사랑하니까 (On the Wings of Love)
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Early the next morning, an anxious Sehun met up with Jessica over breakfast to review what had happened the night before. He had been up on the phone with her for close to three hours previously just so he could keep her mood in check. Strangely, he had never felt the way she did before, and was hopeless at trying to identify with his poor friend. Nevertheless, he did all he could to cheer her up so she only lost one day, which was not so bad. Still, the boy was pretty curious to find out more information from Jessica.


Neither of the angels said anything for the first five minutes, allowing Jessica to sort out her thoughts as she sipped away at her cup of tea. She eventually spoke up, thanking Sehun for being there for her so promptly. He simply waved it off as he finished the last of his tea, asking if she was ready to talk about what happened. Jessica scratched her head as she admitted that she herself was pretty confused over the way things were unfolding. All she could think about was the way the girl sounded over the phone. With a pair of apprehensive eyes, Sehun further questioned what it was that bothered her so much about that girl’s tone of voice.


“Well, for one thing, it was as though I was listening to a mother who was worried about her child.”


“What’s the problem with that?”


“The thing is we all know that when mothers talk to their children like that, it’s mostly out of genuine love and concern for them. But it didn’t seem like she really cared for Yoongie… gosh, Sehunnie, I don’t know… Yoongie said she loved her…”


The young man was quick to realize that Jessica was feeling upset once again and hastened to change the topic, suggesting they went shopping to clear their minds. He truly did not have a clear-cut explanation as to why she was feeling like this, and the only thing he could do for her there and then was to try to keep her mind off the subject.


At his idea, Jessica’s face lit up immediately and a huge smile was plastered over her face in no time. She remembered the lip-gloss that Yoona had told her about the previous night, and decided that she would get some for Sehun and herself.


So the duo hit the shops, ending up with bags of various flavors of lip-gloss, as well as many other creams, masks, scrubs, and products, which would probably last them for way more than a hundred days. When inquired whether or not they would be allowed to bring these items back to Heaven, a straight-faced Sehun proceeded to recite Rule Number 227, which stated that not a single article from the human realm was to be carried back to Heaven simply to avoid any potential trouble or distraction.


Jessica made a joke about trying to smuggle the things back but her humorless companion took her words for real, and started babbling on about how they should do their best to abide by the guidelines and whatnot. This fellow could be so rigid and strict at times that he reminded Jessica of the Chief. Sometimes she felt as though she was talking to the very man himself. As Sehun rattled on and on about proper angel behavior and conduct, a pharmacy caught the girl’s attention, and she sped ahead to press her face against the glass window, busily scanning the dozens of colorful bottles and packages within the drugstore.


“Sehunnie, what are those?” Again, the inquisitive side of the angel was showing.


“Medicines.” Though he was not half as interested in the stuff as she was, the lad stopped beside his friend and took a glance into the dispensary.


“They look like candy. Are they edible?” Her question caused Sehun to smirk before he went on to explain how the drugs worked like their healing powers.


“There are occasional side effects, though. Also, it takes some time before you start witnessing any difference. These are nothing compared to what we have. Come on, let’s go.” He took Jessica’s hand into his, leading her away from the store. As the girl continued to be amazed by each and every store they passed, a buzz from the pocket of her shorts distracted her momentarily.


She only had two contacts in her phonebook. So if she was out with Sehun, whose cellphone was probably still resting in the backpack he was carrying, the text must be from that certain someone. For some reason, the beating of her heart sped up as she hastily retrieved the device to view the message.


“Good morning :)”


Unknowingly, Jessica’s lips curved into a smile at the short but sweet text. She greeted the girl back before stuffing the phone back into her pocket.


Sehun noticed the sudden change in the girl’s mood and shot a quick question about who it was.


“It’s Yoongie.” Replied Jessica with a wide smile. The guy nodded thoughtfully, pensively wondering what it was that made his friend so happy.


“Did you sleep well?” Came the next text within less than half a minute.


“Not really…” Thoughts of the previous night’s incident invaded Jessica’s mind once again but she managed to brush it off, contented that Yoona bothered to start a conversation with her first thing in the morning.


“Why not? :( What kept you up?”


“It’s nothing… things are alright now I guess… did you have breakfast? Should I bring you some?”


“That’s okay. Tiffany’s coming over and we’re going out to get some. Have you eaten?”


When the angel saw the word Tiffany, an indescribable emotion surfaced in her heart; the same emotion that distressed her the night before.


“Yes I have. Enjoy yourself and have a good day.” The chatting ended much faster than Jessica had expected but she just had to do it because her mood had plummeted so fast it scared her. She deliberately switched her phone off so she would not have to deal with anymore incoming messages.


“Are you okay?” Sehun’s voice scattered the wild thoughts in her muddled head as she nodded briefly.

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screwtape #1
Chapter 16: Fuhh~ simple, pack, clear and most important thing is *fun!!!
Honestly i think i crave for more... congratulation...:)
Ikanbuntal #2
Chapter 11: Love all ur fic.. Amazing plot of story. Never boring. Never stop reading and never stop re-reading. Keep it up with good stories dear author...:)
limatoshi #3
Chapter 17: Loved it..ended differently from the way I thought it would
GGexobts #4
Chapter 11: I love the story ❤ you are great!
alexsica #5
Chapter 11: Your welcome I just saw this by the way Lol
mizz_maomao #6
Chapter 17: Oh my god, I really love this story,, oh my yoonsic
Chapter 17: Yah~ yoonsic for the win <3
Nice story you've got author-shii ^^
Chapter 17: THANK YOU for writing such a wonderful thing <33 my feels were up in the sky during the whole story omg my OTP... I kept thinking about how you were going to end it since angel stories usually end up with the human dying or something that awful that keeps them together, but keeping it open was perfect. Loved it <3
kyrljj #9
Chapter 17: Beautifully written. Somehow I could almost feel "the hurt" jessica felt :")