Chapter 3

Ready For Love


When Kyuhyun calmed down with his sobs turning into sniffs, Siwon led them to the living room, his arms still wrapped tight around Kyuhyun’s fragile body.

Siwon did suspect something more was going on with Kyuhyun other than his injured finger because he was well aware of how strong Kyuhyun was. He wasn’t the type to cry that much over a small cut even if it stung. However, not knowing the real reason, all he could do was comfort him until the younger was ready to talk about it.

“There you go… I’ll bring the first aid kit” Siwon helped him sit down on the couch before walking to the bathroom.

However, Kyuhyun seemed to run out of band aids and so Siwon excused himself to get some from his car.

“I’ll be right back” He assured him, planting a kiss on his forehead as usual before walking out of the house.


Now that Kyuhyun was left alone that he started thinking…


He’s ready for love… Sadly, he doesn’t see me as one.

Is it my fault for not telling him how I really feel about him? But I was scared he wouldn’t feel the same and so our relationship would change.

I always hoped one day he would realize that maybe he’s feeling something for me as well… However, it seems that I was being delusional.

He’s ready for love and I will have to face the fact that it’s never going to be me. He will never have the same feelings for me…

I have to move on. Siwon deserves the best and I can’t be an obstacle in his way of happiness.


When Siwon returned, he took a seat next to Kyuhyun, bringing him out of his mental speech. He reached for the finger Kyuhyun was pressing a little towel on, putting on some ointment so it would stop stinging then wrapped a band aid around its pad.


You’re so caring to me… Why did you have to be so nice and make me fall in love with you, Won? Why does my heart beat only for you even if you only see me as a friend?

I want to see you happy, hyung… and if that means I have to let you go then I’ll do it. I really mean it when I say you’re the most perfect person I could ever meet and you deserve to be the happiest guy with your special someone… I really wish it was me, but…



“Thanks” Kyuhyun whispered, bending his head low as he tried to regulate his breath.

“And?” Siwon said, his eyebrows rising to his hairline waiting for Kyuhyun to finish his sentence.

Kyuhyun faintly smiled, locking his gaze with Siwon then slowly raising his injured finger to Siwon’s lips, whose face broke into a wide grin before he pressed a soft kiss on it.

They have this little thing between them that whenever someone was hurt, the other would kiss the pain away. It only started as a joke at first, but each time one of them got injured or fallen sick, the other person, which most of the time was Siwon, would kiss the place that hurt and then say… “Bo-bo go away”

And each time the way Siwon say those words would leave Kyuhyun giggling and immediately forgetting about his pain. He always appreciated the touch of Siwon’s lips because that was as far as he could go with his friend.

“Better?” Siwon gently asked, earning him a shy nod from Kyuhyun who deeply sighed before letting a smile grace his bloated lips.


They fell silent for a while, both leaning on the back of the couch, each one thinking about different things.


KH: Am I making the right decision by not confessing to you? Will you accept my love if I do?


SW: Why were you crying that hard? It’s been a while since I saw you like this. I don’t even wish to see you cry, Kyunnie… It breaks my heart…


Turning his head to the side, Kyuhyun gazed at his best friend slash the owner of his heart, marveling at each detail of his handsome face and causing a sad smile to tug the corner of his lips.

Taking a deep breath, his hand gripped Siwon’s and tightly held it, making Siwon turn to the side to look at him as well.

“I want you to be happy” He admitted, feeling Siwon’s orbs turn soft at his words.

“Thank you”

“So how will this show work?” Kyuhyun curiously asked, although his heart was not so excited about hearing how Siwon would find his love.

“Well, there will be three match makers, each will bring three people for each of us the men” Siwon explained and Kyuhyun nodded his head in understanding as he did a little calculation in his head.

“So you’ll be dating nine people at the same time?” He shockingly asked, his eyebrows up high when Siwon timidly smiled at him while nodding.

“Wow… so one of them will be your one?” The words coming from his mouth were sending needles to his heart. He always wanted to be the one for Siwon, but now someone else would.


Kyuhyun’s expression suddenly fell at that, averting his gaze away as he tried to suppress his threatening tears.

Siwon didn’t miss on the change of expression, soothingly rubbing his thumb on the back of Kyuhyun’s hand while scooting his face closer.

“What is it?” He tenderly asked, and when Kyuhyun faced him again, his breath hitched at the proximity between their faces. However, he didn’t pull away. He tried hard to not let his eyes focus on Siwon’s lips, only staring at his dark orbs that they were drawing him toward Siwon.

“You’re busy as it is… how will you date all of those people and at the same time focus on your job?”

Kyuhyun sincerely stated his concern, to which Siwon was very grateful for. The older smiled, straitening their hands before stating “I’ll always have time for you”

Kyuhyun was taken aback, not realizing that was exactly what he meant by his words until Siwon mentioned it. He instantly blushed, yet again shifting his sight to the other side with a faint mocking laugh.

“You wish”

Siwon chuckled, amused by the look on Kyuhyun’s face and never having enough of his denial moments whenever Siwon showed some emotions toward him.

“You mean you’re not gonna miss me if I’m not around?” Siwon decided to , pouting while elbowing Kyuhyun’s side so he would look at him.

“Why would I miss a pain in the !” Kyuhyun retorted, deciding to ignore the soreness in his heart and lightening up the mood. It was very clear in his tone that he didn’t mean any word of what he just said.

“Oh, really? You evil brat, you can’t survive without me!” Siwon confidently exclaimed, acting a bit offended even though he was very certain that he was a very big part of Kyuhyun’s life.

“Tsk… again… you wish!” Kyuhyun stated rather cheerfully this time, not helping the smile painting his face because the pouting look on Siwon’s face always managed to crack him up.

“I’ll show you where ‘you wish’ will get you” Siwon muttered between his gritted teeth as his hands started tickling Kyuhyun’s sides, emitting loud laughter from him.

Kyuhyun struggled free, but Siwon was too strong and thus all he could do was rock his body from side to side in hopes Siwon would stop.

They ended up falling on the couch, Siwon on top of Kyuhyun who was panting harshly and still gathering his breath. Siwon gazed at him for a couple of minutes, his eyebrows slightly furrowing for a reason he didn’t quite figure out yet.

“You’ll always be my number one, Kyunnie”

Siwon’s words made Kyuhyun’s face even redder but it still managed to put a satisfied smile on his lips.

Siwon then laid his head on Kyuhyun’s chest, snuggling to him and enjoying the warmth radiating from his body, while Kyuhyun closed his eyes and gently played with Siwon’s hair, trying his best to forget about the butterflies pooling in the pit of his stomach and the way his heart ached whenever he remembered Siwon's words about finding his one.

They once again fell quiet for a few minutes, until Kyuhyun broke the silence.



“You deserve only the best… I really mean it”

Siwon’s heart fluttered by those words, and after planting a kiss on Kyuhyun’s neck, he tightened his arm that was draped around Kyuhyun’s waist before whispering “That means a lot to me coming from you”

He then reached for Kyuhyun’s hand, holding it dearly in his own, pressing a peck on it before burying it in his chest.


KH: I don’t know how I’ll do it or if I can do it… but I’ll support you no matter what. I love you so much and I don’t ever wish to lose you…


- Tbc -




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Merettevan #1
Chapter 9: What the heck, I loved this story so much, I couldn't stop reading it, my heart broke time and again as poor Kyu suffered with his best friend's obliviousness, I wanted to cry when he cried, at the same time their moments together were so cute and sweet, but I so understood when he broke down in Malibu! Hehe, I liked Yunho here, even when his helping method was a bit too much, and I'm glad that finally Siwon and Kyu ended up together after all, thanks so much for the story!
joannaxdiaz #2
Chapter 8: a very good story, God.
so happy I found this story!!! ♥
Chapter 2: it's really uneasy for kyu. Even looking siwon at the show the dating with someone ,omggg i cannotttt :(((( why u cannot felt or get some signal even looking kyu? He love u so much siwoonnnn....
Angela17 #4
Chapter 4: I like the best friend's WonKyu.. They look cute together.. Actually i like seeing them both in whatever they do.. Because i love both of them.. Lol...
So glad i found this story.. Will continue reading it..
Chapter 1: they r best friend and then kyu love siwon . Ummmm then siwon didn't understand abt kyu feeling. Fuuuhhhhhh