Connections 21


It had been almost 6 months since the "scandal" broke but everything had died down - Yoona had moved on to be linked romantically with a leading man, replacing Seunghyun and Karin as the IT couple to look out for. Seunghyun was dilligently working on his movie and the group's new album while Karin was filming dramas back-to-back in both Japan and S. Korea. Whatever little free time they had, they spent it with each other.

Today was another off-day which they could enjoy. Seunghyun was flying off to a fan meet in Malaysia the next day so Karin had travelled from Jeju island to spend the day with him in between her filmings. It was a pity they couldn't leave the YG building or their apartments for dates - but they liked the privacy that they got. Karin was now hurrying into the YG building and smiled at the receptionist.

"Karin-sshi, this is for you." A single stalk of red rose was handed to her. Karin didn't think much of it but just said thanks. Seunghyun had asked her to meet him at the recording studio so she headed straight to the elevators. While waiting, she took a quick sniff of the rose and smiled at the sweet scent. The door opened and she almost bumped into CL and Minzy. "Annyeong! This is for you!" The two girls handed a pair of single stalk roses to Karin.

Karin raised her brows in confusion, peering at them questioningly as she accpeted the flowers. "What's up with that?" Karin asked but the two girls just grinned and shooed her down the hallway. And the strange scene kept repeating itself all the way to the studio - trainees, publicists, managers... they all handed roses to Karin when she encountered them.

Karin was even more bewildered to see just Daesung and Youngbae in the studio when she arrived. She had so many questions but they hushed her, not willing to let her speak. They sat her down in front of the huge Mac and she saw that it was a YouTube video. A fanmade MV to "We Belong Together" featuring both Seunghyun and herself. Karin had never seen it before and was so amused at the fan's expertise in video editing. The fan had pieced scenes of them from all the shows they had appeared on and put the final piece together. It was a really romantic story and Karin clapped at the end, turning to the two boys to see what they were up to. Again, they kept a finger to their lips, indicating they were not speaking to her. Youngbae handed her a small card. Karin recognized Seunghyun's hand-writing and it just said, "There are people rooting for us. See you at the roof top."

Karin left the studio with Youngbae and Daesung trailing her, like her bodyguards. By now, Karin was grinning and was accepting roses without too much hesitation now. There were so many roses now that Daesung finally spoke up, to offer his help to hold the flowers. Karin happily relinquished the huge armful but once her hands were free, the gifts changed. Just as she neared the roof top, a trainee took her coat and bag from her while Jiyong approached her with 2 glasses of champagne, offering one to her.

"Oppa," Karin giggled, knowing full well that something was planned for her. Jiyong tried to suppress his laughter and cleared his throat. "Karin ah, I am here to give you fair warning. After you pass through this doors, your life may change forever. So, here's a toast to all you've accomplished on your own so far. I'm proud of you, as a cousin, a friend and an older brother." Karin punched him lightly on his arm. Jiyong took a deep breath.

"I need this drink as much as you will, I think," Jiyong said with staggered breath, revealing his nervousness. "But beyond these doors, a man waits. A man I've known for a long time and whom I trust. I'm not telling you what to do," both Jiyong and Karin giggled. "But know that I will watch over your happiness, just as I will over his. I wish you both the best in life!" they clinked glasses and Jiyong finished his champagne in one shot.

Karin watched him and turned to the boys, "am I supposed to down this too?" they nodded while laughing and Karin quickly did so. Jiyong offered Karin his arm, which she gladly took. Youngbae and Daesung opened the doors and Karin's eyes grew wide to see most of the YG Family members crowding on the rooftop garden. There was a small path opened to them and Seunghyun stood at the end, nervous but really handsome in his casual suit. Karin was glad he wasn't too dressed up because she was just in jeans and a jacket. "Are we getting married now already?" Karin whispered to Jiyong as he laughed.

Just like a wedding ceremony, Jiyong handed Karin over to Seunghyun and said, "I entrust her to you now." Karin laughed together with everyone. Seunghyun took Karin's hands in his and looked deep into her eyes. Karin was blushing, trying very hard not to avoid his intense gaze.

"Fujiwara Karin, you've broke my heart a number of times, the most recent one was when you rejected my wedding proposal," Seunghyun said dramatically, before turning to the crowd. "I'll spare you guys the lengthy speech." The crowd cheered and Seunghyun turned back to Karin. "I love you very much and can't imagine living the rest of my days without you. There will be changes to our lives - not all good but the bad; we will work through it all together. We may need to make sacrifices for each other, but I hope our love will be enough to make it all ok. So please, Karin, please marry me."

Seunghyun took out a diamond ring from his pocket but Karin was not looking at it. She kept her gaze on him and nodded shyly. The crowd cheered as Seunghyun slipped the ring onto her finger and kissed her on her lips.

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Chapter 22: Awwww nice... I really enjoy ut
princesswind #2
Chapter 16: This story is very good, i love it :)
parkbommie_ #3
Chapter 12: Kyaaa!! Hehe update soonn!!
eja393 #4
Chapter 12: I love this fanfic!! Can't wait for your next update!!
MadameA #5
I just want to thank all who have subscribed so far. I'm really sorry that I'm not that good at posting on individual walls like how some authors do.

I'm new at writing fan fics but your subscriptions are the best encouragement. Well, that plus Big Bang. :-) Kamsahamida!
lovis89 #6
Chapter 6: soo yee???
lovis89 #7
Chapter 4: ooh poor karin
lovis89 #8
Chapter 2: but she's jiyong's cousin????