Chapter 1

Ready For Love


“I’m bored~”

The man sprawled on the couch lazily exclaimed, emitting a cute giggle from the boy sitting across from him.

“You’re unbelievable. Go to the gym or something” Came a response from the boy who was busy frenziedly typing on his laptop's keyboard.

“I don’t wanna go to the gym! Kyunniiie~ Let’s do something… Pleaaaase~” He whined, sitting up on his knees as he pleadingly stared at the boy who didn’t even glance at him.

“Don’t you see how busy I am?” Kyuhyun retorted, still not taking his eyes off of the screen which only left the other man pouting before he stood up and walked to sit beside him.

“You’re gonna crack that evil brain of yours one day. Just take a break!” The man tried to reason out and it kind of worked as it managed to get Kyuhyun’s attention who shortly glared at him but soon was back to his typing.

“I have to finish this by tonight. Go to your apartment Won if you don’t want my evil brain to blow you up”

Kyuhyun threatened, making Siwon stick his tongue at him instead of being intimidated. Siwon was well aware of Kyuhyun’s snarky tongue but he never found himself minding it at all. If anything, he always found it rather adorable.

“Look at you being all cute! You should know by now that your glare doesn’t affect me anymore”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at Siwon’s words before bending his head lower to hide the blush blooming on his face.

“Why are you always here, hyung?”

He tried to change the subject, his fingers resuming the typing even though he knew he would have to rewrite it later on since his brain wasn’t functioning quite well with Siwon sitting by his side.

“Because you’re my best friend” Siwon matter-of-factly stated, causing Kyuhyun’s heart to do a hurtful leap.

“Don’t you have a coffee shop chain to run or something?”

Kyuhyun’s voice cracked, but he was glad Siwon didn’t notice as he checked his watch and abruptly jumped on his feet.

“Shoot! I forgot I have a meeting in a few minutes!”

Siwon cursed before picking up his jacket and rushing to the front door. Before he could leave however, he went back to Kyuhyun, planting a kiss on his forehead then gave him a wink before storming out of the apartment.

Kyuhyun flushed heavily, running the pads of his fingers over the place Siwon’s lips just touched, while his other hand pressed against his beating heart.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Kyuhyun slammed his body down with a loud whimper before he frustratingly started stomping his feet on the couch.




Trick or Treat ‘, the newest horror novel by the recent big deal author in Korea was just released and the writer was having a fan signing at Seoul’s biggest library, Namsan Municipal.

Very long rows were waiting to catch a glimpse of the author who had written yet another best seller novel for two years in a row. The first one was also genre horror, being it the author’s strentgh as it seemed.

The twenty five years old author smilingly shakes each fan’s hand while adorably blushing at their compliments. Although he was focusing on rewarding his readers with his hypnotizing smile, his mind was kind of occupied looking at the row of people in front of him, expecting one particular person to show up.

Nevertheless, not until almost an hour later that he could spot him between the crowd, causing his heart to excitedly drop to his stomach.

Time seemed to pass ever so slowly for him even when he rushed in signing so it would reach Siwon’s turn. The tall handsome man smiling with his two famous dimples was making butterflies dance in Kyuhyun’s stomach. The man was holding a copy of the novel as well while tilting his head out of the row to glance at Kyuhyun, not missing on the blushing cheeks as he instantly made a note to about it later.

Kyuhyun was shy, but the current tinted red blush on his cheeks that Siwon thought it was due to the situation he was put in, was actually simply because Siwon was in the room.

After a dozen more of fans, it was finally Siwon’s turn as he stood before the author, amusingly smiling  at him while the latter was trying to act uninterested.

“Mr.Cho, would you please sign my book?” Siwon asked with a serious tone before putting the novel in front of Kyuhyun on the table.

“Tsk… you should be squealing like everybody else, Won” Kyuhyun commented, a playful smirk hanging on his lips as he eyed his friend pouting at him.

“But I’m not like everybody else, now am I?” Siwon suggestively said, seductively winking at Kyuhyun who rolled his eyes and turned his focus to the novel in front of him to hide his embarrassment.

“I can’t believe I’m friends with you” He nonchalantly said, earning him a little pinch on the back of his hand that was rested on the table.

“Choi Siwon! I’m working here!”

Kyuhyun hissed and Siwon burst out laughing, making the people behind him questionably stare at him as they were wondering why he was taking too long. Siwon however didn’t mind them at all. Instead he leaned down, his lips an inch away from Kyuhyun’s ear as he whispered “You’re so cute when you’re working, Kyunnie”

Kyuhyun pushed him away, shoved the book to his chest and glaringly motioned for him to leave. Siwon wasn’t the bit offended but he acted hurt, yet again pouting while narrowing his eyes at him.

“You’re supposed to be my best friend!”

“And in the six years of friendship, how many times did I tell you pouting doesn’t suit you?”

Kyuhyun adorably stated, managing to turn Siwon’s pout into a wide smile as the two-years older than him pulled out a note from his pocket and put it into Kyuhyun’s shirt pocket.

“I know you love me”




“Apparently you don’t...”

Kyuhyun mutters to himself, sadly smiling as he reached for the piece of paper from two years ago... the one Siwon passed him on that fan signing.



I’m always proud of you ^^


Your biggest fan, Choi Siwon






- Tbc -



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Merettevan #1
Chapter 9: What the heck, I loved this story so much, I couldn't stop reading it, my heart broke time and again as poor Kyu suffered with his best friend's obliviousness, I wanted to cry when he cried, at the same time their moments together were so cute and sweet, but I so understood when he broke down in Malibu! Hehe, I liked Yunho here, even when his helping method was a bit too much, and I'm glad that finally Siwon and Kyu ended up together after all, thanks so much for the story!
joannaxdiaz #2
Chapter 8: a very good story, God.
so happy I found this story!!! ♥
Chapter 2: it's really uneasy for kyu. Even looking siwon at the show the dating with someone ,omggg i cannotttt :(((( why u cannot felt or get some signal even looking kyu? He love u so much siwoonnnn....
Angela17 #4
Chapter 4: I like the best friend's WonKyu.. They look cute together.. Actually i like seeing them both in whatever they do.. Because i love both of them.. Lol...
So glad i found this story.. Will continue reading it..
Chapter 1: they r best friend and then kyu love siwon . Ummmm then siwon didn't understand abt kyu feeling. Fuuuhhhhhh