Chapter 5

Ready For Love



Siwon came storming into Kyuhyun’s apartment, immediately heading to the balcony knowing his friend always liked to sit there at that hour of the day.

And indeed, Kyuhyun was sitting on a chair with his legs resting on the fence, watching people pass him by and searching for inspiration for his novel.

“Why are you yelling?”

Kyuhyun asked without averting his gaze away from the street five floors down. He was watching a certain couple fight, where the guy was coaxing the girl while she was trying to act upset although Kyuhyun could see the smirk on her face.

“Would you at least look at me?” Siwon pouted, stepping closer and taking a seat on the armchair where Kyuhyun was sitting.

“I’m observing” Kyuhyun simply said, his heart already racing once again at the proximity between him and Siwon.

“Forget about that. I have something to tell you”

That got Kyuhyun’s attention as he shifted his gaze to look at his friend, heart skipping a beat at the wide grin on his face, making his favorite dimples on display.


Siwon adjusted his body, properly facing Kyuhyun and thus kind of invading his personal space since the chair was too narrow.

“Well, you know about the show”

Here we go again… Kyuhyun thought, heaving a deep sigh as he readied himself for what Siwon would say this time.

It had already been a month since he started the show, and unfortunately Kyuhyun had to stand hearing all about it in details. However, he couldn’t deny that it made him know things about Siwon he had never known before…


“How was it?”

Kyuhyun once asked after Siwon came back from his first live recording. The show wasn’t airing on TV yet, but Kyuhyun seemed to get the private scoops before anyone.

“I got to meet the contestants and choose three out of four from each matchmaker”

Siwon explained, taking a seat next to Kyuhyun on the couch as he excitedly rubbed his palms together.

“hm… any girl you like so far?”

Kyuhyun nonchalantly asked as he fixed his gaze on his laptop screen, although deep inside he was hoping the answer would be no.

“Um… it’s four girls and five guys, Kyunnie”

Siwon corrected, immediately managing to make Kyuhyun snap his head in his direction with widening eyes.

“Guys? But you always dated only girls”

“I did date a guy a while back” Siwon sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, nervously eyeing Kyuhyun who was still processing that info.


“Before I met you”

Kyuhyun put his laptop aside and faced Siwon as he suddenly got interested about the talk. One of the reasons he was always scolding himself for daring to fall for Siwon was because he always thought the man was as straight as a highway.

“It didn’t work out?”

“Not so much. We were too young I guess” Siwon shrugged off his shoulder as if it wasn’t important, which to Kyuhyun it definitely was.

“I didn’t know you like guys”

“I don’t care about the gender as long as I like the person”

Kyuhyun was awestruck by Siwon’s words. The man always found ways to make him fall for him even deeper.

“I see”

“So there’s this one guy, looks like a girl actually, and he’s so evilly funny. His name is Heechul… I can’t wait to know him more”

Siwon started babbling and Kyuhyun didn’t miss on the excitement in his tone.


He just hummed as he was back to his earlier pose, reaching for his laptop again and trying hard to hide the sadness washing over him.

“Oh, you know who the MC’s are?”

Siwon excitedly blurt out, jumping on the couch with legs crossed as he clung to Kyuhyun’s arm.

“Who?” He nonchalantly asked, although he didn’t really care about anything at the moment.

“The EunHae couple!”

Kyuhyun questionably looked at Siwon, cocking one eyebrow before he asked “Oppa Oppa boys?”

“Uh-huh… they’re so nice and they’re so in love!”

Kyuhyun had to giggle at the way Siwon was acting right now. Who thought his tough CEO of a best friend would act this silly over a gay couple.


“So you know how there are only five people left, right?”

Kyuhyun nodded, trying to maintain his face expression because his mind kept imagining how Siwon was still dating five people at the same time. Five people hanging around his true love.

“Well, for our next date… we’re going to Malibu!”

Siwon’s enthusiastic tone wasn’t helping with Kyuhyun’s irritation and thus he abruptly stood up, almost making Siwon fall before stomping out of the balcony.


“Yah! What’s wrong with you?” Siwon shouted as he followed him inside, trailing behind him with a confused look on his face.

“I’m tired” Was all Kyuhyun said as he rummaged through the fridge.

“You didn’t even let me finish!” Siwon retorted, pouting as he walked over to Kyuhyun and hugged him from behind, emitting a gasp from the startled writer.

“Siwon! What do you want me to say? Have fun!”

Kyuhyun snapped as he freed himself and went to sit on the stool, back facing Siwon as he tried to calm himself down.

“But you didn’t let me finish, Kyunnie~”

Siwon walked to the counter, sitting next to Kyuhyun, grabbing his arms and turning him so he could face him.

The dejected look that Kyuhyun was met with made him feel guilty for snapping at the man, and thus he sighed before he apologetically gazed at his friend.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I just didn’t sleep well last night”

Siwon then cupped his cheeks, worriedly inspecting his face before asking “Are you okay? Are you sick? Why didn’t you sleep well?”

And of course Kyuhyun couldn’t help but smile at the goof in front of him. No one had ever cared for him as much as Siwon did, and just the thought of losing that, was what always kept him awake at night.

“I’m fine… You can finish now” He gently said, causing Siwon’s face to break into a wide smile as he pulled away from Kyuhyun’s face and cupped his hands instead.

“I want you to go with me” Kyuhyun blinked, dumbfounded as he waited for Siwon to elaborate.

“To Malibu!” Siwon added and Kyuhyun’s eyes bulged out as he stared at him in disbelief.

“You want me to go with you and your… dates?”

Siwon frantically nodded, making Kyuhyun’s head feel like exploding.


Siwon covered his ears at the loud shout, eyebrows deeply frowning in confusion wondering why Kyuhyun was upset.

“Why? What’s wrong with my best friend accompanying me? I need your opinion on them”

Kyuhyun was so angry and fire was shooting out of his ears by then. He couldn’t believe the audacity of this friend of his to ask him to give his opinion about his future wife or husband? But then again… he didn’t know Kyuhyun was head over heels with him.

“Siwon, I’m sure the show’s executives won’t like my presence there”

Kyuhyun tried to get out of it, but of course it was Siwon so he always had the answers on the tip of his tongue.

“I already got permission”

“Wonnie! I don’t like being on camera!”

“First, says the famous novelist. Second, you won’t. While I do the dates you can enjoy your time in Malibu, have fun, and maybe get some renewed inspiration!”

Kyuhyun seemed to think about it for a few seconds, finding it really refreshing to travel to Malibu and change his mood.

Well, it will also be good to watch over this dummy and see if he’s really into those people. Maybe I could have my closure…


Kyuhyun pouted, looking at the glint in Siwon’s eyes before slowly nodding his head which resulted to Siwon hugging him and rocking their bodies from side to side, leaving Kyuhyun smiling as he snuggled closer to his one sided love.

“When are we leaving?”

“The day after tomorrow”



“Aaaah it’s so refreshing here!”

Siwon happily exclaimed upon getting off the plane, throwing his arm over Kyuhyun’s shoulder while inhaling the fresh air.

“Hyung~ I’m tired, can we head to the hotel please?” Kyuhyun whined, resting his head on Siwon’s shoulder while momentarily closing his eyes. The flight was too long and Siwon was a boring company. His PSP was the only one that got him through the first few hours before he fell asleep.

“Yes my baby Kyunnie. Let’s find the car they sent for us”


During the drive to the hotel, Kyuhyun jaw was hanged ajar as he kept on admiring each place they passed by. Siwon, who kept on watching him, had a big smile on his face at each reaction and each word his friend said or made.

Arriving at the hotel, Kyuhyun’s eyes once again popped out at how beautiful everything was. Not until he was in such a place that he got to fully process that he was in Malibu California and that he was truly happy to be there.

“Whoaa! Wonnie! This is gorgeous!”

Siwon amusingly watched Kyuhyun’s reaction, following him from one corner to the other as the younger was admiring each corner of the presidential suite.

“Very comfy, right?”

Kyuhyun eagerly nodded before throwing himself on the bed and spreading his arms and legs wide.

“Scoot… It’s not only yours”

Siwon sat down by the edge, nudging Kyuhyun’s shoulder as the boy was lost in the pleasant feeling he got after such a long flight. However, as he processed Siwon’s words, his eyes shot open and he puzzlingly glanced at him.

“What do you mean?”

“We’ll be sharing this room” Siwon innocently stated and Kyuhyun abruptly sat down.

“No we’re not”

“Yes we are. There aren’t enough free rooms and besides this one is on the show”

Kyuhyun nervously shifted in his place, eyeing Siwon in disbelief because he couldn’t share the same bed with him. Not after realizing he had no chance in being with him. It would only torture him more.

“We’re not sharing the same bed”

“But why?” Siwon whined, clinging to Kyuhyun’s arm while pouting “You know how I can’t sleep on new beds, Kyunnie~”

“You sleep just fine in my apartment”

“That’s because I have you as my bolster”

Kyuhyun slapped Siwon’s hands off of his arm before standing up and taking a few steps backwards.

“No. You’re not gonna use me again”

“Why use such a word, Kyunnie? You didn’t mind last time”

“Because you were drunk and you gave me that kicked puppy eyes of yours! You even shed a couple of tears about how lonely you were!”

Siwon immediately changed his expression to what Kyuhyun just described, putting his puppy look on as he deeply pouted and repeatedly blinked to get Kyuhyun to agree.

“I’m not falling for that again”


Fortunately, just as Kyuhyun was about to give in since he could never resist Siwon’s puppy eyes, the latter's phone started ringing.

“Hello? … Oh, hey guys … Yeah I just arrived … Sure I would love to … We need to change and take a shower so we’ll be there in an hour … Okay, bye”

“Who was that?” Kyuhyun curiously asked once Siwon hanged up the phone.

“Yunho and Changmin. They want to have dinner together”

“Wait, what do you mean by ‘we’?”

Kyuhyun cocked an eyebrow as he took a seat on the bed next to Siwon.

“You and me of course”

“How did they know I’m here?”

“Because I told them I’m coming with you so they’d like to meet you”

“No you just go, I’ll stay here”

Siwon didn’t like Kyuhyun’s response, once again pouting while trashing his hands on either side of the bed.

“Kyunniiie~ why are you making everything so difficult for me?”

“Siwon, I don’t know them!”

“But I do”


“You and I are one, so you have to come with me”



Eventually, Kyuhyun ended up getting dressed after taking a shower and then dragged by Siwon to the hotel’s restaurant to meet Changmin and Yunho.

Stepping into the luxurious diner, Siwon excitedly raised a hand in the direction of the men who were already waiting for them in a table for four. Kyuhyun followed after him, curiously eyeing the two men and noting how elegant both looked. Well not surprising considering their jobs…

“Hey guys, this is Cho Kyuhyun” Siwon introduced the younger, his palm resting on his lower back while pushing him a bit forward.

“Good evening. Nice to meet you” Kyuhyun said with a little bow, feeling uncomfortable by the stare the men were giving him.

“Kyuhyun-ssi! I’m a big fan of your writing!”

Changmin’s words made Kyuhyun’s eyes slightly expand as he didn’t expect him to be someone who reads novels assuming how busy he was with his own company and all.

“Oh, thank you so much” He shyly thanked him while extending his hand to take Changmin’s into a handshake.

Yunho on the other side was still intensively eyeing him, causing him to shift his gaze to Siwon and questionably look at him.

“Don’t worry, that’s his usual self” He whispered into his ear and Kyuhyun nodded in understanding before looking at Yunho again and slightly bowing his head.

Yunho bowed his head as well before they all took their seats around the table. Unluckily for Kyuhyun, he was sitting across from the cold guy who was still looking at him with an inexplicable look.

“So Kyuhyun-ssi, any new novels coming up?” Changmin excitedly asked and Kyuhyun instantly felt comfortable around him. He didn’t have the same dark aura as the Yunho guy which made him relieved.

“He’s already working on the next one!” Siwon answered in his place and Changmin surprisingly stared at the writer.

“Really? Already? Whoa, you’re really good”

Kyuhyun blushed, bending his head down as he timidly smiled before commenting “I wouldn’t know how to do anything except writing”

Siwon and Changmin laughed while Yunho put his elbows on the table, resting his chin on his hands as he gazed at Kyuhyun.

“You should’ve been on the show” The statement made everyone on the table to turn their attention to where the words came from. Siwon questionably looked at Yunho, suddenly feeling something inside him twisting.

“That’s not my thing” Kyuhyun replied, eyes fixed on Yunho’s who was smirking at him.

“Well, you would’ve won for sure”

Siwon’s face expression suddenly turned stiff which was something Kyuhyun rarely saw. The younger glanced at his friend who was looking at Yunho in a way he didn’t comprehend.

“He wouldn’t be on your team if he joined” Siwon smirked, drawing Yunho’s attention to him and earning a smirk as well.

“He wouldn't be on yours either”

Siwon clenched on his jaw, glaring for a few seconds before he let out a small mocking laugh and turned to look at Kyuhyun.

He gently grasped the younger’s hand on the table before sweetly asking him “What would you like to eat, Kyunnie?”

Kyuhyun tilted his head to the side, trying to read the feeling behind Siwon’s orbs. He heard a faint whistle coming from across the table and when he caught on Changmin playfully winking at him, he suddenly started wondering if he missed on something.

Taking a second to process why Siwon was acting that way and the meaning behind his words to Yunho, something felt suspicious. He couldn’t be jealous, could he?

“Whatever you’re having, hyung”

Siwon smiled, rubbing his thumb over the back of Kyuhyun’s hand before turning around and beckoning the waiter to come over.


After the food came, Kyuhyun was so impressed that his stomach let out a loud growling sound at the view and thus managing to turn all eyes on him. He instantly blushed, shortly glancing at the men around him as he sheepishly smiled then focused on his plate again.

“You’re cute”

The comment made Kyuhyun snap his head up again, facing a smiling Yunho who made him immediately blush.

Siwon, who was observing the little scene, harshly stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth while trying not to pay attention to how Yunho was flirting with his best friend.

“Won, are you okay?” Kyuhyun asked as he inspected the intense expression on Siwon’s face, putting a hand on his back as he worriedly looked at him.

When Siwon faced him, he was met with his favorite chocolate orbs full of concern and he assurignly smiled before nodding.

“You guys are so cute together!”

Changmin suddenly exclaimed, clapping his hands together as his sight travelled between the two best friends. Kyuhyun’s face turned crimson red while Siwon widely smiled at him before turning to look at his friend again and leaning to press a peck on his temple.

“He’s my long life best friend”

Although it was flattering, Kyuhyun couldn’t help the hurtful tug in his heart at Siwon’s words.

“Are you dating someone, Kyuhyun-ssi?” Yunho unexpectedly blurt out, once again leaving Siwon gritting his teeth at his unbearable tone.

“No I’m not”

“Why? You don’t seem to lack a thing” Yunho pointed out and Siwon shifted his gaze to Kyuhyun to see his reaction, his heart tightening when his friend blushed again and sweetly smiled.

“I’m too busy, I guess” Kyuhyun replied with a shrug, not noticing how Siwon’s gaze was fixed on him or how his hands were tightly clutching on his fork and knife.

“Are you in love with someone?”

Kyuhyun instantly turned even a deeper shade of red, hanging his head down as he played with his food. He didn’t know how to answer that giving the person he was deeply in love with was sitting a few centimeters away from him. Nevertheless, before coming up with a reply, another voice jumped in as he unexpectedly asked “Are you?”

Kyuhyun surprisingly stared at his friend, lost in the confused look on his face as he curiously waited for his answer. Even if Siwon was his best friend, he had never really asked him about his love life before. They both talked about their dates once in a while, but never talked about the love topic.

“Doesn’t matter” He said before pushing his chair and standing up “I’m feeling jetlag so if you will excuse me”

He bowed before exiting the restaurant, leaving Siwon dumbfounded as it took him a few seconds to stand up and run after him.


“Kyu!” He gripped on Kyuhyun’s arm and made him turn to face him.

“Are you okay?”

Kyuhyun held back his tears as he sadly smiled and cupped Siwon’s hand in his.

“I’m okay. I’m just sleepy”

Siwon could tell that something was wrong but before he could start questioning him, Kyuhyun hugged him, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck before shortly pulling away.

“Go finish your dinner. I’ll be okay”

“I’ll go with y-“

“No need. I’ll only be sleeping”

He then forced another smile and turned to leave his friend standing there, puzzlingly staring at his disappearing back.


When Siwon went back to the hotel later that night, he found Kyuhyun already asleep and thus he couldn’t talk to him about what happened earlier or ask him about his answer to Yunho’s question that had been troubling him the whole night.


The next morning when he woke up, the other side of the bed was empty with only a note on the pillow.

‘Good morning… went for a swim. Don’t forget your recording ^^’

Siwon smiled but as he rewound the events of the night before, his eyebrows knitted into a frown as he flumped his body onto the bed and closed his eyes, remembering Kyuhyun’s dejected look which left his heart aching.


A couple of hours later, Kyuhyun was walking by the shore when he saw a group of people a few feet away, jumping on the beach and throwing water at each other, and not until he saw the several cameras surrounding them that he caught sight of his best friend in the middle of the group.

There were two girls in bikini throwing themselves on Siwon while three guys were clutching to his arm.

As he watched how Siwon was having a wide smile on his face, seeming to be enjoying his time, Kyuhyun’s knees felt suddenly weak and so he let his body rest on the sand, bringing his knees to his chest as he sadly watched the scene in front of him with a sore heart.

The tears started gathering as the flashes of the happy times he spent with Siwon suddenly flashed in front of his eyes but he tried hard not to shed them no matter how heartbroken he felt.

He didn't know how long he had been sitting there because if that scene wasn’t enough, one of the guys took Siwon’s hand and pulled him aside, his fingers seductively running through his well built abs as he seemed to mumble some flirting lines before he tip toed a bit and kissed Siwon on the lips.

Kyuhyun gasped, coming back to his senses as he clasped a hand over his mouth as the tears abruptly ran down his face. He immediately stood up, unable to watch the scene of someone else kissing his Siwon. His heart felt like breaking into million pieces and he felt devastated for not being able to do anything about it.

As he turned around to leave, the tears were blurring his eyes and so he crashed against someone's chest. When he faced the man to apologize, he was met with a familiar smirk and instantly recognized the man as Yunho

“So the answer is Yes He mockingly said, smirking and causing Kyuhyun to glare at him through his teary eyes before storming away and running back to the hotel.


“Kyunnie?” Siwon happily called as he stepped inside the room, searching each corner for his friend but there was no sight of him.

Is he still on the beach?

He picked up his phone and dialed his number but there was no answer which made him worried. He then walked into the bedroom, letting his eyes roam the place before his sight landed on another note resting on the bed.

‘I’m going home’

Was all there was writing. No explanation or justification. Siwon suddenly felt extremely anxious, dialing Kyuhyun’s number over and over again and ending up harshly tossing it on the floor when his friend didn’t pick up.

He frustratingly started pacing the room, hands on his hips as he tried to figure out why Kyuhyun would just leave him like that.

After a few minutes, he didn’t find any other choice but to start packing as well as he was planning on going after Kyuhyun…


- Tbc -



Sorry for the heartbreak m(_ _)m
One more chap to go

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Merettevan #1
Chapter 9: What the heck, I loved this story so much, I couldn't stop reading it, my heart broke time and again as poor Kyu suffered with his best friend's obliviousness, I wanted to cry when he cried, at the same time their moments together were so cute and sweet, but I so understood when he broke down in Malibu! Hehe, I liked Yunho here, even when his helping method was a bit too much, and I'm glad that finally Siwon and Kyu ended up together after all, thanks so much for the story!
joannaxdiaz #2
Chapter 8: a very good story, God.
so happy I found this story!!! ♥
Chapter 2: it's really uneasy for kyu. Even looking siwon at the show the dating with someone ,omggg i cannotttt :(((( why u cannot felt or get some signal even looking kyu? He love u so much siwoonnnn....
Angela17 #4
Chapter 4: I like the best friend's WonKyu.. They look cute together.. Actually i like seeing them both in whatever they do.. Because i love both of them.. Lol...
So glad i found this story.. Will continue reading it..
Chapter 1: they r best friend and then kyu love siwon . Ummmm then siwon didn't understand abt kyu feeling. Fuuuhhhhhh