Chapter 8

Ready For Love


Siwon's POV

Last night, once I arrived at my house, I immediately collapsed on the couch as I felt dizzy from the load of information I just received. My best friend is in love with me. How did I not notice it before?

He never showed it!

Kyuhyun is special to me but… his confession had triggered something inside me that I don’t know what it is exactly. Do I love him back? I… He’s Kyuhyun! Kyuhyun, the one I always run to whether I’m happy, sad or angry. Kyuhyun, the one that only his presence makes me smile. Kyuhyun… Kyunnie… What are you doing to me?

I just drifted to sleep after thinking about the matter for hours.


The next morning, I unexpectedly woke up pretty late. I was contemplating if I should call him or go see him face to face because we have to talk about it. I don’t want to lose him. However, as I took a shower and was getting dressed, I got a call from Yunho hyung, asking me to meet him for lunch.

As I drove to the restaurant where I would be meeting him, a sad smile etched on my lips as I recalled the many times I came here with Kyunnie. He loves the food here and he always gets so clingy to me after I invite him here.

‘I’m in love with you!’

His words kept on echoing in my head and I… I missed him. I wanted to see him so I thought I better get that lunch over with.

Unfortunately, what I didn’t expect at all was seeing the man in my thoughts right in front of me. However, he wasn’t alone. He was with Yunho!

‘What the hell are they doing here?’

My chest suddenly tightened as I saw the smirk on Yunho’s face. Kyuhyun was back facing me so I couldn’t see him properly but I could never get his figure wrong.

My heart started weirdly buzzing and I had to clench on my jaw and fist my hands so I wouldn’t barge in inside and drag Kyuhyun away. I don’t have that right, do I?

I didn’t know how long I was standing there but if seeing Kyuhyun with that man hurt that much, you have no idea how painful it was to see him kissing that man.

That was it. I couldn’t just stand there and watch them. My heart ached at the sight and I just had to walk away.

Didn’t he say he was in love with me? Why was he then kissing Yunho? Why was he even there with him?

‘Ughh’ I ruffled my hair in frustration and as the scene kept replaying in my head, blurring my vision, I had to park the car by the sidewalk because I couldn’t focus on driving. I repeatedly slammed my palms on the steering wheel because I didn’t know the meaning behind what I felt and it was killing me. Betrayal? Jealousy? I don’t know.

Those plump lips kissing someone else... Why did it hurt me? Tracing my fingers over my lips and closing my eyes, I remembered how my lips touched Kyuhyun’s and how it made my heart flutter. It didn’t last that long but he seemed to have already made me curious and wanting to kiss him again. Is that even possible? Am I losing my mind?

Calming down, I started the engine again and drove to the one place where I would find an answer.


“Siwon was here”

Kyuhyun’s eyes bulged out, momentarily losing focus as his heart started beating frantically in his chest. When he snapped out of it, he turned around, searching for his friend but he didn’t find him.

Biting his lip in frustration, he faced Yunho again, glaring at him as he stated in disbelief “Y-you kissed me in front of him? Why would you do that?”

“To prove my point”

Yunho calmly replied as if he didn’t just almost give Kyuhyun a heart attack. Although his relationship with Siwon was confusing lately, but still, Kyuhyun didn’t want Siwon seeing him kissing someone else just after confessing to him.

“Where is he?”

Yunho smirked, comfortably leaning back on his chair and taking a second to carefully inspect the fuming boy in front of him before he replied.

“Probably banging his fist to some wall since he might think he lost you”

“He can never lose me!”

Kyuhyun snapped, the tears gathering in the corners of his eyes as he spoke.

“Well, he doesn’t know that”

Yunho seemed to know just what to say and Kyuhyun didn’t know if he should be thankful or feeling ambushed.

“What are you waiting for? Go get your man”


Kyuhyun’s POV

I can’t believe he set me up! What’s the point of Siwon seeing me with him? Kissing him? B-but Siwon left after that scene… is he mad? Is he angry at me?

Ugh! I just told him I loved him and then he saw me kissing Yunho! No matter what his feelings are, will he now believe in mine?


Arriving at his building, Kyuhyun was still trying to contact Siwon but the older’s phone was switched off. He had been trying since he left the restaurant, wanting to tell him that nothing was going on between him and Yunho. True that he didn't have to explain since Siwon wasn't his boyfriend or anything, but still, he freaked out over the idea of his friend hating him because he could never live with that.

Stepping out of the elevator, he was cursing at Siwon for not picking up and glaring at his phone screen, that he didn’t notice the man himself was standing by his door step, leaning on the wall, looking as cool as ever, and adding to that, he didn't seem to have shaved that morning, leaving him with a stubbly face that made Kyuhyun flush because he always loved that look on him.

When his eyes met Siwon's, he froze in his place and tried hard to tell his drumming heart to calm down, because even though it hadn't even been twenty four hours since he last saw him, he had missed the man. 

However, as the look on Siwon’s face turned somewhat angry, Kyuhyun couldn’t help but get nervous as he took a deep breath and made a step closer.

“What are you doing here?”

He mentally patted himself on the back for not stuttering and sounding cool although his heart was the opposite.

“We need to talk”

Siwon’s tone was clearly un-amused and Kyuhyun could easily tell that the man was upset. Yet, he coolly passed him and fetched out his key before unlocking the door, feeling lucky that his back was facing Siwon or else he would’ve seen the fidgeting and the way he unfocusedly missed the key lock a couple of times.

“About what?”

Kyuhyun stepped inside without waiting for an answer, knowing Siwon will follow him, which he did a second later, closing the door before frustratingly exclaiming “Come on Kyunnie… we have to talk!”

Kyuhyun didn’t even stop to look at him, ignoring the effect of his nickname on his heart, as he made his way to the kitchen and took a bottle of water out of the fridge. Where was his fear of Siwon being angry with him over the kiss? He had no idea.

“There’s nothing to talk about, hyung. I have different feelings for you but you can’t reciprocate them”

He watched how Siwon had his hands over his hips, a sharp look on his face that soon turned into a hurtful one because Kyuhyun only called him hyung when he was upset with him. Kyuhyun didn't miss on it, making him soften a bit, but he quickly shook his head and walked to the living room.

“Let me be the judge of that”


Kyuhyun cocked an eyebrow because he knew Siwon didn’t love him back, so what was to judge?

“Let me kiss you first”

Kyuhyun stared at him in disbelief before sternly replying “No!”

“So you can kiss that Yunho guy and not me?”

Siwon blurted out without thinking, causing Kyuhyun to avert his gaze away, a little blush adoring his face which made Siwon clench on his jaw.

‘Blushing? Are you that happy with the kiss?’

However, the reason why Kyuhyun was actually blushing, was because he remembered how Siwon kissed him when he confessed to him, something he had imagined for so many times that he could still feel the faint touch on his lips lingering there.

Feeling his anger accelerating, Siwon gripped on the side of Kyuhyun's arms and forced him to look at him.

“Do you like him now? huh? Is it that easy to move on? Am I that easy to get over?”

Siwon’s accusations along with the pain in his arms snapped Kyuhyun out of his thoughts, eyes widening as he suddenly realized that Siwon really had no idea just how much he loved him.

“You’re an idiot! I’ve been in love with you for years and that’s what you say to me?”

He basically yelled at his friend, harshly shrugging his arms and sharply glaring at him. However, Siwon wasn't intimidated by him as he bravely took a step forward, invading Kyuhyun’s personal space as he spoke “Then let me kiss you”

Kyuhyun repeatedly blinked, trying to come out with an answer to that because Siwon was surely doing a fine job confusing the hell out of him.

“Please! It will help me understand a lot of things”

Siwon pleaded, eyes turning tender and almost getting to Kyuhyun who bent his head low to hide the fact that he had closed his eyes when the older caressed his cheek, the touch setting his face on fire and only making him realize, once again, just how much he was in love with the man.

After getting over the missed touch, Kyuhyun heaved a deep breath and slowly raised his head to stare straight into Siwon’s eyes before asking “You think you’ll know by a kiss?”

“Yes! Because ever since my lips touched yours the other day, my head has been in frenzy!”

Siwon admitted, leaving Kyuhyun’s eyes once again bulging out and his heart speeding up. Even though he wanted to, Kyuhyun still couldn't trust in Siwon's words because the man never once showed him that he cared for him romantically.

“Please… I haven’t kissed anyone for a week, I swear!”

He tried to persuade him, recalling how Kyuhyun pushed him the other day because he had been kissing his dates on the show.

Kyuhyun’s head wasn’t functioning too well. His mind was telling him to say no and just kick the guy out, yet his heart was telling him to give the man a chance. Although there was a high probability that he would be hurt again when Siwon would still feel nothing after kissing him, Kyuhyun just really yearned for that kiss. He wanted to at least have something to hold on to when his heart would break. He wanted to feel Siwon again, this time hopefully longer.

“Promise me one thing first”

He found himself muttering, trying to focus on the man in front of him instead of the tingling feeling in his stomach due to the soothing circles the older’s thumb was now drawing on his jaw.

“What’s that?”

“If you feel nothing… just go. Don’t say anything and just leave”


Siwon tried to argue but Kyuhyun put a hand on his chest and pushed him away a little, putting distance between them as he sternly ordered him Promise me, Won!”

“I promise”




I'm bad I know, BUT I didn't want to keep you waiting >.<
The next one will be the last for sure *sigh* and it will be longer!

Thank you for reading


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Merettevan #1
Chapter 9: What the heck, I loved this story so much, I couldn't stop reading it, my heart broke time and again as poor Kyu suffered with his best friend's obliviousness, I wanted to cry when he cried, at the same time their moments together were so cute and sweet, but I so understood when he broke down in Malibu! Hehe, I liked Yunho here, even when his helping method was a bit too much, and I'm glad that finally Siwon and Kyu ended up together after all, thanks so much for the story!
joannaxdiaz #2
Chapter 8: a very good story, God.
so happy I found this story!!! ♥
Chapter 2: it's really uneasy for kyu. Even looking siwon at the show the dating with someone ,omggg i cannotttt :(((( why u cannot felt or get some signal even looking kyu? He love u so much siwoonnnn....
Angela17 #4
Chapter 4: I like the best friend's WonKyu.. They look cute together.. Actually i like seeing them both in whatever they do.. Because i love both of them.. Lol...
So glad i found this story.. Will continue reading it..
Chapter 1: they r best friend and then kyu love siwon . Ummmm then siwon didn't understand abt kyu feeling. Fuuuhhhhhh