More Than Hugs

Ready, Set, Go!



I stood up all night just thinking about when I hugged her. She was warm, gentle, and heartfelt. I don't think I have ever felt so warm before. 




I stood up all night thinking about when I hugged him. He was warm, and gentle. Is this love? I went to sleep and I woke up the next morning, I was almost late for work. I got dresed and ran downstairs. I went to theshop and I saw a man waiting there. "Can I help you?" I asked him. "Hi, I'm looking for a job. Are you the boss?" He asked. "Yeah, what's your name?" I asked. "My name is Kim Eli." He said. "Well, what do you know about cars?" I asked him. "Well, I can build cars, fix them, drive them, and change designs." He said. "Ok, well, your hired." I said giving him a uniform. "Thank you! I will do my best." He said smiling. "Ok, once you change, I will show you how this works." I said to him. He changed and I showed him how things work. "Every car has a ticket in the windsheild. Each ticket has and order on it, telling you what needs to be done. Once it is done, mark the ticket like this, with a marker. It's simple. The wheels are over here, the tools, bolts and everything you need is right there. You got this right?" I told him. I told him the times and the days we are open. We did our shift and I said to him, "Good joob today! I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow." I said smiling. "Thank you!" He said smiling back. I walked home to see Daehyun playing video games with Minwoo. I walked by him and went upstairs to see if he noticed me. I washed up and changed my clothes. I went downstairs and made some dinner for myself. I looked at Daehyun to see if he noticed me. I chuckled and made my plate. I held the plate in my hand and sat down next to him. He looked at the plate, then smiled at me. "Oh, now you see me?" I said to him. He laughed and said, "I saw you when you came in." He said smiling. "Oh really?" I said eating. "Watcha eating?" He asked me. "Food." i said to him smiling. "What kind of food?" He asked me smiling. "The kind that you eat." I said smiling. Minwoo got tired so He went upstairs. "Noona, I'm gonna take a nap." He said walking upstairs. "Sleep well." I said to him. "What does it taste like?" He asked. "What?" I asked him. "The food, what does it taste like?" he asked. "What were you thinking?" he asked. "Nothing. You wanna try?" I asked him. "Yes." he said smiling. I was about to feed him a spoonfull but right before it could reach his mouth, I shoved into my mouth. "Hey!" He said. I laughed, and said, "Ok." I fed him a spoonful of food and said, "Happy?" I said. His hair was a little messy, I couldn't help but fix it. I gently fixed his hair and said, "There's more in the kitchen." He got up and made himself a plate. I guess he REALLY  likes food. He sat dpwn next to me and we ate dinner and watched t.v.. "The guys wanted to know if you were able to hang out some time." Daehyun said. "Well, I'm not doing anything tonight so, let's go." I said. "I need to finish my food first." He said.

"Dude, you only have a couple bites left, and you live right there. Just bring it with you." I just dragging him with me. "Why am I dragging you?!? You asked me to come." I said smiling. He opened the door and we walked in. "Hey guys!" I said smiling. "Hi! Uhm, I have a quick question." Zelo said. "What is it?" I said stting down on the couch. "How old are you?" He asked, "I'm your Noona. " I said smiling. "But I'm 16." He said smiling. "Well I'm definitley your Noona." I said smiling. "Noona, Since when did you have glasses?" Jongup asked. "I always wore contacts, but I have been wearing glasses since I was...17." I said to them. "I threw away my glasses since I wore contacts, these are my brother's." I said to them. We hung out all night. I got tired and fell asleep on the couch. I felt warm arms pick me up bridal style. I was put down on a soft bed. It was very comfortable. I woke up the next morning in Daehyun's bed. I sat up and put on my glasses. I walked out of his room and saw him on the couch watching t.v. "Hey, I have to go to work." I said to him softly. "Ok, see you later." He said smiling. I opened the door and he hugged me. I hugged him back and said, I have to go. I went into my apartment and got dressed. I went to work and Eli and I did our shifts. "Feel free to work late or early at any time." I said to him. He nodded and we got back to work. After work, I closed up shop to see Daehyun waiting for me. He grabbed my hand and said, "I wanna show you something." He said smiling. "What is it?" I asked him. "It's a surprise." He said smiling. We walked me towards an alley, we stopped somewhere. He sat down and I sat down next to him. "Ta-dah!" He said smiling. "What are we doing here?" I asked. He pointed to some cars. "Wait, are we watchign races up close?!?" I asked excitedly. "Yup!" He said. I saw him bring a bag. He took out a big blanket, two pillows, some drinks, and some snacks. He set them out and we sat on the blanket. We watched races until I looked at the time. "Woah, It's 9:30pm, we should get going." I said smiling. He nodded and we packed up, we started walking home. We were walking past the shop until I saw somebody. It was my Uncle. "Minhee!" I heard him say. I ran up to him and hugged him. Everything froze, I was hurting in my lower stomach. He was jabbing me with something. "I will get you like I got your parents." He whispered to me. He walked away. He just stabbed me with a knife. I held my wound with my left hand and I fell to the ground. Daehyun ran to me. "Minhee!" He said. Everything was blurry. I out. I opened my eyes and sat up to see Daehyun. I was in a hospital. I looked down at my stomach to see it wrapped in bandages. It still hurt. It felt like he was still stabbing me. I sat up and thought about what he said, is he going to kill me?

"Are you Okay?" Daehyun said. The doctor came in and said, "You are perfectly healthy, and the cut you have is surprisingly clea, soo there will be no scars. And you need to change your bandage every other day for three weeks and you will be back to normal, she is able to go to work and do anything that she normally does. But make sure, that she takes these after every meal." The doctor said. He walked out and Daehyun was sitting next to me. His hair was a little messy so I fixed it for him. "Please don't tell anybody." I said to him. He nodded yes an he said, "Are you hungry?" 

"Well, now that I think about it, Kinda." I said. "I can buy you something." He said. "No, it's ok." I said smiling. "Are you sure?" He asked me. "Yes, I'm fine." I said. I patted his head and I lied back down. "What are you thinking about?" He asked. "Well, before what happened, he told me, 'I will get you like I got your parents.' Should I be worried?" I asked him. "I don't know. But from now on I will pick you up from work." He said. "You don't have to." I said to him. "Yes I do." He said. I sighed and said, "Ok, fine." I said smiling. I stayed in the hosptial for two days. I went back to work and told Eli to take the day off. I went to work and Daehyun picked me up afterwards. It has been like that for weeks. What would I do without him?

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