Chapter 8~

Speed Of Love
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Chapter 08~



“ There’s a camera on the bus right across the aisle. Now I want everyone to remain calm. No big movements and keep your eyes straight.” Sungmin commanded across the length of the bus grimly.

“Can he hear us?” Nari whimpered while clutching her purse closer to her chest.



“I dont think so, it only captures the video footage.” he replied stumbling back to the front of the bus beside Kyuhyun. Sungmin squeezed Kyuhyun’s shoulder reassuringly and picked up the phone that had been thrown across the floor in a fit of remorse and anger.


Sungmin spoke into the phone shakily,“Teuk, did Henry really-”


“No, the bomber got that wrong, Henry and the entire team is doing fine. Hyoyen has 50 percent burns but she’s gonna be alright. Sooman obviously made a mistake.” Leeteuk answered strongly.



“So Henry’s fine? He’s not dead -oh my god. “ Sungmin heaved a sigh of relief at the unexpected though not completely unwelcomed news.

“That boy sure has a lot of pluck.” Leeteuk grinned.


“Hyung, I have something to tell you. There’s a video recorder on the bus so I want you to find that signal and stop it.” Sungmin spoke urgently.

 “Alright Sungmin, I’m on it.”



With that Leeteuk rushed to the news broadcasting van and yelled,”Stop your tapes, I need you to find a signal going to that bus. Find it for me.”

“Sure thing Lieutenant.” The worker answered and fiddled around with the knobs of the machine.



“Come on come on hurry up.” Leeteuk urged him frantically.



Over in the bus Sungmin pursed his bow-shaped lips and commanded,”Now remember no big movements. Just appear slightly shaken.”

He nodded reassuring to the passengers and walked back to the front of the bus.” Keep driving straight Kyuhyun. We’re gonna be alright, I promise.”



The worker looked into Leeteuk’s worried eyes and mumbled, “I caught the signal. We can see the interiors of the bus, Lieutenant. ”  

“ yeah, now tape it. Tape it I say.” Leeteuk yelled.


The worker shot him a bewildered look,”W-what?”

“ Record the damned thing so that we can wire the tape back to the signal on the bus.” Leeteuk barked out.




“Sungmin, look here.” Kyuhyun whispered his eyes flickering back and forth between the concentrated look on the cop’s face and the fuel tank meter.

“We’re running out of time Sungmin.” Kyuhyun muttered shooting Sungmin a worried look.




Sungmin cursed under his breath and spoke into the headset,” Leeteuk, I want you to wire the signal already. The fuel tank is running low.”

“But Sungmin we barely have a few seconds of recording. Give me five minutes.” Leeteuk protested his eyes glued onto the machine that was recording the video of the bus.




“No can’t do hyung. Fuel’s gonna run out. Wire the recording to the video signal on the bus and run it on a loop so that the recording keeps playing over and over again. We might have just the time we need to unload all the passengers out of the bus before the Sooman finds out what we’re doing and the bus blows up.” Sungmi

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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 2: wow i am only at chapter 2 and wow this is pretty intense, ilove all the characters lol thankyou for gracing us with this brilliant fic!now i'm off to read some more
Alice_K26 #2
Chapter 11: Ohhh mannnnn i like minkyuu very muchhhhh and this story is awesomeeeeeeeee...
Weak, scared kyu and gentlemen ming is jjjjjaaaaaanggggg
XiumInYourFace #3
Chapter 1: Oooh, intense! I like it :-)
Mariannesama #4
Chapter 11: So cool and full with action also romance! >.<
soo loving this story~~~
Camilonchis #5
Chapter 12: I just finish reading all of this, it's awesome! I really liked it, I'm going now to follow the sequel and I can't wait! Thanks for sharing it :D
Chapter 11: Hi:) I've read this a couple of days ago but only managed to leave a comment now. I'm sorry! This fic is really awesome! Every chapter is filled with excitement and adrenaline rush that I can't stop myself from reading this in one sitting only. This is really amazing! And Heechul's character is really funny! Though I don't blame him because his car really is an expensive one. And Sungmin is just full of charisma here while Kyuhyun is bursting with submissiveness! And that's quite new! And I really really enjoyed reading this and I can't wait to read the sequel! Thank you!
sweetnona123 #7
Chapter 12: WOW, i was out of my breath all this time
but OMG the end was excellent<3
liatkyu #8
Chapter 12: you bish >_<
Chapter 11: OH MY GOD. This is AMAZING!! This is the first time i've read such an intense fic!! Good job! /throws confetti at you/
SoneStar #10
Chapter 12: Omg a sequel a sequel my life is complete <3 lol