Connections 1


“How does this one look?”

“Hmm… 1.65cm… 49kg… Looks good, not too cutesy – there’re too many of those in our industry already. Too cute, or too y… most of them…”

“Her father is Japanese while her mother is Korean. Brought up in the US… That probably explains her carefree yet edgy look. Says she speaks fluent Japanese, Korean and English.”

“She’s been modeling and acting in Japan for a while. Seems she was in a music school while in the US and WOW! Her hobbies are pole-dancing and muay thai!”

“Let’s call her in for an audition. We need to see how she’ll be with Youngbae too.”


“Thank you everyone! You’ve worked hard!” Karin smiled and bowed courteously as she slowly maneuvered around the camera equipment and made her way out of the studio.

It had been another tiring photo shoot but she was really glad that it had wrapped on time. She was hungry but still felt it was worth it. She was the cover girl once again for Wish magazine. She’d only been back in Japan for two years but her popularity as an actress and model was rising. She had literally burst onto the scene when she landed the starring role in a drama the moment she had returned.  

“Fujiwara Karin! Go change quickly! Make the most of your time – let’s grab a bite before your next appointment!” Karin turned towards her manager’s voice and laughed. Lee Soo Yee had been her best friend since Karin fought with her at a playground when they were five and six. “Soo Yee-unnie, I know. I’ll be out in five minutes.”

Soo Yee was on her phone when Karin came out from the dressing room. Although Karin liked modeling, she still preferred to be in her comfortable T-shirts, jeans and sneakers. She was fixing her hair in the window reflection while waiting patiently for Soo Yee to get off the phone.

“Karin, big news!” Soo Yee’s eyes were wide. “You might have to shorten your vacation to Seoul next week thought.”

Karin didn’t like what she just said. She’d worked hard for so long and had been looking forward to visiting her family home in Seoul next week. Soo Yee had been told to keep the whole month free, so what was this about?

“Karin, the agency was contacted by an entertainment group in Seoul. They want you to go in for an audition for an MV. Audition is next week on Thursday.” Karin couldn’t believe her ears – the news wasn’t bad at all.

“Soo Yee-unnie, do you think the agency will pay for our air tickets back to Seoul then? Since now it has become a working trip?” Soo Yee rolled her eyes and whacked the back of Karin’s head as the two girls made their way to the car.

“Ah… Really? I’ll definitely make time. Ne, ne, ne…” Jiyong finally got off the phone and turned back to the iMac in the recording studio. He didn’t like interruptions while he was working in the studio but he never failed to pick up his mother’s call.

“Hyung, was it a girl?” Seungri asked cheekily. “Was it the one you were hanging out with last night at NB?”

“Ahni. It was my omma. She said to make time next week to go home. My cousin will be returning to Seoul after almost 10 years so they are planning to throw some welcome party for her,” Jiyong said as he tried to study the papers in front of him. He was excited that his cousin was back.

They had always played together when they were younger as their mothers were really close sisters. 10 years ago, they had cried when they said good-bye at the airport as he sent her off to the US. Her father had relocated the family due to his work and they had no choice but to follow him.


“Remember, Oppa will be working hard while waiting for you to come back. I will definitely succeed at my music and you too. Don’t think you can slack since I’m not around to check on you! Arasso?”

“Oppa! I will. I will work hard at my music too. But if I think of you, I will just cry. Otoke?”

“Don’t cry. If you cry, I won’t talk to you! Let’s promise that until we become successful, we will not tell each other anything. We will not see each other or complain. That’s our motivation – we’ll meet again when we succeed and reach our goal.”

“It’ll be hard, but I promise you, Oppa. FIGHTING!!” Jiyong patted his cousin’s head gently as he watched her cry. He was the oppa so he held back his tears bravely. It was only after she had disappeared in the crowd that he allowed his mother to console him as he bawled his eyes out.


“What’s this I hear about a cousin? We’ve never heard you mention her before,” Youngbae said absent-mindedly. He was really tired from the recent increase in his workload. Cutting a solo album was really tough work and he was almost at his limit.

“What’s she like? Do you have a picture?” Seungri was always excited to meet new girls. Jiyong turned to him with an incredulous look. “She’s my cousin. Do you have a death wish? You’re thinking of hitting on even my relatives now?”

“Ahni, hyung!” Seungri retreated quickly. “Why so stingy? It’s just a picture!”

“Aish, like I said – she’s been away! Even if I had a picture, you’ll be the last person I’ll show it to. I don’t want my auntie to come after me,” Jiyong said as he threw a pen at Seungri.


Karin dragged her suitcase into the hotel room and drew the curtains. She threw her sunglasses onto the study desk and kicked off her shoes. Seoul’s summer was truly hot and she was glad she had worn her khaki shorts and loose cotton shirt on the flight. The room phone rang just then.

“Yobuseyo Karin,” it was Soo Yee. “My college friends are inviting us to a dinner then drinks after. Come on, you remember them right?”

Karin smiled as she nodded to herself. They had 2 free days before the audition and she wasn’t going to sit around in the hotel room waiting for that day to come. It was her long-awaited vacation so she had to make full use of it!

They had a really sumptuous dinner and were now making their way to Hongdae. Min Jung and Ji Hye were Soo Yee’s best friends from college. They had not met since she Soo Yee moved to Japan to be Karin’s manager. They were heading to a club where Min Jung’s cousin had VIP access. Min Jung herself was a regular there thanks to her cousin.

When the bouncer saw Min Jung, he smiled and whistled. Min Jung smiled and waved. “Hey Oppa, I brought my girlfriends with me today. These two are new but you’ve met Ji Hye before.” Karin smiled as introductions were made.

It was still hot even though it was almost mid-night so she was glad she had worn her mini overalls. The roomy pockets on the shorts held everything she had and she had worn a simple tank top beneath it. There was a nice buzz in all the girls’ heads as they had drunk just a little too much soju at the restaurant earlier. Guys in the queue were checking out the group of attractive girls but Karin didn’t care. She was more than capable of taking care of herself.

Min Jung ushered the girls in and they dodged a group of drunken guys who tried to grab Soo Yee. As they entered the VIP lounge, a waiter showed Min Jung to their table. 2 bottles of Champagne, a whole tray of shots and a bottle of Vodka quickly filled their table.

“Let’s party!!!!”

“Hyung, hyung, hyung! Daebak!” Seungri was distracted the moment he entered the VIP lounge. “It’s Min Jung noona with some girls!” Jiyong took a glance over and smiled to see the group of attractive girls chatting animatedly and oblivious to all the glances other guys were sneaking at them. “Wah, Min Jung noona’s friends can really drink. They’ve already finished a bottle of champagne and the vodka.”

Jiyong marched Seungri to their table where Youngbae and Daesung were seated. The two were also staring at the group of girls. “Seunghyun-hyung not here yet?” Jiyong asked.

Daesung shook his head mutely, never taking his eyes off the group of girls. “Hyung, I thought we were the most exciting bunch of people here but that group of girls is stealing all the attention. Even the girls in the lounge today keep staring at them. Oh look!”

They all turned to see Teddy and Seunghyun enter the lounge together. Teddy smiled and nudged Seunghyun to follow him over to the group of girls. Teddy smiled as he hugged Min Jung and let her introduce her friends.

“Yah! Hyung, now’s our chance! Let’s go introduce ourselves!” Seungri dragged his hyungs over.


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Chapter 22: Awwww nice... I really enjoy ut
princesswind #2
Chapter 16: This story is very good, i love it :)
parkbommie_ #3
Chapter 12: Kyaaa!! Hehe update soonn!!
eja393 #4
Chapter 12: I love this fanfic!! Can't wait for your next update!!
MadameA #5
I just want to thank all who have subscribed so far. I'm really sorry that I'm not that good at posting on individual walls like how some authors do.

I'm new at writing fan fics but your subscriptions are the best encouragement. Well, that plus Big Bang. :-) Kamsahamida!
lovis89 #6
Chapter 6: soo yee???
lovis89 #7
Chapter 4: ooh poor karin
lovis89 #8
Chapter 2: but she's jiyong's cousin????