Wrath and Patience's Dream

The Seven Sins and Seven Virtues (Hiatus)

Sungjong's POV

I slept and I was suddenly in a kid's daycare. I'm dreaming right? I saw a 4 year old me sitting by myself and just watching kids play without 4 year old me. And 4 year old me saw a little girl getting bullied and her hair pulled by 5 boys.

'Hey. Stop hurting my Miyeon!' angrily thought 4 year old me. Wait, did my 4 year old self just say my Miyeon!? Then 4 year old me ran up to one of the boys and punched them behind the head.

"Stop hurting her! If you hurt her again, you're dead!" yelled 4 year old me with burning rage.

The boys were scared so they dropped Miyeon on the grass and she cried. Then 4 year old me sat down on both of his knees and hugged Miyeon. Miyeon looked at him surprised and squirmed to get away from him. 4 year old me frowned.

"Stop crying. I won't hurt you, I promise." he said.

Then Miyeon stopped squirming and looked at him.

"My name's Sungjong I like you so let's be best friends." said 4 year old me.

Then Miyeon smiled and said "I like you too. Yay! You're my first friend here." 4 year old me stood up and helped Miyeon stand up.

"Wait a sec. We can be girlfriend and boyfriend! Since we both like each other." Beamed 4 year old me. Wait wait wait! Girlfriend!?

"Mwoh? What's that?" said Miyeon innocently.

"My hyungs told me that if a girl and boy like each other. Then they'll become girlfriend and boyfriend! So, want to be my girlfriend?" 4 year old me smiled.

Then Miyeon smiled too and said "Ok! It sounds fun like playing house!"

"Yep we'll become husband and wife soon!" Then 4 year old me took out a Ring Pop, ripped it open and slid it on to Miyeon's hand.

"What's that?" asked Miyeon.

"My noonas and hyungs told me that after the girl and boy are girlfriend and boyfriend. They become husband and wife! And they show it by wearing a ring! Wait, I have the same ring too." 4 year old me took out a ring too like Miyeon and did the same except he putted it on his hand.

"There! We're official husband and wife!" Beamed 4 year old me.

Then the scene changed to my house? It was my 7th birthday and Miyeon was there too.

"Make a wish oppa!" said Miyeon. Then 7 year old me closed my eyes and wished.

'I hope that me and Miyeon will have a happy life dating each other!' Then I blew the candles and everybody cheered and had cake. Then my hyung who told me about dating looked at Miyeon who was hugging me behind my back.

"Who's that Sungjong?" asked my cousin teasingly, then he drank soda.

"This is Miyeon! My wifey!" His cousin choked and spitted all the soda out of mouth.

All of Sungjong's noonas and hyungs yelled "WHAT!?!?!?!?!?" Well I don't blame their reactions. I would've done the same thing.

"You're too young too have a wife, even a girlfriend!" yelled his hyung.

"Since when did you even start dating her!?" asked his noona.

"3 years ago at the daycare center. Apparently she lives next door too so we're still together." said 7 year old me.

"What!?!?!?!?" They yelled.

"He saved me from the bullies. Sungjonggie oppa was so cool! POW POW, POW!!!!" said Miyeon while imitating Sungjong punching them in the air.

"Wow. Since when did our Sungjong get manly?" teased his noona.

"You do understand that we meant by liking more than friends right?" said his hyung.

"We're lucky that we hadn't told him about yet." whispered his noona. Unfortunately both of them heard.

"What's ?" Miyeon and 7 year old me asked innocently at the same time.

"NO! I mean... Never mind!" his hyungs and noonas yelled at the same time.

Then the scene changed to the Han River.

"Happy 11th anniversary!" They both yelled.

"It's been so long since we were dating." 15 year old me.

"Yep! I love you forever Sungjong." Then they kissed. Then the scene changed again to his house.

"It's time that you're one of the sins." said God.

"But Miyeon can't protect herself. Who's going to take care of her until she dies and it's not fair because I'm going to turn immortal." 15 year old me protested.

"Don't worry you can visit her spirit later." said God.

"O-ok." 15 year old me said.

'Sorry but I will have to erase your memories.' thought God

Miyeon's POV

I slept and I was suddenly in a daycare center. And I saw a 4 year old me getting bullied.

"Stop hurting her! If you hurt her again, you're dead!" yelled a little boy. Who was this little boy? I saw my 4 year old self trying to get out of his hug until he said that he wouldn't hurt me.

"My name's Sungjong and I like you so let's be best friends." That was Sungjong? Then he started talking about relationships and my face was turning red from it.

Then it changed to a house? It looked like it was Sungjong's 7th birthday. Then he started talking about our relationship again. Then his cousins started talking on how they were lucky that we didn't know about .

"What's ?" Sungjong and my 6 year old self said.

"NO! I mean... Never mind!" yelled his cousins. I don't remember who you guys are but THANK YOU for not saying anything about !

Then it changed to the Han River. "Happy 11th Anniversary!"

Then I heard the words that I said. But that promise broke, we're enemies now. Then it changed again. It's time for you to be a virtue." said God.

"But I can't leave Sungjong. His heart will break!" my 15 year old yelled.

"Don't worry, you can see him again." said God.

"Ok." my 15 year old said.

'Sorry but I have to erase your memories.' thought God

Author's POV

Sungjong woke up. 'What the hell!? I was her boyfriend! You know what? Just ask her about this and see if she has some weird dream like this.'

Miyeon woke up too and was holding her burning cheeks. Those memories seemed way too sweet. 'Was it the past? Never mind! Just ask Sungjong if he has a weird dream like this too.'

Then they just shook their heads and slept again.

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yummybunny123 #1
Chapter 17: when they get ice cream and go to the park, they'll meet?
Chapter 16: Yayyy! ^.^ Such a great chapter! Update soon! I can't wait for the next one
Chapter 15: I can't wait!! Cx <3
Chapter 13: They all knew each other in their past lives ? ;o Whoaaaa....

I will wait ~ (;
Chapter 11: Their stories are so sweet <3
yummybunny123 #6
Chapter 10: I love this chapter so much
Chapter 9: Yay! I was right! This is such a sweet chapter.~ ^^ I loved it <3
Chapter 8: Hmm.... they will dream of their past? Yeah?
Thanks for updating ^^
Chapter 6: I like it ^^ wait.... I HLUB it! <3
Great idea xD Thanks for the double update (x
Update soon? Cx
Chapter 4: I love it! I can see the chemistry already. <3 o.o Update soon!
Hoya pouting.... Hmmm.... Maybe a bit..

But it doesn't look too good xD