Chapter 4

Ready For Love

Kyuhyun’s latest novel was finally done, and all that was left for it to be printed and published was the editor’s approval.

Now, sitting on his desk, he was staring at the blank word page on his laptop while cutely biting on his fingernails as he was trying to think of a new plot for a new novel.

Kyuhyun wasn’t the type to take a rest because he just loved writing. He wasn’t someone to express his feelings and affection freely, so he did it through his written words.

His eyes wander around the room, looking for some kind of inspiration. Horror was his forte, but it seemed that he was looking for something else. He felt like he needed to write something different this time.

His sight fell on the picture frame on his desk, showing Siwon piggybacking him while Kyuhyun was throwing his fist into the air, eyes half closed and a wide happy grin on his crimson red face.

A smile tugged on the corner of his lips as it took him back to that day. It was the night before Christmas Eve and Siwon insisted that they should go on a trip…


Arriving at Jeju Island resort, the foolish grin was still perfectly plastered on Siwon’s face ever since they took the plane. Being a fan of holidays, he was so excited to have some fun and to be away from his work for a while.

However, being not so much of a fan of holidays, Kyuhyun wasn’t as much excited. He didn’t even want to leave his house in the first place if not for Siwon’s whining and pleading and promising him to buy him the latest PSP on the market, because that was his guilty pleasure besides writing.


“Whoa! It’s so beautiful” Siwon expressed when they stepped into the hotel’s entrance. The place was decorated with Christmas trees, jingle bells, mistletoes… simply everything that was red and green, and to Siwon’s delight it was all screaming Merry Christmas.

“It’s hideous”

Kyuhyun nonchalantly muttered, causing Siwon’s eyebrows to reach his hairline and his jaw to drop open in shock.

“You’re kidding, right?”

Kyuhyun innocently shook his head, leaving Siwon pouting at him.

“Come on Kyunnie! It’s Christmas! I’ve been doing nothing for this time of the year for a long time because you didn’t want to. Can you at least be excited just this once?”

Kyuhyun guiltily bit on his lower lip, realizing that he indeed forced his hate for holidays on Siwon, and thus he was slowly cracking under the older’s puppy eyes.


“So? We’re gonna have tons of fun this weekend, right?”

“Yey” Kyuhyun bluntly and cheerlessly said before rolling his eyes at his friend who instantly glared at him, placing his hands over his hips and shooting him a pointed look as he waited for Kyuhyun to take it seriously.

The younger sighed before cheering “Yey!” this time raising his fists in an almost fake joy.

“Good enough for now”



Later that night, Siwon and Kyuhyun were having dinner in the hotel’s outdoor lounge, the scenery was looking marvelous at night and neither one of them could deny it. Even Kyuhyun held back a gasp because he didn’t want Siwon to about it.

“Merry Christmas, Kyunnie”

Siwon proposed a toast, raising his glass of red wine up high to which Kyuhyun’s own glass met in the middle.

“Merry Christmas, Won”

They sighed in content after gulping the sweet beverage, a tint of red forming on their cheeks. Kyuhyun was very happy to have some alone time with Siwon, and even though he didn’t like celebrating holidays, still, he couldn’t be any happier to enjoy that day with Siwon.

“Aren’t you glad we came?”

Siwon playfully asked, intently gazing at Kyuhyun’s face that was turning into an even deeper tint of red.

“Hyung, this wine is so delicious!”

Kyuhyun swiftly changed the subject, taking another gulp of his drink while fixing his eyes on anything but the man in front of him that was making his heart turn into jelly by the way he was looking at him.

Siwon chuckled as he was well aware of Kyuhyun’s attempt to change the topic, and also very confident that Kyuhyun was definitely enjoying his time.

“Watch it not to get drunk”

He warned but only got a shrug as Kyuhyun reached for the bottle and poured himself another glass.

“I have you to piggyback me… don’t I?”

Kyuhyun adorably stated, innocently blinking his eyes at the dumbfounded man sitting before him, who was momentarily taken aback by Kyuhyun’s beauty and how his face beautifully illuminated under the moon light.



Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to will away the tears b in his eyes, Kyuhyun focused on his laptop again, fingers resting on the keyboard as he figured out what his next novel would be about.


‘One Sided Love’




Three days later…


Kyuhyun was on his way to the kitchen to find something for dinner when the door bell rang. He questionably looked at his watch, wondering who would come at this hour.

Siwon has a key…

When he opened the door, he was surprised to see the man he was thinking about standing in front of him and his heart instantly started kicking in full speed.

They hadn’t met in three days ever since Kyuhyun’s crying scene. Siwon couldn’t drop by, and when he called Kyuhyun, the younger didn’t answer any of his calls.

I needed some space and some time to think about my messed up heart. However, seeing you in front of me right now only makes me realize how much I have missed him… How am I supposed to move on when you always leave my heart skipping beats each time you’re around?

“Hey” Siwon smilingly said, hands in his pockets as he nervously waited for what Kyuhyun would say.

Having a sudden important business meeting to attend to in China concerning the opening of his latest coffee shop, Siwon couldn’t visit Kyuhyun beforehand to let him know. He did call him to inform him about it though, but the younger hadn’t answered any of his calls and just texted him hours later telling him he was okay and that he didn’t see his call. 

Knowing how much Siwon worry about him, Kyuhyun didn’t have the heart to completely ignore him, but it still made Siwon certain that something was definitely wrong. He had even felt that way ever since he told Kyuhyun about his participation in the show, but he couldn’t put a finger on why that would upset him.

“Don’t you have a key?” Kyuhyun asked, confusedly tilting his head to one side since he had warned Siwon about how he freely used his key for a million times and he never listened to him.

Siwon sadly hung his head low, staring at the floor as he muttered “Y-you didn’t pick up my calls”

Kyuhyun had rarely seen Siwon stuttering like this and it made him suddenly guilty for shutting the guy out without a valid reason. Although he said he needed space, Kyuhyun’s heart had been aching to see Siwon again. Now seeing him in that deject state, he felt a strange tug in his chest and he abruptly reached for his arm and pulled him inside.

“I’m sorry… I was busy”

Kyuhyun lied, not confident about telling Siwon the real reason for avoiding him. Siwon slowly raised his head, looking straight into Kyuhyun’s chocolate orbs as if searching for the real answer to his confusion.

“A-Are you mad at me, Kyunnie?”

His tone startled Kyuhyun who immediately walked closer to him and put his hands on each side of his arms.

“I’m not”

Siwon managed to prick a faint smile although he was still uncertain about Kyuhyun’s recent behavior.

“I’ve been busy and had to leave town. I wanted to tell you that but you never answered”

Even though he had informed Kyuhyun about his trip in his texts, Siwon felt the need to repeat it again as if assuring himself and Kyuhyun about the reason he wasn’t around lately. He didn’t miss on how it made Kyuhyun’s body stiffen while his orbs turned kind of sad, thus, not to make him upset, he quickly draped an arm over Kyuhyun’s shoulder and pulled him further inside the apartment.

“I’ll make you dinner. You lost weight in just three days!”

Kyuhyun was thankful that Siwon’s cheerfulness was back. He wouldn’t know how to explain why he was avoiding him without actually telling him how much he hated the idea of Siwon being in that show, and so he closed his eyes and took a deep breath to clear his thoughts before opening them again and circling his arms around Siwon’s waist, embracing him tightly because he really dearly missed him.

I don’t wanna lose you… I don’t wanna move on… I want you to stay here…

“Because you weren’t here to cook for me!”

Kyuhyun cutely exclaimed, earning him a pinch on the cheek and a kiss on the temple that made his stomach drown in butterflies.

“I’ll make it up to you tonight”




“So what have you been up to lately?”

Siwon asked when they were enjoying the dinner he cooked for them while sitting across from each other in the kitchen.

“Just writing”

Kyuhyun replied, not looking at Siwon and focusing on his food because Siwon always knew when he was lying.

Because I’ve been only thinking about you…

“I thought you finished your book”

Siwon questioned, forgetting his food as he crossed his arms over the counter and amusingly inspected each of his friend’s features. He didn’t miss on the dark circles under his eyes and he felt somewhat responsible for it since Kyuhyun was very dependent on him and so when he wasn’t around, who knew if the younger even ate.

“Yeah, it’s a new one”

Kyuhyun said, shrugging his shoulder as if it was not a big deal which to Siwon, it definitely was.

“Already? Whoa, so fast!”

Kyuhyun could feel the pride in Siwon’s tone and it made him blush so he only nodded.

“So what’s it about?”

You and me… was what he wanted to say, but instead he took a big bite of his kimbap, filling up his mouth before muttering “Stuff”


Siwon knitted his eyebrows, puzzlingly looking at Kyuhyun who wasn’t ready to share his new plot with the person he was writing about.

“You always tell me about your novels! Why being secretive this time?”

Siwon confusedly asked, poking Kyuhyun’s hand with his finger to make him look at him.

“Won, can I have ice cream please?”

There were always moments like these when Siwon felt he was just hit by something hard on his chest, and this was one of them. The way Kyuhyun adorably spoke and the ever so endearing look that could melt anybody’s heart, never failed to leave a tingling feeling inside Siwon’s heart which he could never understand why.




They moved to the living room with Kyuhyun happily eating his chocolate ice cream while lying his head on Siwon’s lap, while the said man was changing channels, looking for something good to watch.

This feels good, won… what will happen when you find your one? Will we be able to do these kinds of things? … Pfft, who am I kidding…

“So… did you start the show?”

Kyuhyun curiously asked, even though he wanted to hear nothing about how Siwon was dating other people but he was Siwon's only best friend and he wanted to stay involved in his life no matter what.

“Tomorrow, but I met the other two men”

Siwon nonchalantly said, still intently looking at the tv screen.

“Hm? How were they?”

Siwon turned his attention to Kyuhyun who was his spoon like a little child, making a wide smile grace his lips.

“I’ll show you”

Siwon then excitedly fished out his phone from his pocket, opened a picture and shoved it in front of Kyuhyun’s face.

“This is Shim Changmin, the CEO of Shim Beauty Products Company, and this is Jung Yunho, a heart surgeon”

He introduced the men while pointing at each one on the screen, making Kyuhyun’s eyebrows rise in astonishment.


Siwon beamed at the expression on Kyuhyun’s face, nevertheless, he had no idea that Kyuhyun was now focusing on his picture and didn’t really care about the other two men that much because he only had eyes for a certain Choi Siwon.

When Kyuhyun raised his head and met Siwon’s grinny face, he got an idea and decided to .

“They look nice. This Changmin guy is quite handsome… maybe I should’ve been in that show as well”

Kyuhyun’s comment made Siwon’s mouth fall agape as he repeatedly blinked his eyes. Kyuhyun only giggled, satisfied with the reaction he got.

“What? So you wouldn’t be on my team?”

“Why? Would you have chosen me if I were?”

Kyuhyun sincerely asked, his playful expression suddenly turned humorless as his heart was anticipating Siwon’s answer. Unfortunately, the older only looked at him confused and dumbfounded, finding it hard to tell if Kyuhyun was being serious or if he was just teasing him again.

However, before he could even question him about it or even utter a single word, Kyuhyun stood up and headed to the kitchen after muttering “Never mind”


- Tbc -


I just had to do that little add xp

So pretty people, Two or three mini chaps to go 

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Merettevan #1
Chapter 9: What the heck, I loved this story so much, I couldn't stop reading it, my heart broke time and again as poor Kyu suffered with his best friend's obliviousness, I wanted to cry when he cried, at the same time their moments together were so cute and sweet, but I so understood when he broke down in Malibu! Hehe, I liked Yunho here, even when his helping method was a bit too much, and I'm glad that finally Siwon and Kyu ended up together after all, thanks so much for the story!
joannaxdiaz #2
Chapter 8: a very good story, God.
so happy I found this story!!! ♥
Chapter 2: it's really uneasy for kyu. Even looking siwon at the show the dating with someone ,omggg i cannotttt :(((( why u cannot felt or get some signal even looking kyu? He love u so much siwoonnnn....
Angela17 #4
Chapter 4: I like the best friend's WonKyu.. They look cute together.. Actually i like seeing them both in whatever they do.. Because i love both of them.. Lol...
So glad i found this story.. Will continue reading it..
Chapter 1: they r best friend and then kyu love siwon . Ummmm then siwon didn't understand abt kyu feeling. Fuuuhhhhhh