Missing Mace

Return to Sunshine


"J-SAURUS!!!" Shoving the bathroom door open angrily, I stomped through the house looking for the little monster. Eventually, I found him sitting calmly in the livingroom watching TV, an innocent expression plastered on his face. "Oh, hello Fo! What've you been up to?" Why that little- I should end him here and now! "What have I been doing? I've been trying to scrub YOUR name off  MY FOREHEAD!!" I stood breathing heavily while glaring down at him. "Okay..." he stated as if he didn't know what I was referring to. "Don't play dumb! It's quite visible and I know it was you!" "You can't prove that!!" he hollered, jumping up in outrage. "IT'S YOUR NAME ON MY FORHEAD!!" We stood staring seriously at each other for a few seconds before J-Saurus dropped to the ground in laughter. "It's not funny!! What did you write this with?" I pouted, stomping my foot in a childish manner. " I don't know *gasp*!! It was- marker on *hehe* your desk!!" Marker on my desk?..... NOOOO!!! Sprinting back to my bedroom, I picked up the marker, reading the label in panic. "PERMANENT MARKER!!" I screeched, frantically waving my arms around like a retarded seal. "Fo are you okay?" I heard Key ask as he waltzed into my room, only to stop and drop his jaw at the sight of my forehead. He stood gaping like a fish out of water for a few seconds,  before anger and outrage replaced the shock on his face. "I'll be right back" he hissed under his breath, mind no longer focused on me and my problem. Okay then... Wonder who he's off to confront in all his Kitty fury... Anyways, HOW AM I GOING TO GET THIS OFF?!?! What if I can't get it off? I'll be forever labeled as an idiot's property!! I can't live like that!! Frantically, I grabbed a sponge and began scrubbing my forhead vigorously. No matter how hard I scrubbed, however, the name stayed in place, staring me in the face. Continuing to try and clean it off, my forhead began to turn bright red and burn intensely from the constant harsh rubbing of my skin. "What are you doing?!" Key yelled, appearing out of nowhere. He took a firm hold of my hand and pulled it down from my face. "If you keep it up your going to take the skin off your face!!" "I have to get it off somehow!!" I whined, trying desperately to free my hand so I could continue with the removal of my face. If I take my face off, the name won't be there anymore, right? "Just stop!! Wait a second!" Key snapped, making me pause in my struggles. "We can get that off easily with some rubbing alcohol. If you just wait a second, i'll go grab my bottle and we'll remove that atrocity from your head, okay?" Nodding begrudgingly, I threw the sponge in the sink and leaned gratefully against Key, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Thanks" I mumbled tiredly into his shoulder. I felt Key stiffen momentarily before he lifted his arms and wrapped them around me, pulling me closer and nuzzling his face into my hair. We stood hugging for a few more moments before Key gently pushed me away and left to get the rubbing alcohol. He's such a great friend, always there to help me with my problems, no matter how silly they are... While waiting for my Kitty's return, I headed over to the toilet to sit and make myself comfortable. "Ah good, your sitting! That'll make it easier for me to cleanse your forhead" Key stated as he walked back into the bathroom carrying his bottle of rubbing alcohol and some cotton balls. "Now, after I take of Dino's name, you should wash your face with some soap and water." Leaning down with the now alcohol-saturated cotton ball, he started wiping my forhead. "Sorry if I seemed kinda psycho about the whole marker issue" I laughed awkwardly, trying to make conversation, "I don't do well with handling 'surprises' in the morning." "It's okay, I totally understand. If I were you, his bloody carcass would be hanging out to dry by now" Key laughed lightly. I hummed in agreement and then we settled into a comfortable silence. Glancing up, I felt my face heat up in shock. Wow, his face is REALLY close to mine! I can feel his warm breath blowing against my face, it's kind of unnerving... "There! All done!" he chirped happily, hand resting soothingly against my cheek. He looked down at me and our eyes connected, both of us unable to look away. I watched as he started moving closer, his eyes slowly drifting shut. "Oh Ho! What do we have here! Looks like someone's about to get some action!" J-Saurus shouted crudely, knocking me out of my daze. "Jonghyun, I am going to KILL YOU!!" my Kitty screeched furiously as he took after the terrified Dinosaur. J-Saurus better run fast, because when Key uses his real name, he means business. Hopefully the idiot doesn't get murdered 'cause then Mace would be all mopey, I don't do we'll with sadness. 
Avy's POV
NO! Stupid Jjong!! He completely ruined the moment with his retarded existence. If he hadn't said anything, Key could have finally gotten his girl. Why isn't Mace controlling him? He's running around like a wild animal, annoying everyone in sight. Earlier he ruined my peaceful picnic with Oneyyah! Every thing was going great until Jjong popped up and started eating the food, making lame jokes, and yelling out embarrassing statements that I just can't repeat! I never new someone could be so ERTED, besides Fo of course. Mace is up there in that state of mind, but after today, he surpassed her in sick-mindedness. Stomping around the house in agitation, I looked for Mace, but she was no where to be found. Just as I was about to freak out from Mace's absence, I noticed a piece of paper sitting on the kitchen counter. What could that be? Picking it up, I discovered it was a note from Mace:
Dear Friends... And Jonghyun,
                I'm sorry to say that I have to leave Sunshine Inn for a while. I've been feeling very frustrated and ignored lately (from a certain someone), so I've decided to go back home for a much needed break from all the negative emotions. I'm not sure how long I'll be away, but i'll return when I'm in a better state of mind. Jonghyun, although it pains me to say this, I'm setting you free. You are now a single man, since that's how you seem to want it to be. Hopefully when I return, I can have excepted our split and we can still be friends.
                                               Yours Truly, 
"Mace is gone! J-Saurus, I'm going to KILL YOU!!" Fo screamed as she chased Jjong around the livingroom. I would help him, but it's his fault Mace is gone so, he's all on his own. Eventually, Fo was able to tackle the fleeing dinosaur to the floor, hands wrapped around his throat as she strangled him. Minho saw what was going on and ran to Jjong's rescue. He quickly pried Fo's hands lose and pulled her off the gasping dinosaur, holding her captive since she wasn't exactly 'calm' yet. Key walked into the livingroom and surveyed the scene with a blank expression until his eyes landed on Minho. With what strangely sounded like a hiss, Key marched over and yanked Fo from Minho's grasp, wrapping his arms securely around her. Well, someone is obviously jealous... We all stood awkwardly in the room trying to wrap our minds around the current situation. "Wait, so Mace broke up with me over A NOTE and left before I could even TALK WITH HER!!" Jjong roared, pacing the room with a scowl. "Well if that's the way she wants it, FINE!" With that said, to no one in particular, he stormed out of the room. I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume Mace was wrong, he definitely doesn't want it to be this way... Suddenly, arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me towards a very familiar feeling chest. "It'll be okay, I'm sure a Mace is alright and will be back soon" Oneyyah whispered in my ear as he laid his head on my shoulder. "I know" I murmured leaning back into his embrace with an content smile. If only the others could be as happy as I am...
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Ist chapter posted!! 


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Chapter 9: *dies laughing at comment below until I realize it's my sister* da heck?!
Anyway fobe you lil xD have you no Shame!? LOL imagine how key would think if he actually read that HAHAHA XD
Gotnothingtodo #2
Chapter 9: Oh jjong you're an idiot! Rawr calm the hormones kifo!! Aww onew asking taeminnie for advice XD that's cute
Chapter 8: What the fudge muffins xD I didn't even get to say my worst fear! Btw I saw what you did there~ ONTAEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: No. Macy won't ever return xD also *shoves blushing face into Onewpuppy* how do you know me do well?! XD
Chapter 6: Poor dinosaur T~T this is why he's my third favorite (well tied with key)
Chapter 5: ..... Lol me and Onew are the only Content ones in this hectic story xD
Chapter 4: Poor key!!!!!!!! ㅠ.ㅠ Stupid jjong! :O
Chapter 3: HAHAHAHA such and awkward chapter xD although Jonghyun was right xD
Chapter 2: Omggggggggggggggg >.< >.< >.< >.< Pshhh and Avy says that Fos the unobservant one xD I saw what Onew was doin! :P
Cant wait! I really liked the first one.