Connections 20


At a TV station award show...

"Here comes Seunghyun-sshi and Yoona-shhi! They look good on the red carpet and they're posing for the cameras now! Right, they're heading towards us now... Good evening!"
Yoona smiles and waves, "good evening everyone!"  The MC welcomes them to stand by the photo-wall as cameras flashed. Seunghyun smiles softly and greeted the MC. Just then, a loud cheer went up at the red carpet and they all turned to see the rest of Big Bang and Karin emerge from a stretch limosine together. Seunghyun grinner and took a few steps forward, waiting for his friends to join him at the photo-wall.

"Big Bang in da house!" The MC said, standing with Yoona as she clapped politely to welcome Big Bang too. "Annyeonghaseyo! Annyeonghaseyo!" Greetings were exchanged as the boys greeted each other and the MC. They high-fived Seunghyun as they passed and he offered his arm to Karin as she reached him. Smiling, she took his arm and approached the photo-wall. "Omo! Seunghyun-sshi, Karin-sshi!" The MC laughed as the crowd cheered loudly. Karin smiled bashfully but Seunghyun kept her hand tight in the crook of his arm. "Annyeonghaseyo!" Karin bowed to the MC. Yoona was trying very hard to NOT glare at them. As cameras flashed, Seunghyun smiled. "Omo, you two look very close!" The MC said, looking from Seunghyun to Karin and then to Jiyong. "G-Dragon-sshi, don't you think they are very close?"

Jiyong's large shades kept his face half-hidden and he bent a little to reach the MC's mic. "Yes, they are very close. Seunghyun treats her very well." The MC wanted to probe for more but had to usher them off as the next guests had arrived. Daesung gallantly offered Yoona his arm and Taeyang showed her the way while Seungri and Jiyong followed. Seunghyun and Karin were the last and the cameras caught them smiling and whispering to each other as they entered the auditorium.


At a popular nighttime talk show...

"The scent of a player.... TOP-shhi! You've been in the news a lot recently!" The MC teased while Seunghyun laughed softly. s were also giggling and Jiyong patted his back. "Is there any truth in the news?" The MC asked.

"Ahh... our hyung has been in so many reports, which are you referring to?" Daesung piped up, eliciting laughter from everyone while Seunghyun pretended to smack the back of his head. After agreeing that there were many different reports, Seunghyun denied there was anything between Yoona and him, citing publicity for their drama as well as the photos being a huge misunderstanding that no one was to be blamed for. "There's another pretty girl who has been appearing in the news with you... Someone who's much closer than expected, almost like a family member..." The MC continued.

Taeyang was nodding while everyone was trying to suppress their laughter. "Taeyang-sshi, you look like you know." The MC called attention to him. "Ne, ne, ne. They have been appearing in the news a lot - it's driving Jiyong hyung crazy!" he flashed his iconic eye smile as everyone laughed.

"I think Karin is very close to the members not just because of me but also through her work. She's hosted a number of us on her show in Japan, she is fluent in both Japanese and Korean so we naturally reach out and hang out together when we go to Japan..." Jiyong said. "I think each of us show our friendship with her in different ways, she's a big girl so I'm not worried."

"As her cousin, how do you feel about that?" The MC asked. Jiyong looked up with a thoughful expression. "I don't feel anything in particular - maybe a little jealous that many people are saying TOP hyung is closest to her (laughter). But I think it's quite cool that the members clicked with her so well. We don't get a lot of free time so it just makes it easier that we can all hang out together as a group. It's also thanks to her that we met so many wonderful artistes and seniors in the Japanese music industry too."

Seungri leaned a little forward, "Karin noona is like the sixth member of Big Bang. Since we are all guys, things can get chaotic sometimes but I think she helps to keep a balance within the group also. Just like a real noona."

"Let's hear from TOP-sshi who many have said is the closest to Karin," the MC said. "What is Karin like? Is she different from the Karin we see on TV when she is with Big Bang?" Seunghyun thought for a while. "She's very honest and her expression just shows up on her face. I know it's quite hard to comprehend - we'd think that since she's an actress, she will be good at masking her feelings and all... But she's someone who draws a strict distinction between work and personal life. Once the cameras are gone, she is just a simple, straightforward girl who laughs and cries according to her moods. She can't hide her feelings from us, maybe because we're all so close." The MC nods, taking everything that Seunghyun had said. "Why do so many people say you are the closest to her?"

This questions draws smiles out from everyone as Seunghyun tries to search for an answer. "I guess I'm just fortunate that Karin likes me more than the rest of the members." Everyone laughs as the MC calls for order. "How many here will want to date Karin-sshi?" Jiyong also looks around curiously but sees all the members raising their hands. As the audience laughs, Jiyong tries to push down their hands. Daesung is asked why he wants to date Karin. "I think she's just a perfect girl - she understands the stress of our work too and I think it'll be beneficial for me since Jiyong hyung is afraid of her!"

"So who do you think is Karin's ideal type?" the MC asked Taeyang. "TOP hyung?" Taeyang replies with a huge smile.


At a popular talkshow catered for ladies...

"I think my ideal type is Seunghyun-sshi," Karin smiles as the crowd cheers. The MC grins too as she addresses Karin. "That was a very brave thing to say on national TV," she smiles as the studio erupts into more laughter.

"I have to clarify that it's not public image that Seunghyun-sshi has as TOP of Big Bang, but rather how he is off-camera that appeals to me. He's not afraid to be silly, very natural and doesn't assume any airs around the boys. I like that a lot," Karin explains. "I don't feel pressured to be the well-dressed feminine lady in front of him - so that's definitely a quality I will look for."

"You've mentioned before that you feel lonely sometimes, being the only close female to the group. But maybe secretly, you really enjoy their attention?" The MC asks provocatively, drawing Aahs and Oohs from the audience. Karin waves her hand gently to protest. "Well, I don't deny that it feels good to be close to the members but I think there are other girls whom they are close to - the YG family members being the obvious ones. And since we're close like a real family, I've also mentioned before that I look forward to welcoming their girlfriends in the future."

"As a pseudo sister to the boys, you must also have your expectatons on the kind of girls you wish to see them dating. What type of girls will appeal to TOP?" Karin laughs a little, as everyone realizes the MC's choice of BB's member was deliberate. "I don't really have a checklist - I'm not that overbearing. I will respect the member's choices on who they fall in love with. As for TOP, to be frank, I've never asked any of the members what their ideal type is like."

"I get the feeling that his ideal type is more like your type." The MC teases as Karin just smiles.


Elsewhere in magazines across Seoul and Tokyo...

Spotted: "Close Friends" Karin and TOP have appointments at the same hair salon at the same time. Coincidence?
Too close for comfort? "We are very close" TOP and Karin attend Psy's concert together.
TOP leaving Gimpo airport for Tokyo - personal trip to meet Karin?

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Chapter 22: Awwww nice... I really enjoy ut
princesswind #2
Chapter 16: This story is very good, i love it :)
parkbommie_ #3
Chapter 12: Kyaaa!! Hehe update soonn!!
eja393 #4
Chapter 12: I love this fanfic!! Can't wait for your next update!!
MadameA #5
I just want to thank all who have subscribed so far. I'm really sorry that I'm not that good at posting on individual walls like how some authors do.

I'm new at writing fan fics but your subscriptions are the best encouragement. Well, that plus Big Bang. :-) Kamsahamida!
lovis89 #6
Chapter 6: soo yee???
lovis89 #7
Chapter 4: ooh poor karin
lovis89 #8
Chapter 2: but she's jiyong's cousin????