That medal

Home sweet home


Third POV

Key woke up for being slapped on his face. He whimpered and looked up, but it was way too dark to recognize his attacker.

-It seems Sleeping beauty is awake, and we didn’t even needed to kiss him. – one of them laughed.

-Don’t hurt him! – Key heard Jjongs voice from his back.

-Hey your prince is worried about you. – Another one.

-What do you want from us? – Finally Kibum managed to ask

-You prince of vagrants borrowed some money from me, and he has ran out of the deadline for a week now and we want it back now. – Laughed a kidnapper. – Key wondered how much will they give for you. – and his laugher got louder.

-I told you don’t dare to touch him. – Jonghyun yelled and torn himself from the grip of 2 other guy and hit the one laughing at me. But he got caught again and they beat him up. Kibum just screamed and ask them to stop.

-No! Don’t hurt him. I’ll give you as much as you want. Just let us go. – he cried desperately.

-And how much could a lowlife like you give, huh? – he laughed again. Kibum didn’t know what did he got himself into, but he needs to help him

-How much do you want? – Key asked, but he spited on him.

-It doesn’t matter how much I want, I’ll get back my 200.000 won no matter what. – he said smirking – but first let me try out what will I sell. – and he approached the boy.

-Noohg – Jong’s weak voice was heard from afar.

-I give you 1 million in cash and you let both of us go. – he offered in horror all of them started to guffaw. – You are laughing, but if you let me go now, you can get the five times of the money you want.

-Hey, we should let him go. – a kidnapper advised. There was a moment of silence, but they agreed.

-If you don’t come back in 5 hour with our money, he is so ing dead. – he threatened Key. Kibum ran to a bank like crazy doesn’t care about anything, and anyone. He needs to get back in time. Fortunately there wasn’t anyone in the bank. He wanted to take out the money, when he realized he had his ID* with him so he needs to get home. He was running again but he was kinda far from his place. As he stepped in the house he collapsed onto his knees. He was panting hard, and crawled to the living room where he left his papers. He looked at his watch, and there was still 3 and a half hour to get back. But he couldn’t wait anymore, but his phone stopped him. He didn’t want to pick it up, but when he heard Ambers weak greeting as the voice message , he ran back to receive the call.

-Amber!!! – he screamed.

-Hey Boo. – she said.

-You are finally awake. – Key teared up.

-Yeah, and you weren’t here, but when will you come to visit me? – she asked.

-I… I …Now I cant, I still have to finish something,  but I will be there in no more than 3 hours if everything goes well. – Key promised

-You are such a workaholic. – she stated.

-No… its not that… its something… ahg… I’ll tell it later.

-Okay, Key I missed you. Bye… - and she hang up. Kibum was relived, but he couldn’t care more, he needs to hurry up. He took all the cash he had in his house with him, and for the first time he used his car to get to a bank. He could take out only the half of the money he needed. He called Onew to borrow him some money, but he was out of the city because of a fashion show on which Key should have appeared. Kibum was at the verge of give up, he should have know he cant take out that big amount of money from the bank at once. And then an idea flashed his mind. In the company he knew where they kept the cash which they use for buying the accessories of the scenery, or paying for the photographer or something else. He just need to get there and take out, and he can still give it back without worry. He drove to the company and sneaked in and get the money he needed. He almost get out when his boss stopped him.

-Kibum, what are you doing here? Jinki told me you are ill.  – he said.

-I just… left my pendrive here, and I cant finish a project without it. – He lied so easily.

-Oh, such a good worker. Anyway go home fast and get better first, then you can still over work yourself – he joked, but Key couldn’t really laugh right now. He could finaly get away and drove back to the alley. But he didn’t know where is it exactly. He was crying and tried to find the place, he had no more than 10 minute now. He heard a bang from a narrow street, he left his car, and ruches there. He saw Jonghyun lying on the ground with bleeding legs.

-I’m back! – He yelled and run up to them.

-Hey the little kitten is here. Where is our money? – he asked now pointing a gun at him.

-Here it is. – Key gave it to them. – Count it, then let us go.

Minutes of counting passed like hours, Kibum felt his heart could jump out of his chest at any moment.

-Its really 1 million. – one of them said.

-Okay, take that brat with you and I don’t want to see him anymore. But you little cutie can come back to me whenever you feel like – he smirked at Key. Kibum helped Jonghyun up, and went to his car. He lay the boy in the backseat, and drove off to the hospital. The teen was coughing blood, and groaned in pain. As soon as they reached it the nurses take him to a room and cleaned his wounds. A doctor came and told him Jjong will need to leave the hospital because he has no Medical Insurance. But Key agreed with paying the medication fees. Jonghyun didn’t say anything, and it made Kibum feel badly. That medal cost way too much to a boy like Jonghyun, he wanted to give a present to his lover, which caused both of them to be beaten up. Key couldnt understand why he felt bad, because it wast his fault, but he hoped everything will be alright. He excused himself from the silent boy, and visited Amber too. She was very pale, but looked so lively. At least she looked happy. 

A/N: okay the end of this chapter is a bit , but anyway. Its still not the last one, but the next one will definitely be the finish of thsi story. 
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Kpop__ships #1
Chapter 9: I love this :)
Chapter 9: That was so ing amazing!!! Great grammar by the way. (^_^)
susumiya08 #3
Chapter 9: god!! u made me cry!!! I'm still sobbing like an idiot!!! your story was amazing, warm, funny, beautiful and touching.... thank u for writing what is in your awesome mind!!! ^_^ ♥jongkey♥ happyness
ShyNina #4
Wow. This story was amazing. It was soooo touching. I hope I can find a love like that and get a happy ending.
This made me cry sooo bad.I love it.So sweet and Key so caring and he helped them to make their dreams come true. Amazing story
heyalyssa #6
it almost made me cry~ but it made me really happy.<br />
and the ending, it's so fluffy :D
monteymonkey #8
Omg such a beautiful story XD
I just cried my eyes was sad and beautiful..thank you ;)