Break Up, Again?!!



Live Music Bar


9:00 PM


And she is nowhere to be seen. Chanyeol knew she was about to get her revenge when he saw the invitation on the card. But he thought he will get to meet her and talk, at least. He glanced again at his wristwatch.


He can’t help but to feel a little bit disappointed.


He would prefer having her going around like mad woman and throw things at him (no joke, she did that), and then cuddle back, rather than not meeting her at all.


He wanted to call her but all the same, he doesn’t think she would pick the call up. So he has been acting the good ex-boyfriend, waiting there patiently, like he always do when he is not listening to Baekhyun.


Oh, Baekhyun?


Chanyeol gave him few beatings the moment he stepped into the dorm. He has been waiting for his wicked roommate to teach some ‘real dating’ lessons.


But Baekhyun, being wicked he is, he giggled through all the beatings. That damned Baek.


But gossh! Seriously. Where is she?


9.15 PM


He looked around the bar to search for her only to meet few faces that he could not recognize.


He was just about to get up and walk back home, thinking she might not come, when suddenly …


“Giving up already, Park Chan Yeol-shi?”


The light suddenly went off. Few seconds later, the light was turned back on, but only dims light, enough to see shapes and shadows.


But most importantly was, the dazzling light that fall upon a woman on the small stage that was prepared for live performances. She was sitting there holding a guitar while staring at him and him only.


His eyes widened as he lost for words.


Then she smirked. Evilly. 




She's too cute I can't even... Gaahh~~ XD






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rosidivina #1
Chapter 9: Omg, i found chanji and baekyeol ff one the same story wkwkkw
Chapter 11: What a cute story tho! :)
jenisjenni #3
Chapter 11: that was so cute <3
Chapter 11: I guess that you also see Discoveries in Life?
That's a good skit.
And by the way, nice story! I enjoy reading this~
Chapter 11: Gahh!! I have a goosebump reading this XD more chanji fic XD
Chapter 1: The break up is like gag concert :))
snabilah50 #7
Chapter 11: Why it is already end..anyway cute side if chanji couple...please make another good story bout eunji of apink..
Chapter 11: I love this chapter‌ the most‌!
Huh!! End already‌? -fake sob-
I want more T.T xD‌
Anyway‌, good job a/n :D
SoAlone_Mayme #9
Chapter 11: It's a short story.. but I like it XD
KoalaLand97 #10
Chapter 11: What?? end?? no T^T
Thanks for this cute story :)