Hospital Stays and Big Mistakes

Boys vs. Girls

Hey everyone. This is the long awaited update for the fic. I'm not sure how many people are still reading this but I finally had time to type this up after such a long time. I'm hoping is doesn't and I'm letting you readers know that no matter how long it takes I will finish this fic. I'm not sure how long it will take but this fic will be finished. I won't say when the next update is coming cuz I don't even know. Just remember that this fic will be completed. Until next time. Enjoy. (^_^) 


"How is he?" were the first words out of Steph's mouth the moment she entered the hospital building and reached the reception desk. 

"Why don't you come and see for yourself," the nurse replied calmly, used to the outbursts of family members and very used to Steph by now. She left the confines of the reception desk and began to walk to Taemin's room followed by both anxious girls. 

When Steph and Ray reached the room, Ray's brothers showed up. The four of them, excluding the nurse, walked in one after the other. Steph stared as she heard the nurse's murmuring. 

Tears began to fall from her eyes when they connected with the open eyes of the boy laying on the hospital bed. "Hi, sis." he smiled at her, his full on bright smile. 

"Taemin," she wailed as she rushed to his side and hugged him. Ray stayed back with her brothers, tears in her eyes as both Dongwoo and Hoya smiled at the happy moment. A moment that everyone had been waiting for what seemed like a very long time. 

"I can't breathe," Taemin chuckled, trying to lighten his sister's strong hold on him. 

"I'm sorry," she repeated over and over. Ray could tell that Steph's apologizes involved so much more than just crushing him at the moment. They were about everything that had happened to him, stuff she always blamed herself for. 

"You really need to stop crying," Taemin told his sister. "You should be laughing and happy." 

"I am," Steph wiped her tear, but they kept on flowing anyway. "Tae, you have to understand that I've been wishing for this moment for a long time." 

"Give your sis a break," Hoya placed a hand on Steph's shoulder, as he continued talking. "Don't you think she has a right to cry of happiness?" 

Taemin nodded in agreement. He just didn't like seeing his sister cry, the way she was crying. Her tears showed him how much she'd been suffering all this time. 

"You scared these two to death." Hoya left her side and walked to Taemin's other side and ruffled his hair. 

"Like my hair wasn't messed up enough," Taemin muttered, making them all laugh. 

"How long does he have to stay?" Steph turned to look at the nurse. She wanted to take him home as soon as possible now that he was awake. With him their home would feel alive again. The dissonance that plagued her while he stayed in the hospital would dissipate. 

"The doctor said two days," Taemin answered for the nurse. They turned to look at him as he shrugged. "I have a right to ask questions." 

The nurse laughed sweetly. "He was as impatient to leave as you are to take him. He said something about needing to get to his sister." 

Taemin blushed. "That was supposed to be a secret." Steph pinched his cheek with a smile and Taemin rewarded her with a glare. 

"Hey, Hoya." Dongwoo called him. "Lets get them something to eat. I bet Tae would like some real food." 

"Yes," Taemin shouted in excitement. I don't want hospital food." He wrinkled his nose at the mere thought of having to consume yucky hospital food. 

"Can he eat regular food or only hospital food?" Dongwoo asked the nurse. 

"He doesn't need to eat hospital food," came her reply before she left the room. 

"That means your going to bring me good food right?" Taemin's face lite up. Steph and Ray both rolled their eyes. Hoya and Dongwoo shared a smirk before leaving with the promise of coming back with yummy food. 

"So how are you feeling Taemin?" Ray asked him. 

"Great," he smiled. "I'm happy to be awake...although I could really do without having to stay here for another two days," he sighed as he told them honestly. Taemin turned his gaze back to his sister as she began to speak. 

"It's just two days of observation," she smiled at him brightly, tears finally gone and only happiness remaining. "To make sure your fully fine since you've been asleep for a long time. Trust me. I want you home as soon as possible but I want to make sure that your completely recovered as well." 

"I know," he sighed once again before groaning as he thought about the next two days. "I won't be able to enjoy myself. I'll be really bored." 

Steph and Ray both looked at one another and laughed. Steph walked closer to Tae and ruffled his hair. "Don't worry, you'll be able to enjoy life after that." 

"I hope so," he placed his hands behind his head and used them as a pillow. "it's going to be weird though," he speculated. Taemin was older now. Most of the people he knew were too. He was going to have to get used to the changes. 

The three of them talked some more after that. When Hoya and Dongwoo came back with food they all cheered with joy. Taemin ate more than half what anybody else ate. Steph was happy that his appetite was functioning properly. 

"Taemin. I need to tell you something," Steph looked at him with a mixed expression. He could see many emotions on her face that he knew what she was going to tell him would be an emotional rollercoaster. It was. 

Steph told Taemin everything he'd missed since he was in the hospital. Whenever she couldn't continue Ray would supply the remainder of the information. Taemin listened carefully and intently to everything she told him. When it was time to talk about the bet her face grew cold and he could see her obvious anger. 

"What a jerk," Taemin couldn't keep quiet any longer. "All of them are jerks. I can't believe they were capable of doing that to you guys." 

"I feel the same way," Dongwoo, who was usually always happy was rather angry at the moment. 

"Why didn't you bother to tell us about this?" Hoya demanded. He looked at Ray with an angered expression. 

"I knew you'd react this way," came her reply. 

There was a knock on the door that interrupted the sibling debate. Steph was grateful when BoA stuck her head inside the door. Everyone gave her a smile, some more forced than others, but smiles nonetheless. 

Walking inside she headed towards Taemin and smiled at him. "I brought you flowers," BoA reveaked them from behind her back. Taemin thanked her as he grabbed the flowers and placed them carefully on his lap. Turning to look at his sister, he gave her a confused yet curious look. 

"Tae, meet BoA." Steph introduced them to each other. "I work with her and we go to school together." 

"You made new friends." He genuinely smiled at Steph, earning just as bright a smile from her as well as a nod of her head. 

There came another knock on the door before the door flew open and Woohyun stepped inside. He greeted everyone as well as introduced himself to Steph and BoA who were the only ones that didn't know who he was. After that was over, the group began to talk about anything and everything. There were a couple laughs and some shushing since no one wanted to be kicked out of the room. Steph never left Taemin's side and the siblings never let go or loosened the tight grasp they had on their hands. 




Sighing, Roz continued taking inventory on her own. She'd wanted to go with BoA to the hospital and visit Steph as well as meet her brother but she couldn't. For two days she'd skipped work in order to finish something at home and right now she was making up for the lost hours. 

Placing cooking ingredients, recipes, untensils and the like in their respective places she heard the bell right alerting her that someone had just entered the shop even though Mirotic was currently closed. "I'm sorry but we're closed," Roz said as she walked towards the front only to see Tiffany standing by the counter. 

"We're closed," she repeated since Tiffany didn't look like she was going to turn around and leave. 

"That's fine," Tiffany replied, her arms crossed over her chest. "I came looking for you. there is something very important I need to you regarding Yunho." 

Roz looked at her in slight confusion and curiosity. What could Tiffany have to tell her about her boyfriend? She wondered. Tiffany continued to stare at her, she was starting to become annoyed at the others lack of response to her statement. 

"What is it?" Roz asked, finally realizing that Tiffany was waiting for her to say something. 

"Glad you asked," Tiffany grinned, it was a grin laced with malice. "As a concerned girlfriend I would appreciate it if you left Yunho alone." 

Roz shot her a confused look. "I don't understand." 

"of course you wouldn't," Tiffany scoffed. "Someone of your stature wouldn't. So I'll speak slow and clear. Yunho is my boyfriend. I want you to back off and stay away from him." 

"That's impossible," Roz replied, ignoring her rude remark in regards to her social status. "He can't be. Your lying." 

Tiffany showed her a pitying look. It made Roz want to grimace but she kept her expression calm. "I have proof." As she spoke she took out her phone and opened it. Her wallpaper was a picture of Yunho and her together. Roz gasped because in the picture they were kissing. "Well I'm off." Tiffany left Roz there, a satisfied smile on her face as she walked away. Now Yunho was hers and she didn't have to worry about Roz getting in her way. 

Back at Mirotic though, Roz stayed standing in the same spot. Her eyes were watery but she refused to cry. Taking deep breaths she willed the tears away and decided that it was time to leave. Grabbing her keys and her things she turned off all the lights before exiting the café. Roz put the keys in the lock and turned it until she heard the click that assured her the door was locked. Then she took the key out and put it in her pocket. Turning she stopped, Yunho was walking her way a smile on his lying face. That smile made her blood run cold. Roz honestly thought that she could put the bet behind her and date Yunho for real but she was wrong. Now she understood the kind of person that he really was. 

"Hey," he continued to smile. "I came to see if you wanted to hang out." 

Yunho leaned in to give her a kiss and was shocked when she pushed him away. "Get away from me!" Roz yelled at him, her voice so full of fury. "I never want to see your lying ever again." With that she turned the other way and ran. She could hear him calling her name as well as chasing after her but she continued running. At the nest corner she turned into an alley and waited there. Yunho passed by a minute later, yelling her name but she stayed where she was and as quiet as possible. Once she knew he was gone she went back. All she wanted was to go home, to her warm comfy home. 




Running fingers through his hair in order to get it out of his face, Min gave a sigh. He'd been putting off a hair cut but it was starting to get to the point when his hair was starting to annoy him. He decided that he'd go cut it after visiting Steph at the hospital. He'd texted her the day before and had learned that her brother was awake. She told him that it was fine for him to go to the hospital to visit so he couldn't refuse. Besides, Min had wanted to meet Taemin since he first learned about the kid, this was a good chance to do just that. 

So lost in his own thoughts Min failed to notice how Micky had appeared from thing air and was heading in his direction. When Micky finally reached the younger boy he grabbed his shoulders, taking Min out of his thoughts. 

"What the hell," he exclaimed, startled. 

"Min, have you seen Steph?" He asked quickly. "I haven't been able to reach her in days." 

"Dude, calm down." Min sighed in exasperation. Micky was over exaggerating his worry. "I know where she's at. No, I don’t know why you haven't been able to contact her," he answered before Micky could ask him anything. "Steph's in the hospital." 

Micky's worry intensified tenfold at hearing that information. "Why?!" 

"Cool it." Min rolled his eyes, maybe he should have told him why before, it would save him the annoyance of dealing with an even more worried Micky. "Her brother Taemin woke up. I'm going to the hospital in order to see them." 

"I'll go too," the older teen invited himself, more calm now that he knew why Steph seemed to have disappeared. He'd had the worst thoughts running through his thoughts the last few days. All thoughts revolving around seeing Steph with that Aaron guy. Shrugging, Min fell into step with him. 

Both guys reached the hospital about half and hour later. When they entered the hospital the receptionist lead them to Taemin's room. The nurse knocked on the door and opened it. "You've got visitors." 

Steph looked up and smiled when she saw Changmin enter the room after the nurse's announcement. That smile dimmed however when she saw who came in behind him. 

"Hey," Min greeted her with a bright smile. "How's your brother doing?" 

"He's sleeping," Steph pointed out with a nod of her head to the side. Min and Micky turned to see Taemin resting. They could tell that he was Steph's brother based on the fact that they both had some of the same features. 

"Steph," Micky beckoned, getting her attention. "Can we talk?" 

Biting the corner of her bottom lip she contemplated that. She looked between her brother and Micky for a moment before sighing. 

"Sure," she agreed reluctantly. "Watch him for me please." Steph told Min as she passed right next to him. the younger nodded his consent as she left the room. 

"What's up?" Steph asked, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked at Micky. 

"Is something wrong?" he asked her, voice laced with concern. "Did I do something wrong?" 

The bet comes to mind, she thought as she stared at him. What she said however, was something different. "You didn't do anything, I'm not sure why you'd ask." 

"Well," he started. "I've called you but you haven't answered my calls." 

"Right," she uncrossed her arms and placed them behind her back. "I've been busy Micky and now that my brother is awake I'll be busier." Steph told him. "I'll be dedicating my time to him." 

"Is that really it?" 

Steph narrowed her eyes. "Meaning what exactly?" 

"Does this really have nothing to do with you leaving Mirotic with Aaron?" he accused. 

Glaring at him she replied through clencthed teeth. "The thing with Aaron is none of your business. I am going to concentrate on my brother since he's been in a comma for so many years." Steph practically growled out, her anger obvious through the tone of her voice. "I don't care if you don't believe me Micky. But I'm not lying." 

With that said she turned around and went back into her brothers room. Min could tell that Steph's temper had flared by her conversation with Micky. When Micky didn't enter the room a few moments later he knew that they'd had some sort of argument. Sighing he walked towards Steph and placed his arm over her shoulder. Then he began to speak to her and ask her questions in order to distract her. He only hoped that next time Micky decided to speak with her, he wouldn't be stupid enough to piss her off. 


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Chapter 33: Wow........ atfer 3 years, this fic finally came to an end XDDDDD loved the whole story a lot and really want to see more from u steph! Write more soon!!! :DDD
btobfiniteforever #2
Chapter 33: this is awesome, authornim! I enjoyed reading this ^^
lol...the suspense it kills lol...i was going to update this but i haven't had time to complete the chapter and i have two papers for school that i have to once i'm done with my papers i'll have more free time and i'll be able to finish this so please wait until this weekend
Chapter 32: Finally! Steph you updated it!!!! Whoa..... didn't expect that twist in the story..... I wonder how sunny and woohyun know each other..... damn it steph!!! Now I feel like reading the next chapter immediately. Please update soon!
Chapter 31: Finally after a long time I am able to read this again!!!!!! I wonder what's gonna happen next. Poor junno though.... yay!! Junsu and boa ^_^

(This is ray. I'm commenting through my rp account ^_^)
Chapter 29: Ohmy..... *o* taeminnie woke up finally!!! Gosh... ima read the story from first all over again since I have lost track a bit. Steph!!!! Please update more chapters soon! I'm curious to how the girls are going to get their revenges. Poor roz..... damn tiffanny..... :'(
Steph!!! T__T 6 months since you updated this... T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T
Chapter 28: Noonaaaaaa!!! Update this fic soon!!! [It's ray btw if you are wondering who this is/ I changed my username ^^]
Chapter 28: Ooooohhhh.. Another teaser? You really are trying to kill me of curiosity aren't you? Well, you see if you can get some chapters on by december cause I think I can get on and read em. Commenting on the story after stealing my dad's mobile to see if any stories have been updated lol XDDD