Mint Cookies and Cream- Kai (milkshake version)

Fluffs for Megs

You were listening with a smile as your friend rehashed the events of the evening. You were glad that everything went well and everyone had fun, but it was a relief that your debut was finally over. Sitting in the booth sipping on your milkshake, you felt as if a huge weight had been taken off of your shoulders.


Suddenly your phone began to vibrate on the table. You glanced down at the screen and saw your boyfriend, Jongin's number and photo pop up.


“Sorry guys, I have to take this,” you told your friends, sliding out of the booth with your phone in hand.


“Hey,” you answered while walking out the restaurant.


“Hey yourself,” Jongin laughed. Even though he sounded jovial you could tell he was tired from a long day of rehearsal, the reason he couldn't come to your debut.


“How was it?” you asked him, leaning against the outside window.


“I should be asking you that first.”


“It went well, even the dancing, thanks to someone,” you grinned.


“Is this someone you mention a special someone?” you could hear the smile in his voice.


“Slightly.” Truthfully, without Jongin patiently assisting you with the waltzes you would have been a lot more on edge the whole night.


Jongin stifled a yawn and you heard him stretch, probably in preparation for bed.


“I should let you sleep,” you said softly.


“You should get home and rest too.”


“Yeah, we've both had a long day,” you commented, looking up at the now star-speckled sky.


“Promise we'll see each other in the morning?”


You smiled, “I promise.”


It was silent on the other end for a few seconds.


“Jongin?” you called into the phone, wondering if he had already fallen to sleep so quickly.




“Oh. I thought you were gone.”


“No,” he sighed, “I was kissing you goodnight through the phone.”


You blushed, but laughed at him at the same time.“You're so weird.”


“Then so are you,” he retorted.




“Because I love you.”


You bit your lip to prevent a ridiculous smile from taking over your entire face.


“So...because you love me, that makes me weird?”


“Yes. Weird by association.”


You laughed out loud, “Whatever.”


“'Night, babe.”



i know i ruined the Kai, D.O, Kai, D.O pattern but OH WELL~  i'll update soon guys! subscribe so you know when~ don't be a silent reader, let me know how the feels are! ~happy reading~


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Exoploded #1
I approve of your actions. Just don't do the same to me =.=
Chapter 9: You were right about the Jongin feels OTL but these are really awesome! ;w;