tape around him.

"Nice of you to join us, Minah," he grinned.

Every inch of Jimin was now hidden underneath the thick blanket of grey tape. Only his head was free from the sticky mess.

"Great work you've done there," she answered, eyeing the sleeping Jimin. It was strange that he still didn't wake up through the ruckus they made but that was soon to change.

The final step was to set up video cameras in hidden places and dunk ice on the sleeping beauty.

"I think that the ice is a little too much Namjoon, even for my standards," stated Eunji.

The ice was sure to make him sick and a sick Jimin was definitely no fun.

"Alright, fine we'll skip out on the ice," he agreed. "Jungkook, Minah, I want you two to clean up this garbage while I go hunt down that lazy Yoongi."

He pointed to the remains of their experiments and the evidence that they'd been there. The two groaned and started to work.


"Jeon Jungkook," Minah read aloud.  His name was signed on a picture frame which was decorated by little drawings and writing. In the picture, he was happily smiling with Hoseok and Jimin. He had ice-cream on his upper lip and was laughing at a computer screen with the others surrounding him. The picture made her feeling strangely peaceful and her heart warm.

"Yeah?" he answered, chucking empty rolls of duct tape into his trash bag, snapping Minah out of her dream.

"Nothing, it's just this picture," she pointed out, laughing.

"Well that's embarrassing," he said, placing the image face down.

"Hey! I was looking at that!" she shouted.

Jungkook placed his finger against her lips, shutting her up. Minah was glad it was dark so he couldn't see the blush that had crept up to her cheeks.

"Minah, Jimin is still sleeping," he whispered into her ear.

She nodded and silently continued to clean up and the others came back with a wild Yoongi.

"What were you doing in the kitchen anyway?" Seokjin interrogated Yoongi who just shrugged.

"I need you guys to set up the cameras. Yoongi, we'll leave that to you since you've done nothing," ordered Namjoon.

"For your information, I did do something," he replied.

"Like what?" Seokjin asked, curious  to what he could've done.

"I raided the kitchen?"

Everyone sighed and left Yoongi standing there, handing him the rest of the work.

With the cameras set up, the pranks in place and all evidence terminated, Namjoon and his assassination crew left the place in silence, leaving Jimin to suffer the next morning.


6 hours later…


A wet thing fell on Jimin's face and he reached to get it wipe it off. His arm wouldn't move though, like it was being held to the bed by something sticky, so he settled for turning to the side and letting it fall off. As soon as that happened, another piece fell on his head.

Jimin groaned and  lay there until breathing began to get hard and shook his head. The piece fell off with ease and so Jimin remained in bed with his eyes closed until he began to get bored.

He lifted up his arms but they felt heavy and were unable to move. Jimin felt confused and began to move his legs, feeling the same restraining sensation. He opened his eyes wide and looked around. Everything seemed normal, his blanket was still on him, his room was still in the same state as he'd left it last night so why did everything feel wrong?

Jimin bit his blanket and tried to pull it up to see what was wrong. After another half hour, Jimin could finally see it. Some jerk had decided to tape his body to the bed and he needed to pee.

Frustrated, Jimin rolled around and struggled as much as he could, trying to loosen the tape that was slowly peeling off his body. He remained like that for another 2 hours while his parents were still out shopping and finally managed to free himself, almost wetting himself in the process.

Running to the toilet, Jimin quickly pulled down his pants and relieved himself only to have it splash back at him.

"What the ing hell?!" he yelled, screaming at the top of his lungs. Whoever did this was going to pay, big time.

Jimin went to the bathroom to wash himself off. He looked in the mirror to survey his precious face but found all sorts of profanity written on it, along with the words: Jeon Jungkook was here .

"Jeon ing Jungkook, you will die by my hands tonight," he growled.

There had to be something that would brighten up this stupid day. Jimin searched around for any signs of good will, only to find the fridge raided and a cake in its place.

Well that's better than nothing. It's cake for breakfast then, he thought, grabbing the plate and a knife to cut it. Nothing can go wrong with an innocent cake, he believed.


"So what did you end up doing with the cake?" asked Minah, since none of their plans had actually involved using the cake she had used so much effort to make.

They were currently hiding outside Jimin's house, ready for that moment when Jimin would open the door and pie would be thrown into his face.

"I actually don't think we even used the cake," Namjoon said, "What a waste."

"I rigged it," Yoongi responded casually.

"You what?" Minah said, completely confused.

"I cut a hole in the bottom and put a balloon in. Smart right?"

"So then what about the rest of the cake?" Minah asked, hoping her effort wasn't just a waste of time.

"I ate it of course!" he smiled.

"So what's going to happen when he cuts the cake?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"What do you think?" Yoongi answered gleefully.

"Boom?" interrupted Minah.

"Yes, Minah. Boom."


Jimin carefully began to slice the cake in the middle, waiting for its goodness. It was just his luck however that the cake happened to be rigged and as soon as the knife reached the center, the cake exploded in Jimin's face.


That was the last straw and he stormed out of the house to hunt down his fellow friends. He stomped out the front door only to receive his last surprise. With cream all over his face, cake in his hair, black marker all over his face and clothes stained, Jimin no longer cared about his appearance and completely lost it.

 author's notes: 

don't kill me.


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[BDHP] 131128 I'm disappointed with this. I re-read it and realized I have no developing plot. Now I'll try harder to bring a story with a plot, not just humor.


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Chapter 9: :D you actually udpated!! taehyung is so adorable in this chapter <3
Chapter 9: ecstatic ;)
your readers shall thank me for my awesomeness.
Chapter 8: Unnie I telling you this on all your stories! UPDATE SOON!~
Chapter 8: jungkookie being the devil spawn again >.<
Chapter 8: /claps for jungkook
youre back! this isnt ending! :D
heheheh i think it means im insane when i can imagine them all dressed up...
Chapter 8: am i weird cause i can imagine them like that...
Chapter 8: uh i really wanna help but not exactly sure what direction you want this to go in...
maybe you can place him in that sortve friendzone where he is pretending to be all happy but deep inside he is always watching her and taking care of her?
exoticbana3600 #8
Chapter 8: taehyung will be a good choice~ you can create fluff chapters of taehyung and minah, but in the end jungkook and minah still get together. taehyung will eventually get friendzoned because of this, but minah will not lose a great best (?) friend like taehyung, if they were best friends long enough that they share their problems etc etc. you can (if you want) put in some parts where minah sees jungkook with another girl and she becomes jealous and heads to taehyung for advice which she then soon realizes her feelings for jungkook. but then u can add tae (taehyung aka v) inside those parts... etc etc, its just a suggestion! the rest will be up to you author nim :D
daexian #9
Chapter 8: ah the dreaded friendzone... well i hope that inspiration comes to you and we can have an update? :3 no rush
i honestly think jin would be a good choice though :D