My angel

Home sweet home


Third pov


Next morning Key woke up in two strong warm arms, which made him forget everything bad for a moment. He snuggled closer to Jonghyun and enjoyed his closeness. But he couldn’t feel it for too long, because his alarm beeped mercilessly. He turned it off immediately, but the other had already woken up  and stretched himself. With the loss of the heat everything came back to his memory. His heart thumped painfully, and wanted to cry again. Jong hugged him once more before Key would left to the bathroom. Kibum wanted to go to the hospital before his work, so he didn’t want to take his time with breakfast.

-Key You should eat something, you haven’t eat for a day, You will faint at your work. – Jonghyun tried to make him eat.

-None of your business what I do. – he said coldly, feeling under the weather.

-I know, but… nothing will be better if you starve. – he didn’t give up.

-What? You have nothing to do with me. You didn’t understand anything, you ing dirty vagrant, get out off my house, find some one else to give you food and shelter. I don’t need to tolerate your overwhelming dumbness. Take all your idiot happiness and get away from me. In this world nothing can be solved by a nice smile, as you’d think. – he yelled hysterically already screaming while pushing Jonghyun out of the door. When the boy was out he shut his door right away, and leaned his back to it. As he looked to the side, he saw Jongs guitar standing next to the wall, he slightly opened the door and threw it out to him. He felt hot tears burning his eyes, he wanted to cry but he couldn’t. He kneeled down in front of his door, not yet realized what have he done. He was too confused about his job, Amber, Jonghyun, and his life. After a while he peeked out, and as he didn’t saw anyone, he left for work. He was tired and he couldn’t think properly in the company. Onew had been suspicious about something really big problem in Kibums life, but sometimes he could even take a simple chalk stain on his jeans as a serious disaster. But what made Onew sure about it was the time when Key wanted to give a striped shirt with checked pants, it was something that Kibum would have never done in normal circumstance. Once he even suggested to make a law about ‘no checkered with striped’ but he didnt succeeded.

-Key, whats wrong with you? – he asked with worried expression.

-Why do you think there is any problem? – he asked a bit furiously.

-Just look at yourself, misbuttoned shirt, black circles under your eyes, still oily skin, and well as I see you have odd socks. Its not, that I want to criticize you but I have never seen you like this. Go home, you need to sleep, and get yourself together. I’ll talk with the boss about some days off. – and he gave a heart warming smile. Key just nodded and mouthed a ‘thank you’ then left. He went to the hospital, second time this day. He has been sitting in Ambers room for hours, when a nurse came in, and take her away to do some examination on her. Key just sighed, and waited patiently. After half hour, a doctor came back, with Amber and told him she was better now. Though he needed to leave he was relived. He went home to his empty house, it was cold and lonely. He couldn’t do anything except for falling onto his bad and feeling pity forhimself. He sat up to look around maybe a little bit of Jonghyun was still in the room, and he was right. There was  a small envelope on his bedside table. As he opened it a small locket shaped medal fell out. He eyed it for a long time, it must be an expensive piece, it was so delicate and beautiful. Where the hell Jonghyun had the money for it? He asked himself, and then looked in the envelope for a letter or something, but nothing else was in. Only ugly letters were on a piece of paper. ‘To Key’ Kibum immediately looked for a lace, to wear the medal. It looked so beautiful, just like the heart of Jonghyun. He could hardly sleep that night either. He was just rolling  in his bed all morning. After a very slow bath, breakfast-but-rather-lunch, and dressing, he went for a stroll in the city, now he wanted everything but stay at home. As he was wandering around he didn’t feel less lonely, but he was among people, and deep, very deep inside of him, he hoped he would meet Jonghyun. He was walking down a narrow alley when he heard his angel again. His knees went to jelly, he slightly moved forward to hear him more clearly. He was almost at the corner, he didn’t dare to peek out. But he so much wanted to see the owner of the most beautiful voice he ever heard. He lurked from a wall and listened to the romantic song. The meaning of the lyrics made him want to cry, his heart was aching. After the 3rd song, he tried to at least glimpse at the boy. He slowly looked around the street, but the only person he saw singing with a single guitar in his hand was Jonghyun. The boy he durst call a dirty little crap, and treat him like that. Then I give you a serenade. – he takes out his guitar from its bag. Key didn’t even noticed, that he had a guitar.’ – Key remembered Jongs words to him on the day they first met ‘The angel I fell in love only after hearing him singing, had already cought me, but all I could se was a dumb lowlife. How could I be so blind? How could I be so rude, and anyway how could I treat him like a dog?’ – he thought almost crying. Jonghyun was having a short break, he drank a little water, before continuing his songs. Something took control over Keys body, made him walk up to the boy. Jonghyun recognized him to early, he didn’t even had the chance to ran away. The singing angel just smiled at him like nothing happened, he slightly poked towards his hat that was in front of him signaling to give him some money, like other peoples did. Key took out his wallet andscattered all of his money in his hat, accidently one of his credit card fell into it too. Jonghyun giggled a little at Kibums act, then patted the berm next to him, stopping his guitar play for a moment, to ask him to sit down. Key hesitantly kneeled beside him, and listened to his sweet voice. One of Jonghyun was familiar to him, he reflexly started to sing along with him. As they were singing together siting on a street waiting for some money, he have never felt so carefree and happy. After long long singing Jonghyun finaly stood up dusted off his trousers, and started to count the money in his hat.

-You were singing with me only in one third of the time I’ve been here, so you will get only one third of the money – he told in a serious tone, jokingly. He gave me all the bigger banknotes which was much more than the one third his todays ‘salary’. Key looked at him questioningly.

-No one accept bigger banknotes from a dirty vagrant like me, they would though I stole it and call the police. – he explained with a heart warming smile. Key felt even worse hearing back his own words from Jjongs mouth. And knowing how much rejection he got from the word, made Key feel more under the weather.

-Will you come with me? – The angel asked and he could just nod. Jonghyun grabbed his still trembling hand, and lead him to the small alley where he lives. When the turned in the street he lived in, Key saw a few other guy around a metal barrel which was on fire… or at least the something that was in it. A shiver went through Kibums spine as he was scared of those dudes. Jonghyun just squeezed his hand encouragingly


A/N: well... huh... I wanted to update this morning, but there was a balck out so I couldnt, so sorry for it.
Anyway I have a question, if you dont mind. Do I have a lot of mistake?? I mean, as I'm not native speaker, my english is not perfect, but i dont know wether its annoying, and mykes my story unenjoyable, or it is okay... or whatever. Mind telling me?? 
Thanks all of my lovely readers and commenters ^^

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Kpop__ships #1
Chapter 9: I love this :)
Chapter 9: That was so ing amazing!!! Great grammar by the way. (^_^)
susumiya08 #3
Chapter 9: god!! u made me cry!!! I'm still sobbing like an idiot!!! your story was amazing, warm, funny, beautiful and touching.... thank u for writing what is in your awesome mind!!! ^_^ ♥jongkey♥ happyness
ShyNina #4
Wow. This story was amazing. It was soooo touching. I hope I can find a love like that and get a happy ending.
This made me cry sooo bad.I love it.So sweet and Key so caring and he helped them to make their dreams come true. Amazing story
heyalyssa #6
it almost made me cry~ but it made me really happy.<br />
and the ending, it's so fluffy :D
monteymonkey #8
Omg such a beautiful story XD
I just cried my eyes was sad and beautiful..thank you ;)