Welcome Traveller

Haunted House on Strawberry Hill Street: The Girl with the Golden Voice

     Please Comment! I want to know what you think about the characters! 

            A long dark path leads to a deserted street fronted by a large gothic gate. The trail was rarely walked on by common citizens even though it was located at the heart of the city. The streets lights flickered dangerously as if it was about to burst any minute. Stray dogs ran amuck in the clear road. Overgrown trees lined the sides of the trees giving the appearance of a dark and mysterious forest. An eerie fog covered the street at night while the dim old street lights gave not much of illumination for the unknowing pedestrian.

            Beneath the cast iron gate and wrought iron barricade an overgrown garden stood undisturbed. Wild poison ivy covered the gates while pines of towering stature shielded whatever what was within the shadowy property. The eerie fog was thick around the gate’s entrance; rose bushes filled with dark almost dead looking buds could be seen all over. The pathway starting from the gate led to long walk towards three very narrow and isolated paved roads, one of these paved roads led to a very gothic house located on top of a steep hill.

            Many people refer to the place as the Haunted House of Shibuya, no one dared to even approach the gates of this house; it is said that weird noises could be heard coming from the area near the fence alone, noises such as hair raising howls and voices of crying children. There were also reported sightings of ghosts in the area. It would take a few minutes to really reach the Manor nestled among the dense pine forest. Upon reaching the manor the first distinct feature that one would notice is the blackness of the whole house, shuttered windows and the almost crumbling look of the black tinted lime stone wall. The façade of the house had large double doors and a spacious covered porch, a perfect place to admire the view except for the fact that there was not actually anything to admire other than the dense foggy forest. Shuttered Victorian windows probably draped with black curtains prevented anyone from stealing a peek inside the house.

            Steep stairs connected the front porch to the old brick pathway in front of the house. Rare black roses accompanied the blood red ones gave the appearance of blood staining the bushes.    

            It was a three storey house that had five towers, one main tower located at the middle of the house and four auxiliary towers at the end of each corner. Dark ribbed roofs similar to dragon scales glittered like obsidian in the moonlight. The pathway in front of the house led to a fairly large area of unleavened ground where rare bright pink strawberries grew. From the strawberry garden one could see another house not beyond the clearing standing atop raised land beside a man-made swamp; it was a large Georgian house with four tall Corinthian columns, red brick walls made up the whole house. Like the main house it had shuttered windows that were draped with heavy curtains. A giant dome of white ivory adorned the house. Rare black roses also decorated the front of the house while, purple flowers interlaced with the black ones creating a picturesque but creepy scene.

            Even beyond the Georgian manor stood another house that looked more like a medieval castle than a house. It was the oldest house in the whole compound, heavy grey stones made up the walls of the castle like manor, two towers stood erect beside it looking like the towers of a chest game. Behind the castle like manor was a foggy stream that slithered like a snake around the whole compound, preventing visitors from heading towards the private cemetery.

The moon shone a serene glow on the cemetery, illuminating the creatures moving within it. The fog was so thick that the whole lot looked as if it was freezing. The shadows moved against the light, showing the features of young people cheerfully chatting. They laughed and talked about topics unknown to common people as they sat upon the raised tombs. These tombs were raised up looking like blocks of stones with intricate engravings of death and its mysteries.  

         The youngsters continued to joke and laugh as one of their companions started dancing to a spine raising tune, similar to a funeral march. 

         “Oh come on Marius! You can do better than that!” a young teenager who looked a little bit older than the dancing boy said.

         “You dance then!” argued the boy. “Let us see if you can do better!”

       The rest cheered on as the two youngsters started a dance battle in the cemetery. There were about seventeen people gathered in the cemetery, they were scattered on top the tombs sitting comfortably. The girls giggled and started chanting each of the boys’ names while the guys sang gaily.

        “Taeyeon neechan who do you think will win?” asked a dark brown haired young lady who had beautiful lavander eyes. They young lady she asked pondered on her answer.

       “Marius will win.” She answered. She had honey blonde hair that reached her waist and deep purple eyes. Her black lace dress covered her form; it reached up to her neck and slid beautifully on her arms stopping into a V-shape as it reached her fingers.

      “Taetae you are being biased!” A young lady barely two months younger than Taeyeon told her tartly. Taeyeon merely laughed causing her honey blonde hair to move in little waves. The young lady who chided Taeyeon had strawberry blonde hair that reached past her waist which was made into a beautiful braid. She had rose pink eyes. She wore a black three fourth net shirt over a black velvet lace top paired with a beautiful black layered skirt. The males also wore black casual attire.

They were beautiful young people made more beautiful by the moonlight. Staring at them made one feel as if one is in a trance or merely hallucinating, they looked like angels who decided to spend their free time chatting atop ancient tombstones. The two youngsters had ended their dance battle in a tie. Two beautiful girls who looked like models started chatting about their futures once they finished high school. A beautiful male laughed at their notions of starting their own lives.

        “What more could I ask for? I am already perfection!” he said as he his face while he held a golden mirror. His twin Jessica slapped his shoulder in annoyance. He had shocking orange hair to contrast his light violet eyes.

         “Eish oppa seriously!” she said as her rose pink eyes shone her annoyance.

      “Sica-chu think of it as a compliment since were twins and we look alike.” The boy named Heechul told his twin as he admired himself more.

The others were about to yell at him in retort when the grandfather clock inside the cemetery sounded the 12 midnight alarm. Its graveyard sound echoed into the barren compound. A stately man stepped out into the night holding an old gas lamp signaling them to go home. He was their butler Genjo.

        “Well it is time for bed.” said a well-built man to his companions. His name was Kangin and he was the eldest among the seventeen.

        “Bedtime!” a four year old boy said cheerfully.

        “Let’s go Yoogeun-ah.” Taeyeon said as she picked up the four year old boy who clung to her like a baby.

       “Kacha Lauren.” Jessica said as she picked up a five year old girl with auburn colored hair. The little angel giggled as she rested her head on her sister’s shoulders.

An energetic seven year old boy hopped off the tombstone and raced to his older brother who decided to give him a piggy back ride.

      “Let’s go Daniel!” Kangin said he picked up the boy and placed him on his shoulders. Taeyeon’s twin Daiki followed his sister like a lost puppy while playing peek-a-boo with Yoogeun. The two youngsters who were having a dance battle earlier followed their elder siblings.

       “See you guys tomorrow!” Shori and Marius waved at their cousins who went to a different direction heading for their homes.

Heechul was fidgeting with the mirror trying to light the way in front of him. His siblings rolled their eyes in annoyance.

       “I might injure my pretty face!” he argued. Sooyoung his younger sibling pushed him and he almost slipped.

       “Yah Sooyoung if I injure my face I am going to strangle you to death!” Heechul screeched at his sibling like a frustrated owl.

       Yoona Sooyoung’s twin laughed at them as they bickered on their way home. She held Cristina’s hand as she guided the seven year old across the stone path.


The remaining youngsters laughed as they saw their cousins bickering yet again. Things never change around the Akanishi’s compound. Three boys stared in amusement at their departing cousins while their little sibling yawned.

       “Let’s go Seororo! Onichan will give you a piggy back ride home!” Yamada the third son said happily.

       “Onichan you do realize that I am taller than you now don’t you?” Seohyun the youngest said to her brother.

   “How about we make a seat using our hands and carry you home!?” Chinen the fourth son said enthusiastically.

        Keito the second eldest laughed at his siblings. Seohyun was obviously pouting in annoyance.

        “Onisans! I am not a child anymore you know!!!” Seohyun said as she stomped her feet.

       “Let’s go Seororo.” Keito said quietly as he ruffled her hair. He started walking home and the other’s followed him. Yamada and Chinen were bickering about Yamada’s gluttony over strawberries, while Seohyun happily hummed a tune beside Keito.

        “You only EAT! You don’t even help me water the plants!” Chinen yelled at Yamada.

        “I need to eat do you want me to die of starvation?!” Yamada countered Chinen.

     The two continued to bicker on their way to the main house. The moonlit night illuminated the peaceful compound; ripe strawberries glowed mysteriously while the fog covered the land. Beckoning an end to another day filled with common thoughts and ideas for the children of the undead... 

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I am near the end of drafting for the last part of the girl with the golden voice


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Chapter 14: Yoona and Sooyoung!! <3 <3 <3 <3 I love em! UPDATE PLEAAAAAASE!!
Chapter 13: Whoah~ A new Album! I love the fight scenes! >.< I just can't help it!

Sunny's with Chinen! Melody x Luhan story!! >.< I really love it!!

And OMG YUYA!! HE WOKE UP! I WONDER WHO TOLD HIM THAT! >.< I just can't believe that 'The Girl with a Golden Voice' is done...

Looking forward for the next chapter (or not)

I just wish AUTHOR dear would update the Kingdom of Eras~

Chapter 12: Oh YUYA~ I missed that guy! >.< I got a glimpse of him but he was still sleeping~ YAMADA'S SUCH A LIAR, wahahaha the FOOD!! YAMADA SHARE SOME FOR ME!!





Chapter 11: Oh! SUNNEN For The Win!! lKZDSJfhsldukfsdb they look so adorable!! >.< PERFECT!! AMAZING!! GOOD JOB Akanishi Mama and Papa!! and Nakamaru too!

A transfer student FIT for Ryosuke's taste, PINK!!

Poor Luhan, still cant find his other half.. you will soon see him! >.<
Chapter 10: Sooyoung and Yoona last chapter was epic! I wanted then to make up, and I was hoping they would in this chapter, I guess they didn't.. Only one thing can make them up, FOOD... >.<

Poor Luhan, just go find Melody! >.< and SUNNY x CHINEN in action is soo BEST!!

wish Sooyoung will have her someone too!! >.< and Yoona!! >.< SOON! and I want to see it!! >.<

Author-san THANK YOU!! Update more okay?
Chapter 9: The HEIGHT ISSUE was so funny! >.<

Uwaaaah! the imprint thingy~ plus sunny, CHinen~ just go get Sunny, see, Sungmin was cheating on her! GO SAVE HER!

lsdjfhoiryewi SUNNY x CHINEN!!
Chapter 5: I loled at Chinen and Jessica!!

They look soo cute!!

Sunny and Chinen also!! >.< they're just too cute together!! >.<

Kei is such a narcissist! He loves himself too much!! MORE UPDATES PLEASE!!
LePetitAdelfi #8
Chapter 4: Killed me at the first chapter! Chinen's room is soooo yellow!

krakien #9
Chapter 3: Waaaah! I am so loving the characters! >.<
At first I thought it would be creepy!
The characters are just so cute! Seororo~! <3 and lol at Heechul! >.<
krakien #10
OMG a new fic! And there's Akame! Kyaaaaaa~ xDD
And Seohyun as Akame's daughter! alkwefjaiowdnevaioeg~! <3
Oh and yay for Shori and Marius! \:D/
And that Song Yoogeun kid is soooooo cute~! :3

I'll definitely read this! :D