Chapter 1~

Speed Of Love
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Chapter 01~



 "For the love of God!" Kyuhyun screamed in disbelief."Are you ing kidding me?!"

 He just received another parking ticket that month and that unfortunately meant: his driving license would be revoked for the next two weeks.

"." He exclaimed while hitting the tyre of the car with his foot.

"Ow. Ow. Ow!"

Kyuhyun hopped on one foot painfully and whimpered at the pain inflicted on his left foot.

His day was ed.

A bus swept past him and Kyuhyun yelled out," Hey! Wait up!"

Clutching his bag close to himself, he ran while waving the bus to slow down.

“Shindong! Wait for me” He screamed while dodging the pedestrians walking on the pavement.

Shindong grinned seeing Kyuhyun running behind his bus.He yelled through the window,”This isnt my stop,Kyuhyun.”

Kyuhyun pleaded while jumping over a trash can,and nearly running into an electric pole,”Oh come on,Shindong!”


He breathed a sigh of relief as the bus visibly slowed down. With a bright gleam in his eyes he hopped onto the bus while clutching his satchel close to his chest.

"Another parking ticket, Kyuhyun?" The bus driver grinned while pressing the button to close the doors of the bus.
 Kyuhyun sighed dramatically, "Aaaah! Yes. I'll have to go down to the station to get the license revoked. So I guess I'm stuck on your bus for two weeks, Shindong hyung.."

Shindong laughed heartily as he stepped down on the accelerator. Feeling the familiar tug of his body as the bus resumed moving, Kyuhyun sat on the seat hurriedly.

The last thing he wanted was to faceplant on to the floor of the bus and spill all of his paint bottles all over himself.

He almost had pulled his hair off the last time he had been struck victim by his own clumsiness. Seems like washing off the bright hues of red and green from his shirt wasnt easy after all.

"First time in L.A!" An middle aged man exclaimed the second Kyuhyun's hit the seat.    


Kyuhyun flinched at the high pitched voice,  he turned himself slightly and replied politely, "No.I have been living here since five years. "

"What? No. I was talking about myself.  Im a tourist if it's not evident seeing this."   The man chattered happily while waving a palm sized camera and tourism guide books under Kyuhyun's nose.

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes feeling annoyed at the conversation he was being forced into.Yeah. He had no patience for people who their life history down his ears.

He wound his chewing gum onto his finger and in a exclaimed in pretend disgust,"Gum. I have chewing gum all over my seat."

Kyuhyun his finger wrapped with the chewing gum under the bewildered man's nose and proceed towards another seat across the aisle,”I have to change seats,dude.”

 He didn't want to deal with the passenger annoying him for the entire journey.

"Good morning. " he politely wished the lady next to him and settled back into the seat comfortably.



"Congratulations, Sungmin!" Donghae beamed while brewing a cup of coffee for the young S.W.A.T cop.

Sungmin smiled,"Aaaah! Thank you, Donghae."

"I watched all on the television last night. You completely foiled the elevator bombing attack." Donghae replied while stirring the coffee carefully.   


A psychotic bomber had planted bombs around the vicinity of the skyscraper building.

An unidentified man had trapped several businesspeople inside a skyscraper elevator using small, remotely-detonated bombs. He had demanded $3 Million, threatening to detonate the emergency brakes that prevented the elevator from plunging down the shaft.

Los Angeles Police Department SWAT members Lee Sungmin and Henry Lau were able to sneak inside the shaft.

Sungmin and Henry, his fellow S.W.A.T cop had not only rescued people stuck in the elevator but had also manage to corner the bomber on the first level.

The man had tried to blow up the entire building along with Sungmin and Henry,  but due to Sungmin's presence of mind and seamless courage, he managed to overpower the man who ultimately seemed to have perished under the debris of the building. A prey to his own evilness.  

The government had awarded Sungmin and Henry with medals, showing their appreciation for their bravery and the number of innocent people they had rescued.It was a very proud day for the two men. Receiving so much of honor from the government.     

Sure...they had some scratches and bruises and Henry ended up with a broken nose but they had managed to save people and that's all that mattered.

Donghae asked while cleaning the counter with a cloth,"So how was the party last night, huh?"

Sungmin smiled, his dimples in,"Nothing too great."

"Hooked up?"

"Nah- I woke up today morning alone." Sungmin answered bashfully.

Donghae grinned, "Aww-Too bad."

"Yeah.. Anyway see you around?" Sungmin asked.

"Anytime you want coffee!" Donghae exclaimed before turning to another customer.

Sungmin smiled as Donghae swung the styrofoam cup with extra strong coffee across the counter.

"That will be five dollars. "

After paying for the coffee, Sungmin held the cup in his palm and waved the cafe owner good day.

He swung open the door of the quaint cafe and proceeded to jog down to his car.




Sungmin was shaken out of his wits when all of a  sudden there was loud blast.


He snarled before running forwards. He threw the styrofoam cup on to the pavement and rushed towards the bus that was now completely enveloped into flames.

People screaming,heated sparks flying, broken glass and chaos.

He covered his face with the hem of his jacket as he helplessly looked for any people alive.

Sungmin curled his fists in fury as the entire bus was on flames.  No sign of any survival.

"The ing hell.."He cursed.

A shrill ringing of the public phone brought Sungmin back to his senses.

“Why is the pub

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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 2: wow i am only at chapter 2 and wow this is pretty intense, ilove all the characters lol thankyou for gracing us with this brilliant fic!now i'm off to read some more
Alice_K26 #2
Chapter 11: Ohhh mannnnn i like minkyuu very muchhhhh and this story is awesomeeeeeeeee...
Weak, scared kyu and gentlemen ming is jjjjjaaaaaanggggg
XiumInYourFace #3
Chapter 1: Oooh, intense! I like it :-)
Mariannesama #4
Chapter 11: So cool and full with action also romance! >.<
soo loving this story~~~
Camilonchis #5
Chapter 12: I just finish reading all of this, it's awesome! I really liked it, I'm going now to follow the sequel and I can't wait! Thanks for sharing it :D
Chapter 11: Hi:) I've read this a couple of days ago but only managed to leave a comment now. I'm sorry! This fic is really awesome! Every chapter is filled with excitement and adrenaline rush that I can't stop myself from reading this in one sitting only. This is really amazing! And Heechul's character is really funny! Though I don't blame him because his car really is an expensive one. And Sungmin is just full of charisma here while Kyuhyun is bursting with submissiveness! And that's quite new! And I really really enjoyed reading this and I can't wait to read the sequel! Thank you!
sweetnona123 #7
Chapter 12: WOW, i was out of my breath all this time
but OMG the end was excellent<3
liatkyu #8
Chapter 12: you bish >_<
Chapter 11: OH MY GOD. This is AMAZING!! This is the first time i've read such an intense fic!! Good job! /throws confetti at you/
SoneStar #10
Chapter 12: Omg a sequel a sequel my life is complete <3 lol