For Our Family- Kai

Fluffs for Megs

“Babe, I’m back!”

You hurriedly threw the washed pillows onto the bed and shuffled to the front door to greet you husband. Jongin grinned as he saw you. He took two strides and you squealed as he pulled you into his arms.

“I missed you so much,” he murmured, planting a kiss near your ear. “How’s our girl?” Jongin smiled brightly, resting his hand on your distended stomach.

You pulled on his arm. “You look tired, babe. Come lay down.” Jongin followed you to the bedroom. He immediately flopped onto the freshly made bed and sighed contently. You leaned against the doorframe, happy to see your husband in front of you again, rather than on Skype.

“How was the tour?” For the past two weeks, he and his band had been traveling in China and Japan, performing in various cities.

He opened one eye and patted the empty space beside him. You made your way over and stretched out carefully. Jongin propped himself up on his elbow. His gaze seemed to examine your whole form.

“What are you doing?” You chuckled nervously.

“I haven’t seen you in two weeks…” He answered absentmindedly, tracing circles on your stomach.

 He looked at you intently. “You’re beautiful.”

You laughed, “Are you talking to me or your daughter?”

His eyes crinkled as he smiled. “Both?”

Jongin tapped your stomach with one finger. “Baby, you’re beautiful...just like your mommy.”

It was then that you noticed the string of ink behind his ear. You traced it with your finger. “What’s this?”

“Ah. It was for the concert. I forgot to wash it off.”

You didn’t realize you were still feeling it until Jongin wrapped his hand around your wrist.

“Do you like it that much?” he smirked.

“It’s…nice,” you shrugged, in attempt to appear impartial. Truthfully, you found it quite attractive.

“Only nice?” He leaned close to your face.

“I guess,” you responded airily.

Jongin laughed and kissed your nose before lying down beside you again.

He glanced at you. “Do you want me to get a real one?”

You stretched one arm up mindlessly, examining the manicure you had gotten the other day out of boredom. “If you want…it’s your body.”

Jongin reached up and intertwined his fingers in yours. “But you’re the one who has to see it.”

You turned your face away, hiding the growing blush that was forming.

Jongin laughed silently. He found it ridiculously cute how embarrassed you got when he said things like that.

“When do you have to go back?” you asked him. You knew their tour wasn’t complete. They still had to visit South Asian countries.

 You saw a grimace form on Jongin’s face. He hesitated to respond. “I only have two days.”

A painful silence ensued. Part of you wanted to beg him to stay, but you knew that was out of the question. The two of you had discussed the possibility of you going with him, but with you being five months into your pregnancy it was a risky endeavour.

Jongin turned to you again. “Babe, really. I wish I could stay longer or-“

“Don’t worry about it,” you forced a smile for him, “It’s your job. I have to be understanding.”

By the look on his face you knew he wasn’t satisfied with your response.

You puffed your cheeks and blew out the air you were holding in. “I think...I’m going to get food.”

Jongin’s eyes fluttered open. He was already half-asleep. “Do you want me to come with you?”

You got up slowly from the bed. “I’ll be fine. You need to rest.”

“So do you.”  Jongin began to get up.

“Babe, sleep.  I’ll be back,” you told him sternly.

“Don’t be too long,” he resigned and curled into the covers.



You knew that Jongin was only coming home for a few days. You shouldn’t have been that surprised when he said he was only staying for two days. Truthfully, you weren’t surprised. You were happy that he came home at all. He could have stayed in the dorm or went straight to Thailand early like the other members did.

But still you were unhappy. You blamed it on hormones. Hot tears splashed your cheeks, blurring your vision.

“What the heck is wrong with me?” you hissed to yourself.

You attempted to concentrate on the lamp-lit street but your mind kept wandering back to Jongin. Illogical thoughts floated around your brain.

What if I have the baby and he’s not here?

What if he doesn’t come back?

Uninhibited tears flowed  down your face. You knew that these were irrational fears, but still in that moment, you were terrified.

You wiped your eyes and attempted to focus on the road.

The traffic light ahead flashed quickly from green to yellow then to red. It was too late for you to break.

Tires screeched, white flashes from headlights blinded you and everything went black.



Something cold was pressed against your forehead, waking you out of a deep slumber. You cracked one eye open, not knowing where you would find yourself. It took a bit until your vision focused and you saw Jongin sitting on the edge of the bed, pressing a rag to your head.

“Good morning,” He said softly with a small smile.

Your eyes flittered around the room. You breathed a sigh of relief when you realized you were indeed in your own apartment. However it was momentary. You felt your stomach frantically, eyes widely searching Jongin’s face for any sign of distress. He hushed you.

“She’s fine, babe. Don’t worry.” You relaxed again and Jongin continued to reassure you.

“You both are fine. There was no accident. The oncoming car stopped in time. You just out from the shock.”

You bit your lip. “I’m sorry.”

Jongin sighed and removed the cloth from your head. He crawled over you to the other side of the bed and pulled you into his arms. He your hair as you rested against his chest.

“Don’t apologize,” he told you, “You were scared and with every reason to be.”

Jongin laughed bitterly to himself. “What kind of husband leaves his pregnant wife home alone for two weeks?”

You opened your mouth protest, but Jongin wouldn’t allow it.

“I should be the one apologizing to you,” He lifted your chin to meet his gaze as he said this.

“It’s time for me to put our family first, Megan…us,” Jongin lightly kissed you. “Our baby…” He pressed his lips on your stomach. “That’s what’s important to me now.”

“But…the tour,” You reminded him softly.

“I already talked to my manager and Soo Man. I won’t be participating in overseas schedules for now…until you can come with me.”

You buried your head into his chest and silently thanked God for allowing you to marry an angel in human form.

“I promise.  I will always be here for you. For our family.”

You momentarily revelled in the safety of his embrace.

“I’m still hungry,” you murmured shortly after.

Jongin laughed out loud, “Of course you are.”



A/N: Woah guys. Uni is is having a is trying to keep up with writing, OTL. anywhoo~ This fic really gave Meg the feels. like. REALLY. hehe, i'm quite satisfied with that :D I hope you all are doing well! Don't be a silent reader please! Suscribe! Comment! <3


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Exoploded #1
I approve of your actions. Just don't do the same to me =.=
Chapter 9: You were right about the Jongin feels OTL but these are really awesome! ;w;