Connections 15


Seunghyun opened his eyes just as the car pulled to a stop. “We’re here?”

Karin smiled at him and nodded enthusiastically. She had just parked her car in front of a small traditional hot spring inn in Hokkaido. It was Christmas Eve and Seunghyun had miraculously gotten three days leave from YG to come on a trip with Karin. Soo Yee had helped to pick this inn which was away from the major attractions but it was popular with the local celebrities. There was also a fairly private ski slope just 15 minutes’ drive away.

“Oppa, let’s go,” Karin leaps out of the car. Seunghyun helps her with her luggage and they’re greeted by the inn’s mistress. The dimly lit corridors exuded a quiet peace, lulling the couple into a sense of bliss and security. The mistress showed them to their traditional Japanese suite and explained the amenities and facilities to them. Seunghyun started exploring their suite since he couldn’t really comprehend what the mistress was saying.

The snow was falling gently and he stood by the window, taking in the beautiful view. Seunghyun couldn’t remember when was the last time he had managed to slow his pace and just relax. “Oppa, do you like it?” Karin asked as she gave him a back hug. He turned to hold her in his arms, “Jagiya, we will have to thank Soo Yee properly when we go back.” Karin gave a quick translation of what the mistress had informed her.

There was an en-suite bath but there were also three private outdoor baths that they could book for. “Private outdoor bath? But wouldn’t that mean…” Seunghyun trailed off, carefully studying Karin’s face. She looked away, blushing a little, “I’m just saying that the inn has those, so you can think about it. We don’t have to book it if you don’t want to.” Karin says quickly as she turns to unpack her bag.

“Jagiya,” Seunghyun says as he pulls Karin back, this time he was giving her a back hug. “Let’s book it.”



Seunghyun couldn’t take his eyes off Karin as she lost her towel and carefully joined him in the hot spring water. Karin smiled bashfully as she slowly submerged herself into the calming hot water. “Aigoo, I wanted to see some more!” Seunghyun teased, making Karin blush immediately.

“Aish! Don’t be such a big ert!” Karin turns her back to him. Seunghyun knew Karin was trying very hard to make up for all the time they had been separated because of their work and he appreciated it. He wasn’t going to make her feel awkward by teasing her too much. He casually went to her side and they enjoyed the hot water in amicable silence.

"Oppa," Karin said suddenly. "When do you think we will see each other again?" Seunghyun turned to her and saw her gloomy expression. "What's wrong? Why are you getting so emotional suddenly?"

Karin sighed. "Oppa, I just feel that we're left to the mercy of fate when it comes to our schedules. I know Soo Yee unnie means well when she pushes for more projects but I don't like how even our relationship is at my work's mercy." Seunghyun recalled her earlier interview. "Jagiya, do you want to retire?"

Karin looked at him, not sure what to say. Seunghyun pulled her closer. "Jagiya, I'm not saying you have to retire. I'm asking if you want to. Do you feel tired of it all already? If you want to give it all up, I want you to know that it is ok to do so. Trust in me, because I can support you and make sure you live in comfort."

Karin was touched by his thoughfulness but that wasn't what she was thinking of. She looked at Seunghyun and took a deep breath. "Oppa, there's a really good project coming up and it might launch my career to even Hollywood." He was waiting patiently for her to continue. Karin took another deep breath and looked at him straight in the eyes. "But the script requires a number of graphic bed scenes which are vital to the plot." Seunghyun tried very hard not to react - after the last session with Hyun Joong, he had resigned himself to the fact that Karin will continue to be in close contact with other male co-stars for as long as she works.

Karin looked at him worriedly, not sure that it had been right for her to open this up for discussion with him. But she had sincerely wanted to hear his opinions about it, not wanting to give him an unpleasant surprise much later when the project was finished and had premiered. She had until after the New Year to let the director know if she wanted the role. This time, it was Seunghyun who took a deep breath. "Jagiya, can we not talk about this until after Christmas? Please?"

Karin could see the confusion and sorrow in his eyes so she agreed.



"She's only getting opportunities like this because she's still single. That's why I said I was happy when she wanted to stay 'single' a little longer. Usually when actresses are known to be dating someone already, offers like this ease off. If the director really wants them onboard, some have even gone on to change the script for them. They will still respect the actress' other half, " Soo Yee explained. She leaned forward to reach for her coffee.

Jiyong looked at her thoughfully, with Seunghyun seated quietly beside him. After confiding in Jiyong, the two had decided to speak to Soo Yee, just to get a better idea of how Karin's work was like. "But Soo Yee noona, you knew that they are dating already. Why did you still propose that Karin take on this role?" Jiyong asked.

"I'm her manager - I only do what's beneficial to her career. I look after her well-being too but relationships are personal. I don't have an obligation to look after that part of her life too," Soo Yee turned to Seunghyun. "No offence." Seunghyun gave a quick wave to indicate that none had been taken. "I know you two are working really hard to keep your relationship going, but as long as she's 'single' - there's no real reason for her to reject this role of a lifetime. They are confident that it will be successful on the international stage. I think even the director knows that she won't refuse unless she decides to be a prudish diva suddenly. They'll say she's unprofessional." Soo Yee sighed.

"So if word gets out that we're dating? Will that change anything?" Seunghyun asked. Jiyong and Soo Yee exchanged glances. "Maybe? Maybe not? I don't know. But wouldn't your fans get mad at her for stealing you away? Isn't that what idols always face?" Soo Yee asked.

Jiyong smiled bitterly as he massaged his temples. "Karin was right all along. Love does complicate things..."



Karin put the phone down quietly. This was her decision but she didn't feel good at all. The director had not taken too kindly to the fact that she had rejected the role - he had been so confident that he had already hinted to several media that she was going to be the lead. Karin had been warned that the director will never cast her again and to be prepared to 'rest' for a while. 

She picked up her phone again. "Yobuseyo?" "Oppa, can we talk?" Karin asks, not able to hold her tears in anymore. "Oppa, I really need to talk to someone."

"Don't worry, I'm here." Jiyong said softly.

"I don't think I can recover from this," she smiled through her tears. "Soo Yee unnie will kill me for sure - all her hard work. I think I just killed both of our careers off."



Seungri and Youngbae were huddled around the Mac in the studio. They scrambled to shut it off when Seunghyun entered the room. He stared at them. "What are you doing?" 

"Nothing," Seungri says but he couldn't fool his Hyung. Two long strides and Seunghyun was beside him, pulling up the Internet history. It was a local gossip forum with a translation of a Japanese article. Karin was labelled an arrogant diva who had caused major disruption with her unprofessional last minute pull-out from a movie. The comments from the netizens were not pretty. 

Why is that suddenly trying to play innocent? I hated her right from the start when she acted in the MV with Taeyang Oppa. She should just die... A huge disgrace to GD, can't believe they're related!

Seunghyun thought his heart was going to stop. He called Karin but there was no answer and he couldnt' get Jiyong either. Seunghyun had failed to protect the one person he treasured the most. He wasn't going to stand by and watch her get hurt even more.

He went straight to the office and spoke to Sajangnim. "If that's what you really want, I will not stop you." He patted Seunghyun on his back. "I will support you, the whole family will. And you can count on your members, most of all."


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Chapter 22: Awwww nice... I really enjoy ut
princesswind #2
Chapter 16: This story is very good, i love it :)
parkbommie_ #3
Chapter 12: Kyaaa!! Hehe update soonn!!
eja393 #4
Chapter 12: I love this fanfic!! Can't wait for your next update!!
MadameA #5
I just want to thank all who have subscribed so far. I'm really sorry that I'm not that good at posting on individual walls like how some authors do.

I'm new at writing fan fics but your subscriptions are the best encouragement. Well, that plus Big Bang. :-) Kamsahamida!
lovis89 #6
Chapter 6: soo yee???
lovis89 #7
Chapter 4: ooh poor karin
lovis89 #8
Chapter 2: but she's jiyong's cousin????