Schools Out

Boys vs. Girls



"I don't know whether I'm glad school's out," BoA spoke as she tied her hair up in a bun. "Or not."

Roz and Steph chuckled. "Why? Cuz we have to work longer now."

"Exactly," she sighed.

"It's not that bad," Steph pat her shoulder. "We also have days off."

"But it's annoying," she whined.

"Don't let the boss hear you," Steph tried stifling her laugh.

"Its not funny," she grumbled at her uncooperative friends.

Roz walked towards her. "She just doesn't get that you would rather spend time with Su than working extra hours."

"i get it," Steph stuck her head into the kitchen and leveled her eyes with theirs. "But sometimes work is more important."

"She doesn't get it," Roz whispered again with a chuckle before getting back to work.

Right now all three girls were working in Mirotic. School was currently out for the moment since it was being remodeled. So everyone at school had a couple weeks of freedom until the remodeling was complete and classes started up again. Why they didn't do this before classes began in the first place was lost on them but the students really didn't care. When their boss got wind of this though he asked the girls to take up more hours. In return the last two weeks they had of break they wouldn't have to work at all. The girls readily agreed.

So while Roz and BoA manned the kitchen Steph went around helping customers. She went around asking for their orders and giving people what they asked for or directing them to where they could find what they were looking for, depending on the customer.

That day they were three hours in when Aaron entered the cafe. Steph was shocked to see him there. He'd been kind of absent so she figured she'd gotten rid of him. But apparently she had been wrong because he was back, bugging her at her job.

"What would you like sir," she tried to be as civil as possible to him. When she really just wanted to throw him out and get a restraining order on him or something. Anything would be fine just as long as he left her alone.

"Your time," he replied.

"Look," she stared at him with a glare. "I don't have time for this. I'm working and I don't really feel like giving you any of my time."

"Really?" he asked her. His gaze on here was unwavering.

"Yes," she replied in exasperation. Can a guy be any more clueless.

"Fine," he got up. "But I have something that belongs to you."

Steph was about to walk away when she heard that. She turned to look that he had a grin on his face. He knew that he'd peeked her interest. "Your lying."

"I'm not," he told her. "I believe its something your mother gave you. You lost it the same day your brother got hurt."

Steph stared at him in shock. He began to walk away. As he neared the door he told her that if she wanted it back she needed to follow him. If not he would just think of it as useless and give it away to someone else. She rushed to the kitchen and told Roz and BoA to cover for her. She'd be back but she really needed to go. Then she rushed to his side and left Mirotic with him. BoA and Roz stared after them in shock.

With thoughts rambling in her head Steph doesn't notice that as she gets in the car with Aaron the guys are walking their way. Micky, Jae and Yunho look at them leaving together. It's shocking to see Steph with a guy that she couldn't even tolerate. Confused at what they'd seen they go into Mirotic to talk with Roz and BoA, so they could get answers. Unfortunately, to the chagrin of Mciky, the girls are just as clueless as them.




Like the other girls Ray was currently working at her job. Hay Lin had been telling her how lucky she was that she didn't have any classes for a while. Ray was trying to be polite and listen to everything she said as well as answer when she needed to but her thoughts were elsewhere. Her thoughts were all on Woohyun. She hadn't seen him since that day at her house when he appeared out of nowhere. Ray was starting to think that he was just a figment of her imagination. They hadn't talked that much that day. Actually, she couldn't remember their conversation at all.

The next morning when she had asked her brothers if they were expecting visitors, they answered with a no. When she asked if Woohyun was going to visit them or something they told her no. They looked at her like she was going crazy so she stopped asking them anything before she embarrassed herself even more. At that point she'd concluded that it was indeed her imagination playing tricks with her. Might as well since her thoughts weren't in very happy places lately. Everyday seemed to long to her. When she pretended to be happy with Junno she felt like she was being swallowed little by little.

Woohyun had been her first love and to speak frankly, her first boyfriend. Their relationship was great until he had to go away. Now with everything seeming like crap he was starting to invade her thoughts since he always made her feel better.

"Hey Ray you ok?" Hay Lin asked her.

"Yeah...why?" Ray focused on her coworker.

Hay Lin laughed. "Cuz your shift if over and your kind of not moving."

"Huh...Oh..oh yeah, sorry." she scrambled to get her things. Hay Lin's laugh echoing every step of the way.

Way to be smart, Ray face palmed herself.

As she left her work she looked down at her watch. If she hurried she'd be able to meet Junno at the appointed time. Not that she was very happy about it. Being with him gave her to many mixed feelings. About a few blocks away she looked around and noticed a figure on the street over. He looked to damn familiar for it to be a coincidence.


Without thinking Ray crossed the street, narrowly missing getting hit by a car. She rushed to the figure and followed him. Pedestrians around her might have thought she was crazy for crossing the street the way she did but she didn't really care. Ray needed to catch up to the guy and make sure she was hallucinating. For Woohyun to be there would bring her great joy. She needed to see him now. Make sure it was really him.

At the next street corner she stopped in her tracks because Woohyun was standing right there. Watching her. She wasn't very good at trailing people it seemed. He'd noticed her since the moment she'd unthinkingly crossed the street. He smiled at her and she forgot everything. Junno and their "date" was forgotten. She forgot that she'd never mentioned him to Steph before. The fact that he'd been gone for years was lost on her too. All she cared about was that she wasn't crazy and Woohyun was really there smiling at her.

"How come my brother's don't know your here?" was the first thing she told him. She mentally slapped herself for starting off like she wasn't happy to see him.

He laughed. "I haven't surprised them yet."

"Uh," she looked at him. "Its been days since I saw you at my place."

He chuckled again. "I've been sightseeing."

Ray raised and eyebrow. "Sightseeing."

"Yeah. Its that thing you do when you walk around and look at building and stuff," he grinned at her.

"I know what it is," she grumbled. It was just like Woohyun. No matter how long apart he always got a reaction out of her. It didn't matter that she was just starting to show emotion. He could bring them out naturally from her, kind of like Steph. But with Woohyun it seemed flawless.

"Sooo," he stretched the word. "What have you been up to?"

"Not much," she replied. Ray hadn't realized that she'd closed the gap they had. Now she was standing right next to him.

"How about," he suggested. "We walk and talk. Like old time."

"Yes," she whispered. She gave him a smile. "Like old times."

With Junno forgotten and Woohyun right there with her Ray demanded that he tell her about his life before she dropped the goods on hers. He complied with a laugh but only after he realized there was no way she was going to go first. Woohyun told her how he'd had to get used to living in London. It was a little difficult at first but he got the hang of it. While there he learned how to speak English. In later years he even went to the United States and spend a good deal of time there with her brothers. Not long after he returned to London, went to school and did what any other teenager would do. He had fun but he missed his home. He figured that it was about time he came back to his hometown and visit the people he'd left behind. Those last few words where directed at her. They made her blush and turn away.

As she stared at the people on the other street she told him about her. How she'd kind of secluded herself from the world. She told him about meeting Steph and how she never gave up on trying to be her friend. It was hard though, because as she spoke about her best friend she needed to mention Taemin. So she told Woohyun. How he was in the hospital and he'd been there for a while. The fact that Steph never left his side for a couple months and even blamed herself for his accident. Also, how much it actually affected her. Taemin was like a brother to her too, seeing him lying in that white hospital bed without so much of a flicker of movement from her heart. The fact that he moved once when they weren't around and never moved again made the pain worse. Woohyun listened and offered support. He could feel Ray's pain.

As she continued she talked about the new people she'd met and how thanks to Steph and the fact that she gave herself a chance she had new friends. Ones who liked her whether she was happy or being moody or just plain cold. She told him about her job and finally when the bet came to mind she debated on whether to mention that or not.

"Tell me what's up," he poked her cheek.

She sighed. Then continued to inform him of the bet. When she was done he stared at her.

"I'll kill him," he threatened. "Tell me where he is so I can kick his ."

"Don't even think about it," she gave him  a look.

"Do your brother's know about this?" he asked her.

"No," she exclaimed. "And you better not tell them. My friends and I are working on this."

Woohyun sighed in exasperation while he ruffled his hair in frustration. "What can I do?"

She looked at him confused while she tilted her head. "Do?"

"Yes," he lifted his arms up in the air. "How can I help?"

"Your not..." she was interrupted before she could say anything more.

"Oh, I'm helping. "He told her. "If you don't let me I'll tell your brothers everything."

"So your blackmailing me," she humphed.

"Yes," he grinned cheekily at her.

"Argh," she ran her hand through her hair. "Fine." she agreed reluctantly.

"Awesome," he smiled. "So how do I help."

"Let me think," she told him with a wave of her hand.

There were so many possible ways for him to help. But the same was for making things worse. Ray couldn't even think of how he could help her out. It wasn't like she had a general idea of what she was doing either. Except really for following along that she was okay with being around Junno when she really wasn't. That's when it hit her. She didn't need to keep being with Junno, not now. Woohyun could help her with that.

"Ok I got something," she told him starting off slow. "But I'm not sure how you'll react."

"Lay it on me," he told her with a smile.

His smile convinced her to continue. "Would you mind pretending to be my boyfriend?"

Ray waited. Woohyun was looking at her kind of in shock. Those were probably the last words he'd ever think she'd say write now.

"Um," he started but stopped. "Uh..." he again began responding only to stop.

Before could even say anymore Ray beat him to it.

"Forget it," she said turning away. "It was a stupid suggestion."

"I'll do it," he blurted in order to stop her from talking. "I'll be your fake boyfriend."

For now anyway, he thought as he grinned at him.

"Great," Ray smiled at him. Elated that she wouldn't have to be around Junno for much longer.

Her friends were just going to have to understand. Steph and Roz could even follow her lead. That way they wouldn't have to contain their emotions whenever they were around the guys.




Jessica was reading a magazine in her room when the door opened. She looked up, about to yell at the intruder for disrupting her zen of quiet. The one at the door was Tiffany.

"Your back," she looked at her.

"Yeah," Tiffany sat down on the plush couch near Jessica's bed.

Tiffany had gone to visit family. She'd been gone for a while so she hadn't been around. Apparently some distant family member got sick and her family needed to go pay their respects. Tiff didn't really want to go but she had no choice. Missing school was a plus and now that she was back she had an even longer break. With the school being remodeled she could just relax and finish her assignments when she felt like it.

"So what have i missed?" she asked her friend who'd gone back to reading her magazine.

"Not much," came the reply. "How'd you get in here?"

"Your brother let me in," she replied. "He was leaving."

"Ah!" Jessica threw her magazine and focused all her attention on Tiffany. "You did miss something."

"What?" she questioned.

Jessica grinned at her. Then she went off and told her everything about the bet and how they were working against Roz and her friends. Tiffany's interest skyrocketed at all the knew information she was receiving.

"So it was all a bet?" she tried making sure. "Your brother isn't really interested in Roz."

Jessica rolled her eyes. "He's obviously interested in her."

"But if she knew, she wouldn't be," Tiffany analyzed.

"Look," Jessica said. "I don't care about that. Besides Siwon said the bet was officially off."

"Oh," Tiffany replied.

But that doesn't mean the bet never happened, she thought with a smile.  I finally got you Yunho.

"So tell me about your family thing?" Jessica changed the topic.

Tiffany complied and told her about it. As well as the new outfits she'd bought. Her thoughts however where on other things. Like finally getting Yunho to notice her.



Hey, hey, hey. Lol. New chapter everyone. I hope you liked it. More conflict is arising. New plans are well as couples?? lol...well you will know more on the next update so until then, goodbye. ^O^

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Chapter 33: Wow........ atfer 3 years, this fic finally came to an end XDDDDD loved the whole story a lot and really want to see more from u steph! Write more soon!!! :DDD
btobfiniteforever #2
Chapter 33: this is awesome, authornim! I enjoyed reading this ^^
lol...the suspense it kills lol...i was going to update this but i haven't had time to complete the chapter and i have two papers for school that i have to once i'm done with my papers i'll have more free time and i'll be able to finish this so please wait until this weekend
Chapter 32: Finally! Steph you updated it!!!! Whoa..... didn't expect that twist in the story..... I wonder how sunny and woohyun know each other..... damn it steph!!! Now I feel like reading the next chapter immediately. Please update soon!
Chapter 31: Finally after a long time I am able to read this again!!!!!! I wonder what's gonna happen next. Poor junno though.... yay!! Junsu and boa ^_^

(This is ray. I'm commenting through my rp account ^_^)
Chapter 29: Ohmy..... *o* taeminnie woke up finally!!! Gosh... ima read the story from first all over again since I have lost track a bit. Steph!!!! Please update more chapters soon! I'm curious to how the girls are going to get their revenges. Poor roz..... damn tiffanny..... :'(
Steph!!! T__T 6 months since you updated this... T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T
Chapter 28: Noonaaaaaa!!! Update this fic soon!!! [It's ray btw if you are wondering who this is/ I changed my username ^^]
Chapter 28: Ooooohhhh.. Another teaser? You really are trying to kill me of curiosity aren't you? Well, you see if you can get some chapters on by december cause I think I can get on and read em. Commenting on the story after stealing my dad's mobile to see if any stories have been updated lol XDDD