Chapter 2

Ready For Love


Two days later…


Kyuhyun was standing in the kitchen making himself a sandwich when he suddenly was hugged from behind, making him jump in his place from surprise.

However, since that was not the first time, he knew exactly who it was and so after taking a minute to calm his hitching breath, he slapped the hands wrapped around his stomach with a growl “I should change the locks”

“Don’t be mean!”

Siwon whined, burying his face deeper into Kyuhyun’s neck, completely oblivious to what his actions were doing to Kyuhyun’s heart.

“I can’t believe I let you convince me to give you a spare key” Kyuhyun commented nonchalantly, causing a little smirk to form on Siwon’s lips as he slowly detached himself from Kyuhyun and faced him.

“I had a very good excuse for that thank you very much” Siwon proudly exclaimed, causing Kyuhyun to roll his eyes while a little blush bloomed on his cheeks remembering the reason he gave him a key to his house in the first place.




“So today’s event won’t ever happen again”


Siwon was trying to convince Kyuhyun into giving him a spare key to his apartment since the night before Kyuhyun fell sick, having a severe high fever in which made him lie lifeless in bed for the whole day. When Siwon came by in the evening, he kept on knocking on the door nonstop but there was no answer. He then tried to call Kyuhyun’s cell but the boy was too ill to even move his hands and thus it left Siwon worried sick about what might’ve happened.

Siwon was freaking out because he knew Kyuhyun would be home and he knew the boy always, always answered his calls no matter what.

So after almost half an hour shouting Kyuhyun’s name and banging on the door, he decided to call someone so they could break the lock.

When it was finally open, Siwon rushed inside, searching each corner for his friend, and when he reached the bedroom, his heart fell when he found Kyuhyun lying on his bed, skin tinted solid red while his lips were parted, letting way to several whimpers and groans of pain.

Not wasting any time, he immediately picked him up and drove him to the emergency room…


“It won’t”

Kyuhyun’s stubbornness was making Siwon impatiently frustrated. He stood up from where he was sitting on the bed next to him and started pacing the room, leaving the sick boy dumbfounded.

He then sat back in his earlier spot and while looking into Kyuhyun’s eyes, he admitted “Kyunnie~ do you have any idea how scared I was? ha? What if I thought you were out and just left? You could’ve been dead right now!”

Kyuhyun was taken aback by the true sadness in Siwon’s tone and the sincerity in his orbs. His heart rate started accelerating as he averted his gaze away from Siwon’s blazing eyes.

“You wouldn’t have left”

He simply said, knowing deep down that Siwon knew him best and that he would always come to his rescue.

“What if I didn’t stop by in the first place? I could never bare the guilt if something were to happen to you”

Kyuhyun couldn’t argue any longer after feeling the desperate tone in his friend’s voice. He slowly reached for his bed side table’s drawer, pulling out his house key and handing it to Siwon whose face immediately broke into a thankful smile.

“Use it only when it’s necessary”



“And I said use it when it’s necessary. If you keep sneaking up on me like this, you will give me a heart attack someday!”

Siwon only chuckled, walking around the counter and sitting on a stool across from Kyuhyun.

“I have something to tell you” 

Kyuhyun’s heart skipped a beat in fear, nervous to what Siwon was about to say.

“Which is?” He asked before focusing on his sandwich again, although he was peeking from the top of his eyes at his friend.

“I signed up for a show” Siwon stated, carefully inspecting Kyuhyun’s reaction before carrying on “It’s called ‘Ready For Love’”

Kyuhyun’s hands stopped what they were doing as he confusedly stared at his friend. Siwon took a deep breath before explaining further.

“It’s a dating show. Three men searching for their true love, and I’m one of them”

The words sent a knife right through Kyuhyun’s heart. His eyes bulged out and he couldn’t utter a single word. He just stared at Siwon in disbelief while he tried to save his shattered heart.

“W-Why didn’t you tell me before?”

Kyuhyun managed to say, clearing his throat that was suddenly filled with tears.

“I just signed up for fun at first. I had no idea I’ll get picked up. There were a lot of candidates”

Siwon explained, focusing his gaze on Kyuhyun because his friend’s opinion mattered to him the most.

Kyuhyun on the other hand was again at loss of words. His heart felt like exploding out of his chest and he was really hurt. He had been in love with his best friend for nearly three years and hearing him say he wanted to find true love, was heartbreaking.


Siwon called when he felt Kyuhyun spacing out, suddenly getting nervous about what he would think of him.

“Um… I didn’t think you would… a dating show?” Kyuhyun non-coherently said, blinking several times to will away the tears in his eyes.

Siwon couldn’t really detect if Kyuhyun was disapproving or just surprised. He, himself, didn’t know how he thought of doing such a thing in the first place because he wasn’t that type of a man. However, he was about to turn twenty nine already and he wanted someone special to come into his life.

“I know it seems sudden but it’s not” Siwon defended his recent decision which only made more tears pool up in Kyuhyun’s eyes. So not to make Siwon suspect anything, he turned around and walked to the sink, indolently cleaning some dishes while taking small deep breaths to chase away his tears.

“I see” was all he managed to mutter, his back still facing Siwon making the latter anxiously gazing at him.

“Kyunnie, I wanna find that someone special. I wanna fall in love… don’t you?”

Siwon’s words made a tear escape the corner of Kyuhyun’s eye, but he quickly wiped away and resumed harshly scrubbing the dishes.

I already am in love!

Not paying attention to what he was doing, Kyuhyun cut himself with a knife he was cleaning, hissing in pain while clutching on his bleeding finger.

“Are you okay?”

Siwon was there next to him in a blink of an eye, putting his injury under the running water until the blood flow reduced.

Kyuhyun turned his face to the other side, some tears streaming down his cheeks while he tried hard to block his sobs.

“Does it hurt a lot?” Siwon concernedly asked after noticing Kyuhyun’s wet face, rubbing the younger’s back with one hand while the other one was still squeezing his injured finger.

“It hurts so m-much”

Unable to hold back any longer, Kyuhyun broke into tears. His chest hurt and his body ached everywhere. He knew Siwon didn't love him back, or for his hopes, at least he didn't realize it yet, and so he was contented by him being by his side although only as a friend. He never let the idea of Siwon being in love with someone else cross his mind since he knew he would be devastated.

Siwon’s heart broke at the sight in his arms, pulling his friend to his embrace as he tried to calm him down by whispering soothing words in his ear.


To him, Kyuhyun was talking about his bleeding finger, but to Kyuhyun, he was referring to his broken heart…


- Tbc -



Sorry for the current angst (_ _)
I'll make it up to Kyunnie soon... don't be mad at Siwon (or me), he's just oblivious at the moment >_<

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Merettevan #1
Chapter 9: What the heck, I loved this story so much, I couldn't stop reading it, my heart broke time and again as poor Kyu suffered with his best friend's obliviousness, I wanted to cry when he cried, at the same time their moments together were so cute and sweet, but I so understood when he broke down in Malibu! Hehe, I liked Yunho here, even when his helping method was a bit too much, and I'm glad that finally Siwon and Kyu ended up together after all, thanks so much for the story!
joannaxdiaz #2
Chapter 8: a very good story, God.
so happy I found this story!!! ♥
Chapter 2: it's really uneasy for kyu. Even looking siwon at the show the dating with someone ,omggg i cannotttt :(((( why u cannot felt or get some signal even looking kyu? He love u so much siwoonnnn....
Angela17 #4
Chapter 4: I like the best friend's WonKyu.. They look cute together.. Actually i like seeing them both in whatever they do.. Because i love both of them.. Lol...
So glad i found this story.. Will continue reading it..
Chapter 1: they r best friend and then kyu love siwon . Ummmm then siwon didn't understand abt kyu feeling. Fuuuhhhhhh