Beach Date- Kai

Fluffs for Megs

               You and Jongin walked leisurely down the boardwalk, your arm linked in his. Since he had decided to take a break from work today, the two of you packed a picnic lunch for a fun date at the beach. It had been quite a while since you and he had done anything outside of your apartment together, so you were quite excited.

                “That seems like a good spot,” he nodded to an empty place in the sand. His other hand was holding the full picnic basket.

                After Jongin had spread out the blanket in the place he had recommended, you stretched out on it.

                “What are you doing?” He laughed.

                You sighed, “Relaxing.”

                Jongin sat down next to you and began poking you incessantly.

                “Stop,” you whined.

                He stopped poking you and instead squished your cheeks so you couldn’t talk. “Baby, we’re at the beach. We’re supposed to swim.”

                You pried his hands off your face. “I will in a bit,” you promised, “It’s still too early.”

                “Fine,” he relented. With that he got up and, to your surprise, started to take his shirt off.

                “What are you doing?” you asked, your eyes considerably wider.

                He responded matter-of-factly, “Going swimming.”


                Your husband didn’t wait for you to finish and darted off to the water, waving to you as he went. You grumbled to yourself about how this was supposed to be a date, but turned over and closed your eyes anyways.

                For some reason you were restless, so you sat up. You squinted your eyes, searching for Jongin in the water. A few seconds later you saw him come up from under. He noticed you looking so he smiled and waved. You returned his greeting. 

                It was then that you spotted the decent group of girls that had formed near the water’s edge. Jongin had started walking towards you. As he past the girls, he smiled and nodded at them politely. You followed their gaze and found that they were looking at him much too long for your liking.

                It was something that you had resigned to yourself would happen. Your husband was an extremely attractive man, by everyone’s standards. You understood that people would. However, that doesn’t mean that you were comfortable with it.

                Jongin finally reached you and sat on the blanket with a sigh. He leaned back on his arms, which made his arm muscles and abs clearly visible.

                “You should put a shirt on,” you told him curtly.

                He looked at you with a smirk. “Why?”

                “Because,” you began, but he had such a cute and playful look on his face that you couldn’t bear to be upset with him. “Those girls are staring,” you ended with a pout.

                Jongin laughed out loud and then leaned in closer to you. “Is someone jealous?” he asked in a low voice.

                “Maybe”, you muttered as your ears warmed because of his close proximity.

                “Anyway,” he pulled back, “I think they’re the ones who should be jealous.”

                You furrowed your eyebrows, not getting what he was saying.

                “You get to have me for the rest of your life.” Jongin winked and cocked his head.

                You groaned and laid back on the blanket, pretending to be annoyed with him. “Don’t remind me.”

                “Hey! What is that supposed to mean?”

                You hummed to yourself, ignoring him. He deserved to know some of the frustration he made you feel on a nearly daily basis you reasoned to yourself.

                Suddenly you felt him tickling the bottom of your feet. You fought to kick his hands away, but lost sorely.

                “Stop it!” You whined again, laughing this time.

                Jongin leaned down on his elbow, bringing his mouth to your ear. “Baby…” he sang under his breath.

                You bit your lip, not trusting yourself to use words. “Hmm?”

                He whispered now. “You’re mine, okay?”

                You blinked and nodded slightly. Jongin’s lips found their way to yours. You were awakened as the salty taste of his lips mingled with yours. Jongin pulled away slowly and looked at you lovingly. He planted one last kiss on your forehead before lying next to you.

                You felt his hand reach for yours and he intertwined his fingers with yours.


A/N: OTL I messed up the order again. Jongin feels just get the best reaction from Megan, blame her ;P

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Exoploded #1
I approve of your actions. Just don't do the same to me =.=
Chapter 9: You were right about the Jongin feels OTL but these are really awesome! ;w;