Connections 13


Karin was glad to be home. Her mother was spoiling her and kept asking her to eat more. She had been able to practice her Muay Thai in their home gym. She was thrilled to see that Jiyong had got her parents to install a pole for her too. Most of her mornings were spent conditioning her body in the gym. Just yesterday, she had brought her mum and Jiyong’s mum out for tea and a reporter had snapped some photos of the three ladies meeting up with Jiyong. It was already on the internet last night. Karin was amused at how she could still be in the news over something so mundane.

It was almost time for her to get ready. It was Jiyong’s birthday party tonight and he had invited his parents and Karin’s family. He wanted his parents there and since Karin was back in Seoul too, Jiyong suggested asking her parents along.

“Jagiya, see you tonight. Sajangnim wants us to go to NB after Jiyong’s dinner party. Join us?”

Karin will have to re-think her clothes selection then.



“Happy Birthday Oppa,” Karin hugged Jiyong and gave him the present. It was a shirt that she had bought from one of his favorite Japanese street fashion designer’s boutique. He greeted his auntie and uncle and showed them to their seats. Seunghyun gave Karin a quick wave and she smiled. Her hair was tied up in a simple ponytail, showing off her slender neck. She was dressed in a silver Grecian top with black tights and ankle boots with a stiletto heel.

Jiyong showed her parents their seats – the elders were given the honor of sitting with sajangnim and the senior artistes in YG. Karin also greeted them quickly, thanking sajangnim again for giving her the opportunity to work with Youngbae the last time.  Jiyong finally brought Karin away to the table where Big Bang was sitting together with 2NE1. He left Karin to the other members to make the introductions to the girls from 2NE1.

Seunghyun pulled her seat out for Karin and she smiled gratefully. She chats easily with the girls and they make promises to meet up the next time they go to Japan. They laugh and joke together like they’ve known each other for a while. Eventually, Bom notices something strange.

“Yah, why are you sitting beside Karin-sshi? Isn’t that seat for Ji?” Bom asked Seunghyun. Jiyong returned to the table just then and sits at the empty seat opposite Karin.

“Bom-noona, it’s ok. I asked him to take care of her since I had to go around. Karin knows the guys very well anyway,” Jiyong said smoothly, giving Karin a wink. Just then, Karin felt a pair of hands rest on her shoulders and Jiyong was standing up to address the person.

“Jiyong, so these are your bandmates?” Karin looked up to see her father and her uncle behind her. Seunghyun was hurriedly getting to his feet, and the rest of the guys followed suit.

“We’ve met a few times so no need to be so formal,” Jiyong’s father said. “This is Karin’s father, and also my good drinking buddy.” The guys quickly greet Karin’s father. He was a friendly man who clearly doted on his only daughter.

“Thank you for looking out for my willful daughter,” he regards the guys individually. “I’ve heard from Jiyong how well you take care of her in his stead when he’s not around. Well, I’ll get Karin to invite all of you for drinks at our home sometime. Alright?”

The guys bow their thanks and the older men went back to their table. Seunghyun turn to Karin so that only she could hear him. “You haven’t told your parents yet?” Karin shook her head lightly. “Why not? My parents are dying to meet you but you haven’t even told yours?” Seunghyun hissed urgently.

Karin kicked his foot lightly to get him to watch his volume. “How do you expect me to tell them just like that? It’s not that easy for a girl you know!” Dara was staring at them now and so they decided to park that topic aside first.

Dinner was over too soon but everyone was fired up for Round 2 at NB. Their parents were heading straight home and Karin’s mum told her to stay over at Jiyong’s if it got too late. Seunghyun took the opportunity to introduce himself to her.

“Don’t worry Madam. I’ll make sure she’s safe and if it gets really late, that she stays over at Jiyong’s place.” Seunghyun said politely. Karin’s mother was pleased with his manners and asks for his name. “Sorry for the late introductions. I’m Choi Seunghyun and am a member of Big Bang with Jiyong,” he bows a perfect 90 degree bow and Karin was desperately holding in her laughter. After waving her parents off in their car, Karin jabs Seunghyun in his rib.

“You lied to my mother,” Karin grins evilly. “I wonder what she’ll say when she finds out you lied to her.”

Seunghyun was confused. “Wae? How did I lie to her?”

“You know very well that I won’t be staying at Jiyong Oppa’s place tonight,” Karin chuckled as she punches him lightly on his arm. Seunghyun laughs as he grabs her shoulder and they turn to join the others. They realized too late how they looked.

Minzy and Dara were staring at them and so were a few of the seniors. Karin was about to shake Seunghyun’s arm off when Seungri came up to her other side and put his arm over her shoulder too. “Noona, I’m glad you’re Jiyong hyung’s cousin! You’re just like my real noona!” Seungri said as loudly as he could without sounding too fake. Seunghyun gave him a look to convey his thanks for covering up for them. But Seunghyun was disappointed to see that Karin chose to keep a safe distance from him, opting to take the same car as Jiyong and Daesung, leaving him to ride with Taeyang and Seungri.

The party was already raging when they arrived at NB. The paps had been tipped off about their arrival and camera flashes were going off. The security team only just managed to keep them out of the club. Karin decided to be nice and smiled for one of the cameras when they noticed her and called her name. It had been a while since she last visited NB and she was exhilarated to hear the music pumping loudly.

It was an open bar at the VIP lounge in celebration of Jiyong’s birthday. Everyone was quickly loading up on drinks and Jiyong was even showering the crowd below with champagne. Selected pretty girls were invited to join the party in the lounge and Karin generally kept close to the girls from 2NE1. After a while, sajangnim had asked her to join him for a drink at his table too and she obediently took the seat beside him. She was enjoying the chat with him and Gummy unnie, all the time fully aware that Seunghyun was watching her. When some girls approached him at their table, Seunghyun quickly walked over to join Karin, leaving the girls behind for Seungri and Daesung.

“Seunghyun ah, come sit and join us too,” sajangnim gestures to the seat beside Gummy but Seunghyun sits down beside Karin instead. “Gummy ah, he prefers the younger girl.”

Seunghyun quickly protests and Gummy gamely accepts a toast as an apology. Karin tops up sajangnim’s drink for him and he makes her finish her glass in one shot again. When Gummy tops up Karin’s drink and tried to toast her for a shot again, Seunghyun stops her.

“Noona, you’re only drinking with her. I’ll drink with you instead,” Seunghyun holds his glass up and finishes it. Gummy looks at him knowingly and nudges sajangnim. “I think our Seunghyun is being very protective today.” Gummy says jokingly.

“Aish, she’s a pretty girl but she’s Jiyong’s cousin. Don’t play with her or he’ll skin you even if you’re his hyung,” sajangnim chuckles. “Be careful of the boys, Karin.” Karin and Gummy giggled at Seunghyun’s horrified expression as she scooted away from him and nearer to sajangnim.

“Sajangnim, how can you say that!” Seunghyun asked, feeling wronged. “Anyway, I promised Karin’s mother just now that I will take care of her." Karin suddenly links arms with Seunghyun and turns to the surprised sajangnim and Gummy. "Let's not tease Oppa anymore. I think I should go over and chase those models away just to irritate Daesung and Seungri too."

Seunghyun leads her back to their table and he can feel that she's a little tipsy already. Jiyong comes over to check on her too but his verdict was that Karin could still drink. Seunghyun couldn't stop the cousins from drinking together and everyone was enjoying themselves too much. After some egging, Karin showed off some moves on the pole and Seunghyun laughed too when Jiyong tried to imitate her. 

He was game when Karin pulled him to the dancefloor to join the others. She had sulked a bit when he had banned her from drinking more but her mood picked up as soon as he had promised to dance. Seunghyun knew there were people observing them interestedly but he just wanted to enjoy this rare night out with Karin. He kept her close and as the music washed over them, their movements slowed, he bowed his head so that their foreheads were touching. Karin tilted her head up a little so that their noses were brushed lightly against each other. 

Dara was nudging Bom to look at the couple and they were not the only curious parties. Seunghyun couldn't have cared less about what others thought. This was the closest they had come to appear as a real couple in public. "Jagiya," Seunghyun whispered into Karin's ear, making her giggle. "You know, I used to steal kisses from you when you were drunk? I could only get close to you then so I thought I wouldn't mind buying you all the champagne in the world." 

Karin smiled lazily as she rested her head on his chest. He hugged her waist and her head gently. To Karin, the music was fading away and all she could hear was Seunghyun's strong heartbeats. "Oppa, you're too close." Karin murmurs. Seunghyun tips her face up towards him. 

"I know, but I can't let you go," Seunghyun says as he seals Karin's lips with his. 

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Chapter 22: Awwww nice... I really enjoy ut
princesswind #2
Chapter 16: This story is very good, i love it :)
parkbommie_ #3
Chapter 12: Kyaaa!! Hehe update soonn!!
eja393 #4
Chapter 12: I love this fanfic!! Can't wait for your next update!!
MadameA #5
I just want to thank all who have subscribed so far. I'm really sorry that I'm not that good at posting on individual walls like how some authors do.

I'm new at writing fan fics but your subscriptions are the best encouragement. Well, that plus Big Bang. :-) Kamsahamida!
lovis89 #6
Chapter 6: soo yee???
lovis89 #7
Chapter 4: ooh poor karin
lovis89 #8
Chapter 2: but she's jiyong's cousin????