Little Kyuhyun's Birthday Party

Kid Kyuhyuk



'Stop looking at the back and greet your guests.' Leeteuk said, irritated because little Kyuhyun couldn't stop from turning around and looking at the table behind them.


'I can't help it, Mummy.' Little Kyuhyun said, smiling widely and once again took a peek at behind him. He smiled dreamily at the sight he got.


'Hello Kyuhyun.' One of their neighbor greeted him. 'Seems like you got more than last year.' She said and pointed to the table behind little Kyuhyun.


'Yesssss....' Little Kyuhyun replied, looking at the pile high of his brithday present.


'And this one is to added another.' The neighbor husband said, adding one more to little Kyuhyun mountain of presents.


'Thank you.' Little Kyuhyun grinned. 'Thank you very much. You know how much I love present.' He said honestly, making the husband messed with his hair. 'Please have a sit and enjoy the food.' He said in very well manner, pleased with the couple for their big present.


'You got a lot.' An amused voice makes little Kyuhyun turned his back from looking at the pile of presents. He smirked proudly when little Donghae added, 'I don't get that much last year.'


'I'm adorable and cute, that's why everyone buy me present.' He said proudly, earning a scoff from the latter. Little Donghae put his small present to the table. 'Why your present so small?'


Little Donghae scoffed once again. 'You should be lucky that I bothered to bought you one.'


'But everyone is giving me big present. As my best friend, how could you just give me a small one?' He whined to little Donghae.


Little Donghae just rolled his eyes to the other. 'Size doesn't matter. But value does matter.' He said.


'But the bigger the present, the higher the value.' Little Kyuhyun said, still whining.


'Kyubear, be thankful.' Leeteuk scolded, hearing his son whining about little Donghae's present so small.


Little Donghae just shrugged, leaving little Kyuhyun who was still sulking to join little Hyukjae, little Junsu and his strong lover, little Siwon eating.


'Kyuhyun!' An old but cheer voice makes little Kyuhyun stopped sulking. His eyes shone brightly when he saw his grandpa in front of the gate.


'Grandpa!!!!' Little Kyuhyun said and running to his grandpa, was about to jump at the old man when his daddy stopped him by grabbing him first.


'No jumping at your grandpa. You don't want him to hurt his back because of you once again, don't you?' Kangin said, lifted his son instead. Little Kyuhyun and his grandpa pouted hearing Kangin's comment.


'I'm not that old you know.' Little Kyuhyun's grandpa said.


'You're that old, father. And my son is very heavy. He's growing up right now.' Kangin said calmly. 'We just don't want him to hurt you.'


Little Kyuhyun's grandpa scoffed at Kangin. 'How will your son is going to hurt me? He is six for god sake.'


'He is six and he is heavy. He didn't care about that before jumping on someone's back. No more argue.' Kangin said and little Kyuhyun's grandpa just about to retort back when suddenly a voice interrupt them.


'Happy Birthday, Kyuhyun.' A voice greeted and little Kyuhyun's grandpa frowned.


'Grandpa Lee!' Little Kyuhyun called excitedly. He trashed in his daddy's hug, trying his best to escape but Kangin didn't allow it. Little Kyuhyun finally surrender and pouted instead. 


'Ho, ho Kyuhyun. Look at my present!' Grandpa Lee said and show off his big present for little Kyuhyun. Little Kyuhyun's eyes shone bright when he saw the very bog present.


'Ceh... mine is bigger.' Grandpa Cho said and show off his present too. Little Kyuhyun turned to looked at Grandpa Cho present, and was very pleased at the both present size.


'Its same size, father, uncle.' Hankyung said, trying to be fair to both old men who will never ever get tired compete with each other.


'You have bad eye sight, Hankyung.' Grandpa Lee said.


'Mine is definitely bigger.' Grandpa Cho said, examining his present and comparing it Grandpa Lee's one.


'Excuse me. Mine is not mistakenly bigger than yours.' Grandpa Lee said and both grandpa still quarrel with each other, though Hankyung had dragged them away.


'Mummy... can I open them now?' Little Kyuhyun asked as soon as he stood at the centre of his house, protecting his presents from danger.


'Be patient.' Leeteuk said and clinking the wine glass with fork, looking for everyone attention. 'I'm sorry to disturbing your meal, but I believe now is the time for us to hear my little son's speech. Or else he will make us stay until 4, just to hear his speech. He wrote his speech by himself, I told you. And it very very long.' He said and everyone laughed. 


Little Kyuhyun pouted and crossed his arms to his chest.


'The stage is all yours, Kyubear.' Leeteuk said, running a little to his husband.


'Ehem...' Little Kyuhyun started to clear his throat. 'First of all, I'm thanking my Mummy and Daddy for arrange this party for me this year also. No doubt it was the best birthday party ever. Secondly, I would like to thank to both my grandpa, and grandpa Lee for coming from far for my birthday party. You're staying right, Grandpa?' Little Kyuhyun asked, earning a nod from his grandpa. He asked the same question to Grandpa Lee, and the old man too nodded. 'Third, I want to say special thank you for my beloved future wife for the most best present ever, not that I'm saying the other present wasn't good, but his was the best. The game was released recently and he worked hard to bought me it. Of course its more special.' He said excitedly and little Changmin cheered for him. 'Then, I would like to thank Heechul for his delicious cupcakes, everyone enjoy it, right? It very delicious.' He said and everyone nodded. 'Then I want to say thank you to everyone for buying and giving me present. Oh, you shouldn't bother to do that for me.' He said shyly. 'I'm very happy for it. Buy me more bigger next year.' He grinned, earning laugh from everyone. 'I can't believe I'm six already. Mummy, can you believe it? I still think I'm five.' He said dramatic, making Leeteuk shake his head at his behavior. 'I'm just nineteen years away till I could get married with Hyukkie. Can you believe it, Hyukkie? Just nineteen years more.' He said and little Hyukjae blushed to his comment. 'And as everyone know, I'm now six and I growing up fast. One day I would end up be a strong boy like Siwon. I can't wait for that.' He said excitedly and his speech still go on until two hours more.


'Oh my god, Mummy, can you believe they gave me this? Its limited edition.' He said, lifting up the robot up in the air. 'Oh and this also. And this. And this.' he said, commenting to each present he got. 'Mummy, I'm in heaven.' He said while unwrapping the presents.


He unwrapped little Donghae's present and was shocked to find a very good looking harmonica, wrapped inside a silver box. 'Hae....' He called almost teary.


'Because you said you wanted to learn and play it for Hyukkie.' Little Donghae said, looking away.


Little Kyuhyun quickly jumped to little Donghae, hugging him. 'Thank you, Hae. This is the second best present after Hyukkie.' He said. He then continued to unwrapped little Siwon's present.


'Because you said you wanted to be strong, maybe you should start by jogging for thousand steps.' Little Siwon explained when he asked why he gave him the walking counter. He nodded and said his thanks to little Siwon.


'Mummy.... Ms. Song gave me this math book.' He said, jumping in jolly.


'Car? I got two car? And same colour?' Little Kyuhyun shouted excitedly when he unwrapped both grandpas' present. 'Thank you Grandpa.' He said and hugged his grandpa, then do the same to another grandpa. Both grandpa were wondering why did they bought same present for little Kyuhyun.


'Uncle Hankyung, Heechul....' He called and teary for the gift. It was a very expensive mini piano. Little Kyuhyun had wanted it for so long. 'But this is expensive.' He said.


'I have my own way.' Heechul commented, feeling glad when little Kyuhyun liking their present. Little Kyuhyun said thank you and carefully put the present next to little Donghae's fragile one.


'Wow... Bunny hyung, Wookie hyung, thanks for the sweater.' He said and wore the sweater. 'So comfortable.' He cooed.


'Its a couple sweater.' Sungmin said and little Kyuhyun quickly looked for another. He smile wide when he found the red strawberry sweater.


'We made it for you and Hyukjae.' Ryeowook said, and little Kyuhyun quickly wore the sweater to his sweet boyfriend.


'We matched.' Little Kyuhyun said, adoring his sweet boyfriend in the red strawberry sweater and pecked his lips. Little Kyuhyun continued to unwrapped the present.


'Mummy... daddy....' He called feeling weird. 'Where's your present?' He asked because he can't searched for his parents' gift for him.


'Well...'Leeteuk said, clearing his throat. 'Mummy and Daddy have very special present for you.' 


'Come here son.' Kangin said and little Kyuhyun quickly went to his daddy. Kangin handed him an envelope. Little Kyuhyun looked confused and  he carefully opened the envelope.


'Tickets?' He asked, taking away the four tickets inside the envelope. 'Business class to Germany? Germany, Mummy? Daddy?' He asked, couldn't believe the present. 'Really Germany? The place I wanted to go so much? Really?'


'Yes, Kyubear. To Germany. The country you wanted so badly to visit.' Leeteuk said, taking his son to his hug. 'And if Heechul and Hankyung allowed it, you could bring Hyukkie too.'


'Really, mummy?' He asked excitedly. 'Can I, Heechul? Uncle Hankyung?' He asked to little Hyukjae's parents.


'Well, Hyukkie said he wanted to go. So I think we have to let him or else he will hated us.' Hankyung said, smiling to his baby.


'As long as you are taking good care of our Hyukkie baby there.' Heechul said.


'Yes, I will. I promised you.' Little Kyuhyun said and hugged his Mummy and Daddy in bliss. He then let out the hug, ran to hug little Hyukjae. 'But Siwon and Hae..' He said sadly because he couldn't brought the other two also. 


'Don't worry about us.' Little Siwon said. 'Me and Hae is going to spend times at my grandfather's house. That's why we couldn't follow.'


'Really?' Little Kyuhyun asked, glad. 'Send my regards to grandpa.' He said and hugged his sweet boyfriend again. 'Can you believe we're going to germany, Hyukkie?' He asked excitedly. Little Hyukjae just smiled and nodded.


'We are going, Kyuhyunie...' Little Kyuhyun said, also feeling happy. 'To Germany!'


'To Germany!' Little Kyuhyun followed.



Please dont ask for the trip! Please dont ask for the trip!


Enjoy everyone! 

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ReadRealize #1
Chapter 62: Kitty kitty sure is kyu’s fav
ReadRealize #2
Chapter 47: Little kyu is really cute and i love kyuhyuk’sdynamics here
Chapter 30: They save my stressful life, aww soooo cute ❤️
mykyunie #4
Chapter 78: Me encanta este fic y todos los demás. Lo he leído muchas veces y siempre lo encuentro a Kyu u a Hyuk adorables. Kyu siempre causando problemas y presumiendo a su futuro esposo y Hyuk siendo simplemente lindo y cuidando de Kyu.
Es una lástima que no volvieras a escribir porque todos tus kuhyuk son geniales
Chapter 78: donghae naughty... kekeke.. but i'm a little confused... at the end, did they go with Kyu's mom right?
Chapter 78: Noooo please don't lost touch..
I miss your kid kyuhyuk stories..
please continue... We will be waiting.. T__T
kina_kirana #7
Chapter 78: let me stop spazzing over this freaking awesome.
ok...I'm better now.
I love this cuties the most.
Chapter 78: Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa well when kyunnie can spend his time with lil hyukkie he will do anything to get that and muahahahahahhahaahhahaah he even bring his mom kyahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha..
Well i can imagine donghae's pouting face when he cant get what he wants kkkkk
Thanks for update and enjoy gaming kkkk
Riddlemeidle #9
Chapter 77: Aww, it's so cute! I really love this kid fic story with Kyuhuyk, defenitely one of my favorite ! <3
Chapter 77: so inlove with this (┳Д┳) thank youuu they so cute and lovely.