Work Dates

Boys vs. Girls


BoA was just about to put the finishing touches on her outfit when the door bell of her house rang. She dropped what she was doing and headed for the door hoping that it wasn't Junsu because she wasn't quite ready yet. When she opened the door her eyes opened wide at the sight. Roz was standing in front of her and she looked so beautiful. The girl was wearing a silk shirt that fit her body perfectly, combined with dark skinny jeans that had a chain for a belt and leather boots. Her hair was curled as well as pulled back and held there with pins, BoA kind of felt plain next to her.

"Hi," Roz smiled at her.

"Hey," BoA stepped aside to allow her friend to enter her home. She was glad that Sunny had left ealier to do some things or she would have pulled a fit at seeing Roz in their home.

"Your house is awesome," Roz complimented.

"Thanks," BoA said. "Follow me to my room."

Roz stopped looking around and followed BoA to her bedroom. When she entered it she smiled because the room totally looked like it belonged to BoA. She couldn't see most of the things because a lot of them were covered with the clothes she had thrown around while she searched for something to wear but what she could see was totally BoA.

"Are you ok?' Roz asked when she turned her gaze to her friend. "You look fidgety."

"I'm fine," BoA lied.

"No your not," Roz saw through the lie. "Now tell me whats wrong."

Sighing BoA told her what was bothering her. "Well this is the first time I go out on a date with Su and I thought I looked ok but the moment i opened the door and saw you I realized how not pretty I look."

Roz looked at BoA and started to laugh. It was a rude thing to do but she just couldn't help it. Here was BoA one of the prettiest girls in school and she was telling her that she looked unpretty.

"BoA come on," Roz told her. "You look awesome the only reason why you think I look great is cuz your not even done getting ready. As far as I can tell you look great and once you complete your look you'll look even better."

"Your just saying that to make me feel better," she muttured.

"Seriously," Roz shook her head. "Look you look great, trust me. When Su takes one look at you he won't know what hit him. He'll be drooling throughout the date."

BoA chuckled at the image. Maybe Roz was right and she was acting up because she felt nervous. This was her first date with the guy she liked and she didn't want to blow it. So maybe her nerves were messing with her head and making her think she didn't look good enough.

"So have you talked to Steph?" Roz asked her while she was putting on her make-up.

"Yeah," BoA told her. "She told me Ray was going to help her at the cafe so we shouldn't worry about her."

"I kind of feel bad for leaving all the work for her," Roz said.

"Don't be," BoA put eyeliner on. "Steph agreed to do this. Besides she didn't go to work the day before so this is her making up for it and she has Ray to help her so everything will be fine."

"I guess your right," Roz murmured.

Half an hour later both girls were set and ready. Which was good because that was when the doorbell rang anouncing that their dates were finally there. When both girls went down and opened the door Yunho and Su hand their mouths hanging opened at the sight of their dates.

BoA giggled in embarrassment while Roz smiled at Yunho.

"You know," she started. "Flies will get in if you don't close your mouths."

Both Su and Yunho got ahold of their senses and manners and closed their mouths.

"Hey," Yunho finally greeted Roz and Su did the same.

Both girls smiled and said hello to their dates. They followed both boys to Yunho's car and got in. Su and BoA sat in the back while Roz sat in the front with Yunho. There was small chitchatter between the four of them while Yunho drove them to the restaurant where they were going to eat dinner. When they reached the restaurant it was the girls turn to look in awe at the place. It was beautiful and one could easily tell that it was an expensive restaurant, they instantly felt underdressed when they saw some people enter in formal attire.

"Don't mind them," Yunho assured them both. "There is a family event going on somewhere in the restaurant and that's why they're dressed like that."

Both girls nodded their heads in acknowledgement. The four teenagers entered the restaurant where a waiter lead them to their reserved table. Yunho and Roz sat on one side while Su and BoA sat on the other. The four of them talked about random topics until their food came. While they ate their conversation shifted to shows they all liked to watch and sometimes Yunho and Su would ask BoA and Roz about working in Mirotic cafe. All in all the double date seemed to be going fine and they never ran out of anything to say to each other.

"Did you have fun?" Yunho smiled at Roz as they left the restaurant.

"Yes," she smiled back at him. "It was great."

"So where are we going now?"BoA asked as they entered the car.

"That's a secret," Su showed her his best angelic grin.

"No fair," BoA pouted at him. Su had to look away for a moment because the urge to kiss her was to strong. It wouldn't do for him to leave his senses behind at the moment.

Being sneaky BoA turned to Yunho and asked him where they were going.

"You heard Su its a secret," he shot back with a smirk.

BoA sat down on the seat with a deeper pout. She really wanted to know where they were going next on their date.

Roz turned around to look at her and gave her a smile. "Don't worry we'll find out soon enough."

Soon enough came about twenty minutes later when Yunho parked his car next to the ice rink. BoA and Roz both smiled at how beautiful the place looked at this time of night. The guys reached their hands to them and they took them. They lead the girls to get their iceskates. After putting them on the four of them began to skate with all the other people who were already in the ice rink. At first BoA held on to Su because she needed to get used to being on the ice instead of the floor but soon she was skating like a professional. Yunho and Roz were across the rink and he was showing off to her. The people who worked there decided it was time for some music so they played some. Yunho and Su were definetly in their element now and they began to show off some dance moves as they skated aweing their dates, proving to them that both boys could dance in any surface. Not soon after a slow song came and both couples got closer to dance with each other.


"," Steph cursed as more customers entered the cafe.

"Why are so many people here today?" Ray wondered as she went to a table to get someones order.

"I'm going to die," Steph muttured as she went to the back to get some more of the pastries that Roz and BoA had created before they had their dates.

Steph and Ray were both working hard. They'd been at it for more than three hours and it seemed like the cafe was never empty. To have a lot of customers was good business but right now Steph and Ray were both getting exhausted. They were understaffed because BoA and Roz weren't there and they were seriously running out of pastries and other things to sell the customers, they also needed to restock some of their drinks and soon.

"Steph how many more cakes and cookies do we have?" Ray asked as she stepped into the kitchen.

"Not enough to feed an army," Steph sighed in irritation. Seriously why did people have to show up when both of their bakers weren't around.

"Damn," Ray looked around the kitchen. Earlier it had been stocked with so many sweets and other things and now it was almost empty. "We need to bake more things."

"I know," Steph agreed. "But i can't bake, man the cash register and wait on people."

"Then I'll do the waiting and the cash register while you begin to bake other pastries," Ray suggested.

"Dude you can't do both at the same time," Steph ran her fingers through her hair messing it up a little bit. "We need reinforcements and fast."

"You talk like we're in a war," Ray chuckled.

"Have you not noticed that we are in one," Steph grimaced. "They come like flies one after another never leaving."

"Hey Steph?" Micky called from outside the door that read "employees only."

Hearing her name Steph got an idea really fast. She rushed to the door and opened it seeing Micky standing there.

"Perfect," she grinned while she grabbed his hand and pulled him through the door.

"What's going on?" Micky asked Ray since Steph wasn't answering him at all.

Ray shrugged not really knowing what her friend was up to.

"Hey Micky who did you come here with?" Steph asked from the dressing room.

"Jae," Micky told her.

"Can I ask you a question?" she stuck her head out to look at him, he nodded. "Can Jae bake?"

"Yeah," Micky answered. "Why?"

"Ray go out there and bring Jae in here," Steph ignored Micky. "Here," she threw and apron at him, which he caught, and told him to put it on.

"What's going on?" Jae asked when he entered the kitchen with Ray at his heels.

"Put this on," Steph commanded as she threw him and apron too.

"Why?" Jae asked warily as he put on the apron.

"We need help," Steph told them. "For some unforsaken reason a lot of people decided Mirotic cafe was the only cafe in town."

"Isn't that good for business?" Jae asked not really seeing the logic in her complaint.

"Yeah except for the fact that we are understaffed and running out of pastries and other stuff," Ray informed them finally understanding what her friend was doing.

"Ray go to the front and handle the customers with Micky while I show Jae around the kitchen and give him some of the recipes he can use to bake," Steph ordered her friend who pulled Micky away towards the waiting customers.

"Before we starts thanks for helping," Steph gave Jae a tired smile.

"Well I can't very much leave you guys hanging," Jae smiled back at her. "So where do I start?"

"We need more of these cookies as well as some of these," she handed him the cookie recipe as well as three others.

"Hmm this doesn't seem that hard to make," Jae looked them over.

"They're not but we do need to make a lot and that takes time," Steph told him as she got out the ingredients. "Well I got you everything you need. I have to go over there and help Ray and Micky. But if you need anything don't hesitate and ask. Also if you feel like baking something else the recipes are over there or you can just bake something you already know how to do."

"Would that be ok?" Jae asked her.

"Yeah," she started walking towards the exit of the kitchen. "We don't always serve the same things every day. Sometimes BoA and Roz bake something new that is really awesome and people love. Our customers are used to seeing new things here even if they come at different times during the same day."

"Alright then," Jae began to mix the ingredients while Steph left to go help out Micky and Roz.

When she stepped into the front her eyes almost jumped out of their sockets. The cafe looked ever more full and packed than it had while she was in the back. Turning to look at the displays she noticed how some of them looked empty and how others were running out and fast. She hoped that they wouldn't run out of everything before the day ended, she also wished that the amount of people coming would dwindle down.

"I'm totally beat," Micky leaned on the wall and slide down, about an hour later.

Steph's wishes had been granted as the hour passed. Thanks to Jae they never ran out of anything to serve their customers and thankfully the amount that had been showing up had died down.

"You know I'm starting to think that they all came at once on purpose," Ray rested her hand on the counter. "They wanted to make us suffer."

"That or Micky and Jae chased them away," Steph joked.

"Hey," Micky and Jae both shouted.

"I'm only joking," Steph chuckled. "But seriously thanks you guys for helping out."

"No problem," Micky answered her.

The door to the cafe opened then. All four of them looked up to see who had dared enter and ruin their momentary rest. Micky narrowed his eyes noticing that it was the same guy who had been there before and introduced himself as Steph's boyfriend. Jae recognized the guy too and Ray looked at him as she tried to place who he was but wasn't getting a hit. Steph's face however showed that she'd recognized him and she didn't really look that happy to see him.

"Steph," he smiled at her.

"What are you doing here?" she grimaced at him.

"That isn't a very nice greeting," the guy shot back at her.

"That's the point," she retorted.

"Why are you so mad?" he asked her.

"You told people we were dating," Steph glared at him.

"Well we were," he said.

Micky turned to look at Steph and saw how she became even more mad. He was kind of happy that she didn't like this guy.

"We never dated," she denied. "I went out on a date with you because you insisted and all that did was cause me problems in the end."

Realization hit Ray like a pound of bricks. He was the guy who Steph had been with the day her brother got hurt.

"Oh come on you can't really still blame me for what happened to your brother," the guy said.

Micky and Jae looked at each other confused. They were lost in the conversation.

"I don't blame you completely," Steph told him. "But you were partly at fault at making me late. Now why are you here?"

"I wanted to take you out to eat," he came closer to her.

"No," Steph didn't give his invitation a second thought.

"Oh come on," he said.

"No is no," Steph sighed. "Now go away."

"What if I don't?" he taunted.

"I'll have my boyfriend take you out," She replied before thinking.

"And who is your famous boyfriend?" he obviously didn't believe a word she said.

"He is," Steph pointed at Micky.

"I don't believe you," he shook his head.

"Fine I'll prove it," Steph walked to a frozen Micky and was about to kiss him.

"Stop," the guy said. "I'll leave but I still don't believe that he's your boyfriend."

"Who was he?" Jae asked.

"He was Aaron Yan," Steph replied.

Before i say anything I would like to apologize to my friend ray. I told her I would update this over the weekend but I only managed to update EBN and not this fic. But I have finally updated and I hope people enjoyed what I wrote. I'm not promising that I'll update the next chapter fast but I will try to make it soon. Looking forward to comments and i apologize to everyone for the late update as well as any mistakes found while reading the fic. 

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Chapter 33: Wow........ atfer 3 years, this fic finally came to an end XDDDDD loved the whole story a lot and really want to see more from u steph! Write more soon!!! :DDD
btobfiniteforever #2
Chapter 33: this is awesome, authornim! I enjoyed reading this ^^
lol...the suspense it kills lol...i was going to update this but i haven't had time to complete the chapter and i have two papers for school that i have to once i'm done with my papers i'll have more free time and i'll be able to finish this so please wait until this weekend
Chapter 32: Finally! Steph you updated it!!!! Whoa..... didn't expect that twist in the story..... I wonder how sunny and woohyun know each other..... damn it steph!!! Now I feel like reading the next chapter immediately. Please update soon!
Chapter 31: Finally after a long time I am able to read this again!!!!!! I wonder what's gonna happen next. Poor junno though.... yay!! Junsu and boa ^_^

(This is ray. I'm commenting through my rp account ^_^)
Chapter 29: Ohmy..... *o* taeminnie woke up finally!!! Gosh... ima read the story from first all over again since I have lost track a bit. Steph!!!! Please update more chapters soon! I'm curious to how the girls are going to get their revenges. Poor roz..... damn tiffanny..... :'(
Steph!!! T__T 6 months since you updated this... T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T
Chapter 28: Noonaaaaaa!!! Update this fic soon!!! [It's ray btw if you are wondering who this is/ I changed my username ^^]
Chapter 28: Ooooohhhh.. Another teaser? You really are trying to kill me of curiosity aren't you? Well, you see if you can get some chapters on by december cause I think I can get on and read em. Commenting on the story after stealing my dad's mobile to see if any stories have been updated lol XDDD