Bet Games

Boys vs. Girls



Sunny had been trailing Min and Su since school had let out. It didn't seem like they were up to anything though. She'd been walking behind them for hours but they never spoke about anything that could give her a clue as to why the guys were interested in girls at the same time.

"How's Junno?" she heard Min ask Su.

I wonder what's up with Junno? she thought trying to hear Su's answer.

"Better, I think," Su shrugged. "I think he's going to catch Ray at home."

At the mention of the ice princess's name Sunny's blood began to boil. She really hated that chick. Junno was supposed to be her's but all he did was chase after a lost cause. There was no way in hell that he was going to be noticed by her. Sunny was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize the boys had entered a shop. She passed said shop and kept on walking. When she finally looked up she grimaced.

"damn it," she cursed. "Where the hell did they go?"

She looked left then right. When she turned to stare straight she saw Jessica and Siwon.

Interesting, she thought. Jess usually couldn't stand Siwon. I wonder why they're together.

Making a split second decision she decided to follow them. It would really serve as interesting gossip for her to tell BoA later.

Jessica and Siwon stopped at a cafe shop. This cafe was more expensive than Mirotic and definitely Jessica's kind of place. No mere customer could just enter the shop like at Mirotic. Allowing her the chance to relax without the meddeling of people below her.

"You sure you want to come here?" Siwon eyed the place.

"Of course," Jess scoffed. "It's expensive and worthy of having me enter it."

"Right," Siwon replied. He'd learned early on to agree with Jess when it came to these things no matter how weird to down right snotty they sounded. It would not only keep her happy but him as well.

They both entered. It didnt take long for them to be seated since Jessica seemed to be a regular there. In Siwon's opinion the table they were seated in seemed to be just to Jessica's liking. So much so that he could have sworn he'd seen a table just like it back at her house.

"So Siwon," Jess began. "Why do you bug me so much?"

Siwon smirked. He was expecting that question." I have my reasons."

"Do those reasons have anything to do with whatever you, my brother and your friends are up to?" she specified.

Siwon looked at her. "What do you mean?" There was no way Jess could possibly know about the bet, they'd been keeping that pretty underwraps.

"i'm not stupid," Jessica spoke calmly. "I've noticed hpw the 7 of you have been going after girls."

"Are you accusing us of playerism?" Siwon joked.

"No," Jess glared slightly. "I'm only stating a fact. All of you are going after a girl."

"I don't really see what's so bad about that." Siwon said with a cool face. Inside though, he was getting a bad feeling. Jessica was an observant person.

"I bet you wouldn't," she rolled her eyes. "The weird thing is that all of you decided to do this at the same time."

"It's a coincidence," he replied with a shake of the head. There was no way she could know what was going on. She was smart but not that smart.

Before Jessica could reply the waiter appeared. Jessica ordered a frappuccino while Siwon ordered a chocolate swirl with a coffee.

"Like I was saying," she continued when the waiter was gone. "I know what you guys are playing at."

"And what's that?" Siwon played along. He really hoped she was bluffing.

Siwon saw the twinkle go off in Jessica's eyes. They were in trouble now. "I know about the bet." Jessica placed all her cards on the table.

"How?" Siwon spluttured. He could have denied her accusation but Siwon hadn't really expected her to say it outright.

"The lot of you don't know how to keep your mouths quiet when you get rowdy," she explained.

"How long have you know?"

"Not long," she shrugged. "But enough to understand the pros and cons of this game."

"What do you mean?" Siwon wondered. Jess wasn't making very much sense at the moment.

"I'll play along," she spoke slowly as if to a child.

"Why would you?" Siwon narrowed his eyes.

"The money of course," Jess answered nonchalantly.

"But don't you have enough money?" Siwon sighed.

"Maybe," she agreed. "But so do all of you. Besides i would love to beat my brother at his own game. All of you for that matter."

Siwon gave her a lopsided grin. "Fine by me."

"Good," she gave a nod of approval. "This will be fun."

"I agree," Sunny whispered from her table.

She'd been listening to their conversation since it began. Now she knew what was going on and she was going to use the information to her advantage. Sunny was going to make sure Ray never gave Junno the time of day. That way she could move in and take his heart. After all people were always vulnerable during heart break.

 First part to the double update special XD This fic has been updated twice so you'd be wrong if you thought you were done reading. I'm sorry for any spelling, grammar or anything other error in this fic. Hope you enjoyed. ^^ 

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Chapter 33: Wow........ atfer 3 years, this fic finally came to an end XDDDDD loved the whole story a lot and really want to see more from u steph! Write more soon!!! :DDD
btobfiniteforever #2
Chapter 33: this is awesome, authornim! I enjoyed reading this ^^
lol...the suspense it kills lol...i was going to update this but i haven't had time to complete the chapter and i have two papers for school that i have to once i'm done with my papers i'll have more free time and i'll be able to finish this so please wait until this weekend
Chapter 32: Finally! Steph you updated it!!!! Whoa..... didn't expect that twist in the story..... I wonder how sunny and woohyun know each other..... damn it steph!!! Now I feel like reading the next chapter immediately. Please update soon!
Chapter 31: Finally after a long time I am able to read this again!!!!!! I wonder what's gonna happen next. Poor junno though.... yay!! Junsu and boa ^_^

(This is ray. I'm commenting through my rp account ^_^)
Chapter 29: Ohmy..... *o* taeminnie woke up finally!!! Gosh... ima read the story from first all over again since I have lost track a bit. Steph!!!! Please update more chapters soon! I'm curious to how the girls are going to get their revenges. Poor roz..... damn tiffanny..... :'(
Steph!!! T__T 6 months since you updated this... T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T
Chapter 28: Noonaaaaaa!!! Update this fic soon!!! [It's ray btw if you are wondering who this is/ I changed my username ^^]
Chapter 28: Ooooohhhh.. Another teaser? You really are trying to kill me of curiosity aren't you? Well, you see if you can get some chapters on by december cause I think I can get on and read em. Commenting on the story after stealing my dad's mobile to see if any stories have been updated lol XDDD