Fire and Fights

Survival Mode

  You crept on the bushes along the mansion. It was already getting dark so it's very impossible for you to see Kai, and him being tan is not helping. You chuckled silently. Kai would be mad at you if you about his skin. However, it didn't change the fact that Kai was still drop dead gorgeous because of his looks and charms.


  Luckily, you spotted him walking towards the storage room. You didn't realize that this place had storage room except now that you have seen it.


  "Why would Kai go there?" you thought curiously. He slowly opened the door and went inside. You hesitated, what if it's personal? You sighed in defeat as your feet brought you in front of the storage room. You held the knob, but didn't open it. You suddenly felt fear, afraid of what will happen if you go inside.


  You decided to check the on the left side, but it won't budge. You transferred to the right, but like the left window, it won't also open. You slumped your shoulders in defeat. You were about to walk away when you saw a small broken hole not far from the window that could certainly fit you if would go inside.


  You gasped when you smell something. Smoke, and it was definitely near this area. You saw the back part of the storage room, and it was on fire. You swiftly ran and tried opening the door but it was locked. You were panicking and tried kicking the door violently. Then, you remembered the small hole. You darted towards it and ushered yourself inside. You wouldn't let them die here, you wanted to do something, if it means risking your life. You coughed violently, pushing the table and chairs that were preventing you on your way.


 Everything looks orange and it felt hot, slowly suffocating you to your death. But you can't give up until you saw them safe and sound.


  "Kai! Kyungsoo oppa!" you screamed desperately.


  Eventually, Kai heard you. He was carrying the unconscious Kyungsoo who was having a difficulty in breathing. You smiled in relief as you saw them, helping them to go out. You pointed the hole weakly and told Kai to save themselves and you will just follow them. He nodded obediently and walked to the hole in a fast pace, smashing a big concrete for it to become bigger. It created a crack but still wasn't enough to break it.


  You suddenly felt ashes above your head and was shocked when a wide wooden cabinet fell, blocking your way to the exit.


  "Noona!" Kai called but it was too late. You were trapped and was already weak because of the impact when you fell backwards.


  "Go Kai! Save yourselves before it's too late. S-save y-yourself a-and o-ppa..." she uttered, almost sobbing. Kai slammed the concrete harshly before lifting Kyungsoo and going out of the burning place.


  Outside, there were a lot of people standing and wondering why there is a sudden fire. Kris saw Kai who was carrying Kyungsoo and both of them are in a bad state.


  "Look, it's Kai and Kyungsoo!" Chanyeol shouted and all the attention was on them. Kai placed Kyungsoo on the ground before running to go back inside the storage room to save you.


  "Kai! What the are you doing?!" Suho hissed, glaring at Kai.


  "Suho hyung, Soomin's inside. I need to save her..."


  When Kai mentioned your name, Suho's eyes widened.


  "I'll find her," Tao said and didn't hesitate to go to the burning storage room. Baekhyun was also about to volunteer when Suho stopped him forcefully.


  "Baek, I would not risk another person going there," Suho uttered in his commanding voice.


  "But I can handle myself perfectly!"


  "I said NO! Is that difficult to understand? We almost lose Kai and Kyungsoo. We're also not sure if Tao and Soomin would be able to make it."


  There was silence. It was obvious that Suho was very upset of what's happening right now. Lay patted his shoulders gently while Luhan, well, he was with Krystal as usual. Sehun? He was nowhere to be found.


  "Hyung..." someone mumbled behind Suho.


  "What?!" Suho unconsciously shouted at the person but he didn't flinch a bit. It was Oh Sehun, and he was with his usual cold expression, but this time, it was mixed with sadness.


  "Xiumin hyung... he's--"


  "Don't tell me he's dead for goodness sake!"


  Sehun nodded slowly, tired to elaborate what happened to Xiumin while Exo and the other people hat cares for Xiumin grieved for the bad news.


  "What's happening here Lay hyung?" Lay almost wanted to scream, but he remained calm and explained what happened to Sehun. Sehun nodded blankly, not realizing that he was already worrying about you.


  "She's gonna be safe..." he thought, reasurring himself.


  "Kai, how did you and Kyungsoo got into the storage room in the first place?" Suho questioned, constantly eyeing the area if Tao and you would show up.


  Kai sighed sadly."I- Kyungsoo gave Soomin noona a letter. Kyungsoo told me that--" he halted when he saw the culprit glaring at him, threatening him not to say anything. "S-someone wants to kill him and he asked help from me. We faced the culprit, but we didn't see anything inside the room. It's too late to realize that we were trapped, but noona came and save us. She risked her life to save us."


  "So you're saying that you and Kyungsoo left her there when she tried to save the both of you?" Baekhyun hissed venomously.


  "I'm planning to come back--"


  "And what? Find her dead already?!" Baekhyun growled and grabbed Kai's collar.


  "Byun ing Baekhyun, stop this bull right away!" Kris grabbed Baekhyun and stopped him from hurting Kai.


  "No one's at fault Baek. It's all an accident..." Chanyeol muttered gravely.


  "Calm down, Baek. We are all worrying here," Chen butted in.


  President Shadow's men immediately came and showered the place with water. Some people left already, but the whole Exo waited for Tao and you to come out. The men left after the fire died out, and they were growing tired watching if you and Tao would show up. Morning came, there was still no sign of you and Tao. Kyungsoo was already awake, and they were all relieved, but not completely.


  "Let's search for them. Kai and Kyungsoo should stay inside to rest. Lay and Chanyeol, accompany the both of them," Suho said.


  "The rest, follow me..." he added. Suho and Baekhyun went to the left side together, Chen and Luhan on the center, while Kris and Sehun walked to the right side. They can only find ashes and remains created by the fire. The place was lifeless, no sign of person around.


  "Let's call it a day for now," Kris suggested while Suho nodded blankly.


  "You guys go ahead, I'll stay here," Baekhyun uttered firmly, kicking the furnitures harshly.


  "Baekhyun, we need rest. We'll find them again tomorrow, " Luhan uttered worriedly.


  "Tsk. Easy for you to say cause she doesn't mean anything to you."


  "Baekhyun," Sehun called and glared at him coldly. "We understand that you're upset about them especially Soomin. However, disrespecting your hyung? Tsk, how low of you."


  "STOP GUYS! JUST SHUT UP!" Chen cried.


  "We won't solve anything if we keep on fighting. I guess Baekhyun just needed his space so let's just leave him alone for now," Suho uttered and they all followed him and leave Baekhyun to himself. Before Luhan could go, he gazed at Baekhyun intently.


  "I do care. Some things are better to be kept unsaid..." he said gently before trailing off.

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Yay, summer is here! I can update naaw ;3


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Saeng, you better update. Hehe

Wahaa, NICE Story XDD
Thanks for reading this...<3
misajinki93 #7
I like this, update ='3
Suplemento #8
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Kaismyseoulmate #9
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
kraemer #10
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^