Let the Fun Begin

Boys vs. Girls


"your in a happy mood," jae moved so yunho could sit next to him.

"i got a text from roz earlier," yunho sat down. he looked like he was on cloud nice or something like it.

"we need to talk." micky rushed into the room and sat down.

"what's up?" jae gave him a curious look.

"what do you get a girl when she's completely mad at you?" micky asked.

jae was an expect at things like this. he knew exactly what gift to give a girl no matter what mood she was in. if the girl was sad he knew what to give her to lift up her spirits. with this he could get out of anything. take for instance if he forgot a girls birthday. he would get her a gift before it ended, whether it was a surprise party or an expensive gift he knew what to do. which is why all his friends came to him whenever they were in trouble with a chick. whether she be a relative or some girl on the street he could help you keep her or get rid of her.

jae stared at micky for a bit. he'd never seen his friend look so pitiful before today. micky was definitely in love with steph.

"what'd you do?' yunho asked, coming out of his daydreaming to help a friend.

that boy was as love struck with roz as yoochun was with steph, jae noticed.

"i'm not sure," he replied truthfully. looking around the room he spotted her leaving to her usual lunch spot. yunho looked up too but didn't see roz anywhere so he went back to staring at his two friends.

"she hasn't really talked to me," he continued looking back at his friends. "she brushed me off earlier."

jae contemplated this for a minute. girls had mood swings like no other. one minute they were all smile and the next they could easily destroy your car. when they were pissed they were scarier than nightmares.

"i think you just need to talk to her," jae advised. steph didn't seem like the kind of person to be happy one moment than pissed the next. "she's probably preoccupied or something. you know stressing over something. not necessarily pissed at you." he guessed.

"your right," micky perked up. then he stood up. "i'll go talk to her then. she;s probably thinking about her brother. later guys."

jae and yunho waved goodbye. two minutes later siwon came and sat down.

"so, about the bet," siwon started. "shh." jae and yunho glared at him.

the bet was top secret. never to be talked about on school grounds or anywhere outside of one of their homes for that matter.

siwon rolled his eyes at the dramatics and continued. "jess and i have started dating."

jae and yunho looked at each other then back at siwon.

"how is that possible?' yunho asked. "everyone knows she liked jae and she's never given you the time of day. no offense."

"none taken," siwon replied. "but she's over him.

"good to hear," jae said.

"come on. my sister's not that bad," yunho bumped jae. "that's not what i meant," he bumped him back. "but she's not my type."

"and tiff is?" siwon snickered. 

"she was," jae admitted. "but who cares. i'm out of the bet and enjoying my free time."

"well back to what i was saying," siwon stirred the conversation back. "since we're dating doesn't that mean that i've won.

"you wish," jae grinned. "she hasn't fallen for you yet. that was the deal."

"so what?" siwon continued. "i don't win until she tells me that she loves me?"

"exactly," jae and yunho grinned. "otherwise su or yunho would have won long ago since they've gone on dates with them and su and boa act like their a couple now. which i think they are." jae added.

"except for the fact that su's been out of the bet for a bit now," siwon sighed. he stood up, took his phone out and dialed a number. "i'll catch you guys later."

"what's up with him?" yunho and jae watched him exit the cafeteria.

"who knows." jae said. he took a bite from his food before adding, "you'd think he was desperate for the money."

yunho nodded. he finished the rest of his food a short moment later. then he turned to look at jae with a serious expression.

"do you think i should drop out of the competition, like su?" he was wprroed that if four whatever reason roz found out about the bet she'd doubt his sincerity.

"i'm not sure," jae admitted. "the bet was fun at the time. something to help pass the time, you know. as well as it being a challenge. i'm not really sure whether being a part of it now is a good or bad thing."

"you know what," yunho declared. "we need to meet up again. talk about it. make sure everyone is still on board with it."

"sure," jae took his phone out of his pocket. "i'll text everyone to meet at my place so we can talk about it." he typed the message, then pressed send. "there."

"cool," yunho grinned.


"uh, steph." roz said. steph turned to look at her. she put her hands up and sighed.

"what?" she shrugged.

"you know what," ray looked at her.

she sighed again. "i know. i know." she leaned onto the wall for support. "i just...i just need a little more time."

"do you think we don't." roz said. they were all in the same boat. but they all needed to stay focused.

"fine. fine." she grumbled. "i'll deal."

"ok, then." ray took out her laptop. she opened up the word document that had their plan layed out. "so..." she started but stopped when she heard foot steps coming their way.

"in coming," steph blurted. taking out her lunch she watched for the figure that was coming.

"hey guys," BoA cheerfully entered. she was dragging sunny with her.

ray couldn't help but notice that sunny glanced at her but looked away when she caught her looking.

interesting, she contemplated.  maybe steph was right. sunny wanted her to blow junno off. for some reason it brought her joy that she hadn't fallen for the trap. sunny might be boa's friend but they are nothing alike.

"sup," steph replied around food in .

roz smiled and waved while ray just went back to looking at her computer screen.

BoA looked at her friends. she could tell that they were not paying much attention to their surroundings. "So..." she drawled. "what have you guys been up to since the last time i saw you."

the three of them looked at each other. a looked crossed between them that wasn't noticeable to anyone. not even sunny who was watching them closely. so far she didn't like what she was seeing.

"not much," roz answered for all of them. she was tapping her fingers to the floor. "you know work and stuff."

"how about you?" steph transferred the attention to BoA.

she grinned at them widely. her face seemed to glow form happiness. "su and i are official. "she screamed excitedly.

"that's awesome," roz congratulated her.

"thanks," she stopped jumping but her face had taken a dreamy look.

"uh, earth to BoA," steph had stood up and was now waving her hand in front of her.

"what?" she replied groggily, totally oblivious to her surroundings.

"you spaced out," steph smirked.

"sorry," she smiled sheepishly.

"its cool, spread the love around," steph poked her.

roz and ray shared a look. they could tell steph was having a hard time keeping things together. or maybe they were wrong as they saw her tickle BoA.

sunny watched the commotion. she looked between the smiling steph, to ray and roz who had no care in the world.

they shouldn't be able to smile right now, sunny thought. they should be walling in self pity or telling BoA everything so she could see how horrible they actually were.

sunny was hoping that the three girls would tell BoA about the bet. that way she would believe that they were just being selfish, egotistical es who didn't care about her happiness. then she wouldn't have to share her with them and they could continue to be friends. making sure that BoA never knew the truth about her involvement in the proceedings. but things weren't going according to plan. BoA was still animatedly playing with steph and the other two were going about their own business laughing at all the right moments, not showing any hurt at all.

what the hell's going on, she glared at them.

ray could see sunny glaring from the top of her eyes. she couldn't help but give a slight smile. when steph and boa turned to look at sunny, who had been very quiet since she got here her face had already gone to normal.

"sunny wanted to come with me today," BoA explained. she walked to sunny and grabbed her hand. "she wanted to get to know you guys better since your my friends."

"oh, that's...cool," steph said unsure.

"yeah," roz perked up. "how about you sit down, sunny." she mustered all her power and smiled at her.

"uh..no..thanks," sunny rejected the offer lamely. "i...forgot i had to do something." she excused herself. she was rather annoyed that no one was suffering. if she stayed there longer she would give herself away.

just as she was about to exit through the door micky walked in..or out depending on your point of view. he walked passed sunny heading straight for steph.

finally, sunny thought in exasperation. now we're getting somewhere.

"hey micky," steph greeted with the best smile she could muster.

"hi," he grinned back at her. "i thought we might be able to talk."

"uh," steph tried to come up with an excuse but nothing was coming to her. "sure..." she conceded while she grabbed her things. "i'll call you guys. and congrats once again BoA."

she waved goodbye to her friends and followed micky as he went back through the door.

ray and roz exchanged a quick worried look. BoA sat down and motioned for sunny to join her, noticing that she hadn't left yet. sunny shook her head, waved bye and disappeared through the door.


"it didn't ing work!" sunny yelled.

"would you chill," jessica winced at the screeching. she had sensitive ears. ones that sunny was trying to destroy with her horrible yelling.

"how can you be so calm?" sunny asked her in amazement.

the moment she had left BoA and the other's she'd texted jessica. well first she called her but the girl didn't answer her. then she sent a text hoping that she would reply to that. which thankfully for her she did. now they were both, well sunny was, pacing around the karaoke room jessica had insisted on meeting in.

"hello," jessica rolled her eyes. "this isn't that big of a deal to me. remember. your the one that has a thing for a boy that doesn't like you back."

sunny glared at her. she was seething inside because jessica was right on the money. but two could play the boy card.

she scoffed. "yeah well i'm not the only one. i recall that you like jae. but he doesn't like you back."

jessica glanced at her. she would not fall into sunny's trap. "its only temporary. unlike you who lost to the ice princess."

sunny faced turned crimson. jessica smiled in satisfaction.

"well at least the guy i like doesn't have a thing for my best friend," sunny shouted at her.

jessica's face turned three shades of red as she tried to contain her anger. "shut up," her words escaped through clenched teeth.

"look whatever," sunny took in a deep breath then let it out. "we aren't here to fight but to figure out what went wrong."

jessica looked away. she stayed quiet for a while. then she spoke. "she probably didn't believe us even after leaving the stupid paper there. that or she's planning something else."

"she probably didn't even tell roz and ray," sunny added. it didn't seem like the girls knew when she was there in their presence.

"that could work to our advantage," jessica said. "we probably need to tell ray directly or have her find our for herself about the bet. that way we'll be sure that she knows what the guys are doing."

"true," sunny agreed. "steph was a bust. now we need to find some other way to get the message across."

"yeah," jessica nodded. "we could also break their little friendship while we're at it."

sunny grinned evily. "that's a great idea. if they learn that steph lied to them about this she will totally lose face."

"my thoughts exactly." jessica picked up the mic and chose a song to sing. "now we just need the perfect plan.


"so it's agreed?" jae asked the six boys sitting in his living room.

they all nodded.

"great," micky grinned. "the bet is officially off."

jessica is not going to like this, siwon thought as he stared at his friends.


Alright eveyone. i hope you have enjoyed this triple update. ^_^...i know it took a while and you all might want to kill me but i hope i've saved myself a little with this triple update for you guys. i'm not sure when i'll update this again since i'll be working on my other fic, which needs to be updated too, but it won't take forever. i hope that by the end of the month i'll be able to update this fic at least once or twice. so if you wish leave comments telling me whether you enjoyed the reading and are anticipation what happens next. XD

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Chapter 33: Wow........ atfer 3 years, this fic finally came to an end XDDDDD loved the whole story a lot and really want to see more from u steph! Write more soon!!! :DDD
btobfiniteforever #2
Chapter 33: this is awesome, authornim! I enjoyed reading this ^^
lol...the suspense it kills lol...i was going to update this but i haven't had time to complete the chapter and i have two papers for school that i have to write...so once i'm done with my papers i'll have more free time and i'll be able to finish this so please wait until this weekend
Chapter 32: Finally! Steph you updated it!!!! Whoa..... didn't expect that twist in the story..... I wonder how sunny and woohyun know each other..... damn it steph!!! Now I feel like reading the next chapter immediately. Please update soon!
Chapter 31: Finally after a long time I am able to read this again!!!!!! I wonder what's gonna happen next. Poor junno though.... yay!! Junsu and boa ^_^

(This is ray. I'm commenting through my rp account ^_^)
Chapter 29: Ohmy..... *o* taeminnie woke up finally!!! Gosh... ima read the story from first all over again since I have lost track a bit. Steph!!!! Please update more chapters soon! I'm curious to how the girls are going to get their revenges. Poor roz..... damn tiffanny..... :'(
Steph!!! T__T 6 months since you updated this... T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T
Chapter 28: Noonaaaaaa!!! Update this fic soon!!! [It's ray btw if you are wondering who this is/ I changed my username ^^]
Chapter 28: Ooooohhhh.. Another teaser? You really are trying to kill me of curiosity aren't you? Well, you see if you can get some chapters on by december cause I think I can get on and read em. Commenting on the story after stealing my dad's mobile to see if any stories have been updated lol XDDD