Playing with Destiny

The day went by so fast. It's already dark. 8:45 to be exact. Jiyong and Taeyeon were walking around the area not really knowing where to go. Just walking around, looking for something interesting. While walking, tayeon received a lot of praises from random by passers; saying that her voice was beautiful and etc.



"You're that girl that sang on the stage right?" one old lady asked her. She smiled to herself. This feeling is one of the best feeling she has felt. it's so overwhelming.



"Neh ahjumma" she had a big grin on her ace. how much more complements could she handle? This is simply too much for her weak heart.


"Wah~! You have a nice voice young lady. You should be a singer!" The old lady exclaimed as she tapped the tip of her umbrella on the road's pavement. She seemed excited as if she met an actual celebrity.



"Kamsahamnida~" she humbly thanked the old lady. The old lady then smiled ate her then, walked away. Taeyeon still had that big grin on her face.



"Wow, that's the 8th one today." jiyong, who is beside her said in an amused tone.



"Duh~ It's Kim Taeyeon we're talking about here. Of coarse people would praise my gloriousness." she replied boastfully but in a joking manner. She had a smug and pimp-like expression farther emphasizing her statement.



"Conceited. If it wasn't for me, you won't get even half of the praises like you got tonight."



She laughed at how his statement was true. then, she abruptly turned serious. "You're right though" then, she laughed again.


"You're weird~~" Jiyong said emphasizing he word "weird".



"Tell me something I don't know." 




Ring. Ring. Ring.


Jiyong's phone rang several times. He fished his phone from his pocket and answered the call. It was his aunt; inviting him for the annual family trip and like every year, his parents aren't going. They were few in number this year, making his aunt more persistent in making him come. Of coarse he would come. It's been tradition plus the only one's coming is his Aunt's family --his Aunt is Jessica's mother. They're not blood related. It's been a habit of his to call and treat Jessica's mother as his aunt since he was young-- and other family and friends. The 4 boys: Youngbae, Seunghyun(Tabi), Daesung and Seungri are coming also.



At the end of the call, his Aunt told him something that made him think twice in coming to this trip.



"Ah, by the way, Jiyong-ah, there's this girl I want you to meet. Actually, it's your parents that want you to meet her. She's a nice girl and I'm sure you don't have a girlfriend as of late."


"Ahjoomuni, you know I can't. I'm sorry" he said apologetically but in an almost pleading manner.



"Jiyong-ah, it's been a year already. You need to move on from the past." Jiyong thought that there is no way his aunt is going to change her mind if he just keeps on rejecting her offer; knowing that she's just to persistent. She wouldn't stp until she get's it her way. He needed to think of a plan and FAST.


"ah...ugh.., uhm, it's not that! It's ...it's.. I have a girlfriend!" Loud and clear. He blurted those words without thinking. As soon as he realized what he said, he wanted to take it back. Heck, he wanted to punch himself for blurting out those stupid words. "I have" and "girlfriend" should really not be mentioned by Kwon Jiyong, in the same sentence EVER! But it's too late for him. What's said is (unfortunately) said. No taking it back.



"Well that's a shocker.." his aunt replied in a monotone voice after a while of silence. Still taken a back from the younger boy's sudden revelation. A revelation that was uncalled for. "Jiyong-ah, are you lying?"



"Ahjumuni, I'm not lying." he lied but tried his best to sound as convincing as ever.



"Okay then. if you're not lying. bring her to the trip then. I'll be expecting. Don't you disappoint me." All his lies backfired. He is in deep and he clearly realizes it. How can he bring a non-existent girlfriend on the trip? how exactly?



"She can't! She has class and she needs to attend it since her finals are coming." LIE. It's all lies!



"Don't make excuses. Just bring her on the trip or else...beeeppp" the call ended. He swallowed a good amount of spit because of that threat.



Oh . I'm in deep deep deep . Where can i find a girlfriend in one week? {groans/} Why did i even blurt out that i have a girlfriend. A non-existent one at that. "STUPID!" My conscience shouted again and again. I know conscience, I clearly know I'm stupid. Tsk, maybe there's a girl willing to be my girlfriend. I know what you're thinking! "Why the heck is Kwon Jiyong still asking himself if there's a girl that wants to be his girlfriend? When there are lots of girls swooning over him and is even willing to jump of a cliff when he tells them to." There's lot's of them, I know. But, I don't want a random shallow girl that likes me to pretend to be my girl. No, I don't want that. At least someone I know would be fine.



I grabbed my phone from the bed side table and searched through my contacts.



"Guy. Guy. Guy. Mother. Guy. Dude. Dude. Seungri. Dude. Youngbae. Guy. Guy. Jessica (of coarse no). Tabi. Dude. Daesung. Guy. Guy. Taeyeon (hmm..) Dude. Guy." I mumbled as i went through my contact list.



Tayeon, hmm.. will that dork even agree? Well she should cause she definitely needs to. That part is cleared up. But is she decent enough to present to my aunt? She IS a girl. And don't girls have this kind of etiquette code? So, maybe she can act classy for once but, I still have some doubts.



Nah, whatever. I'll just think about it tomorrow..



[2 days later. Wednesday]


"You can do this!" I cheered myself on. Oh dear, I hope she agrees. Ha! Why am I even thinking about this? Of coarse she's going to agree. Whether she likes it or not. She owes me.



"Yah hyung. Why are you even nervous?" asked maknae Seungri. Yes, they know. I told them about this predicament I'm facing and they cheered me on.



"Yah maknae! I told you to stay here!"



"But hyung~ I want to come with you.." he whined like the brat that he is. The whole afternoon, he kept pestering me saying that he should come with me.



"No." I said with finality.



"But.. I'll support you. I should come!" he persisted.


"I said NO! and besides, you only want to meet her."  I said as-a-matter-of-fact. Maknae slumped his shoulders and pouted like a 5 year old. {aish/} maknae...



I texted taeyeon and asked her where she was. She replied with the message "under a tree".  I sighed deeply. Do you know how many trees are there in this whole freaking university? There are HUNDREDS. I sent her again a text saying "specify" but, she no longer replied. I tried called her several times but, I was directed to her voicemail every time.



{sigh/} I've got some some work to do..




I was sitting under a big tree in our university, reading a book when I received a text message from Jiyong. After I replied, I didn't notice my phone was already drained and it died down immediately. I shrugged and continued to read my book.



An hour later, I was still in that same position, reading my book. While I was concentrated in my reading, I didn't notice a certain presence before me.



"You're here. I've been looking for you?" said a familiar voice. I looked up and it was jiyong standing before me.



"Why are you looking for me?" I asked as I diverted my gaze to the book I was previously reading.



"Why do you think people look for other people?" rather than an answer, he gave me a question instead. I looked up at him with a confused expression. What does he mean by that?


"because you like that person." a guy from the back of Jiyong suddenly popped out which startled the beejezus out of me. Wait a minute, he looks oddly familiar!



"Yah Seungri! Shut up!" Jiyong smacked that Seungri guy on the head. Ouch. Why does that guy look so familiar? "and what are you doing here? Didn't I clearly told you to not follow me!" Jiyong continued to scold that awfully familiar dude. "But.. but.." "Please, just leave.." he shoo'd him away and the guy sadly left. "Hyung you'll pay!" the guy shouted as he left.



"Erm, so, why do people look for other people?" I asked him innocently.



"Because that person is lost.. " he said seriously. What the-?


"I was joking.." he said with a grin as he sat beside me. The few people passing by gave us (mostly me) the looks. The looks full of hate. They're probably thinking "who is this girl?" "omo, jiyong oppa!" "this ...". Yes es, I know what you're thinking. I stared back at them with equal hate in my eyes.


"Sooo.. why were you looking for me? What do I need to do know?"




"What?! can you please repeat that again? I think I heard you wrong. I think I had this strange hearing problems all of a sudden." Oh no no no! I heard wrong. Please tell me I heard wrong. Save my soul!! This can't be the case. I cannot do this. No!



Jiyong sighed "You need to pretend to be my girlfriend and come with me to our family trip" I blinked multiple times as i stared at him blankly. Crap! I can't pretend to be is girlfriend. Worst, I even need to meet his family as his girlfriend. AS HIS GIRLFRIEND! Which I'm not! "At least for a week" he continued.



"Erm, can I say no?" I asked in a small voice knowing too well that I need to do whatever he wants me to do.


"Of coarse.... NOT. We had a deal. You need to do whatever I tell you to do." hu! hu! TT.TT For the sake of my pride and the deal, I can do this! hu! hu! I can do this! I am the best!



With a hesitant feeling, I replied "Okay, I'll do it. But I'll have to make restrictions on skin ship. Not too much. Holding hands is okay. Hugging, err... and kissing is definitely a NO! So, are we clear?" He nodded with a grin. "Clear." I shifted my sitting position feeling the uncomfortable and awkward aura around us.  Why is it hot here suddenly?



"When.. when is the trip?" I asked after a while of deafening silence.



"This friday afternoon.."



"Friday?" I squeaked. There's like a day left! Oh dear, brace yourselves for the impending doom and embarrassment that I'll get myself into.



"Yes" he replied with a teasing smile. I face palmed myself.




Why? Why is it supposed to be me?


[Friday afternoon. Day of the trip]


Taeyeon was waiting for Jiyong in her apartment. He called her earlier, saying that he'll just pick her up. She's sitting on the couch waiting patiently as she fiddled with her dress. Knowing that she'll meet his family as his pretend girlfriend, she asked her friends for help. Though, she didn't tell them the whole, exact story, her friends didn't suspect that much from the situation. They dressed her up in this uncomfortable (her opinion) summer dress, put her make-up on, styled her hair and packed her luggage for her with clothes they picked themselves. Taeyeon was hesitant at first knowing they'll pick some rather uncomfortable clothes and the clothes that she would not wear ever but after her efforts being fruitless, she gave in.



Jiyong called her again and informed her that he was near her apartment and that she should get ready.





Her heartbeat's phase became rapid due to nervousness. She was shaking as she tried to ready herself; arranging her dress, fixing her hair and did final adjustments on herself.



She went down the lobby, bags at hand and a heart that's racing as fast a cheetah running for it's pray in the wild. She was tense and shaking. This is the first time she's agreed to do such things. Not that she likes the idea. The only reason she's doing this and all the things he asked her to do is because, she owes him.



She stride out of her apartment building and a huge black car with Jiyong leaning his back on it, welcomed her. He was wearing a plain white shirt with denim jeans. He looked simple.



"Someone looks sunny today." Jiyong greeted wearing a huge smile on his face. Taeyeon only nodded in reply and stride towards him to hand him her bags. She went over the passenger's side and climbed up the passenger's seat. Jiyong then, went up to the driver's seat and started the car's engine. They went off.



The car ride was silent and the far destination is not helping with the situation either. The atmosphere in the car was tense yet awkward at the same time. The whole car ride, Taeyeon just directed her whole attention on filming the scenery they pass. Momentarily giving her some entertainment. Jiyong on the other hand, just focused all his attention on the road ahead.



Minutes later, he broke the silence. "We're here" She stiffened with what he has said. She looked at him with panic stricken eyes and alarm bells going off.



"Why are you so tensed up?" he asked her nonchalantly, like there's no problems at all and everything's at peace. He's somewhere in cloud 9 while she's in scourging hell. Well, metaphorically that is.



"What do you mean 'why are you so tensed up?'? Of coarse I'm tensed up you dimwit!" Of coarse he's not tensed up. He's not the one pretending to be anyone's girlfriend. He's not the one who's going to meet anybody's family and friends. No, it's her. She's the only one who's going through all this.



"Well, don't be. I assure you, everything's going to be alright." he looked straight into her eyes and assured her. Something tells her that he's saying the truth and something made her believe everything that he said.


"We're here" he said after a while. She tensed up again. She could feel her heartbeat race uncontrollably and worst, she's starting to sweat. Her stomach's also hurting due to being too nervous. This is bad!



They both stepped out from the car and got their bags fro the back.




I don't think I an do this! hu~ hu~But, I can't back out right now. It's too late already. And why am I sweating so badly? It's like every pore in my body is producing sweat. Oh god, I look like a sweaty pig!


As we went down the car, I kept a straight face. That's how nervous I am. I think I look constipated. I grabbed my bags and stood still as I waited for Jiyong to lead the way but, to my surprise, he didn't. He stopped and turned around, now facing me. He suddenly grabbed both my shoulders, which shocked me from my dear life.



"Yah, why do you look so pale?" he asked in a soft voice while I just kept my gaze fixated on the ground.



"I don't think I can do this." I said, almost like a whisper. Truthfully, I really can't do this but I just kept being positive about this whole situation.



"Ey, don't think like that. Everything's gonna be fine." Really? Are you sure that everything's gonna be fine? I'm relaying on you. Please, don't lie. I nodded solemnly still staring on the ground below me.


"It's only my aunt, you know. She's cool" he continued to console me even more. {sigh/} I can do this!



He held out his hand and I grabbed it as he lead the way to were the others are at. This marks as the beginning of the long pretending that we'll have to do. Hopefully, my acting skills won't fail me this time.





"Waah~ This place looks amazing!" I awed at the sight before me. We just entered this cabin-like-mansion and I've been informed that we're staying here along with other family and friends. I can't stop myself from gawking at this place. Are we really going to stay here?


The cabin-like-mansion is located in an exclusive resort/family park. Exclusive, I mean, for the rich. This place is oozing with glamor and even the people here are glamorous. This is just amazing!



Minutes later, a middle aged woman came out of the kitchen with a bright smile on her face. Even she looked glamorous. She went over to Jiyong and hugged him, Jiyong hugged her back. "Wah~ Jiyong-ah, you've grown so much since the last trip" said the lady. "Ahjoomoni, you're still young as ever." he replied which got him a light slap on the shoulder.



"And this is...." the lady -which I think is Jiyong's auntie- said as she diverted her attention to me who was standing timidly at the side. She gave me a warm smile and I smiled back at her with equal warmness.


"Ah, ahjoomoni, this is my girlfriend. The one that I told you about the other day" Jiyong said as he maneuvered his arm on my waist.



"Annyeonghaseyo. Kim Taeyeon imnida." I bowed with a 90 degree angle.



"Wah~ such a pretty young lady." she said as she patted my head. I don't know if her complement was sincere or she just said that to not be rude so, I just smiled and thanked her kindly.






"You two should go to your rooms already and unpack. You can pick if you want one room for both of you or individual rooms. It's your choice" she said pointing out the vacant rooms.



"We'll go for the--" I nudged his sides stopping him from saying anything. "We'll go for the individual rooms, ahjoomuni. Em, can I call you that?" I said..



"Of coarse you can dear. Oh, by the way, the others are on the back yard. You should go there after you guys unpack."



"Neh" we both said. Then, she went back to the kitchen.



"You know, I was supposed to say individual rooms. What do you think I'll say 'one room'?" he said with that annoying smirk on his face.



"Of coarse not.."


"Stop denying it dork. It's obvious" Instead of replying, I mimicked what he said with a voice of a 3 year old whining little girl. Before he could do anything, I ran as fast as I could to my room and shut the door shut.



"WOAH~!" was the only thing that escaped from my mouth.



  to be continued..





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rethmargareth #1
Chapter 16: I just fpund this ff and it really my style
Can you continue writing this ff please?
Its too good to wasted TT
BoyMysterious #2
Stories for gtae, please. G-Dragon and Taeyeon
Hijauan #3
Chapter 16: For some reason you are the most people i hate. Better update soon
Hijauan #4
Chapter 16: For some reason you are the most people i hate. Better update soon
Chapter 16: NOO please update it!!! Hhuhuhuhuhu:( I really love the story!! It's really interesting,funny,cute,sweet and more!! OMG I can't wait!! Please update it!!
Alyeezy #6
Chapter 16: Aw, I finally had time to read some fics and when I saw yours was updated, I got too excited.
sadly it wasn't an update :(
I wish you luck though!
If you have time and if you are in the mood of finishing this fic, Please do :D!
Otherwise thanks for the great read ^^
MyLoveIs2ne1 #7
I wish you the best
D435UN6 #8
Chapter 16: i really wanna throw bricks in ur face....jk
Chapter 16: i can't..... wae wae wae???
taeyeoppeo #10
Chapter 16: CONTINUE HAVING GTAE fics please.