Connections 7


Jiyong didn't have a good rest at all and it showed on his face. The make up artiste was chiding him for not taking better care of his condition, knowing full well there was filming today.

Karin was almost done for the day. Youngbae and Karin had nailed the dance in one cut and there were just a couple more scenes to shoot. She was glad she didn't share any scene with Jiyong. 

"Sorry! I need some help here!" The make up artists hurried out, leaving Jiyong and Karin behind. 

They were both silent. Awkward.

"Karin, I'm sorry." She peered at Jiyong through their reflection in the mirrors. He wasn't looking at her. "I'm really sorry."

"Kwon Jiyong sshi, why did you do that? Am I really a nuisance as your cousin?" Karin asked as calmly as she could. She didn't want to ruin her make-up at all. "We were apart for so many years, I don't think I ever offended you in..."

"I don't want to be cousins anymore. Because we are truly not cousins," Jiyong stood up and turned to her. "Karin, I don't want you to see me as your Oppa. I want you to look at me as a man!" 

Karin was saved from further shock when the make up artists returned.


Soo Yee couldn't believe her ears. Karin was sitying on the bed waiting for some advice but Soo Yee was really stumped this time. 

"Karin, which Goddess of Love did you pray too?"

"Soo Yee unnie! I'm telling you all this so that you can help me! Not tease me! I was right! Love just complicates things!" Karin groaned into her pillow. "I can't even go near Oppa now!"

Soo Yee took up a pen and searched for the hotel memo pad. "Let's talk this through..."

3 hours later, Soo Yee was summarizing their findings.

"... In short, you want Jiyong to stay as your Oppa but he might not treat you the same if you fell in love with someone. So we need to remove Seunghyun sshi from the equation because he is too tempting.

Karin mulled over it and nodded thoughtfully. Remove Seunghyun sshi from the equation... Her cheeks started to burn at the thought of him. Soo Yee noticed and threw a pillow at her.

"Karin! You're an actress, keep your emotions in check. It's your Oppa or Seunghyun sshi and you know your decision. You have to rid yourself of temptation!"


Jiyong was recording when his phone rang. He had left it on vibration and it was about to drop off the table when Seunghyun caught it. He almost dropped it again when he saw Karin and Jiyong's selca as the background and her name flashing on the caller ID.

He quickly put it back on the table before Jiyong joined them. Seunghyun was just in time. Jiyong picked up his phone just as it rang again. 


"Oppa," Karin sounded nervous. "Can we meet?"

Jiyong knew she was probably going to talk about his confession the other day. He was nervous too but he wasn't going to show it just yet. "Karin ah, where do you want to meet?"

Seunghyun almost dropped his own phone when he heard Jiyong call her name. He left the room and headed straight to his car.

"Didn't she get my hint that day? But Soo Yee is sharp, she should have known what i was trying to convey." He had to see Karin again. 

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Chapter 22: Awwww nice... I really enjoy ut
princesswind #2
Chapter 16: This story is very good, i love it :)
parkbommie_ #3
Chapter 12: Kyaaa!! Hehe update soonn!!
eja393 #4
Chapter 12: I love this fanfic!! Can't wait for your next update!!
MadameA #5
I just want to thank all who have subscribed so far. I'm really sorry that I'm not that good at posting on individual walls like how some authors do.

I'm new at writing fan fics but your subscriptions are the best encouragement. Well, that plus Big Bang. :-) Kamsahamida!
lovis89 #6
Chapter 6: soo yee???
lovis89 #7
Chapter 4: ooh poor karin
lovis89 #8
Chapter 2: but she's jiyong's cousin????