사랑하니까 (On the Wings of Love)
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-Entry #67-


Time is flying by like never before and the days are starting to blur together for me. Here I am, once again, all alone in this tiny room with nothing to do. My mind is cluttered, however. Littered with thoughts of her. I really shouldn’t be thinking about Yoongie this much, should I? What is it about this human being that makes me so happy whenever I see her? It seems as though the harder I try to stay away from her, the closer I get to her.


Just this morning she had asked me out to breakfast and even fed me a mouthful of that honey-glazed doughnut she was having. She just seems to have some sort of power over me. I simply can’t say no to her. Why do I keep allowing myself to fall for her over and over again? I really, really don’t want to. Yet I feel like I’m so deep in and--


Jessica slammed her notebook shut upon hearing a few firm knocks on the door of her motel, carefully stowing it away into one of the drawers. She opened the door to see Sehun standing there, offering a slight smile before allowing him in. It was the first time she had experienced mixed feelings at the sight of her best friend. He reminded her of Heaven and of the fact that they would be returning pretty soon. She could feel a sense of dread enveloping her at the mere thought of it.


The boy asked how her evening was going and whether or not she had her dinner, setting his backpack down before occupying a corner of his friend’s bed. Jessica only motioned toward an empty cardboard bowl that previously contained spicy-flavored instant noodles.


“Taking to such food already? They’re not nutritious at all. I’m sure they don’t taste half as good as the real thing.” Sehun started with his ramble, which Jessica chose to completely ignore this time. She enjoyed the food; it was as simple as that. Yoona would have been proud. Then again, why was she allowing Yoona’s opinion to matter?


“So, what have you been up to?”


“Reading.” Jessica fibbed.


“Speaking of that, can I finally review your entries now? You’ve managed to forget twice in a row. You definitely have it with you now, right?”


“Sehunnie, I’ve been writing about the same stuff over and over. There’s really no point in going through them.”


Still, the young man stubbornly insisted, claiming it was strictly the Chief’s instructions.


“I… I lost it.”


The lad’s eyes widened at her answer and he jumped up at once, successions of grumbles leaving his lips.


“Jess, do you have any idea how much trouble we could get into because of that? What if somebody finds it and reads it? What if--”


“Relax, Sehunnie. What I meant to say was I misplaced it in this room. I’ll find it, don’t worry.”


“Oh gosh, please don’t ever scare me like that again. The Chief would have me beheaded if anything went wrong.”


All Jessica could do was fabricate a smile as she picked her brain for a better excuse to give her fellow angel the next time. There must be a way for Sehun never to see that book again. There were way too many entries about Yoona and she was sure he would flip if he ever read them.


The boy sat himself back down and breathed deeply, doing his best to ease himself from the mini heart attack he had just experienced. As soon as he managed to compose himself, another question was asked pertaining to what happened to Yoona the other day that caused Jessica to leave in such a hurry.


When Jessica heard the girl’s name, something in her tingled and her heart picked up speed.


“She went through a tough breakup but she’s fine now…”


“A breakup?”




“What in the world is that?”


“It happens when two people in a romantic relationship decide to go their separate ways.” Jessica was surprised at how natural she was at explaining the concept. It was then that she noticed how accustomed she was getting to life on Earth.


Showering now came as a second nature to her and she no longer felt as thrilled about it as she did initially. As Sehun had so aptly pointed out just minutes ago, she was adjusting fine to the food. The thing that stood out most clearly to her was the fact that she did not miss Heaven one bit. Granted, life here may occasionally be painful and oftentimes frightening, but Yoona would make everything alright.


“Jess?” Right as she was about to delve further into her thoughts, the boy’s voice interrupted her.




“A penny for your thoughts?”


“It’s nothing… I’m just a little tired… haven’t been getting much sleep.”


“It’s exhausting being here, isn’t it? Are you regretting it? Don’t worry, it won’t be long before we go back home. Bear with it for just a little bit more.”


In a soft voice, the girl accidentally confessed that she was kind of enjoying her time on Earth.


“I didn’t get you, what?”


“I meant yeah, I can’t wait to leave as well…” Every word was a lie and Jessica knew it.


“Guess what I read in the news this afternoon? Another accident, this time involving a two-year-old boy. This place is really a mess…”


Leaving Sehun to his own aimless talk once more, Jessica plunked herself down at the desk, giving in to the many thoughts of Yoona that flooded her head instantly. She grabbed the empty bowl from the corner, fiddling with it and grinning unknowingly as she recalled her previous conversation with the girl.


+          +          +


Yoona took another long swig from her bottle of water, examining each and every of her friends’ faces, wondering what they had summoned her for. It had been twenty minutes since anybody had said anything and there was not much left of her patience. Judging from the way Sunny was clutching her ex-girlfriend’s hands securely and that sullen look on the brunette’s face, she knew doubtlessly that there was some trashing out to be done.


They were at their usual hangout and there was an unusual air of bleakness surrounding them that made Yoona feel beyond uncomfortable. They were not seated in a circle. Yoona was situated on one side while the other four were directly opposite her. Perfect setup for a confrontation. To make things worse, the typically noisy Kris and Luhan were also behaving unlike themselves. Unable to take another second of the painfully awkward silence, the girl in question downed the rest of the water, capped her bottle, set it down calmly, and cleared .


“Get whatever it is that’s on your chests off them. I don’t have all evening.”


At her demand, Tiffany shot Sunny an apprehensive glance, and the blonde nodded in an assured manner before opening to speak, “Yoona, cheating on Fany was clearly an atrocious thing to do. Do you have any idea how much you’ve hurt her?”


“Yeah, that was not cool at all man.” Luhan chipped in before the girl could say anything in response to the accusation.


“To make things clear, I never cheated on Tiffany. I admit I might’ve said some things I shouldn’t have in my fit of rage but I did not, at any time, see another girl behind her back.” Yoona argued. She despised how Tiffany was always getting th

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screwtape #1
Chapter 16: Fuhh~ simple, pack, clear and most important thing is *fun!!!
Honestly i think i crave for more... congratulation...:)
Ikanbuntal #2
Chapter 11: Love all ur fic.. Amazing plot of story. Never boring. Never stop reading and never stop re-reading. Keep it up with good stories dear author...:)
limatoshi #3
Chapter 17: Loved it..ended differently from the way I thought it would
GGexobts #4
Chapter 11: I love the story ❤ you are great!
alexsica #5
Chapter 11: Your welcome I just saw this by the way Lol
mizz_maomao #6
Chapter 17: Oh my god, I really love this story,, oh my yoonsic
Chapter 17: Yah~ yoonsic for the win <3
Nice story you've got author-shii ^^
Chapter 17: THANK YOU for writing such a wonderful thing <33 my feels were up in the sky during the whole story omg my OTP... I kept thinking about how you were going to end it since angel stories usually end up with the human dying or something that awful that keeps them together, but keeping it open was perfect. Loved it <3
kyrljj #9
Chapter 17: Beautifully written. Somehow I could almost feel "the hurt" jessica felt :")