Break Up, Again?!!




The show ended with a big applause from the audiences. They gained some whistling and some ‘Woo’. The crowd went wild for a while as Eunji heat the air up.


She had her eyes on Chanyeol the whole time, but she tore her gaze off the moment she finished the song. And Chanyeol could tell she was blushing.


Eunji then walked to him with her head down, completely avoiding any eye contact with him.


They both went out of the bar after her performance for more privacy. Not that it was necessary but she wanted to talk in a more quite place without any eyes on them.


But when they stepped out of the bar, both were thrown into a silence. Maybe both were embarrassed from her performance.


Chanyeol played his role to offer his hand first, because she seemed so startlingly shy and speechless. And being shy is totally not her thing. XD


“Let’s go for a walk,” he said.


She took his hand, still looking down. They strolled hand in hand; side by side to each other, but the silence remains in their company.


The night was surprisingly tranquil. The street that they were walking on is not too crowded too. Tonight, the busy city seemed romantic to their liking.


Well, that is the normal world that people live in, when they are in love.


He glanced at her gleefully. He wanted so badly, to push back her hair that she purposely let fall, to cover her blushing face.


He grinned as he teasingly said something that made her blush even more.


“So you want me back?”







Gaaah (=,=) 

I, myself, fall in love with Chanyeol more and more as I write this fanfic. kekeke.

As if I don't have enough bias in EXO.


I mean, imagine if he really ask you "So you want me?", with the expression in the picture above.






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rosidivina #1
Chapter 9: Omg, i found chanji and baekyeol ff one the same story wkwkkw
Chapter 11: What a cute story tho! :)
jenisjenni #3
Chapter 11: that was so cute <3
Chapter 11: I guess that you also see Discoveries in Life?
That's a good skit.
And by the way, nice story! I enjoy reading this~
Chapter 11: Gahh!! I have a goosebump reading this XD more chanji fic XD
Chapter 1: The break up is like gag concert :))
snabilah50 #7
Chapter 11: Why it is already end..anyway cute side if chanji couple...please make another good story bout eunji of apink..
Chapter 11: I love this chapter‌ the most‌!
Huh!! End already‌? -fake sob-
I want more T.T xD‌
Anyway‌, good job a/n :D
SoAlone_Mayme #9
Chapter 11: It's a short story.. but I like it XD
KoalaLand97 #10
Chapter 11: What?? end?? no T^T
Thanks for this cute story :)