Missing You- Kai

Fluffs for Megs


          You sat in the living room waiting for your husband, Jongin, to come home. It was nearly 11 at night and he still wasn't home. You sighed to yourself. This has been going on for almost a week now. You tried to be understanding, knowing that his job required much from him, but priorities are priorities.


            You two had been married for just short of two years  and you still couldn't stand confrontation. Not only because you hated conflict, but because you were terrible at it.  Even though you and Jongin would solve any issues that came up, the process didn't work the way you imagined it would...


            You turned your head towards the apartment door as Jongin came in.


            “Oh, you're still up,” He noted, surprised to see you there. Usually you would have already left for bed since you also leave for work early in the morning.


            You nodded and got up from the chair. “Are you hungry? I left some food out..”


            Jongin shook his head, “Junmyeon-hyung bought us food, so I ate not too long ago,” He walked passed you towards the bathroom, but stopped and pecked your cheek first, “Thanks, though.”


            You bit your lip, not really knowing how to start this...discussion. As your husband was about to close the bathroom door, you called out, “Hey, Jongin.”


            He peeked his head out, “What's up?”


            “Can we...talk...when you're finished?”


            “Sure, why not?” He shrugged, not suspecting anything was the matter. With that he went back to his shower.


            You decided to busy yourself in the kitchen until he came, though there wasn't really much to do since you had cleaned it already. You eyed the covered plate of food you had prepared for Jongin. A frustration came over you and part of you wanted to throw the whole thing in the garbage. However you knew better and instead put it in a plastic container. You didn't realize, but your actions were a bit more exaggerated and louder than necessary.


            While washing the few remaining dishes, you rehearsed in your head exactly what you wanted to say to your husband. You just missed him, was all. The days went by, both of you working, and him coming home late. Besides the occasionally romantic phone conversation and the fact that you shared a bed, you two could be mistaken for roommates at the rate things were going.


            You wiped your hands on the hand towel and turned around, only to find Jongin leaning there on the island.


            “How long have you been standing here?”


            “Not too long,” he answered while stretching. The muscles in his arms flexed and the white t-shirt he was wearing lifted up, giving you a peek at his deliciously formed abs. At times like this, it was really unfair how good-looking he is.


            Jongin rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands, “You said you wanted to talk?”


            Clearly he was exhaused after the long day. You sighed, “Forget it. We'll talk another time.”


            You started to walk past him, but he pulled you back. “Whoa, whoa. Hold on a second.”


            “Jongin, you're tired. Let's go sleep.” The exasperation was evident in your voice.


            “No,” He said firmly, “Babe, seriously. What's wrong?”


            You let out a shaky breath and looked down at the tiled floor. “Nothing...I just...” You looked up at him, “I just miss you.”


            His face softened and he pulled you into a tight hug. Jongin pressed his lips against your forehead. You felt his chest rise and fall with a deep breath.


            “We barely see each other,” you continued. Jongin rubbed your back and you relaxed into his arms.


            “I'm sorry,” He finally replied. You didn't say anything. He rested his hand on your waist. You lifted your head up, waiting for him to say something more.


            “I know I haven't been home that much, and trust me when I say it's not that I don't want to. I'd rather be with you than those eleven idiots,” He smirked. You poked him for talking about s that way.


            He laughed a bit, then a more serious look came over his face.


            “I promise, I'll come home from work early tomorrow.” Sealing his promise, he ducked down and lightly brushed his lips on your shoulder, which was accessible on account of the tank top you were wearing.


            “Okay,” you agreed. Your skin tingled where he had kissed you.


            “And the next day...and the next day...” Jongin murmured, trailing your shoulder with his kisses. You wrapped your arms around his neck as Jongin pulled you closer to him.


            “I missed you too, you know?”




            “I've been around too much testosterone...”


            You laughed softly.


            “Seriously,” Jongin pulled his head back and removed one arm from around you to lift your chin. “Thank you.”   


            “For what?” you asked, searching his eyes.


            Jongin didn't answer you with words. He slowly leaned his face closer to yours, stopping a hair width's away from your lips. His breathing was ragged. You felt the irregular puffs of air on your cheeks and your own breathing became hitched. Even after so long, even after being upset with him, this man -Kim Jongin- still had the ability to burst the butterflies from their chrysalises inside you, to send your heart racing faster than a bullet train, to cause your knees to quake with his every-


            And all thoughts faded as Jongin's lips crashed against yours hungrily. You returned the kiss with equal passion. You felt his lips curl into a smile.





            “Jongin”, you whispered, shaking your husband lightly.


            You had woken up to find yourself entangled in his arms. You poked his bare collarbone where you knew he was sensitive because of the recent tattoo he had gotten there.


            “Ow,” he moaned.


            “Babe, it's 7 am,” you informed him.


            “So?” He pulled you closer to him, nuzzling his chin into the crook of your neck.


            “We have jobs.”


            “That we don't need to go to today,” his voice was considerably deeper and hoarse, it being morning and all. You found it harder to argue with him when he was like this.


            “I know I don't have to go to work, but you....”


            He kissed your temple lazily, “Junmyeon gave me the day off.”


            “He did?,” you were surprised, “When did you ask him, I mean-”


            Jongin's hand covered your mouth, “Baby, let's talk later, huh?”


            “Fine,”you sighed with a satisfied smile.


            “Good.” He kissed your temple one more time before dozing off into dreamland which, for him, was much like the current reality.


            With you in his arms.


A/N: wahh~ This one was very successful in the feels department, Megan can attest to that..hohoho. 

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Exoploded #1
I approve of your actions. Just don't do the same to me =.=
Chapter 9: You were right about the Jongin feels OTL but these are really awesome! ;w;