
Survival Mode

You woke up at the fragrance of a brewed coffee besides the bed you were sleeping with. At first glance of the surroundings, you already know whose room is this. Again, Sehun was nowhere to be found. However, he left a note. It was neatly written and warm that you can almost imagine Sehun when writing it.


  Stay. Don't go out while I'm not here yet.

  After reading his note, you immediately jump out of the bed and pinch your head. You don’t remember what happened yesterday, the memories were all distorted and blurry. Finally, you gave up and went to the bathroom to freshen yourself and to clear your mind with the hazy thoughts.


  After bathing, you searched diligently the closet for clothes. Luckily, you found something decent to wear besides the white towels and bathrobes. You stood up in front of the mirror, discovering that you look really horrible with those black circles appearing under your eyes and the slight cut on your face that seems oddly new.


  As you trace your finger on the cut, images of what happened yesterday came back without warning. You remember it now, the death of Daehyun, Luhan confusing you, and the sudden deal with Tao and the fact that he protected you so that you wouldn’t be hurt. The memories of yesterday finally came back but you hoped that you’d just forget them all.


  A tear fell from your eye. “I’m a coward, I’m weak. Krystal’s right, no one deserves a trash like me. Maybe it will be better if I’ll just vanish in this world,” you thought miserably. “Sehun is very unfortunate to have a partner like me; I can’t even do something useful. I can’t fight and I’m not a genius who would exactly know what I should do next. I don’t know why Tao chose me…”


  You were screaming, but no sound and words came out from your mouth.


  “It’s time to change, isn’t it? I have to be stronger and braver for myself, so that other people won’t risk their lives for me.”


  There was a knock at the bathroom door. You hesitantly opened it, reluctant that Sehun might see you in this state. He yanked the door gently, seeing you with red puffy eyes.


  You suddenly want someone to listen to you and to support you, even only this time. “Sehun, please help me.”


  He exhaled softly at your vulnerable state before hoisting you up. “Do I still have a choice? Fine then. However, we’re only partners… don’t you ever cross that line. Outside, act like the usual. And, don’t you ever talk to me except if it’s something important, understand?”


  You shook your head because you were used being treated like a silhouette by Sehun. You asked, “What happened after Tao—“


  “Don’t ask anymore…”




  “Ugh. Okay fine. I saw the both of you, and Tao told me to bring you somewhere safe. You were shot by a poisonous arrow, which explains the cut on your face,” he narrated quickly.


  “Woah, you sure are a taciturn type of person, aren’t you?”


  “Psh. I just hate talking to you.”




  Tao was badly beaten up. Still, he managed to survive and slay those who attacked them. He was exceptionally trained in fighting by a prestigious wushu teacher. Tao groaned and shook his head, trying to forget what he just recollected.


  “This is bad. Our plan would be delayed, Tao,” Kris uttered while wrapping Tao’s arm with a bandage.


  “If those drats didn’t show up, probably, we could’ve escaped now…” Tao grunted and sighed.


  “Are you sure that Soomin would agree in the first place?”


  Tao looked outside and clenched his fist. “He should gege… or else—“


  Kris interrupted him. “I know, Tao. I knew it since the beginning.”


  Unexpectedly, the system rang boisterously, signaling the remaining people to usher themselves on the living room. Kris placed Tao’s hand on his shoulders, assisting him as they make their way to their destination. As soon as they arrived, you and Tao locked eyes.


  It was frightening, yet you were worried about him. You’re thankful that Kris was beside him and was able to take care of him.


  Then, the screen flashed the faces of the dead ones. Some people in the living room mourned, while you were stoned in your position, afraid to move a bit. You eased a bit when you saw Chanyeol besides his partner, silently watching the screen. There was also Kai who hugged Kyungsoo the moment they saw each other.


  “Baek, I’m wondering what it feels like to die?” you uttered while gazing at him intently.


  “If you’re deliberating so much, why don’t you just murder yourself and see what it feels like?” he answered sarcastically.


  “I’m just asking!” you yelled and slapped him on his shoulders.


  He yelped slightly before glaring at you with a hint of playfulness. “Well go ask the dead, not me.”


  “Damn it, Byun Baekhyun.”


  The screen suddenly beeped, showing the sneering President Snow. All people in the living room gasped silently, terrified by his presence.


  “Congratulations!” he said and laughed evilly. “I never thought that there will still be a lot of people who are not dead yet. Well, if you don’t want to kill each other, I will have to do something in order to get you people in action.”


  “What does he mean by that?” you thought.


  President Shadow snickered. “I will have my men to take all the food supplies. There will be a battle every Tuesday. In order to obtain provisions, a pair must defeat another pair. And what I mean of defeat… I want the pair to kill them. If you win, you and your partner will be given supplies. I will give further details on the said day. Good luck players. Your fate is within you…”


  The screen beeped again, and President Shadow was gone.


  You almost forgot what day is it today. It’s Sunday, and you have been gone from home for five days. You wonder how your parents are now. Are they trying to find you? What have happened to them for the past days? You sighed. You can’t get the answers unless you saw them yourself, and you know exactly how to.


  You secretly gazed at Tao who was busy conversing with Xiumin about something.


  On the corner, someone was observing you. He smiled involuntarily. Just by seeing you, he was already contented.


  “When could I say what I wanted to tell you?” he thought dejectedly.







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Yay, summer is here! I can update naaw ;3


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Saeng, you better update. Hehe

Wahaa, NICE Story XDD
Thanks for reading this...<3
misajinki93 #7
I like this, update ='3
Suplemento #8
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Kaismyseoulmate #9
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
kraemer #10
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^