
Ready For Love


“Hey Kyu! Wait up!”

Siwon yells out as he runs after the younger who just keeps running away from him.

“Why? Are you so old to catch up with me?”

Kyuhyun teasingly declares, pausing for a moment and turning around to check on Siwon who's still far away from him. However, his words make the older feel challenged as he fastens his pace and is almost catching up with him.

“I’ll show you how old I am!”

Kyuhyun immediately resumes running away with a heartily laugh, the waves are nicely calm today and the wet sand that’s brushing under his feet gives him a refreshing feeling so he doesn’t mind how his folded pants ars getting splashed by the water as he keeps walking away from Siwon.

However, since he suddenly finds himself caught up in the way his heart is fluttering over remembering all the things that happened to him in the past couple of weeks, his steps involuntary slow down and thus Siwon is able to catch up with him, wrapping his arms around his chest from behind and lifting him up in the air.

“Hahaha Wonnie! Wait! Hahaha”

Kyuhyun laughs wholeheartedly, hands clenching on the ones around his chest as his feet are dangling in the air. He feels really happy right now and he still can’t believe that Siwon is actually his boyfriend.


“Open your eyes, Kyunnie”

Siwon whispered against Kyuhyun’s lips, his hands gently cupping his face as he seemed to still be lost in the taste of those addicting lips.

Kyuhyun shook his head, not wanting to face reality just yet. The kiss felt so good and it already took him to heaven, cursing his lack of breath or else they wouldn’t have had to pull away at all.

“I’m still here”

Siwon assured, his thumbs soothingly caressing Kyuhyun’s apple cheeks.

“Why aren’t you leaving?”

Kyuhyun muttered, his heart breaking with each word coming out of his mouth. He made Siwon promise to leave if he didn’t feel anything, so why was he still there? Kyuhyun didn’t want to rush into conclusions.

“I don’t know”

“Then what do you know, hyung?”

Kyuhyun impatiently snapped, not the answer he was looking for. His heart was withering from nervousness, scared about being rejected.

“That I don’t want to leave you. That I can’t leave you”

Although he felt the sincerity in Siwon’s words, still Kyuhyun didn’t want to get hurt again. He has been in love with Siwon for years and he always wondered what if his feelings were reciprocated. However, since he could never confess to his friend, he just waited for some miracle to happen. Unfortunately, that never happened and he couldn’t help but question whatever Siwon was feeling at that moment.

Sighing, he pulled off Siwon’s hands from his face, eyes still closed as he lightly pushed him away.

“You promised. Just g-“

Before he could finish though, a pair of lips was smashed on his once again and he could feel Siwon’s body even closer than before.

One of the older’s hands was possessively draped around his waist, while the other one rested on his nape, pulling him closer as he deepened the kiss.

The first kiss they shared was simple with only lips discovering the new territory, while this one, Siwon made sure to convey his emotions through it as he passionately French-ed kissed him, his tongue twirling around Kyuhyun’s who eagerly reciprocated each move with as much passion added to hunger.

When they had to pull away, Kyuhyun still had his eyes closed and his body tensed when he felt the warmth disappearing as Siwon stepped backwards.

“Cho Kyuhyun… what the hell was I thinking?”

Kyuhyun confusedly stood there, readying himself for the rejection. The tears were already b in his eyes, waiting to be set free.

“I’m an idiot”


He really wasn’t brave enough for this, but he needed to know. He had to know once and for all.

“Because I’m an oblivious stupid moron who didn’t realize he’s in love with his best friend…”

Kyuhyun’s eyes jerked open as they bulgingly stared at his best friend. He was doubting his ears at the moment and even though the soft smile plastered across the man’s lips was assuring, it still confused him.

“W-Wonnie… don’t play with me”

Siwon shook his head at his own stupidity, entangling his fingers through his hair as his eyes unfocusedly wandered around the apartment, mentally scolding himself for his recent-found-out-blindness, before locking his gaze once again on Kyuhyun.

“Gosh what the hell is wrong with me? I’m always around you and I’m always clinging to you. I’m here mostly the whole time, not because I have nothing to do, because I have a huge business to run, but because of…” He paused, walking closer to Kyuhyun again and gently resting his hands on each side of the younger’s arms before adding “You”

“What are you saying?”

Although it couldn’t have been any blunter than that, Kyuhyun’s heart was still not letting him believe that his feelings might be reciprocated after all.

Fortunately, Siwon was patient enough as he softly smiled while resting his forehead on Kyuhyun’s and stealing a kiss before explaining.

 “What I’m saying is that I’m sorry your best friend is an idiot. I’m sorry your best friend was too blind to see what’s right in front of him. I’m sorry your best friend went looking outside when his heart is already owned”

The tears finally broke free, but not because Kyuhyun was heartbroken, but because he was happy. He had been waiting for Siwon to realize that he might have the same feelings for him for way too long that now that it actually happened, it all felt so surreal.

“You don’t have to pity me, hyung”

“Hey… I’m not! I don’t know how I missed it but I guess I needed the push. I’m not that smart when it comes to feelings I guess. When I saw you kissing Yunho, my mind went crazy”

Kyuhyun didn’t miss on the way Siwon gritted his teeth at his last words, his gaze momentarily shifting away as he seemed to try to calm himself.

Apparently he never knew watching Kyuhyun kissing someone else would bring him so much anger and frustration. Siwon was confused at first, wondering why was he bothered and he knew it wasn’t just because Kyuhyun kissed someone else just after he confessed to him, but his mind was blocking the fact that he really cared for Kyuhyun more than just a friend.

As Siwon glanced at him again, Kyuhyun guiltily bit on his lip as he recalled the earlier scene, but then again it was the reason they were having this conversation now and so he made a mental note to thank Yunho later even though he was still mad for being ambushed.

“Won… “

Siwon took a deep breath, looking straight into Kyuhyun’s eyes as he genuinely admitted “I love you”

A deep shade of red travelled to Kyuhyun’s face, but still his lips stretched into a wide smile, a timid one that is.

“Are you serious?”

“Are you gonna keep asking me that, or are you going to let me kiss you and make it up to you for my lost time?”

Kyuhyun's smile broadened, his arms wrapping around Siwon’s waist as he cheekily replied.

“Kissing doesn’t sound so bad”

“Oh? Let’s see about that, shall we?”

Nodding, Kyuhyun tilted his head to the side and crashed their lips together, already addicted to Siwon’s taste.

“I love you so much, Won”

“I love you too, Kyunnie”

They whispered between their kisses, their hearts about to burst out from too many emotions. Siwon had never guessed this would ever happen to them, but now that he was kissing his best friend, it all made sense to him.

“I really reaaaally love you”

Kyuhyun chuckled at Siwon’s face expression before diving in for another kiss, his hands switching to wrap around Siwon’s neck instead as he pulled him closer, not intending to ever let him go. His heart was finally at ease and he would do anything to keep Siwon by his side.


Sneaking his tongue inside the welcoming cavern, Siwon passionately kisses his boyfriend, determined on getting a sample of his favorite moans, which he does shortly after, managing to make him feel quite as he swallows it with a groan of his own.

“I’m so happy to hear you laugh like this”

He admits after regulating their breaths, his hands securely squashing Kyuhyun’s bubbly cheeks.

“Hmm... well, because I am happy”

“Because of me?” Siwon innocently asks, his lips spreading kisses all over Kyuhyun’s face.

“Uh-huh… and this amazing trip”

Siwon pulls away with a grin, nodding in agreement as he as well didn’t see this trip coming at all. When he was called by the producer of the show, he was prepared for whatever punishment they would throw at him because he breached his contract with them.

However, instead, he got a congratulation and two free vacation tickets to Malibu California, all expenses paid.

When he told Kyuhyun about it, the younger was surprised as well, expecting his boyfriend to be scolded for the commotion he made. However, as Siwon showed him the tickets, Kyuhyun's heart felt sore for a second, remembering the not-so-great weekend he spent there with Siwon, and the horrific feeling he experienced upon having to watch the love of his life play and kiss someone else.

Siwon of course caught on it, and immediately assured him that they would be making new memories there, that would wash away the painful ones.

“I did not expect to get the free tickets when the producer called me”

Kyuhyun wraps his arms around Siwon’s neck, bodies flush against the other as he mutters “Well, although you didn’t end up with one of their choices, still, you did find love”

Siwon beams at his boyfriend’s words, eagerly nodding as he leans forward and presses a couple of pecks on his nose.

“Yep. Because of the show, you finally confessed. And Yunho and Changmin found love as well, so not bad”

“What about the show?”

Kyuhyun asked out of nowhere when they were cuddling on the couch, his body planted between Siwon’s legs, back pressed against the man’s chest.

“What about it?”

Kyuhyun sadly eyed his boyfriend, knowing Siwon understood what he meant. He wished he would’ve confessed his feelings before Siwon decided to join the show, that way he wouldn’t be facing this problem.

“I don’t know”

Siwon honestly answered, heaving a deep sigh as he tightened his arms around Kyuhyun’s chest and buried his face in his back. They had only been together for two days and as much as he tried to ignore it, he knew he had to settle it down with the producers. He made a contract with them, and he wasn’t someone to back out on his decisions that easily.

However, it’s Kyuhyun we’re talking about, his best friend and new found love, so he was ready to face whatever was coming his way.

“Can you come with me?”

Siwon lightly whispered, making Kyuhyun’s eyes widen as he slightly tilted his body to the side to look at the older’s face.


“We have a recording tomorrow night. It will be easier if I showed them the reason I won’t be continuing with them”

Kyuhyun’s face showed nervousness all of a sudden as he guiltily looked at his boyfriend, trying to gently refuse his request.

“Wonnie… I can’t”

Siwon saw the fear in Kyuhyun’s eyes and as much as he wanted him to be there with him, he didn’t want to pressure him. So instead, he just nodded in understanding before detaching himself from him and standing up.

“W-Where are you going?”

Kyuhyun puzzlingly asked, his heart drumming over the thought of Siwon being mad at him.

“I have a meeting. I’ll talk to you later”

Siwon then leaned down and pressed a kiss on Kyuhyun’s forehead with a faint smile before exiting the apartment, leaving Kyuhyun frozen in his spot.


Nervously pacing the dressing room, Siwon was readying himself for what about to come. He had prepared a speech and a perfect apology in hopes his punishment wouldn’t be so serious.

He really wished Kyuhyun was with him though, that would’ve made things a lot easier, but when the younger called him that night after he asked him to join him on the show, he sincerely expressed his worries and the fact that he was uncomfortable professing their love on national TV. Siwon understood him perfectly and so he didn’t insist.

A knock brought him out of his thoughts, and when a figure stepped inside with a smirk plastered across his lips, Siwon clenched on his jaw with a glare, disturbing images flashing before his eyes.

“You’re here”

Yunho matter-of-factly said, and Siwon was trying really hard not to punch the hell out of him.

“Where should I be?”

Yunho stepped closer, leaning on the hairdresser with his hands in his pockets, his famous smirk still perfectly etched across his lips.

“Well after what happened that day, I assumed you got your senses back”

Siwon confusedly eyed him, the tone which he spoke in was getting under his nerves.

“You don’t know anything about me”

Yunho let out a short mocking laugh, folding his arms over his chest and gazing at Siwon with a mischievous look as he stated “You know… he tastes good”

Siwon’s eyes bulged out for a second, not believing what just came out of the man’s mouth, then in a split moment, he abruptly lashed on him, hands gripping on his collar and pressing him hard against the hairdresser, knocking a few stuff in the process.


Siwon warned him, the smugly look on Yunho’s face only making him even more annoyed and he really wanted to smash his fist to his face. When he first met the guy, he found his behavior a bit cold but he never thought he would try taking Kyuhyun away from him. Just that thought left his insides boiling with anger.

“You do love him, huh?”

It was more of a statement than a question, making Siwon’s grip loosen up as he remembered his confession to Kyuhyun, and when another laugh escaped the man standing before him, Siwon decided he wasn't worth it and so he let go of him and stepped away intending to leave the room.

“Don’t worry. I’m not someone to fall for ‘in love’ men”

Siwon stopped for a moment, his hand resting on the door knob as he exclaimed “Like you even stand a chance”

He then walked out without a second glance.

As the show started and it was Siwon’s turn to choose who would be headed home based on what happened in Malibu, or at least that was what he was supposed to do, the MC Hyukjae decided to ask him some questions first.

“So Siwon-ssi, are you close to finding your love?”

The said man nervously fidgeted in his seat, a fake smile on his face while inside, he feels even guiltier looking at the people sitting on his right, the ones he was supposed to find love among them.

Taking a deep breath, he muttered “I actually did”

Everyone was shocked to hear that statement, the audience whispering between each other while the contestants were nervously waiting for him to reveal who that girl or guy might be.

“Oh, really?”

Donghae cheerfully asked, a wide beam on his face as he curiously started wondering who Siwon was talking about.

“Yes. First of all, I want to apologize beforehand. Second of all,… I want to say… I didn’t realize that…”

Siwon was stuttering, not able to find the appropriate words. His prepared speech was forgotten and he couldn’t think properly because he never wanted to hurt anyone.

He could see all eyes ogling at him, waiting for his answer, and he wondered if they would be happy for him, or throw curses at him.

Taking another deep breath, he momentarily closed his eyes before facing the contestants and determinedly eyeing them. The picture of Kyuhyun's face gave him courage, but as he parted his lips to tell the truth, Donghae cut him off.

“Oh, looks like we have an important message from someone”

Siwon frowned in confusion, not understanding what he was referring to. However, as the big screen lighted up and a very familiar face showed up, his eyes bulged out in surprise and he was instantly on his feet.


Siwon gulped as he let his sight wander around the stage, inspecting how everyone was confusedly looking at the man on the screen. He didn’t know what his boyfriend was planning on doing, and he was slightly scared that he would end up hurt.

“Hello, my name is Cho Kyuhyun”

Everyone fell silent as they intently listened to what Kyuhyun was about to say. The younger was clearly nervous as he unfocusedly let his eyes roam around, but when he fixed them on Siwon, he knew he had to do it for him.

“The thing is… I’ve been in love with my best friend for over three years now, and I was always scared to confess. At first I thought he wasn’t interested in guys and that’s why I didn’t have the courage to tell him and face rejection, but then I realized that it was more than that, and that the truth is, I just couldn’t afford to lose him…”

Siwon sat back on his chair, his eyes never leaving Kyuhyun as he paid extra attention to each word coming out of his mouth.

“He’s a great guy and he treats me very well. Whenever I need him, he will never hesitate to help me. Whenever I'm sad, happy, angry or just bored... he's always next to me.

There was no way I couldn’t have fallen for him, and I always hoped he would one day feel the same about me…”

Kyuhyun softly smiled, placing his hand over his heart as he lovingly glanced at his boyfriend, his eyes b with tears.

“I love him so much and… he loves me back. The timing is not perfect but… I want him to be mine because I can’t survive without him…


I love you so much… Choi Siwon”

Loud gasps were instantly heard as all eyes shifted to Siwon who couldn’t take his gaze off of his lover. He knew it must’ve taken him a lot of courage to do what he just did and he really appreciated it.

“Whoa! Siwon-ssi, what do you say about this?”

Hyukjae’s question broke his gaze as he apologetically smiled at him before standing up and doing ninety degree bows toward the audience, the MCs, and the contestants.

“I’m so sorry about all of this commotion but… I’m in love with him as well”

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? You can’t possibly be with him! What about me?”

One of the contestants, Jessica, snapped at him, her hands on her hips as she showed her disapproval.

“I’m sorry. But I assure you that it wasn’t in my intention to hurt any of you. I really didn’t realize it at first, but I think I’ve been in love with him for a long time now”

Siwon explained as gently as he could, praying they would understand him. Nevertheless, Jessica wasn’t going to give up that easily.

“You can’t do that! You can’t find love elsewhere!”

Siwon gazed at his boyfriend who was guiltily chewing on his lip while apologetically looking at him, before turning his focus back to the contestants.

There was Jessica who was standing up and tapping her foot on the floor in clear annoyance, Sulli who only quietly sat there as if accepting the fact of him being in love with someone else, Hangeng who was surprisingly having a wide grin on his face which made Siwon’s heart a bit at ease since he really liked him just not in a romantic way, Taemin who shyly smiled at him as if assuring him that it was okay, then finally Heechul who had a smugly smirk on his face.

“I’m sorry but I already found my love”

Jessica grunted in annoyance, about to protest again but a little push on her chest made her fall backward onto her chair, glaring at the one who dared to touch her.

“Would you just shut up? Damn you’re so annoying!”

Jessica’s jaw fell open but she couldn’t form a reply, not that Heechul waited for one anyway.

“Yah Cho guy, do you really love him?”

Kyuhyun was startled at the sudden question, but he immediately composed himself and eagerly nodded as an answer.

“Then this is the purpose of the show. You came here to find love, and now you did. I can’t deny that I’m a bit disappointed since who can't possibly love me, but… I think I found myself a lover during the process as well”

Another wave of gasps as everyone shockingly stared at Heechul who only smirked at them before turning around and walking to one of the guys, cupping his cheeks and planting a mushy kiss on his lips.

The guy, Hangeng, instantly blushed, lightly slapping Heechul’s hands away but the smile on his face didn’t go unnoticed.

Siwon was very surprised, not expecting that at all. During his earlier dates, Heechul was the most to flirt with him and he even dared to kiss him, and thus he couldn’t help but wonder when exactly he found out about his crush for Hangeng.

“You got to be kidding me!”

Jessica spurted out, glaring at Heechul who only smirked at her with a shrug of his shoulder before turning his focus to Siwon.

“Guess it’s a win win”

He stated with a wink, emitting a wide smile from Siwon who shortly nodded before glancing at Hyukjae and Donghae who still seemed to be in a state of surprise.

“Is that okay?”

They both frantically nodded but as there was some buzzing in their ears from the producers, they quickly turned around and witnessed another shocking truth.

There, Yunho and Changmin were coming down the stairs, hand in hand.

“You guys are not the only ones”

The older of the two said, before putting on his famous smirk and possessively wrapping his arm around Changmin’s waist, causing him to blush and hide his face in the man’s shoulder.

“B-But” Siwon started, really confused about the sudden confession since not so long ago Yunho had kissed his boyfriend.

“I was only trying to help. He’s beautiful and all but this one here beat him”

That earned him a slight pinch on his side and when he looked at the endearing pout on his new boyfriend’s lips, his face expression suddenly softened and he leaned forward to peck the pout away.

The way he was looking at Changmin, made Siwon speechless. Apparently, the cold smug man turns into an obedient deer when it comes to Changmin.

“Okay now that everything is clear, can we go? I wanna take my Hannie on a date now”

Heechul exclaimed while already taking Hangeng’s hand and pulling him close, giggles were heard as the audience seemed to be very entertained by the shocking turn of events.

Siwon did not expect the night to turn on like that, but as he glanced at his boyfriend and saw the soft smile on his face, he could finally breathe normally and thank god for getting him out of that mess.

“Where are you, Kyunnie?”


With a nod, he didn’t waste any time in rushing backstage to find his lover. Yunho winked at him on his way out, and Siwon mouthed a thank you before continuing his way.

Jessica stood up intending to follow him, but Heechul once again stood before her, staring at each other intently and neither seeming to back out until Heechul spoke.

“You have a pimple”

“What? Where?”

Jessica immediately freaked out, hiding her face with both hands as she rushed out of the building, leaving Heechul bursting out laughing after her.


Kyuhyun sighs, his forehead resting against Siwon’s as he intently looks into his eyes.

“What is it”

“I still can’t believe it sometimes”

“Believe what?”

“That you love me back, that you’re mine now”

Siwon softly smiles, tightening his arms around Kyuhyun’s waist and planting a peck on his lips.

“I’ve been very stupid, haven’t I?”

“You need a feelings check-up, honey. You were way too blind to notice that the way I acted around you was definitely not friendly

“I’m just glad that now I have the chance to amend on the sorrow I put you through”

“You’re getting on a good start, no worries”

Siwon chuckles before pressing his lips onto Kyuhyun’s, kissing him eagerly before momentarily pulling away to state “I love you so much!”

“I love you more”

They dive in for another kiss, Siwon’s skillful tongue doing miracles to Kyuhyun’s cavern, emanating sweet loving moans from him.

The young boy can’t be any happier to have his love reciprocated at last. His heartbeat never slows down and his love is only getting wider by each passing day.

Siwon on the other hand, is regretting the time he wasted being oblivious about his own feelings, but he’s determined on making it up for his boyfriend as long as he lives.


Lips pressed against Kyuhyun’s neck, Siwon nibbles on the flesh, making it hard for the younger to suppress his loud groans. His hands are trying to push him away but of course he fails since he can’t deny that he really likes what Siwon is doing to him right now.

Although they’re now in Malibu, on the beach and so many couples may not be afraid to show PDA, still Kyuhyun is the shy type, so as he’s finally able to push Siwon away and is met with a pout and his boyfriend’s kicked puppy eyes, he can only sigh and tiptoes to whisper in his ear.

“Let’s take this to our room, shall we?”

Siwon doesn’t need to be told twice as he picks Kyuhyun bridal style and makes his way to the hotel.

They might have been together for two weeks, but Kyuhyun still can’t believe that Siwon is finally his. Resting his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder, he softly mutters “Thank you for loving me back”





"Congratulations on yet another best selling novel!"

"I wouldn't have done it without you"

Kyuhyun shyly admits before sipping from his glass of champaign.

"It's all you, sweetheart"

"Thanks for giving me the happy ending I always dreamt of"

Siwon lovingly smiles as he gently holds his hand and raises it to his lips.

"I love you so much, my future husband"

"I love you too"


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Merettevan #1
Chapter 9: What the heck, I loved this story so much, I couldn't stop reading it, my heart broke time and again as poor Kyu suffered with his best friend's obliviousness, I wanted to cry when he cried, at the same time their moments together were so cute and sweet, but I so understood when he broke down in Malibu! Hehe, I liked Yunho here, even when his helping method was a bit too much, and I'm glad that finally Siwon and Kyu ended up together after all, thanks so much for the story!
joannaxdiaz #2
Chapter 8: a very good story, God.
so happy I found this story!!! ♥
Chapter 2: it's really uneasy for kyu. Even looking siwon at the show the dating with someone ,omggg i cannotttt :(((( why u cannot felt or get some signal even looking kyu? He love u so much siwoonnnn....
Angela17 #4
Chapter 4: I like the best friend's WonKyu.. They look cute together.. Actually i like seeing them both in whatever they do.. Because i love both of them.. Lol...
So glad i found this story.. Will continue reading it..
Chapter 1: they r best friend and then kyu love siwon . Ummmm then siwon didn't understand abt kyu feeling. Fuuuhhhhhh