Love at first sight? Not really...

Home sweet home


Third POV

Key headed to the dance studio where he usually trains himself. Its not that he would need anymore practice but to make sure he is the best. Amber always comes with him but not now, because she needs to help at the café to prepare for a big dinner which will be held after a wedding there. So he was all alone in the room. He opened the curtains, so he won’t need to switch on the light, natural light is better anyway. They usually spend hours there having fun, dancing to the newest girl band songs, sometimes boy bands too. But not now, Kibum was tired only after one hour. He sighed and packed his stuff, and left, dancing alone is not that fun. As he stepped out of the building he saw a stranger standing near the entrance. It was rather an abandoned part of the city, but not that typical ghetto district, and he has been dancing here for years, so he could call him a stranger. He knows here everyone. He didn’t waste his time with checking the boy, he just walked past him.

-Hey beautiful! – the boy called him. Key turned around and pointed at himself, the other just nodded. Kibum rolled his eyes and wanted to leave without a word, but the boy grabbed his wrist.

-What are you doing? – Key shouted, and looked at the dirty hands holding his. Now he looked at the boy, and saw how dirty he was, his clothes where hanging on him like a piece of sheet, most of them were torn, and have holes on them. Who the hell was he? And how dare he call him such a rude way? What kind of a vagrant he was? –Get away from me! – he shouted once again.

-Please, beautiful, just tell me your name? I saw you dancing and you looked so perfect. – he smiled like an idiot.

-Are you crazy? Let me go. If you want money then say that. – but he didn’t wait for an answer, he pulled his hand away and walked away quickly. But Kibum made a big mistake when he thought it will be enough to stop the other. He walked after Key and tried to get up his pace.

-Please just your name, and maybe your phone number, not like I have one. – he laughed on his poor joke.

-If you don’t stop it I’ll call the police. – he threatened him.

-Ah they know me very well, I would be happy if I could see my friends at the police station. – he smiled

-Then can you just leave me alone?

-Nope. Hey. It’s a dangerous part of the city. – he lied obviously, because they were now walking on the elite part.

-What do you want from me? – he asked hysterically – apart from my ing name? – he didn’t let the other to tell again his poor lie.

-You know it will be cold tonight, and to sleep somewhere warm would be good. – he said with puppy eyes.

-What???? You are talking disconnectedly. It has no meaning what you say. – he shouted at him, and walked even faster.

-Aish, don’t be so harsh. – and run after him.
He was talking the whole trip to Kibum’s home, who didn’t even realized that he lead this vagrant to his house.

-Now, As I arrived home could you leave me?

-Well.. – He acts like he was thinking. – let me see… No? – he stated.

-Go away, If you don’t want me to call the police. – he threatened again.

-It really makes no effect on me. – he smiled again. – just tell me your name, or let me live with you.

-NO! – he shouted for the countless time that day.

-Then I give you a serenade. – he takes out his guitar from its bag. Key didn’t even noticed, that he had a guitar.

-Don’t dare to do anything with that – he was bit scared, what if he hit him with that?

-Otherwise? – and he plunked his guitar smiling mischievously. Kibum had his cellphone in his hand, with the number of the police written in.

-One more plunk, and I call them – threatened again, but the other obviously didn’t understood it. Key called out the police and the boy smiled victoriously.

-At least I can sleep somewhere. Will you tell me your name? –But the only thing he got was silence. –Anyway, I’m Jonghyun, homeless – and he extended his arm to shake hands but Key refused it – My hand is too dirty for you to touch it.– he stated and smiled again. Why cant he erase that annoying smile from his face? Why is he happy because he can stay at the police station for harassing him? What the hell is with his boy? The police soon came and take him. Jong smiled at him once more before they make him sit in the car. Key felt a little bit embarrassed. He should accepted the handshake. But it was true he was dirty, but he didn’t deserved his rudeness. He didn’t do anything bad, just talked to him, and wanted to know his name. NO! He wanted him to let him stay at his place for night, or call the police to stay there to sleep. He had no intention to get know him. He just used out Key. Kibum with these disturbing thought went into his apartment and tried to live his life like usually. But he couldn’t really get rid of the image of the boy. He looked very young, no more than 19, why is he homeless? What did he wanted from him. He couldn’t believe he just wanted to know his name, there is no such an idiot on earth who would go to the prison only for knowing a name. Key was confused. His conscience told him to get the boy out of the jail, but his brain was screaming at him like hell for thinking about such an idiot thing. He couldn’t sleep all night, everything in his mind was about that boy. The next morning he was all so grumpy. He felt guilty, and tired. He knew if he don’t make sure the boy is out of jail, he wont feel any better. So He needs to go to the police station after work. Not for the boy, but for himself. 

A/N: I hope you like it, I dont knwo what else should I say

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Kpop__ships #1
Chapter 9: I love this :)
Chapter 9: That was so ing amazing!!! Great grammar by the way. (^_^)
susumiya08 #3
Chapter 9: god!! u made me cry!!! I'm still sobbing like an idiot!!! your story was amazing, warm, funny, beautiful and touching.... thank u for writing what is in your awesome mind!!! ^_^ ♥jongkey♥ happyness
ShyNina #4
Wow. This story was amazing. It was soooo touching. I hope I can find a love like that and get a happy ending.
This made me cry sooo bad.I love it.So sweet and Key so caring and he helped them to make their dreams come true. Amazing story
heyalyssa #6
it almost made me cry~ but it made me really happy.<br />
and the ending, it's so fluffy :D
monteymonkey #8
Omg such a beautiful story XD
I just cried my eyes was sad and beautiful..thank you ;)