Dinner and a View- D.O

Fluffs for Megs

            You tapped your foot on the tiled floor of your old high school. You had promised your mom that you would pick your younger sister up from her first day of high school and spend time with her but you hadn't expect her to take this long. Eventually you saw her coming down the hallway.


            “Finally,” you let out a breath, “I should have stayed in the car.”


            “I'm sorry,” she apologized hurriedly, “I got a little lost.”


            You let out a little laugh, “Really? The place isn't that big.”


            “Yeah, but it's my first day,” she pouted.


            You shrugged, “I guess...How was it?”


            “Meh, not too bad,” she replied, pushing out the school door, “My home ec teacher is cute, so that's a plus.”


            You slapped her on the arm.


            “Ow! What?”


            “He's your teacher.”


            “So?” she questioned, “Are teachers not allowed to be good-looking?”


            You groaned, “I never said that.”


            The conversation was cut short when she stopped in her tracks, “Oh! I forgot. I needed something from the office for mom to sign.”


            You glowered at her, “Now you remember? The car is literally right there.” You pointed to your car, which was indeed a few parking spaces away.


            “I'll be quick, promise!” And with that she dashed off.


            You sighed and pulled out your phone to text your mom saying that you would be home a bit later than expected. Texting while walking can sometimes prove hazardous, and this time it did. You bumped into someone and heard a short grunt of pain.


            “Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry,” you exclaimed, slightly flustered. The man had one hand over his nose, as if testing it for the extent of the injury.


            He let his hand down and laughed, “It's okay, nothing's broken..i don't think.”


            Now being able to see his face fully, something about him looked familiar. He looked at you curiously as well.


            “Do I...?-” you began, but he cut you off.


            “Megan?!” Hearing his voice, you now remembered him.


            “Kyungsoo!” You returned the exclamation.  He was Do Kyungsoo, a friend from college. You haven't seen him in about two years, since  graduation. As with all your college friends, the two of you had promised to keep up with each other, but life got in the way, as usual.


            “What are you doing here?” you asked him, still shocked.


            “I work here,” he chuckled, “what are you doing here?”


            You told him the story of how you were waiting for your sister. The two of you made small talk for a bit when you saw your sister approaching in the distance.


            “Oh, finally, she's here.” You looked back to him with a smile, “We should keep in touch, though. For real this time.”


            “Definitely,” he nodded. “Do you still have the same number?”


            You didn't, so he handed you his phone and you entered it in.


            “Great. I'll be sending you the bill, then,” Kyungsoo said, in a mock serious tone.


            “What bill?”


            “For my broken nose.”


            Your eyes widened, “You said you were fine.”


            He laughed and began to walk away, “Joking. I'll see you around, Megan.” He waved over his shoulder to you.


            Kyungsoo and your sister crossed paths and you saw her stiffen up as she bowed slightly to him. After a good distance passed between them she ran up to you.


            “What the crap was that?!” She nearly yelled.


            You rolled your eyes and walked to the driver side of the car, “What the crap was what?”


                        “Why were you talking to my home ec teacher?!”




            You checked the address on your phone one last time to make sure you had come to the right place. After you and Kyungsoo had (literally) bumped into each other again, the two of you had been talking quite a bit. He had invited you to dinner at a restaurant in the city this evening. It goes without saying that your sister was beside herself when she found out.. She even volunteered to pick out a dress for you. You were happy as well for the time to reconnect with your friend.


            Your phone confirmed the address was correct so you adjusted your dress and walked into the building. If you were to describe the atmosphere of the place it would be hard to pinpoint specifically. Although there were quite a few families dining there, it wouldn't be right to call it a family restaurant. However you wouldn't classify it as a pub or upscale dining facility either. The décor and lighting made you feel welcome but also conveyed that you were in for a good meal that night.


            A waitress greeted you, asking if you had made reservations.


            “Um... actually, I don't know if he made reservations but I'm with Do Kyungsoo,” You glanced around, wondering where he would be, but the waitress seemed to know who you were talking about.


            “Follow me please,” she said with a smile.


            She walked you past the tables, past the booths, and past the bar. Eventually you were in the back, typically the place for 'employees only', and indeed the employees were at work serving up the orders for the customers outside. You opened your mouth to say something to her, but just then Kyungsoo came walking into the kitchen area through a door to the side.


            “Hey,” he came up to you and greeted you with a side hug, “Glad you could come.”


            “What are we doing back here?” you whispered to him. By now the waitress had left so it was just you, Kyungsoo and the handful of cooks doing their job.


            He looked a bit surprised, “Oh? I thought you knew...this is my restaurant.”


            You mouth gaped open, “Don't lie.”


            He shrugged and his face told you he wasn't lying. You also noticed that Kyungsoo was wearing a black button-up collared shirt, dress pants and pretty fancy dress shoes. He did look quite manager-like, and, you admitted to yourself, quite handsome.


            “Oh my gosh, that's so great D.O, I mean, I knew you always wanted to open your own place-”


            You weren't able to finish your thought because he was looking at you with a huge grin.




            “You just called me by my old nickname.”


            “I did?” you blushed and ducked your head.


            “I haven't heard it in a long time, so it's nice to hear.”


            There was a beat of silence, but then Kyungsoo asked, “So, are you hungry?”


            Being in the kitchen so long surrounded by the delicious smells, you were concerned that your stomach would start growling   soon, so you nodded with enthusiasm.


            He laughed, “This way, please.” He gestured towards the door he had came from earlier. Placing his palm on your back, he led you towards it. You jumped a bit at his touch.


            Through the door you were surprised to find stairs, but Kyungsoo didn't hesitate so you climbed up them. At the top there was another door, which he opened for you. You found yourself  on the flat rooftop of the restaurant building, under the open city  night sky.


            “Ta-dah,” Kyungsoo grinned sheepishly.


            You looked around, amazed. Strewn over all the railings were white fairy lights, twinkling in place of the stars which are difficult to see in the city. Kyungsoo led you further onto the roof to the already set small table and two chairs. He pulled one chair out, gesturing for you to sit.


            “I think you'll like today's menu,” he winked. You looked at your plate, which currently had a cover on it. You lifted it up and laughed.


            “Your famous spaghetti!”


            He commented while pouring sparkling juice into your glass, “I figured you probably haven't had it in a while...”


            “I remember you always used to make it for our group when we had those study sessions.”


            He smiled, “How is it? Does it taste the same?”


            You took a careful bite. “The same, if not better.”


            You talked comfortably while eating, catching up on what each other has missed in two years.


            “So, you teach and you work here.” Both of you were finished eating by now, but the atmosphere was so relaxing. You didn't even know how long it had been since the two of you were on the roof, or whether the restaurant was even still open.


            Kyungsoo nodded.


            “Well, they don't need me here that often,” he reasoned. “But still, this is your own restaurant, D.O. That's a big deal,” you told him, still amazed at his accomplishments.


            “Do you want to go for a walk?” He asked suddenly.


            “Where? We're on a roof,” you asked, taken back by his random request.


            “It's a pretty big roof.”


            You laughed, “Sure. Why not.”


            The two of you walked slowly along the edge of the roof. You ran your fingers along the railing. The cars below zoomed by but they all looked small and far away from up here.


            “So, how's my sister doing in your class?” you asked him, jokingly.




            You chuckled, “It's okay. You don't have to be nice.”


            “Well, she's not so bad..there are worse students,” he admitted, “at least she pays attention to the lesson.”


            You refrained from telling him that it was because she thought he was good-looking. You stole a gaze at his side-profile. No doubt about it, Do Kyungsoo was handsome. Did he really change this much in two years or did you just not notice before? You could see where his jawline jutted out, even in the moonlight. His eyes were bright and clear, and portrayed his every emotion. His lips were perfectly shaped. You always liked the way one side of his mouth turned up before the other whenever he smiled or laughed.


            Kyungsoo glanced at you and you quickly turned away, hoping you weren't caught. You cleared your throat and racked your brain for a conversation topic as damage control.


            “How is Hyerin doing?” you asked, suddenly remembering his girlfriend from college. Her and Kyungsoo had started dating near the end of the senior year, so it was highly likely that they were still together. You kicked yourself internally for not remembering before.


            “She's doing well...” you heard hesitation in his voice, “she actually moved to London a while back, so...” He looked at you, “We aren't together anymore.”


            “Oh. I'm sorry I brought it up,” you apologized sincerely.


            Kyungsoo shook his head, “No worries. No hard feelings. We were just headed down different paths, so we wouldn't have worked out.”


            You nodded, understandingly.


            Just then Kyungsoo laughed to himself. You looked at him quizzically.


            He stopped walking, so you stopped as well.


            “I just remembered, apparently eating Italian food, especially spaghetti, on a date is a bad idea.”


            You blinked a few times, registering what he was saying.


            “Is...is this a date?” you asked him, slightly flustered.


            He smirked, that one side of his mouth curling up before the other, “I don't know. What would be your definition of a date?”


            You chose your words carefully, “Well...when a guy and a girl...go someplace nice together...that's generally what a date is, right?”


            He took a step closer to you and you swore if he moved any closer he would be able to hear your heart pounding.


            “I think you're forgetting something important,” His eyes searched yours. “Don't the guy and the girl have to like each other?”


            Heat quickly rushed to your cheeks.


            “I suppose you're right,” you replied, attempting to steady your voice.


            “So,” You felt Kyungsoo's fingers interlock with yours, “Is this a date, then?”


            You narrowed your gaze at him, “Yah, Do Kyungsoo. Why are you trying to make me confess first?”


            He let out a soft laugh, squeezing your hands gently, “Same old Megan, you haven't changed at all.” His eyes were fixed on yours. “I'm glad I have you back. I'm not letting you go this time.”


            Kyungsoo then planted a kiss on your forehead.


            “Yes, this is a date.”



A/N: This one was longer than i expected...probably to make up for messing up the order last time, lol. 


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Exoploded #1
I approve of your actions. Just don't do the same to me =.=
Chapter 9: You were right about the Jongin feels OTL but these are really awesome! ;w;