Mint Cookies and Cream- Kai

Fluffs for Megs

Mom, I'm leaving now.”


You stood at the hotel's exit, waiting for your mom to acknowledge you. She looked over, nodded and waved you off before turning back to the conversation she was having with someone else.


Deciding that was acknowledgment enough, you took your leave. It's been a long day and though it was beautiful, you were glad to be out of your debut dress. You could breathe normally again.


Reaching your car, you heaved the bagged dress in your trunk and took off. It was unfortunate that your boyfriend, Jongin, couldn't come to your debut, but he promised that the two of you could enjoy a peaceful early (very early) morning movie together afterward.


You pulled up to his house and headed to the front door, small bag in head. He greeted you with a smile and hug.


“I'm getting makeup on your shirt,” you mumbled into his chest and pulled away. Jongin pouted and you pecked his cheek with a small kiss.


He pulled you inside, leading you towards the living room, “Come on, I have the movie ready.”


You stood your ground. “Wait. I have to wash all of this off first,” you reminded him, gesturing to your face.


“Okay,” He sighed, “I'll be waiting.”


You quickly went to the washroom, washing your face, brushing your teeth, and changing from the jeans you had put on at the hotel after the festivities into more comfortable sweatpants.


You walked back into the living room to find Jongin sprawled on the couch. You tapped his leg for him to move, but he just smirked at you. You raised an eyebrow and he grinned, finally getting up. You sat down, and turned your body, stretching your legs out on his lap.


“Much better,” you laughed. Glancing at the tv you asked, “So is this movie going to start on it's own or?”


“In a bit,” he sang. He began massaging your feet and heat quickly crept up your cheeks.


“I'm gonna fall asleep,” You groaned. Your feet were terribly sore from that day's activities and with Jongin's every touch you felt it all melting away.


He chuckled, “No, you won't.” He reached over his armrest and produced a tin of ice cream and a spoon, handing it to you.


“A little birdie told me you were partial to mint cookies and cream.”


You gladly took the tin from him and cracked it open, “That little birdie was right.”


After digging the spoon into it, you let the ice-creamy goodness melt in your mouth. “You're the best.”


Jongin grinned, “I know.”


He continued massaging your feet and asked, “How did the dancing go?”


“A lot better than it would have if you haven't helped me,” you admitted.


He looked at you with that perfect smile of his. “Thinking about me helped you then, huh?”


You nudged him with your foot and warned him playfully, “Don't get too cocky, now.”


A few comfortable minutes of silence passed, you thoroughly enjoying your ice cream and Jongin's foot massages, when he asked another question.


“What is a debut even for anyway?”


You sighed, “It's supposed to signify my coming-of-age I guess. Supposedly I'm a lady now,” you chuckled.


“But,” he turned to you, “You were a lady before.”


You looked at him quizically. Jongin leaned closer to you. Your feet slid off his lap and dangled off the edge of the couch. Your head gently hit the armrest. Jongin's face was so incredibly close to yours you felt like you were drowning in the warm chocolate brown of his eyes.


He brushed the few stray strands of hair from your face, his fingertips awakening the nerves they glided over. Your heart fluttered as he lightly smiled down at you.


“You're my lady.” His voice was low, barely audible. His gaze traveled from your eyes to your lips.


A heartbeat later, his lips seized yours. His hand slid under your back, pulling you up into a sitting position. All the while his lips stayed on yours. Slowly he pulled away, your foreheads still touching.


“Movie time?,” he asked quietly with a smile.


You simply nodded, not trusting yourself to form proper words at the moment.


He reached for the remote on the table and pressed play.


“I think mint cookies and cream is my new favourite flavour,” He added. 

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Exoploded #1
I approve of your actions. Just don't do the same to me =.=
Chapter 9: You were right about the Jongin feels OTL but these are really awesome! ;w;