Connections 5


Karin only had 3 more days before the filming for I Need a Girl was starting. She had memorized the dance steps very quickly with the help of a male dancer. Today was the first time she was rehearsing with Youngbae and so far, it wasn’t going too well.

“Youngbae, go nearer to her. Grab her firmly,” the choreographer was directing them through their steps. Youngbae held Karin’s waist limply and just laughed nervously. Karin knew Youngbae was embarrassed and that their working relationship was affected by her connection to Jiyong.

“Aish, Youngbae ah! What’s gotten into you! And Karin too! Take five!”

Karin sat down on the floor and took a swig from her water bottle. Youngbae sat down beside her, too embarrassed to look at her.

“You want to talk about it?” Karin asked. Youngbae smiled shyly.

“It’s not easy, we’re so close now. It just feels so weird that we’re such close friends but we are doing this kind of… erm… dance…”

Karin nodded with a smile. She saw his point. She had a hard time trying to be “y” in front of Youngbae too. “You know, I’m an actress. It should be easy for me but the dance steps are messing me up a bit. We really have to find a way around it, or I’m going to be fired,” Karin laughed. “Let’s try to get into character; we’re a pair of young lovers. What can we do to make it easier for us?”

Youngbae thought for a while. “Maybe go on a date?” He had gotten Karin’s attention but his face fell again quickly. “No, we only have 3 days and we don’t have any free time. I have recordings and you have dance practice too.”

“We'll just date here then! We’ll be in the same building anyway!” Karin said.


“…so they said… WAH!” Seungri stopped mid-sentence and stared. Jiyong and Seunghyun almost crashed into Daesung and Seungri’s backs. Seunghyun felt his heart stop.

“Karin ah! What are you doing?!” Jiyong went up to Karin and Youngbae. They were walking down the hallway, hand in hand. Karin smiled when she saw Jiyong approaching. “Oppa!”

“Yah yah yah, Youngbae! What is this?!” Jiyong almost shouted while Youngbae smiled bashfully. “Hyung, I’m dating Karin now.”

Jiyong would have thrown a punch at his friend if Karin had not hugged him and laughed. “Oppa! We’re dating!” Jiyong pushed her away gently and looked at her seriously, “Karin ah, why are you two suddenly dating? I thought you said you didn’t want to… Aish, I told you before, men have needs and haven’t you learnt your lesson since…” Jiyong stopped when he realized he had said too much.

Karin looked at him sadly, “Did Soo Yee tell you?” Jiyong didn’t answer her and she looked around at the guys around her and she sighed. They all knew. She quickly plastered a smile on her face. “It’s all in the past. And I still think love is not for me. Youngbae and I are just using each other.”

“Aish, don’t say that! They’ll misunderstand even more!” Youngbae quickly explained their situation. Only Seungri and Daesung seemed to find the whole situation hilarious. Jiyong was still not convinced that it was a good idea and Seunghyun was still rooted to the ground. He just couldn’t take his eyes off the sight of Youngbae holding Karin’s hand.

“Noona, I want to hold your hand too!” Seungri teased and Youngbae swatted him away. “Yah! She’s my girlfriend now so lay off.”

“Maknae, noona is a pro! I’m in character now, so sorry! Right, Oppa?” She smiled at Youngbae.

Over the next few days, Karin and Youngbae would hang out as soon as they had time. She would visit him at the recording studio, he’ll bring her coffee, and they’ll lounge together on the sofa in the recording studio to the chagrin of Jiyong and Seunghyun. If Seunghyun wasn’t wearing his shades, his glare will definitely bore holes into Youngbae. A few times, he had bumped into Karin but each time she would quickly retreat.

Karin had also noticed that he was watching her. And she couldn’t forget what he had said that night.


“Karin ah, I’m not a bad guy. I wish you knew that. I still can’t forget our kiss.”

“Karin ah, I don’t like girls to drink but if this is the only way to get closer to you, I will buy you all the champagne in the world.”


Each time she recalled his deep husky voice, she could feel a shiver run down her spine. She had thought it was a dream but she had found woken up the next day to see his jacket in her hotel room. She remembered how gentle he had been but she quickly pushed that thought away. She still had his jacket with her and she wasn’t sure how she should return it to Seunghyun.

“Karin… Karin…” She snapped out of her daze to Youngbae’s voice. “Are you ok? You look tired.”

“Ani, Oppa. I’m perfectly fine. I was getting too comfortable and sleepy I guess,” she tried to sit up but Youngbae pushed her head down onto his shoulder.

“Sleep a while. We’ll go eat later.” Youngbae said. Karin was about to continue their act when she caught Seunghyun looking at her. Something told her not to ignore Seunghyun’s glare so she stood up quickly.

“It’s ok Oppa, I’ll just go wash my face,” Karin left the room.

Seungri watch her leave the room and grinned wickedly. “She’s a really good actress. She could have really fooled me. Hyung! Don’t fall for her!” Youngbae laughed bashfully.

“I know and I wouldn’t dare. Jiyong will have my head!” Youngbae patted Jiyong on his back to show that he was cool. “Jiyong, don’t worry. I really see her as more like a younger sister. That’s why we were so awkward. But I’m becoming a ‘pro’ and our dance is improving. I know you’ll be relieved after we finish filming the MV tomorrow.”

“Yah, you better keep your word. But I trust you,” Jiyong said, not looking up even once from his work.

“But hyung, aren’t you being a little over-protective? Someday, your cousin will meet someone too and fall in love, get married, and have kids…” Seungri said.

“I’m not. And she had promised to marry me.”

“WHAT! When?”

“Just before she left for the U.S. She had cried and said she’ll come back one day and marry me.” Jiyong smiled triumphantly as he turned to address everyone. Karin had returned just in time to hear his announcement and she was bright red in her face.

“Oppa! What nonsense are you telling everyone now!” She rained slaps on Jiyong’s arm which he tried to deflect. Seungri recovered from the shock revelation and laughed. “But you are cousins!”

“We’re not,” Jiyong said seriously. Karin was flabbergasted. “Oppa! You’re too much! You’re…”

“We’re not really cousins because we’re not related by blood.” His words made Karin angrier.

“YAH! Kwon Jiyong! You’re right, we’re not related. But why must you suddenly bring this up in front of other people?” Karin tried to free herself from his grip. “You want to cut our ties now? Is that it?”

“Hyung, you’re hurting her! Hyung!”

Karin broke free and glared at Jiyong. “Kwon Jiyong, I’ll never forgive you.” Tears threatened to escape her eyes as she quickly left the room. Youngbae made to go after her but Jiyong shouted at him to stop.

“Hyung, what nonsense were you spouting? You’re not making sense at all and Karin is crying,” Seungri said.

Jiyong sighed as he sat down and buried his head in his hands. “We’re not cousins. Karin is not my auntie’s daughter. Her mother died during childbirth and her father remarried. We’re not related by blood.”

Seungri ruffled his own hair, “What is this? Some kind of drama? And why are you telling us all this? It’s Karin’s personal affairs!” He picked up his things and left the room. Youngbae and Daesung also decided to go see if they could find Karin.

“I think you over stepped the line. It wasn’t something for you to tell us,” Seunghyun was going to leave too when Jiyong blocked his way. Seunghyun was surprised and looked at Jiyong.

Jiyong didn’t return Seunghyun’s stare but just kept his head down. “I wasn’t telling the guys. I was telling you, hyung. Karin and I are not related. We’re not cousins.”

Seunghyun took a step back, trying to digest what Jiyong was trying to say. Jiyong finally looked up and his eyes were glistening with determination. “Hyung, I won’t lose.”


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Chapter 22: Awwww nice... I really enjoy ut
princesswind #2
Chapter 16: This story is very good, i love it :)
parkbommie_ #3
Chapter 12: Kyaaa!! Hehe update soonn!!
eja393 #4
Chapter 12: I love this fanfic!! Can't wait for your next update!!
MadameA #5
I just want to thank all who have subscribed so far. I'm really sorry that I'm not that good at posting on individual walls like how some authors do.

I'm new at writing fan fics but your subscriptions are the best encouragement. Well, that plus Big Bang. :-) Kamsahamida!
lovis89 #6
Chapter 6: soo yee???
lovis89 #7
Chapter 4: ooh poor karin
lovis89 #8
Chapter 2: but she's jiyong's cousin????